Release Note Archive

Archived versions of Rock are no longer actively supported. To view current releases, see the Release Notes or Release Roadmap.

    Rock v14.0 Released October 12, 2022

    Rock McKinley 14.0 fixes issues that were reported during the previous release(s) and introduces a variety of new features including content "personalization", drag and drop form building, improved person profile pages, step flow charting (for Steps), native electronic signature support for event registration and workflows, and much more.

    CMS v14.0

    • Fixed an issue when searching content collections on an attribute with whitespace.
    • Updated Content Channel Item Detail block with Personalization Profile.
    • Added support for tracking session information in media watch interactions.
    • Added new Data View Filters for finding people based on website session interaction and website page view data.
    • Added watch counts to media grids.
    • Added new Content Library feature. See documentation for details.
    • Updated Site's Google Analytics Code to support newer "G-" code prefix and support having multiple analytic codes.
    • Updated the Content Channel View block to utilize the new personalization features which can allow content channel items to be filtered or prioritized (shown before the non-matching items) based on the content items and the individual's matching segments and/or request filters.

    Check-in v14.0

    • Fixed issue in the MultiPersonSelect box where preselected persons would become unchecked if the change button was clicked.
    • Fixed CheckinTypeDetail block to show only active schedules under "Scheduled Times". Fixes: #4906
    • Added two new check-in type attributes to distinguish between allowing "check-out" on a kiosk versus the Check-in Manager app.
    • Added the ability to optionally enter birth dates to adults during the check-in registration on the kiosk. This is defaulted to not show.
    • Added a Delete Attendance security setting on the Check-In Roster.
    • Improved the check-in system's behavior by allowing the Manager Override feature to override automatic location load balancing.

    Communication v14.0

    • Fixed an issue with Communication Wizard where merge fields were not visible in previews. Fixes: #4861

    Connection v14.0

    • Added a new feature to the Connection Request Board's 'List' mode to be able to perform a 'bulk update' on many requests of the same opportunity.
    • Added a new Order property to Connection Status Automations. The automations will be processed in the provided order. Once an automation criterion is matched no further automations will be processed. This eliminates the possibility of circular logic within a single run.
    • Fixed Connection Opportunity Signup block to format correctly when home phone is removed. Fixes: #4597
    • Fixed missing Merge records and Communicate icons from connection request board. Fixes: #5140
    • Updated Connection Request Detail and Connection Request Board block to hide the 'Connected' state from the option list when the request is not connected. Fixes: #3690
    • Updated Connection Request Grid to include "Show In Grid" Attributes. Fixes: #4594

    Core v14.0

    • Updated Web.config with binding policy and assembly location for Microsoft.SqlServer.Types. Fixes: #4495
    • Fixed issue in Attribute Matrix where HTML fields were not formatted correctly. Fixes: #4326
    • Fixed issue in Grid where the provided "Communication Recipients Field" of the Dynamic Data block was not used as the Id field. Fixes: #3668
    • Fixed RockCodeEditor to not overwrite email text component content when switching focus in Code Editor mode. Fixes: #3648
    • Fixed Grade Picker to only show active grades. Fixes: #5069
    • Fixed a timeout issue that would occur under certain situations involving saving the InteractionComponent entity. Fixes: #3464
    • Fixed an issue preventing horizontal scrolling on Rock tree views. Fixes: #4870
    • Fixed the Attribute Editor control not validating some fields correctly. Fixes: #4757
    • Updated ElasticSearch to 8.1.2. See documentation for details on what you need to do to update.
    • Added the RockGuid attribute to allow defined APIs to maintain their security settings even after method signature changes.
    • Added new type of text box control for handling specialized 'first name' input validation.
    • Added option to System Configuration so that Rock's "Keep Alive" process only runs if enabled. It is now disabled by default. Enable this setting to have Rock poll itself to keep it alive during times of inactivity. This setting is not needed if your AppPool's Idle Time-out is set to 0 (Highly Recommended). See the Rock Solid Internal Hosting guide for recommended AppPool settings.
    • Added new Categorized Defined Value field type for allowing Defined Values to be selected based on a category selection.
    • Added a maximum file size setting to File Types to allow prevention of uploading files greater than that size.
    • Added a new service capability to allow performing region/geocoding lookups for new IP addresses in the Interaction Session tables.
    • Updated Entity Framework to v6.4.4.
    • Updated instances of Login to use the Log In verb form. Fixes: #4400
    • Updated Rock Image Link to correctly callback when adding any link to image. Fixes: #4851
    • Updated web.config with relaxedUrlToFileSystemMapping = false for improved security and fixes the Server.MapPath from returning NOT_A_VALID_FILESYSTEM_PATH. Fixes: #4436

    CRM v14.0

    • Updated "location services" to remove MelissaData and ServiceObjects.
    • Updated Bulk Update block to successfully launch workflow when none of the other options are selected. Fixes: #4337
    • Fixed issue with Person Profile photo cropping. Fixes: #4409
    • Fixed Documents block where security on document throws an error.
    • Update Logic for DaysUntilBirthday Computed Column to handle February 29th birth dates. Fixes: #4105
    • Fixed issue in the new person pages where security settings on blocks were not copied from the legacy person page blocks. Fixes: #5192
    • Updated Rock Badge markup to simplify and standardize implementation.
    • Modified the Group Member Detail block to allow Group Administrators to edit Member Attribute values. Fixes: #4799
    • Updated the person profile pages with new look and feel.

    Event v14.0

    • The RegistrationEntry block will now update the Campus of the Family Group to the selected campus if it is being used in the registration form and has a value. Fixes: #4587
    • Updated RegistrationListLava to not display registrations without StartDate when date filter is set. Fixes: #3698
    • Fixed issue with Obsidian Registration Entry block not always saving registrant attribute values.
    • Fixed photos not saving to events when using EventRegistrationWizard. Fixes: #4863
    • Fixed EventRegistration to honor Maximum Available 'fee' if set. Fixes: #4781
    • Fix Registration bugs: GenderDropdown default to "0" (#5132) and not being able to submit 0 as payment amount (#5237). Fixes: #5132
    • Fixed issue with validation being too loose on "Amount to pay now". Prior to this fix, if the Minimum Due Today option was set to $0.00, you were unable to proceed without paying at least $0.01. Fixes: #5137
    • Fixed the Event Calendar Feed export to use the configured Rock Time zone rather than the local system time. Fixes: #5029
    • Fixed the Export Calendar Feed to allow events with a specific dates pattern to be correctly imported to Microsoft Outlook. Fixes: #4112
    • Added new Rock based Electronic Signatures in the new Obsidian event registration block.

    Finance v14.0

    • Added PersonId to the Excel export of the Pledge Analytics block.
    • Update benevolence requests to allow configuring the maximum number of documents you can attach to a single request.

    Group v14.0

    • Resolved Group Requirement warning not being cleared when changing a Group Member to a different role within a group which does not have the requirement. Fixes: #4800
    • Added to Group Member List block the ability to include inactive group members in communications. Fixes: #4710
    • Added support for requiring the capacity be set on groups of the configured group type.

    Lava v14.0

    • Fixed the InteractionWrite block to target the correct channel and component when specified by name. Fixes: #4602
    • Fixed render errors in included templates with Output Cache enabled. Fixes: #4564
    • Fixed an issue with the HumanizeTimeSpan Lava filter which would report "no time" when the difference between two date/times was essentially zero. Fixes: #5054
    • Added the ability to group Lava shortcodes into categories.
    • Add a new Lava filter to determine if a date falls within a range.
    • Added a new "IsInSecurityRole" Lava filter for quickly checking if a person is a member of a security role.
    • Added new SetUrlParameter Lava filter for modifying URLs.
    • Fixed issue where .ics files were downloaded as .txt files on Safari Mobile. Fixes: #4776
    • Fixed issue in the Lava "Where" filter that caused it to fail if the options were separated by just commas instead of a comma and a space. Fixes: #4253

    Mobile v14.0

    • Added Deep Linking, a way to externally link directly into your mobile application.

    Prayer v14.0

    • Updated prayer request entry and session to allow for filtering by group.
    • Updated the Prayer Request Entry block to only display attributes marked as Public on external site. Fixes: #4928

    Reporting v14.0

    • Updated ReportingHelper to show time component of DateTime fields in reports. Fixes: #4230
    • Added parent NickName to "Parents' Phone Numbers" field type.
    • Added a new data view filter to allow matching people who have a document of a particular type.
    • Added a Run Now button on the Metric Detail block to allow for running a metric manually.
    • Added PersistedDataViewList block to display a list of Data Views that have persistence enabled.

    Workflow v14.0

    • Fixed workflow action issue where Encrypted Text and SSN field types were not being saved correctly. Note: This means data put into these fields are automatically encrypted when stored. Fixes: #3159
    • Added a new 'Electronic Signature' Workflow Action.
    • Added semantic CSS classes to the person fields on Workflow Entry block to allow for styling by web developers.

