RX25 registration is now OPEN for our biggest event yet – Sept. 23-25

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On-Demand Sessions

Supercharge your ministry all year long with on-demand video sessions by leading churches in the Rock community. Gather the recipes, tips and tricks you're looking for.

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The State of Rock

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Hear from senior leadership at Spark Development Network who will present the annual State of Rock update.
Jon Edmiston Profile Emily Forman Profile Nick Airdo Profile
Jon Edmiston, Emily Forman, Nick Airdo Spark Development Network

Dave Durham Keynote

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Dave Durham, Disney Imagineer and self-proclaimed database lover; shares his insight on leadership, creativity and productivity.
Dave Durham Profile
Dave Durham

Groups Community Panel

Community discussion on groups
Charlotte Dean Profile Rob Howell Profile Brian Kalwat Profile
Charlotte Dean, Rob Howell, Brian Kalwat

Connections & Engagement Community Panel

Community discussion on Connections & Engagement.
Frank Grand Profile Thomas Stephens Profile Morgan Woods Profile
Frank Grand, Thomas Stephens, Morgan Woods

Interview with Nick Airdo

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Session description coming soon...
Emily Forman Profile Nick Airdo Profile
Emily Forman, Nick Airdo


Spark core team discusses the new Rock Mobile App and debuts its features and functionality
Jon Edmiston Profile
Jon Edmiston Spark Development Network

We All Have An A-Game: True Wiring For Churches

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Learn how to equip your team to use the TrueWiring© suite included in Rock to make impactful and helpful decisions.
Greg Wiens Profile
Greg Wiens Healthy Growing Leaders

Events Community Panel

Session description coming soon...
Tim Lemons Profile Jennifer Troeger Profile
Tim Lemons, Jennifer Troeger

Leadership Community Panel

Session description coming soon...
Emily Forman Profile Michael Mullikin Profile Chris Nelson Profile
Emily Forman, Michael Mullikin, Chris Nelson

Surviving Explosive Growth Without Imploding

In the last few years Southeast Christian has seen significant growth in attendance, number of campuses, and use of technology in ministry. What hasn't grown, however, is the size of the team that handles the technology behind it all. This talk will discuss the challenges that come with growth and share strategies to stay effective and sane.
Chuck Bump Profile Mark Lee Profile
Chuck Bump, Mark Lee Southeast Christian Church

Harness the Power of Business Intelligence and Analytics

You have worked hard to get all of your data in Rock, but now its time to take it to the next level. We have developed data visualizations for event registrations, financial analytics, weekend metrics, and so much more! Come see how easy it is to get started!
Stuart Burt Profile Janet Turner Profile
Stuart Burt, Janet Turner Lakepointe Church

Group Connect: Get your People in Small Groups with Rock

Getting people plugged into a small group is so important for continued spiritual growth. During this session, we will share what we have learned and how we used Rock to help manage the entire process of our "Group Connect" weekends.
Stuart Burt Profile Jeremy Henderson Profile
Stuart Burt, Jeremy Henderson Lakepointe Church

Basics of Group Management

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This session is to provide a hands-on demonstration for participants to create a Group and add people. We will look at the setup options based on the group type and purpose.
Blenda Cox Profile
Blenda Cox Houston's First Baptist Church

Prayer Request Engagement

Prayer can be a daunting thing for any ministry. See how BridgePoint Church has maximized the prayer portal to make an automated email with a personal touch to make a bigger impact in their attendees' lives and day to day life.
Charlotte Dean Profile
Charlotte Dean Bridgepoint Church

Ready. Aim. Fire.

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What methodology does Spark use to develope elegant, extensible solutions for complex ministry challenges? This session will illustrate the planning process that is a critical component of all things Rock from development to documentation, and what churches can to do implement a similar strategy.
Emily Forman Profile
Emily Forman Spark Development Network

Keys to Getting Quick Help with Rock RMS

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Learn some tips on how to phrase your requests for help in a way that gets you the answers you need as quickly as possible.
Daniel Hazelbaker Profile
Daniel Hazelbaker Shepherd Church

Rock: Room Management to Project Management

Fellowship Greenville uses the Rock Room Management system to request rooms as well as resources such as videos, event registrations, and AV tech support. We built a system which uses workflows to create projects and sub-projects for each event allowing both the event organizer and the resource service provider to have an effective place to get the job done.
Eddie Holeman Profile
Eddie Holeman Fellowship Greenville

New Family Registration Process

This session will be a breakdown of our New Family Registration Process, the way we enter new families into Rock for Check-in using iPads and NO PAPER!
Rob Howell Profile
Rob Howell Emmanuel Church

Prayer: Allowing the System to Support Your People Taking Next Steps

Have you ever wished for a better way to follow-up with the person behind the prayer request? This new core feature in ROCK can help connect prayer teams with prayer requester, giving your church the ability to connect directly with the guest who has requested prayer.
Jason Jones Profile
Jason Jones Cedar Creek Church