    Rock v13.8 Released June 28, 2023

    Check-in v13.8

    • Updated the link to the Windows Check-in installer to the latest version 13.8. This version of Windows check-in improves the "Check-in Address" textbox to use "" as placeholder text. This will prevent the Check-in app from pointing to an incorrect address.

    Communication v13.8

    • Updated Rock to work with Twilio's upcoming HTTP Auth requirement which affects SMS Conversations that have attachments.

    Core v13.8

    • Improved Security.

    Finance v13.8

    • Updated Transaction Detail to allow transactions with $0. Fixes: #5205

    Rock v13.7 Released October 11, 2022

    CMS v13.7

    • Added Visitor Tracking and Personalization features.
    • Fixed issue where a Lava template could sometimes generate incorrect results under heavy load when Lava short codes are used.
    • Updated ContentChannelItemDetail block to not use block-level permissions to edit item content.

    Check-in v13.7

    • Updated the Rock Windows Check-in Client application to allow it to put focus on the first page even when the configuration screen is skipped due to passing configuration parameter values into the URL.
    • Fixed issue where the Enforce Strict Location Threshold option would fail to enforce the threshold if more than 1 person in a family was checked in at the same time.
    • Added a Campus selector to the Rapid Attendance Entry block.
    • Fixed check-in to always disable autocomplete. Fixes: #5021

    Communication v13.7

    • Added functionality to track spam reports for Mailgun and Sendgrid email transports.
    • Added Prayer Request Comment Digest Notification to SystemCommunications.
    • Fixed an issue with the email field validation in the Communication Wizard if both Lava and multiple addresses are enabled on the control. With this change, Lava can now be used in the Reply To, CC and BCC fields. Fixes: #4049
    • Fixed the Html Editor component to correctly update when an existing image is replaced. Fixes: #4292

    Connection v13.7

    • Fixed an issue where non-admin Persons with correctly assigned roles could not delete requests from the connection request board. Fixes: #5009
    • Fixed the Connection Requests block to correctly show status icons in the list of requests when using the Fluid Lava engine. Fixes: #5048
    • Fixed Connection Opportunity Signup block to handle current person if no email address is found. Fixes: #4993
    • Fixed ability to edit/view security on Connection Request, under Entity Administration. Fixes: #5100

    Core v13.7

    • Updated Summary in history to generate strings that are not confusing when old and new values are not provided. Prior to this fix, audit logs would say "Modified xxx value from to" where it appears the value changed from blank to blank. Fixes: #5039
    • Updated the ImageEditor to allow cropping of an existing image. Fixes: #5074
    • Fixed Schedule Type Dropdown not loading values on Campus Detail Block. Fixes: #5127
    • Fixed View State Error in the old Connections page. Fixes: #3867
    • Fixed Excel data exported from grids to show correct value for dates without year value. Fixes: #4969
    • Fixed issue where account protection profile settings would not get cached if the security settings were the default. This was causing several unneeded database calls per page when running in Impersonation mode. This fixes an issue where Checkin could have high-cpu usage.
    • Fixed matrix attributes with pickers to display correctly in bulk updates. Fixes: #5023
    • Fixed group pickers to show "Select Children" when hovered. Fixes: #4998
    • Fixed styling issue with checkbox and radio controls displaying incorrectly when in a single column. Fixes: #5034
    • Fixed HTML Editor image link not retaining value on first edit. Fixes: #3738
    • Fixed styling of action buttons to wrap onto new lines. Fixes: #5007
    • Fixed the issue of multiple deletes occurring when a single group is deleted when there are multiple Group List Blocks on a page. Fixes: #3404
    • Fixed Content Channel Item field so its Field Attribute does not require a configuration value to edit. Fixes: #5083
    • Fixed issue where XSS protections caused redirect_uri to not be correct. Fixes: #5081
    • Updated ufnCrm_GetAddress to return the correct Address. Fixes: #4994
    • Updated Liquid to Lava in the Liquid Dashboard Widget. Fixes: #4999
    • Added Analytics Source Date to the model map utilizing a new IncludeForModelMapAttribute that's decorated on the model class. Fixes: #4826

    CRM v13.7

    • Added new block settings to the PublicProfileEdit block to allow for showing/hiding address, gender, or email preference.
    • Improved the Update Family Status of the Data Automation system with the ability to specify how many times a person should attend a campus before having their family campus updated.
    • Updated FamilyPreRegistration block to clear the form and remove children when the clear button is clicked. Fixes: #3909
    • Updated Location Services to mark Melissa Data and Service Objects as obsolete.
    • Fixed bulk update incorrectly disabling inactive reason and inactive reason note. Fixes: #5027
    • Fixed an issue with Social Media fields not correctly resolving some URL inputs. Fixes: #3896
    • Fixed issue with GroupScheduler that caused an exception when location was set to No Location Preference. Fixes: #5008

    Engagement v13.7

    • Added the ability to filter steps by campus on the step program and step type pages.

    Event v13.7

    • Updated Registration Entry to pass the Registration Registrant as the entity to the Workflow of type Registrant. Fixes: #5042
    • Fixed issue where the Send Following Event Notification Job execution would cause an error when the Person First Attended Group Type - Event Type was used. Fixes: #4943
    • Fixed issue where Registrant attribute types sometimes don't display on the grid until after you save the template. Fixes: #5065
    • Updated Registration Template Detail to sort group type picker alphabetically. Fixes: #5151
    • Updated the RegistrationEntry block to check if the Registration is still active or has not expired before saving. Fixes: #5078

    Finance v13.7

    • Fixed issue where scheduled transactions default to "Contribution" instead of the transaction type determined by Transaction Entry block settings. Fixes: #4987
    • Fixed issue where transaction details were not displayed when the save button was clicked. Fixes: #5032
    • Fixed an issue where a Late Alert would not send alert notifications. Fixes: #5033
    • Fixed an issue with using sub-accounts in the giving automation configuration settings. Fixes: #5004
    • Fixed an issue with adding a new family without an address during transaction matching. Fixes: #5010
    • Fixed issue in Transaction Entry V2 where making payment using an NMI Saved Payment account without a GatewayPersonIdentitier will fail. Fixes: #5052
    • Fix issue in Statement Generator where the selected individual isn't highlighted. Fixes: #5172
    • Added PersonId to the Excel export of the Pledge Analytics block.

    Group v13.7

    • Added to GroupScheduleToolboxV2 block the ability to customize the text of the action buttons.
    • Added the ability to customize the message shown when an individual declines a group scheduling assignment on the Group Schedule Confirmation block.
    • Added block setting Override Hide from Toolbox that will show all schedule enabled groups when enabled. Fixes: #5020
    • Added the ability to require a location in the Group Schedule Toolbox (v2) when an individual signs up to work extra times.
    • Added support for requiring the capacity be set on groups of the configured group type.
    • Updated the Group Detail block to prioritize security on the Group over the GroupType when showing GroupSync. Fixes: #5041
    • Updated the Send Attendance Reminders Job to be able to limit processing to groups belonging to a specific campus or under a parent group. These settings are optional and the job will operate as normal without changes.
    • Updated Group Member Historical data to check authorization for view. Prior to this update, people could view groups for which they didn't have security when viewing group history from the Person Profile page. Fixes: #5043
    • Fixed issue where an updated or deleted GroupScheduling Location did not reset GroupMember's scheduling preferences. Fixes: #5060
    • Fixed issue with GroupDetail block that allowed Group Requirements to be added to the group when the Group Type had "Enable Specific Group Requirements" disabled. Fixes: #4986
    • Fixed issue where a Group Type with "Scheduling Enabled" did not indicate "Group Schedule Options" was required. Fixes: #5012
    • Fixed Group Attendance Detail block to prevent the subscribing confirmation event from happening multiple times. This resolves an issue where multiple modals would appear when adding pending members to a group via the group leader toolbox. Fixes: #5024
    • Fixed the Group Detail Lava block to respect Attribute security settings in edit mode. Fixes: #3569 #4079 #5028
    • Fixed Meeting Detail section from disappearing in group detail block. Fixes: #5061
    • Fixed issue that caused Group counts to not show in GroupTreeView when display counts option is selected. Fixes: #5077

    Lava v13.7

    • Fixed an issue with the Campus filter failing if the input object is empty. Fixes: #4988
    • Fixed an issue with the Scripturize shortcode sometimes producing incorrect references for John's gospel. Fixes: #5053
    • Fixed the DateDiff filter returning incorrect results for daylight saving dates when processing some input formats. Fixes: #5070

    Mobile v13.7

    • Fixed an issue that would cause the Onboarding block to erase the push token if Show Notification Request was false.

    Other v13.7

    • Updated the workflow entry form to handle the "is required" error message in cases where the label for the required field is hidden. Fixes: #2080

    Reporting v13.7

    • Added the ability to enable sticky headers to grids produced by the Dynamic Data block.
    • Added new data view post-filter transformation to return the Giving Leader for the individual.

    Workflow v13.7

    • Updated CleanUpWorkflows method inside RockCleanup job to look for value in CompletedDateTime instead of Completed status for completed workflows. Fixes: #5015
    • Fixed an issue with "Step Completed" workflow sometimes failing to trigger and reporting an exception when a Step is completed. Fixes: #4995
    • Fixed an issue where inactive defined values would be displayed to users selecting a value from a defined type for a Key Value List. Fixes: #5019
    • Fixed "Benevolence Request Add" action to prompt for Benevolence Type. (#5049) Fixes: #5046
    • Fixed issue in the PMM & Checkr workflows where the invalid or missing email address error always occurs. Fixes: #4932
    • Added Campus option in Group Member Attendance Add action.
    • Added new Business From Attributes action under the Finance category to search and add businesses.
    • Added workflow action "Create Contribution Statement" to create a financial contribution statement as a PDF.

    Rock v13.6 Released July 18, 2022

    Connection v13.6

    • Fixed a bug that prevented a second workflow from being added to a connection type. Fixes: #5059

    CRM v13.6

    • Fixed an issue where the Family Analytics job was updating the eRA Start Date to the current date. Fixes: #5072

    Rock v13.5 Released July 5, 2022

    Rock McKinley 13.5 includes a fix for an issue with Checkr background check completions not being reported back to Rock and payment gateways not showing up in the Registration Template.

    Core v13.5

    • Fixed an issue with Checkr background check completions not being reported back to Rock.

    Event v13.5

    • Fixed a bug in the Registration Template detail block that was attempting to hide inactive gateways but ended up hiding other gateways as well.

    Rock v13.4 Released June 13, 2022

    Rock McKinley 13.4 fixes issues that were reported during the previous release(s)

    CMS v13.4

    • Fixed hidden "insert link" button on HTML Editor. Fixes: #4935
    • Fixed issue where RestController records could be deleted on a multi-server environment.
    • Added a block setting to hide gender on Account Entry block.
    • Updated BinaryFile image resizing to occur when either the file type's MaxHeight or MaxWidth is set. Previously it would perform the resize only if both were set.
    • Migrated all existing Content Channel View Detail blocks to Content Channel Item View blocks (they were basically identical). Fixes: #4223
    • Updated the Content Channel Navigation block.
    • Added a block setting to the HTML block that will disable the check for valid markup. Sometimes your markup has a valid reason why it's invalid and this allows you a way to disable the check and warning on every save.

    Check-in v13.4

    • Updated the registration settings to allow birth date and/or grade to be hidden, optional, or required when registering child family members during check-in.
    • Updated family check-in auto selection to sort the GroupTypes, Groups, Locations, and Schedules by the Order property before auto selecting a value. This ensures that the auto selection of these follows the ordered preference.

    Communication v13.4

    • Added a new Preview button on the System Communications List in order to view the template using the new System Communication Preview block.
    • Fixed and issue with using person alias properties in the email communication service. Fixes: #5013
    • Added a new block setting (Save Communication History) in the AccountEntry and ForgotUserName blocks to control whether or not a communication history entry should be written to the individual's profile. Fixes: #4953
    • Fixed issue where SMS Conversation block sometimes fails to load conversations due to a database timeout. Fixes: #4919
    • Fixed the HtmlEditor of the Email control to add the correct mergeFields when add mergeField is selected. Fixes: #4387
    • Fixed Simple Editor to display correct sender on edit. Prior to this fix the sender would be changed to the current person in some scenarios. Fixes: #4677

    Connection v13.4

    • Updated Connection Opportunity Search block to update results when campus context changes. Fixes: #4985
    • Updated Connection Activity Type name to "Follow-up Date Reached". Fixes: #4699
    • Updated Connection Request block to handle authorization for edit when only single campus is added. Fixes: #4470
    • Fixed issue where some Bus messages were attempting to query data that hadn't been committed to the database yet. This fixes an issue where an exception could occur when using Connection Request Workflow Triggers . Fixes: #4920
    • Fixed issue where the Connection Status Automation Feature could have performance issues if there were a large number of statuses and automations.
    • Added block setting to the connection opportunity sign-up block to allow for changing the label text on the Comments field.
    • Added Campus Filter to Connection Opportunity Select block. Fixes: #4669

    Core v13.4

    • Updated file upload to alert user if StorageProvider is inactive. Fixes: #4377 #4959
    • Updated CalculateFamilyAnalytics procedure to update eRA for new family members. Fixes: #4941
    • Updated KeyValueList Field Type to correctly display the custom values. Fixes: #4708
    • Updated the attribute editor to allow existing workflow attributes with the key of 'Campus' to be edited.
    • Fixed the spelling of 'whose' on the Members and Attendees Data View. Fixes: #4965
    • Fixed overlapping blocks when using the 'wizard' style. Fixes: #4949
    • Fixed Login to restrict user returning to reset password page after the password change. Fixes: #4948
    • Fixed enter key clearing search results from any Person Picker. Fixes: #4915
    • Fixed Tree Viewers breaking when PIN authentication is disabled. Fixes: #4977
    • Fixed issue in Page Parameter Filter block where field types with cascading dropdown lists would not allow selection. Fixes: #4451
    • Removed Background Check Result Duplicate Auth. Prior to this fix, the same role would be listed multiple times in the permissions for the Background Check Result attribute. Fixes: #1914
    • Fixed issue where exception emails were being sent if enabled when a SignalR\web-socket client was disconnected through a tab or browser closure during a response write and caused a false positive exception. Fixes: #4652
    • Fixed Age Calculation to also consider Deceased Date. Fixes: #4852
    • Fixed typo in the EmailLogo attribute description. Fixes: #4344
    • Fixed Grid to export to Excel without causing an exception in cases where there are duplicate header names. Fixes: #3862
    • Fixed an issue where Attribute values may be shown from unrelated entities of different types for inherited Attributes. Fixes: #4931
    • Fixed typo in Universal Search Control Panel. Fixes: #4609
    • Fixed rockTree so that inactive items have the same behavior as 13.3. This fixes an issue where disabled items in rockTree type of control could not be selected or edited. Fixes: #5017
    • Fixed issue where saving indexed Entities will get (and log) an exception and prevent other actions from occurring related to that Entity, such as triggered workflows. Fixes: #4920 #5005
    • Added CampusTopic model.

    CRM v13.4

    • Updated Edit Person with Block Setting to mark Year on Birth Date as required if day or month is selected.
    • You must have 'administrate' permission on the note type to be able to edit someone else's note. (NO CHANGE)
    • Updated Bulk Update block to support Attribute Matrix Attribute. Fixes: #4419
    • Fixed issue on the FamilyPreRegistration block where the PlannedDate picker was always optional. Fixes: #5022
    • Fixed an issue with the Grade validation message missing the control label. Fixes: #4960
    • Fixed the Public Profile Lava template to correctly display Marital Status and Phone Number. Fixes: #4930

    Engagement v13.4

    • Added new properties (Highlight Color and Alternate Image) to the Achievement Type for custom use.
    • Fixed Step Program Detail Chart enabled Day and Hour as Date Range Unit. Fixes: #4936

    Event v13.4

    • Updated the Registration Entry block to show user-friendly messages when event has not yet started or has ended. Fixes: #4111
    • Updated the URL Slug validation message to indicate that lowercase is required. Fixes: #4940
    • Updated Registrant List communication button to include all rows when none are selected. Fixes: #4933
    • Updated the RegistrationEntry block to automatically select the current user as the first registrant in the family options radio-button list and in the family members drop-down list if there is a logged in person. This will match the rest of the form being pre-populated with the current user info. Fixes: #4942
    • Fixed issue in the EventItemDetail block where unqualified Attributes for the Entity EventCalendarItem would cause an error if more than one calendar for the EventItem was selected. Fixes: #4878
    • Fixed issue in the RegistrationEntry block where invalid values for some field types (e.g. phone number) would let the user continue with the registration instead of showing an error. Fixes: #4638
    • Fixed issue in the RegistrationEntry block where an exception could occur when using a saved credit card for payment.

    Finance v13.4

    • Added a new Financial Account search component.
    • Removed the Gateway Migration Utility block. Fixes: #4310
    • Fixed Giving Analytics block to Export Selected Individual Rows. Fixes: #3880
    • Fixed an issue with Benevolence Request List block filters for last name or government ID. Fixes: #4974
    • Fixed issue where the Giving Configuration block wouldn't show saved accounts from merged persons. Fixes: #5014
    • Fixed a page parameter on the Pledge Detail to properly select the passed-in person as expected. Fixes: #4962
    • Fixed TransactionEntryV2 block to show calculated amount in Fee coverage message. Fixes: #4947
    • Fixed issue in Transaction Entry V2 where changing the selected campus didn't pick the associated campus account correctly when in single account mode. Fixes: #4882
    • Fixed an issue with Scheduled Transactions not showing correctly on ScheduledTransactionView if the Page Parameter was an Id instead of a Guid. Fixes: #4984
    • Fixed issue with Benevolence Request List block where a person's requests were not included on their family's Person Profile pages. Fixes: #4992

    Group v13.4

    • Updated Group Viewer to show a warning for duplicate people in a group with different roles and updated Group Scheduler cards to show the roles of the person scheduled. Fixes: #4981
    • Improved the performance of the available placement groups in the connection request board.
    • Updated the GroupScheduleToolboxV2 to have options for signing up family members for their serving teams.
    • Fixed an issue with the Group Scheduler block showing half the number of set weeks. Fixes: #4961
    • Fixed RSVP Response block to display decline options for RSVP. Fixes: #4937
    • Fixed bad Lava in default template when creating a new group type. Fixes: #5000
    • Fixed Group RSVP Detail page columns shrinking incorrectly. Fixes: #4876
    • Fixed mobile group attendance entry when using named or custom schedules.