MinePass: for a Faster, Smoother, Guest-Friendly Event Check-in

Are you struggling with long lines during check-in? Do you dread clipboard, keyboard and post-event process for events? With the power of MinePass, you’ll be armed with a user-friendly mobile plug-in that will reduce the lines and cut down on the wait time so we can provide our guests with an excellent first impression before the event even starts! (Oh, and you can finally ditch the clipboard or keyboard for good.)
Jason Jones Profile
Jason Jones Cedar Creek Church

Beyond 1s & 0s: Taking Your Church Digital

Session description coming soon...
Chris Nelson Profile
Chris Nelson Traders Point Christian Church

Create a Digital Purchase Requisition Tool

Create a system in Rock, using plugins, to digitally capture Purchase Requisitions (PRs). You'll learn how to create a workflow that allows a user to submit receipts digitally, get approval from staff members (if needed for the purchase) and then send to accounting.
Tim Lemons Profile
Tim Lemons Highlands Fellowship

Demystifying Rock Security

Rock’s security model is super-powerful, but can seem daunting at first. This session aims to pop open the hood and show that Rock security doesn’t have to be scary, and in fact it’s pretty easy once you understand what’s going on. While not a step-by-step tutorial in setting up Rock security, attendees will learn the basics as well as some advanced tips and best practices for getting the most out of Rock security.
Jim Michael Profile
Jim Michael The Crossing

Manage Your Podcasts in Rock

Many churches already use Rock to host their service audio/video on the website via a Content Channel, but did you know Rock can ALSO turn that content into a Podcast feed that can be published to iTunes, Google Play, and just about anywhere you want your podcast to be available? This session will show you how powerful Rock’s RSS feeds can be, and how to publish a podcast from the content you’ve already entered into Rock.
Jim Michael Profile
Jim Michael The Crossing

Turn-key Hosting with AWS

Want to blast off like a Rocket? See how to get a production or development environment build of RockRMS up and running from the time you click “Download” to entering your credentials on a completed build in under 30 minutes! No more pushing that boulder up the mountain when it comes to hosting! Join us to see a live demo turn-key hosting build from start to finish.
Ben Murphy Profile Michael Wolski Profile
Ben Murphy, Michael Wolski Harvest Bible Chapel Pittsburgh North

Making A Simple Watch Page with RockRMS

How are you streaming your services during the pandemic? While there is some real value in third-party church streaming sites, you might be surprised by how much you can do using simple tools in Rock, and how much value you might have from keeping everything on one platform. We'll look at content channels, agent-style chat interfaces, and some interesting workflows to help you invite people by email and SMS.
Micah Odor Profile
Micah Odor Whitewater Crossing Christian Church

Using Rock at the Ministry Level: What I wish I would Have Known Before Launch

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At a ministry level, you might be excited to start using Rock and ready to jump in head-first. Is the rest of your team ready to take the plunge with you? Learn about the mistakes I made and how to have realistic expectations for your ministry
Jenna Phillips Profile
Jenna Phillips Traders Point Christian Church

Online Campus

Session description coming soon...
Tommy Prater Profile
Tommy Prater Church On The Rock

Rocking It When Database Admin Isn’t Even In Your Job Description

Many small to mid-size churches do not have full-time staff to work on Rock, but don’t let that stop you from going to Rock! A successful implementation will require building out one or two features at a time, working with pastors, staff, and ministry leaders to be more effective in ministry. We will look at how CBC has implemented various features over the first two years on Rock
Josiah Rocke Profile
Josiah Rocke Calvary Baptist Church

Taking Group Coaching to the Next Level

Taking what Rock gives us out of the box for group coaching and adding features to make it even better.
Thomas Stephens Profile
Thomas Stephens Northview Church

Leading Through Rock Process Changes

Transitioning to using Rock presents a number of challenges. One challenge we can forget or that can be hidden by the others is managing our team or teams through the ministry process changes that Rock will bring. We know that eventually, things will be better - they don't know that - and they have to live through the experience. Leading (up, down and across) through that change is key to maximizing Rock in your organization.
Mike Sherman Profile
Mike Sherman Calvary Church - St. Peters, MO

A Winning Strategy for Navigating Change: Namely your Database

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Change of any kind can be difficult for teams as it introduces new variables that mean a loss of control, a new level of learning, and a disruption of already formed work patterns. This session will be discussing how Scottsdale Bible led its ministry teams to a Rock launch that didn’t go quite as planned and how we followed with a winning strategy to create change champions.
Tina Stephens Profile
Tina Stephens Scottsdale Bible Church

Data Integrity

Your ministry teams probably rely on person data more than ever to stay connected with people in our evolving online world. Let Rock help you work smarter, not harder, to keep all that data accurate.
Julie TenEyck Profile
Julie TenEyck The Crossing

Rock and Project Management - A strong foundation for all your projects.