    Lava v13.4

    • Added support for following purpose keys to the AppendFollowing and IsFollowed Lava filters.
    • Added new filter 'DateRangeFromSlidingFormat' that will parse the format of the Sliding Date Ranger control and provide a Start and End date from it.
    • Fixed Enum comparisons for Fluid to align with DotLiquid. Fixes: #4910
    • Fixed the Format filter to correctly handle a decimal format string. Fixes: #4958
    • Fixed an issue with the Select filter not correctly returning fields from a SQL result set. Fixes: #4938
    • Fixed Structured Content attributes to render HTML when using the Attribute Lava filter. Fixes: #4997

    Mobile v13.4

    • Added Group Scheduling blocks to mobile.
    • Added Toast functionality, accessible through the ShowToast command.
    • Added 'Optional', 'Required' and 'Hidden' options for gender in the profile details block.

    Reporting v13.4

    • Added Head of Household Post-Transformation Filter.
    • Added attributes defined at the Connection Type to Dataview Filters and Report Fields for Dataviews and Reports that apply to Connection Requests. Fixes: #4739
    • Fixed issue in Dynamic Chart block where parameters from a route were not being passed to the SQL. Fixes: #4954
    • Fixed Date Filter in Dynamic Data block to work with dates formatted as dd/mm/yyyy. This mainly impacts Rock instances outside the US. Fixes: #4410
    • Fixed the PageParameterFilter block to respect the 'Show Reset Filters Button' setting. In doing this there was some refactoring of the block settings. The 'Hide Filter Actions' block setting was removed and replaced with 'Show Filter Button'. The previous settings were confusing and did not match Rock's typical logic pattern. This could mean that if one had the 'Hide Filter Actions' set to true that the filter buttons would now show. This would be a bit of an edge case (but possible), but in the effort to improve the logic of the settings the change was made. Also, fixed an issue where the filter settings default values were not being shown. Finally, adjusted the initial load logic to keep child blocks from loading twice on initial loads. Since these child blocks are often querying and loading a lot of data it's important that they are only loaded once.
    • Fixed the Group/Location DataSelect field to prevent an error when attempting to use it as a sort field. Fixes: #3941

    Workflow v13.4

    • Updated Launch workflows method for entity set to set the Initiator Person Alias. Fixes: #4427
    • Updated the "Write to Interactions" workflow action to allow for setting the datetime of the interaction and for capturing the Id of the created Interaction record.
    • Fixed "Person Note Add" workflow action to set NoteUrl when Note is created. Fixes: #4857
    • Fixed issue in Workflow Entry block where canceling a form creates a new Person record when Person Entry is enabled. Fixes: #4983
    • Fixed Push Notification Send action to allow mobile page URLs.
    • Fixed issue where a partially filled out Address would throw an exception instead of showing a friendly validation message. Fixes: #4945
    • Additional fix for issue in Workflow Entry block where canceling a form creates a new Person record when Person Entry is enabled. Additional change was to also not save any other form values when Cancel is clicked. Fixes: #4983

    Rock v13.3 Released April 21, 2022

    Rock McKinley v13.3 patches an issue that can lead to benevolence requests not tied to an individual to be deleted. If you currently use benevolence requests we encourage you to install this release as soon as possible and consider saving your database backups to use to restore the records at a future date.

    Finance v13.3

    • Fixed an issue with the Rock Cleanup job deleting Benevolence Requests that were not associated with an existing Rock Person.

    Rock v13.2 Released March 15, 2022

    Rock McKinley 13.2 fixes issues that were reported during the previous release(s)

    API v13.2

    • Improved GetByPersonAliasId call to include phone numbers. Fixes: #4610

    CMS v13.2

    • Fixed issue with Universal Search query when using Smart Search block. Fixes: #4872
    • Fixed PageZoneBlocksEditor to properly dismiss edit block dialogs. Prior to this fix, editing the block settings of one block would cause another block's settings to also appear in certain scenarios. Fixes: #4777

    Communication v13.2

    • Fixed an issue where a file exception occurs in Communication Wizard. Fixes: #4929

    Connection v13.2

    • Fixed issue in Connection Type to allow disabling "Future Follow Up" as a connection state. Prior to this fix, turning off "Enable Future Follow-up" on the Connection Type had no effect. Fixes: #4921
    • Fixed an issue with Connection Request workflow triggers failing.
    • Fixed the Connection Opportunity List block to correctly display filter values for the current Connection Type. Fixes: #4782

    Core v13.2

    • Fixed the RockBlock GetCacheItem method to prevent incorrect null values. Fixes: #4853
    • Updated the Structured Content Editor Class References to fix a JavaScript error. Fixes: #4916

    CRM v13.2

    • Fixed the Person Merge to prevent an error when merging people with group scheduling preferences. Fixes: #4881

    Event v13.2

    • Added a 'Communicate to Registrars' button to the Registration Instance list of Registrants.
    • Fixed issue in Registration where automatically applied discounts from the Registration Template could override manual Registration discounts. Fixes: #4922
    • Fixed the Event Registration Template to correctly validate the Fee Name field length. Fixes: #4641

    Finance v13.2

    • Fixed PledgeEntry block to only show active giving frequencies. Fixes: #4904
    • Fixed an issue in Statement Generator where transactions with partial refunds were not included on the statement.
    • Fixed issue where Giving Overview might show incorrect totals if any transactions had partial refunds. Also fixed issue where transactions with partial refunds might not be included in giving alerts.
    • Fixed issue where the Transaction Entry block does not maintain Fluid layout setting when certain input values are changed. Fixes: #4512
    • Added ability to customize the 'Cover the Fees' message in Transaction Entry V2 and fixed issue where Transaction Source couldn't be configured.
    • Updated the TransactionEntryV2 block to be a bit more compatible to the v1 block.

    Group v13.2

    • Fixed Logout failure when editing the Group Details Lava block. Fixes: #4717
    • Added an additional way to filter list of group members during group scheduling.

    Lava v13.2

    • Fixed comments in include files being incorrectly rendered to output. Fixes: #4736
    • Fixed Lava for Scheduling Confirmation Fixes: #4914
    • Fixed Lava Syntax for System Communications Fixes: #4911
    • Fixed an issue with scoping of variables in Lava shortcodes. Fixes: #4923

    Mobile v13.2

    • Added tracking for when a mobile application was last launched.
    • Fixed push notifications to not send to inactive devices.
    • Improved tracking of push notification enabled state.

    Workflow v13.2

    • Added an optional "Reply To" field to the Email Send workflow action.

    Rock v13.1 Released February 22, 2022

    Rock McKinley 13.1 fixes issues that were reported during the previous release(s)

    API v13.1

    • Added new communication REST endpoint for recording communications that were sent by external systems (not originating from Rock).

    CMS v13.1

    • Fixed an issue with the Summernote toolbar buttons disappearing. Fixes: #4456

    Check-in v13.1

    • Added 'Disable Location Services' block setting to the Mobile Check-in Launcher. If disabled, the mobile device’s location services will not be used and instead a list of active campuses will be shown.
    • Fixed an issue in Check-in Manager where the Room List would show the same count for the present and checked-out values. Fixes: #4925
    • Fixed an issue that would cause check-in to fail on iOS versions older than 13.4. Fixes: #4918

    Communication v13.1

    • Updated the Simple Communication editor to filter out the new Email Wizard templates. Fixes: #4888
    • Updated the email address regular expression on the Person model to match the UI validation. Fixes: #4867
    • Fixed 'Paste From Word' function to no longer reverse text when bold is enabled. Fixes: #4751
    • Fixed an issue where a newly added text item could not be immediately deleted from the email template layout. Fixes: #4862

    Connection v13.1

    • Fixed an XSS injection issue on the Connection Opportunity Search.
    • Fixed some Connection Request workflow triggers failing with an exception. Fixes: #4920
    • Added new externally facing mobile friendly blocks for allowing non-staff to view connection requests under connection types and opportunities.

    Core v13.1

    • Fixed an issue with passing transparent color values to the Tag background color. Fixes: #4523
    • Fixed an error that would occur when downloading documents with special characters in the file name. Fixes: #4902
    • Fixed an issue in Workflow Forms where default values were not being assigned when visibility is controlled by a logic filter. Fixes: #4874
    • Fixed issue where invalid person tokens would cause an exception when legacy fallback was disabled. Fixes: #4912 #4913
    • Updated Rock Image Link to correctly callback when adding any link to image. Fixes: #4851
    • Updated Summernote to 0.8.20.
    • Switched the Connections Board, SMS Conversations, and Group Scheduler pages to the Full Worksurface layout.

    CRM v13.1

    • Added new "Exclude Schedules" option in the Update Family Campus section of the Data Automation Settings.
    • Fixed the Address Control showing an incorrect value in the State field. Fixes: #4883

    Event v13.1

    • Fixed an error that could occur when editing an existing linkage on an event occurrence. Fixes: #4907

    Finance v13.1

    • Fixed issue where editing a scheduled transaction on the recurrence date could lead to an orphaned transaction due to a gateway scheduleId mismatch (NMI). Fixes: #4526
    • Fixed issue where changing the account designation of a scheduled transaction could generate an error. Fixes: #4821
    • Updated the giving configuration to allow editing of inactive scheduled transactions. Improved the performance of toggling between Show Active and Show Inactive lists. Fixes: #4871
    • Updated the Statement Generator to include run duration information on the summary screen. The summary screen information will now be saved to a @Summary of Results.txt file in the report directory when complete. Added a new option to persist the Statement Generator settings globally in the database.

    Group v13.1

    • Added the Group Type parent authority authorization pre-check to Group Members. Prior to this fix, the GroupMember model did not respect GroupType security through Lava entity commands. Fixes: #4855

    Lava v13.1

    • Fixed an issue with combined person data getting double encoded in the merge template process. Prior to the fix, when doing a mail merge and selecting Combine Family Members, '&' instead of '&' was appearing in the combined name. Fixes: #4884
    • Added new TimeOfDay Lava filter.
    • Resolved JavaScript error caused by AddQuickReturn Lava Filter when the Personal Links block is not present. Fixes: #4877

    Workflow v13.1

    • Added a new CampusId property to Workflow and added a new workflow action, SetWorkflowCampus, to allow setting the workflow's Campus. NOTE: This will mean you will need to adjust any workflow types that have an attribute with a key of "Campus" when you edit that workflow type.

    Rock v13.0 Released January 31, 2022

    Rock McKinley 13.0 is a major release of Rock with over 60 additions and more than 100 improvements or fixes to issues that were reported during the previous release(s)

    API v13.0

    • Added ability for a Rock Mobile application to be authenticated for an API in addition to the logged in person.

    CMS v13.0

    • Updated the account creation block and API to better deal with special characters in the user name.
    • Updated whitespace on _icons.less to address broken compile when updating Rock and FontAwesome Pro is installed. Fixes: #4869
    • Updated the Family Pre Registration block to allow for launching a workflow for each parent and a workflow for each child.
    • Updated the GetFile.ashx handler to support HTTP byte ranges. This provides better compatibility for services like CDNs.
    • Updated the default styling of the Rock Google Maps theme.
    • Added a new Media Account Component model for managing media stored in remote/external systems.
    • Added new mediaplayer Lava short code to simplify building video and audio players.
    • Added new field type to handle displaying a specific media element video and optionally requiring it be watched by the user.
    • Fixed incorrect HTML markup on Opportunity Search Lava in core themes.
    • Fixed issue with Universal Search block where the search type was displayed twice.
    • Fixed the Public Profile Edit block so that required adult phone types are not requirements for new child family members. Fixes: #4771

    Check-in v13.0

    • Added Group Attendance Reporting job to help with the reporting of attendance type metrics onto a person in new attribute values.
    • Added block setting "Prioritize families for this campus" to the FamilySelect block to list families in the same campus as the kiosk before families in other campuses.
    • Added the ability to specify Group IDs in the checkin query string to automatically configure a Check-in Kiosk.
    • Added load balancing options for automatically selecting locations during check-in. This is based on new Location Selection Strategy options in the check-in configuration.
    • Added a new achievement celebrations feature into the check-in system.
    • Added support for the new Windows Check-in Client v4. Download and install Rock Windows Check-in Client under Power Tools > External Applications.
    • Added the ability to customize the person select button text using a Lava template.
    • Fixed an issue with the Phone Number lookup button incorrectly showing on the Mobile Launcher block.
    • Added QRCode scanning support for browsers and the Rock Windows Check-in Client.
    • Added new capabilities for creating achievement labels for use during the check-in process.
    • Added "Don't Ask If There Is No Ability Level" Ability Level Determination option to the Checkin Type. This will allow a person with an ability level set the opportunity to update it. A person without an ability level set will not be asked to select one.
    • Fixed an issue that caused Checkin Locations not to display if the the Location associated with a selected campus had a parent location. Fixes: #4705
    • Fixed Attendance Self-Entry Block to handle invalid locations set in the Block Settings or as a Url Parameter. Fixes: #4661
    • Fixed Lava in Registration Template to replace the old ContactName with ContactPersonAlias. Fixes: #4845
    • Fixed an issue where circular group references would cause the Check-in Manager to crash.
    • Updated CheckinBlueCrystal theme to remove the Rock logo in the background.
    • Changed the Check-in Manager's Roster block to always show the person's check-in status.
    • Improved Aero Check-in theme to improve rendering with reprinting labels.
    • Changed the family check-in so that only family members are preselected. Persons with the "Can Check-in" relationship will not be preselected.
    • Updated Check-in Manager blocks with additional functionality such as sortable columns, new Present/Checked-out Time columns, and attendance change history.
    • Updated Check-In to always show room count when show location option is checked. Fixes: #4671

    Communication v13.0

    • Added functionality for adding an image to a SMS Conversation.
    • Added fullscreen capability to the SMS Conversations block.
    • Added the ability to add security to SMS Numbers to allow for more configuration options on the SMS Conversation's block.
    • Added the ability to show the CC and BCC fields on the simple email editor. This allows the group toolbox to have these features (Idea #1559). Also fixed some alignment issues with the subject line and CC/BCC fields.
    • Added new page to allow sending push notifications to all associated devices for a mobile application.
    • Added new step to RockCleanup job to reset any person or group member's communication preference from SMS to No Preference if they do not have any messaging enabled phones.
    • Added the ability to hide secured SMS Numbers for both the Communication Entry and Communication Entry Wizard blocks.
    • Added a new ExpireDate to SMS Pipeline actions so that they can be automatically deleted by the cleanup job if/when they expire.
    • Created a newly-polished communication history list block for use under the Person Profile page's History tab.
    • Updated help text to provide additional information on how CSS inlining works with communication templates. Fixes: #4631
    • Updated the Send Communications job to primarily use ReviewedDateTime when getting the list of communications to send. Fixes: #4545
    • Modified Email Field validation to allow inclusion of Lava commands/shortcodes. Fixes: #3976
    • Added ability to add a person note in SMS Conversations.
    • Updated the Send Group Schedule Notifications job to send via either email or SMS based on group / person preference.
    • Updated communication system and transport to use multiple threads when sending communications and when processing each recipient.
    • Updated the CC/BCC fields on a Communication Template to allow for using Lava.
    • Replaced old, custom Twilio logging with the standard Rock Logging system.
    • Updated the default setting of the Email medium's "CSS Inlining Enabled" to true.
    • Updated the email address validation to allow for multiple '+', '-', or '.' symbols back to back. Fixes: #4829
    • Updated the Communication Entry Wizard block to allow updating alt text on images.
    • We have taken the next step to remove the old System Emails (Legacy) function by initially hiding the page from the menu. Although it can be accessed by manually navigating from the parent page's child pages, it will be removed in a future version of Rock.

    Connection v13.0

    • Added fullscreen capability to Connection Request Board block.
    • Added new automation rules on Connection Request's Connection Status to allow for automatic movement to a different Status.
    • Added query string parameters on the Connection Board when clicking Connection Requests or Connection Opportunities.
    • Added the ability within Connection Types to reorder Connection Opportunities.
    • Fixed issue where group member role and group member status were not showing on ConnectionRequestBoard Block.
    • Fixed an issue with the Connection Board so that Connection Request Activity Types are sorted alphabetically. Fixes: #4783
    • Fixed an issue in the ConnectionRequestBoard where people could be added incorrectly or added twice to the connector list under certain conditions. Fixes: #4752 #4763
    • Fixed an issue in the ConnectionRequestBoard where filtering by Connector or Requester would not show all of the ConnectionRequests if there were multiple PersonAliases for the person being used to filter. Fixes: #4632
    • Updated the Connection Board block to open manually launched workflows into a new browser tab instead of the current tab.
    • Updated Connection Opportunities as well as Connection Type to delete the related attributes. Fixes: #4738
    • Updated the Connection Request Workflows that are triggered as a result of changes to the Connection Request to set the Initiator from the CurrentPerson who made the change.