Using Rock and the plugin Project Management, Debbie will demonstrate how the tools and a few project tips and tricks can help keep projects of all sizes organized, tracked and tasks moving forward.
Debbie Thurston Profile
Debbie Thurston Fellowship Greenville

Lava For The Layperson

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If you are coming from a non-IT background, or are even slightly intimidated by code, this 100-level session is intended to build confidence in using lava within your internal Rock instance and external web pages. Geared toward someone new to Rock or otherwise just getting started with lava, Jennifer will share some of the things she's learned along the way, from one layperson to another.
Jennifer Troeger Profile
Jennifer Troeger Kensington Church

Using Rock to Consolidate Your Church Systems

Our church leveraged Rock to combine multiple systems into one; come see how we did it and how it made our staff's lives easier.
Danielle Vos Profile
Danielle Vos Christ the King Church

Using Rock to Centralize Processes and Information

Creating a portal for HR teams; for on-boarding, off-boarding and staff management.
Morgan Woods Profile
Morgan Woods Hillside Christian Church

Workflow Looping

If you have a comma separated array of people, groups or any entity and want to update each person or send each person an email a workflow can do that and dynamically. In this session we will walk through how to set up a workflow that loops over an array of entities and updates each entity as needed.
Mark Wampler Profile
Mark Wampler Watermark Community Church

Web Content Relationships with Topical Tags: How to Help Your People Find What They’re Looking For

In this session, we’ll explore how to utilize Rock’s built-in tagging system to create relationships between your content so that your church can better connect people to the things that are most relevant to them.
Brian Kalwat Profile
Brian Kalwat NewSpring Church

The Future of Digital Engagement

What will your church website & app look like in 10 years? One of the biggest barriers to people getting engaged is that our websites & apps treat everyone the same, regardless of where they're at on their journey... But what if you could meet every person uniquely where they're at? Discover how to can create a personalized experience for each individual in your church, which will ultimately increase engagement and grow your church.
Josh Imel Profile Max Lyons Profile
Josh Imel, Max Lyons Christ Fellowship

Use A Group For That: A Beginner's Guide

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What are your groups doing during the pandemic? Rock's "almost-everything-is-a-group" approach is powerful, and with a little creativity can be used to do some interesting "group-like" things even if people aren't meeting in homes right now. This session will discuss custom group types, interesting ways to tweak the group finder, and ways to set up attendance, coaching, and administration of custom groups.
Micah Odor Profile
Micah Odor Whitewater Crossing Christian Church

Vendor Session: Simple Donation

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Find out why many churches are using Simple Donation as their Rock financial gateway for online giving and event registration.
Taylor Brooks Profile
Taylor Brooks Simple

Vendor Session: Sparkability Group

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Sparkability Group is the consulting arm of Spark Development Network, the creators of Rock RMS. Our mission is to provide a VIP experience while solving your Rock needs. Our wide range of skills include C# programming, web development, SQL scripting, configuration expertise and insightful training. Our technology focus is on simple, elegant solutions to power your ministry.
Emily Forman Profile
Emily Forman

Vendor Session: Checkr

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Checkr helps organizations administer their volunteer trust and safety programs with fast, accurate background checks. Checkr's platform is built by background check experts, but at our core, we are a technology company using tech to make volunteer staffing simpler and safer. We work every day to create a better future for people and their workplaces by building tools and solutions to help churches and organizations meet their volunteer and staffing needs. Our goal is to ensure all qualified candidates have a fair chance to work and volunteer. And, we support and coach churches and organizations in building screening practices to further strengthen their communities.
Runae Lee Profile
Runae Lee Checkr

Vendor Session: Intulse

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Where ministry & technology intersect, that where our heart is – and its where we do our best work.
Keith Goodling Profile
Keith Goodling INTULSE

Vendor Session: BEMA

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The possibilities of how Rock can positively impact your church are endless, but deciding on an organized course of action is tough. Whether you’re looking to migrate to Rock or already live, there are so many questions that need to be answered. How should I setup my Groups? What attributes should I use? Badges? What about security? Why should I use connections?As we dive into these questions, we’ll be looking at practical answers and examples that can ignite discussion for you and your staff. Also, as we worked on this video, we came across some common “fails” that everyone will find relatable and were too fun not to include.
Ben Chapman Profile
Ben Chapman BEMA Software Services

Vendor Session: Density

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Density is the new occupancy analytics platform. Using proprietary sensors and software, the platform accurately measures foot traffic throughout buildings. Places of worship use Density’s real-time people count data to accurately and anonymously measure attendance at every service, program, class or event. Unlike alternatives—which are either invasive or imprecise—Density is both anonymous by design and the industry’s most accurate system.
James Johnston Profile
James Johnston Density

Vendor Session: Clearstream

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Clearstream is a text message communication platform built specifically for churches. This plugin adds Clearstream as an SMS transport in Rock, enabling you to send & receive text messages in Rock using your Clearstream phone numbers. You can also utilize Clearstream's platform features such as first-time guest workflows, powerful metrics, native mobile apps, and more. Learn more at Clearstream.io
Michael Lepinay Profile
Michael Lepinay Clearstream