    Core v13.0

    • Changed the effective end date on a recurring schedule that has no end to use "null" instead of the arbitrary max date.
    • Enhanced privilege classification and checking during person merging and other operations. For certain designated people, it will purposely be more difficult to perform merges or other record matching operations in Rock in order to reduce the possibility of a hijack attempt.
    • Updated the stock Connection Status defined value called "Web Prospect" to be renamed to "Prospect" if it had not already been modified.
    • Updated Data Automation Job with new Command Timeout Attribute to tackle timeout issue.
    • Updated RockCleanup job and moved "Process Elevated Security" on Person records to a new job.
    • Upgraded Rock Solution from .Net 4.5.2 to 4.7.2.
    • Added new Notes block for use with Mobile Applications that allows a user to view and enter entity notes.
    • Added a Follow Event to allow notifications when a note is added to a followed person.
    • Added the ability to provide a subset of selectable defined values when configuring an attribute of type Defined Value.
    • Added the ability to to provide a subset of selectable campuses when configuring an attribute of type Campus(es).
    • Added the ability to hide the 'unknown' option from gender when configuring attributes of this type.
    • Added Azure Blob Storage as a core File Storage Provider.
    • Added new save hooks for developers to use when creating custom models in plugins.
    • Fixed issue with Data Encryption where OldDataEncryptionKey values in web.config were not being used to Decrypt older encrypted values.
    • Fixed an issue that caused picker controls with categorized items (like Workflows and Data Views) not to fully expand and display items that were previously selected and saved. Fixes: #4504
    • Fixed username validation on Account Entry block. Fixes: #4530
    • Fixed an issue preventing horizontal scrolling on Rock tree views. Fixes: #4870
    • Fixed issue with multiple Notes blocks on the same page all opening the edit control when the add button is clicked on one of the blocks. Fixes: #4803
    • Fixed an issue with cascading drop-downs in the Group Type and Group picker that would result in the Group value being blanked out when making changes. Also fixed in the Group and Role picker. Fixes: #4162
    • Fixed the note security so that assigning individuals to view/edit/etc a specific note will work as expected. Fixes: #2551
    • Fixed the Address control to allow the initial value of the State field to be set correctly. Fixes: #4801
    • Fixed issue where form fields with conditional display logic were being shown in WorkflowEntry or RegistrationEntry in cases where the condition has not been met when using Campus field type as criteria. Fixes: #4793
    • Fixed an issue in Bulk Update where any Memo Attribute with a character limit prevented correct loading. Fixes: #4231
    • Fixed required validation issue with the DefinedValues field type that allow the input of new Defined Values. Prior to the fix, the selected value for the DefinedValues attribute was not being saved in some cases. Fixes: #4446
    • Fixed issue where the Toggle control's OnChange events would not work consistently. This fixes an issue where conditional display logic in EventRegistration would not work correctly for Boolean FieldTypes that are configured to use a Toggle control. Fixes: #4772

    CRM v13.0

    • Fixed an issue where merging a person from a multi-person family fails with an error. Fixes: #4748
    • Fixed the Documents block to not consider Maximum Documents Per Entity on edit. This allows you to edit the details of the document even if the maximum number of documents have been uploaded. Fixes: #4773
    • Fixed discrepancy between Birthdate and Birth Date on Family Pre-Registration by changing all labels marking date of birth textboxes to "Birth Date". Fixes: #4735
    • Fixed issue where the history was not showing who removed a known relationship . Fixes: #4737
    • Added priority navigation to Person profile pages to improve browsing on mobile.
    • Added Campus Id and Guid page parameters, Number of Columns block attribute, and Communication preferences to the family preregistration block.
    • Added the ability to right-click a Person in Verify Photos List and open their Profile Page in a separate tab.
    • Updated Data automation to also consider recent event registrants on Reactivation and Inactivation. Fixes: #4465
    • Updated the Benevolence block with some new UI enhancements.
    • Updated the Family Pre-Registration Address to include Hide, Optional, and Required attributes. The default is Optional.
    • Updated the Person Detail Connection Request block. The 'Hide Inactive' block setting has been replaced with the new setting 'Hide Connection Requests With These States' which is able to filter on all of the Request States.

    Engagement v13.0

    • Added features to allow for giving achievements and streaks.
    • Added support for attributes on Step Types.
    • Fixed issue where Step Program List and Step Type List blocks include/count inactive step types. Fixes: #4842
    • Fixed Streak List error EnrollmentViewModel is invalid because it is neither a built-in type nor implements ILiquidizable. Fixes: #4662
    • Fixed the Step List to restrict from deleting any Step that the user is not authorized for. Fixes: #4775
    • Fixed an issue with Step Program so that new Step Types are arranged in the order they were added. Fixes: #4423
    • Added change tracking for some Steps-related items on the Person History.

    Event v13.0

    • Updated the RegistrationEntry block to not exclude registration instructions that contain only an image. Fixes: #4341
    • Added approval status filter to the Calendar Lava block. This allows the block to be used for approval and planning calendars.
    • Added a new optional setting on the Registration Template (used by the Registration Entry block) to allow for launching a workflow for each registrant when a new registration is completed.
    • Fixed issue on the RegistrationEntry block where refreshing the page on the summary screen could allow a registration to be saved without the values entered in the registration form under certain conditions. Fixes: #4493
    • Fixed missing person fields on Obsidian Event Registration block. Fixes: #4885
    • Fixed issue on the EventItemOccurrenceDetail block where inactive templates and instances were displayed in the linkages list. Fixes: #4811
    • Fixed an issue in the RegistrationEntry block that would cause a new person to be assigned to a new family under certain conditions. Fixes: #4743
    • Fixed an issue in Event Registration that prevented copying a Registration Template with a Placement Configuration. Fixes: #4536
    • Fixed an issue in Event Occurrence to correctly delete a Linkage URL. Fixes: #4744

    Finance v13.0

    • Fixed the Transaction List "Clear Filter" button to clear selections in dropdowns. Fixes: #4820
    • Fixed an issue in Giving Analytics where filtering by Data View could display incorrect results. Fixes: #4780
    • Fixed a bug that in Giving Analytics that caused Data View result options not to appear after filtering by a Data View. This is a duplicate. Leave here so the import process can see the SHA has already been processed.
    • Added the ability to filter Giving Alerts by Financial Account and to get an alert when a gift amount is over a specified amount.
    • Updated the Business detail block to allow for support of previous address, tagging, history, search keys and attributes.
    • Added new giving analytics tools.
    • Added options to use child financial accounts and giving analytic tables to the Giving Amount data filter.
    • Added Giving Journeys to the giving automation feature set.

    Group v13.0

    • Fixed FamilySalutation Lava filter returning error (Fixes #4849) (#4860) (cherry picked from commit 03934aef02eb7e55717281fcfb570d515e4ebcf3) (Applied manually since git couldn't resolve the change since the GroupService.Partial core model change move from 12.8 to 13.0) Fixes: #4858
    • Fixed Group RSVP not allowing check-in after the group member clicks accept in the email. Fixes: #4814
    • Fixed an issue on the GroupFinder block where the clear button would hide the map & results instead of resetting the search filter and reloading the results.
    • Fixed an issue where blocks dragged from one zone to another would not have their new location saved while creating Mobile pages. Fixes: #4566
    • Fixed issue in the GroupScheduleToolbox where groups using the same location and schedule would show filled for the given time slot if one of them was filled. For instance, Ushers and Greeters in the Worship Center at 9 AM would both show filled if the Usher group was filled but the Greeters group was not. Fixes: #4785
    • Added fullscreen capability to the Group Scheduler block.
    • Added the ability to see the number of volunteers needed in the group Schedule Toolbox.
    • Added settings to the Group Schedule Status Board block to allow easier usage on custom pages.
    • Updated the Schedule Toolbox to also send cancellation emails when appropriate.
    • Updated Group Scheduling Response Email to have a "Recipient" merge field. Also updated logic so that two separate emails will be sent: One to the Scheduler and the other to the "Confirmation Cancel" contact.
    • Updated the GroupTypeDetail block. When adding new Group attributes the explicit authorizations from the GroupType are copied over to the Group attribute.
    • Updated the Group Finder block to allow filtering the campus list by campus type and status.
    • Updated the Group Scheduler block to show a 'worship week' using the "Starting Day of Week" system setting (if it is set). For example if the "Starting Day of Week" is set to Tuesday then the Group Scheduler's week drop-down list will show week date ranges that start on Tuesday and end on Monday. Fixes: #4807
    • Updated Group Type and Group Types Picker with new IsSortedByName property to sort the list items by name.

    Lava v13.0

    • Added dynamic properties to entity commands. See documentation for details.
    • Added RandomNumber Lava filter to allow for generation of random numbers.
    • Added a new Steps filter for Lava.
    • Fixed issue where Lava webhook templates were considered that were marked 'inactive' on the defined values.
    • Fixed issue where Lava cache fails inside scoped tag. Fixes: #4672
    • Updated the Split filter to add an option to preserve empty entries.
    • Updated the Address Lava filter to allow retrieving the Guid of the location which is useful when dealing with address field types.
    • Adjusted the DateDiff filter to handle year differencing more accurately.
    • Implemented new Lava engine called Fluid to increase performance and support move to .Net Core in the future. See for details on how you can switch over to take advantage of the increased performance.

    Mobile v13.0

    • Added support for person matching in the mobile Registration block (requires Mobile Shell v3).
    • Added support for the Onboarding block to skip personal information screens if the individual is already logged in (requires Mobile Shell v3).
    • Added a new block to display Prayer Requests as cards (requires Mobile Shell v3).
    • Updated the mobile Login block to support sending confirmation e-mails and provide better error messages (requires mobile shell v3).
    • Updated the mobile Login block with new settings to specify the return page and cancel page (requires Mobile Shell v3).
    • Added Search block to enable searching for people or groups (requires Mobile Shell v3.0).
    • Added new mobile Group Finder block (requires Mobile Shell v3).
    • Added Connection blocks to Mobile (requires Mobile Shell v3).
    • Added support for Mobile application processing of a workflow with Person Entry fields on it.

    Other v13.0

    • Added an option to the Expiring Credit Card Notices job to enable sending a bus event, and made the selection of a email template optional.
    • Added a new Security Change Audit page and block (under Admin > Security) to assist when troubleshooting security permission changes.

    Prayer v13.0

    • Updated the location of attributes on the prayer entry block to place them above the request text. This moves them to a more consistent place in the UI.
    • Fixed the Prayer Request Entry block to correctly pass the RequestedByPersonAlias property to a workflow. Fixes: #4731
    • Add a new block that provides an additional experience to pray using a card-based view.
    • Added an option to the Follow/EventDetail block to "Include Non-Public Requests" if the Event Type is "Person Prayer Request". If selected this option will send a notification for private as well as public prayer requests.

    Reporting v13.0

    • Updated the Person Data View filter for 'In Registration Instance' to optionally allow filtering on wait list status.
    • Added the ability to filter on note attributes that are qualified to a specific note type.
    • Added the ability to include heading or footer content to the Dynamic Data block when using the Grid mode.
    • Added new option to the "Children's Names" report field type to allow for including the child's grade.
    • Added Week of Year, Week Counter, Leap Year Indicator, and Sunday Date Year to the AnalyticsSourceDate table.
    • Updated the chart inside the metrics block to improve the chart formatting. Fixes: #3533
    • Updated Page Parameter Filter block to allow misconfigured filters to be deleted and allow for no update, block update, or page updates when filters are updated.
    • Fixed issue in the PageParameterFilter block where deselected values were not removed from the query string. Fixes: #4816
    • Fixed an issue in the MetricDetail block where metrics with Analytics enabled were allowed to have the same Title.
    • Fixed an error in the CalculateMetrics job for Metrics partitioning by Campus in a DataView when one or more persons in the DataView does not have a Primary Campus. Fixes: #4787
    • Fixed an issue in the MetricValueList filter where only one value for each EntityType (e.g. DefinedValue) would be used in the filter. Fixes: #4747
    • Fixed Schedule field in Reports to correctly render custom schedules. Fixes: #4809
    • Fixed misspelling of CalendarMonthAbbreviated and FiscalMonthAbbreviated columns on the AnalyticsSourceDate table. Fixes: #4827

    Workflow v13.0

    • Fixed issue where Workflow Entry would display a Workflow Form and Person Entry if the Workflow immediately becomes inactive and the 'Show Summary' option is enabled on the Workflow Entry block. Fixes: #4824
    • Fixed issue where a Workflow Attribute and an Action Attribute with the same Key would be loaded incorrectly on an Entry Form. Fixes: #4810
    • Added a new feature to allow bulk deleting many workflows at one time and added a property to WorkflowType to control auto-deleting old workflows via the RockCleanup job.
    • Added new option on WorkflowEntry block to disallow passing WorkflowTypeIds.
    • Adjusted the behavior of the Gender field on the Workflow Person Entry Configuration's form so that the "unknown" option is not shown when displaying the Gender field. Fixes: #4555
    • Updated Workflow Person Entry so that a new person will be created/matched if LastName or FirstName changes when Autofill Current Person is enabled. Fixes: #4704
    • Updated the workflow action type "Group Member Add From Attribute" with optional settings to limit allowed Groups, GroupTypes, and whether to allow a person to be added to a Security Role Group.
    • Updated Workflow Entry to only consider gender when person matching if Gender is not marked hidden under Enable Person Entry. Fixes: #4767

    Rock v12.9 Released October 11, 2022

    Core v12.9

    • Improved security.

    Rock v12.8 Released February 7, 2022

    Rock McKinley 12.8 fixes issues that were reported during the previous release(s)

    Core v12.8

    • Fixed Combine Family Members in Merge Template Entry. Fixes: #4849
    • Fix issue where the OpenID /UserInfo endpoint doesn't return any user claims. Fixes: #4854

    CRM v12.8

    • The NCOA system has been updated to use the v2 API. The service provider is planning on removing their v1 API in 2022.

    Event v12.8

    • Fixed issue that caused Event Registration Entry block to ignore fields flagged with "Show Current Value" in some configurations. Fixes: #3900

    Finance v12.8

    • Updated the statement generator to work with individuals that have more that one associated mailing address. Fixes: #4866
    • Updated Statement Generator so that Formal Names are used and Inactive people are optionally included. This restores the previous behavior. Fixes: #4865

    Lava v12.8

    • Fixed the FamilySalutation filter to prevent a Liquid error message. Fixes: #4858

    Rock v12.7 Released November 29, 2021

    Rock McKinley 12.7 fixes issues that were reported during the previous release(s)

    Core v12.7

    • Fixed issue in Rock Cleanup job where a null exception could occur when matching a nameless person. Fixes: #4813

    CRM v12.7

    • Updated Person Merge "Reset Login Confirmation" help text to not cut off. Fixes: #4808

    Event v12.7

    • Improved Next Start Date shown for events by extending the date range to two years. This is to show the date for a scheduled event that is more than 1 year in the future. Fixes: #4812
    • Fixed an issue where Registration Form field filters created prior to v12.5 would not work correctly after upgrading to 12.5. Fixes: #4792
    • Fixed an issue where (non-shared) Event Registration Placement Groups created prior to 12.3 would not be visible after upgrading to 12.3. Fixes: #4784

    Finance v12.7

    • Fixed issue where "Abandoned" credit card transactions would report a warning in the Download Payments job. Fixes: #4805

    Group v12.7

    • Fixed GroupScheduleToolbox block to show schedules starting from the next day instead of 24 hours from current time. Fixes: #4806
    • Fixed issue where Group salutation was not properly updating when someone is removed from the family. Fixes: #4804

    Mobile v12.7

    • Fixed issue in Group Member Edit block when using the Member Detail Page block setting.
    • Added new setting to mobile Calendar Event List block to allow for hiding of past events.
    • Updated mobile Group Member Edit block to allow for deleting of group members (requires Mobile Shell v2.1).
    • Updated mobile Group Attendance Entry block to support recording notes (requires Mobile Shell v2.1).

    Workflow v12.7

    • Fixed Form buttons incorrectly triggering validation (checking for required fields) when they are configured to cancel form submission. Fixes: #4713

    Rock v12.6 Released September 27, 2021

    Rock McKinley 12.6 fixes issues that were reported during the previous release(s)

    Core v12.6

    • Fixed an issue where the Authorization cache and EntityAttributeCache wasn't getting updated correctly on other servers in a bus-based multi-server environment.

    Event v12.6

    • Updated the EventRegistration block to allow the browser back button to navigate from the Summary screen back to the previous screen. Fixes: #4703

    Prayer v12.6

    • Fixed Prayer Session blocks to ensure the interaction is recorded to the correct channel.

    Workflow v12.6

    • Fixed an issue where a Workflow with a Workflow Entry Form could produce duplicate workflows. Fixes: #4789

    Rock v12.5 Released September 7, 2021

    Rock McKinley 12.5 fixes issues that were reported during the previous release(s)

    API v12.5

    • Fixed API login endpoints to not allow login for unconfirmed accounts. Fixes: #4723
    • Updated the API call People/GetByEmail to use a QueryString for the email address in addition to the route. Fixes: #4701

    CMS v12.5

    • Updated the Stark theme's default font family to use modern fonts. Fixes: #4711
    • Improved the error handling of the Sync Media job to show which specific account(s) had errors.
    • Improved the Calendar Item template on core themes to hide registrations that are not active as indicated by the "Is Active" property.
    • Updated to FontAwesome 5.15.3
    • Fixed an issue where Streaks were not being processed when Interactions were being written.
    • Fixed Schedule Content Shortcode to return the correct NextOccurrenceDateTime. Fixes: #4741
    • Fixed the Page Properties block to prevent system pages from getting deleted. Fixes: #4732
    • Fixed the Internal Communication View block to respect the start date on any content channel item. Fixes: #4546
    • Fixed an issue where a string could be double-encoded when using the HTML Editor and inserting a image or file. Fixes: #4567
    • Added EventItems to Universal Search.

    Check-in v12.5

    • Fixed an issue with sequential numeric codes repeating "67" under certain conditions. Fixes: #4726
    • Fixed an issue where the name shown on the group select title was the first person instead of the current person, for Family Check-in with multiple scheduled groups. Fixes: #4727
    • Added a new advanced configuration option to control whether or not the Ability Level Selection should be shown during check-in.
    • Fixed an issue with the attendance grid using a different date than the chart. Fixes: #4541
    • Fixed a JavaScript error in Checkin Manager that was causing the 'UpdateProgress' animation to stay visible on Safari. Fixes: #4689
    • Improved the performance of the Welcome page.
    • Updated checkin search box to disable spellcheck and autocorrect on iOS based devices.

    Communication v12.5

    • Updated the email transport to remove any new line characters from the email subject. Fixes: #4718
    • Added security to the System Communication templates which is now used by the Communication History and Communication Detail block when trying to view the Communication record.
    • Added a new CSS Inlining Enabled option to the Email medium.
    • Fixed an issue with SendGridHTTP communication transport and the Email with Events workflow action not handling bounced emails correctly. Fixes: #4719
    • Fixed Mobile Communication View block not processing merge fields.

    Connection v12.5

    • Added history tracking for Connection Requests and added certain request history events onto the requestor's person history under the new "Connection Requests" category.
    • Connection Types are now sorted in the correct order. Fixes: #4729
    • Fixed the Connection Request Board to only list user-defined activity types while adding or editing an activity. Fixes: #4692

    Core v12.5

    • Provided additional options for the Attributes block allowing others with Edit access but without Administrate access to be able to edit the 'values' of the attribute.
    • Moved the Rock Log settings from System Settings > System Configuration to System Settings > Rock Logs.
    • Updated the Process BI Analytics job to populate the new AnalyticsSourceGivingUnit BI Table. Also improved performance of GivingAnalytics job.
    • Fixed an issue where the MonthYearPicker was missing code to handle a change in the Year. Fixes: #4629
    • Fixed RockPage to replace the Meta Tag with a new one in the same position. Fixes: #4560
    • Fixed inconsistent display of text cursor in Firefox browsers.
    • Fixed an issue where an AttributeMatrixItem fetched by Index from an AttributeMatrix did not display any information. Fixes: #4045
    • Fixed issue where hitting Cancel on the Note Delete confirmation would delete the note. Fixes: #4659
    • Fixed an issue with OIDC (OpenID Connect) not redirecting to the client site if the user declines permission. Fixes: #4681
    • Fixed issues with apostrophes causing errors. Fixes: #4568 #4562
    • Added a secure option to the cookie's samesite setting. Fixes: #4579
    • Added new field type of Captcha to allow using reCaptcha verification in places with custom attributes, such as workflows.
    • Added a new property to Schedules to allow automatic inactivating once the schedule has no more occurrences.
    • Added logging to cache update bus events.

    CRM v12.5

    • Fixed an issue where the Planned Visit Date was not being hidden correctly on the Family Pre-Registration block. Fixes: #4720
    • Added a new bookmark and 'quick return' feature for even faster navigation inside Rock.
    • Improved responsiveness of New Family block attributes on mobile devices. Fixes: #4700
    • Improved contrast on default tag colors. Fixes: #4706

    Engagement v12.5

    • Added a new StepProgramCompletion model to represent the completion of a set of program steps by a participant.
    • Fixed issue where SmsPipelineDetail, GroupMemberList (mobile), and StepEntry could take a while to load the first time. Fixes: #4627

    Event v12.5

    • Added Show All Events in Detail block setting to the mobile Calendar View block to enable showing all events rather than only the selected day's events.
    • Fixed the Export Calendar Feed function to output exceptions in a format that can be processed by third-party calendar applications. Fixes: #4635
    • Fixed the Export Calendar Feed function to correctly export events with no scheduled end date. Fixes: #4639
    • Fixed an issue in Event Placement where inactive child groups of a parent group were added when adding multiple groups.
    • Fixed an issue in event placement where detaching a placement group for the registration instance would detach all the groups for the instance and leave only the template groups.
    • Updated the Registration Instance Payment Reminder block to save the email in the Communication history.

    Finance v12.5

    • Fixed a bug in Giving Analytics that caused Data View result options not to appear after filtering by a Data View. Fixes: #4712
    • Fixed an issue where the Expiring Credit Card Notices job could get an exception if the expiration year is null. Fixes: #4728
    • Fixed issues with the number box (currency) not formatting correctly. Fixes: #4730
    • Fixed an issue where the Statement Generator didn't include contributions from deceased people. Fixes: #4559
    • Added credit card expiration date to Schedule Transaction Edit block
    • Added several new features to the Rock Statement Generator found in Admin Tools > Power Tools > External Applications.
    • Added a new property to the Scheduled Transaction model to track the date and time a scheduled transaction was inactivated.

    Group v12.5

    • Fixed an issue with the group selector being disabled in certain circumstances. Fixes: #4696
    • Fixed Group Member to allow for deletion if any group member assignments are present. Fixes: #4697
    • Updated the Group Finder block to include new features to control zoom behavior and location precision.
    • Modified the behavior of the Group Member List block to show error flags on inactive group members who do not meet group requirements.
    • Fixed Group Capacity Warning in Leader Toolbox so that blank capacities are not treated as a capacity of zero. Fixes: #4547

    Lava v12.5

    • Fixed an issue where setting a recursive Global attribute value can cause Rock to become unresponsive. Fixes: #4551
    • Fixed an issue where accessing FinancialPaymentDetail attributes may return an error. Fixes: #4519
    • Fixed an issue where the Device List block shows an error message in custom columns. Fixes: #4715

    Mobile v12.5

    • Fixed an issue that would cause the mobile OnboardPerson block to fail if campus selection was hidden.
    • Fixed an issue in mobile AddToGroup block that could generate an error if the individual was logged in.
    • Fixed Mobile bundle not including the Info and Brand colors.
    • Added Daily Challenge Entry block to allow for processing daily challenges setup in the system for the user to complete. (Requires mobile shell v3)

    Prayer v12.5

    • Fixed an issue in the Mobile Prayer Request Details block that caused an error to display when attempting to add a new prayer request.

    Reporting v12.5

    • Improved the UI of the Service Metrics Entry block.
    • Updated Group Participation Report Field to correctly persist the user selection. Fixes: #4556
    • Updated the Service Metric Entry block with additional filtering settings.
    • Fixed an issue with the grid not selecting the correct records and added the Show Launch Workflow option to the Dynamic Data Block. Fixes: #4686
    • Fixed an issue that caused the Giving Amount Data Filter to always exclude deceased individuals, even if "include deceased" was selected on the Data View. Fixes: #4557
    • Fixed issue when exporting a report to Excel that caused the Lava fields to not be included. Fixes: #4673
    • Added logic to the "Process BI Analytics" job to check the formatted value length before trying to INSERT it. Values over 250 characters after applying formatting will be skipped over and not inserted. This will match the behavior of the job when loading unformatted values. This will prevent field types such as "URL Link" from creating a value that is too big for the Analytics table.
    • Fixed an issue with the Page Parameter Filter block's default values not populating correctly. Fixes: #4694

    Workflow v12.5

    • Updated the SMS Send workflow action to allow setting the From field using a defined value from the "SMS Phone Number" defined type.
    • Updated Workflow Trigger logic to allow comparison to the underlying integer values triggering from fields that use enumerated values (e.g., you may use either "Approved" or "3" for triggering when a Communication entity is approved). Fixes: #4552
    • Added options to Workflow Entry to filter which Campuses are listed for the Person Entry form.
    • Added the ability to write interactions from the workflow entry block.
    • Added conditional fields to the workflow Form action.
    • Fixed an issue with the Send Email (System Email) Send To Email Addresses not working correctly when the field included Lava. Fixes: #3921
    • Fixed an issue where Send Email With Events was logging events even after the workflow had been completed. Fixes: #4722
    • Fixed a bug that prevented Notes created by Workflows from triggering Note Watch notifications.

    Rock v12.4 Released June 14, 2021

    CMS v12.4

    • Resolved an issue that caused the Content Channel Item Detail block to remove all tags if any tag was removed. Fixes: #4676
    • Improved KPI shortcode styling to improve appearance and browser compatibility.

    Check-in v12.4

    • Updated the Family Pre-Registration block to have additional options to allow an individual to select the day and service that they plan to attend.
    • Performance Improvements for Checkin Manager.
    • Fixed an issue with the device id not being saved when entered via the URL. Fixes: #4655
    • Fixed Live Metrics block to only display count for active checked-in. Fixes: #4665
    • Fixed JavaScript change that caused issues with Check-in. Fixes: #4666
    • Added new En Route block to the Check-in Manager for special cases that are useful to some organizations.
    • Added the ability to control the header text of the blocks that make up check-in. The old "Title" block settings that previously held the block's header text have been removed. Admins should update any custom values in the new Check-in Configuration "Header Text" section.

    Communication v12.4

    • Updated the Communication List Subscribe block to show the description in the communication list.
    • Fixed the Communication List Subscribe block to only show active communication lists. Fixes: #4650
    • Fixed an issue with the Nameless Person attributes not getting merged correctly. Fixes: #4646

    Connection v12.4

    • Prevent a connection from being transferred to the same Connection Opportunity and display the Group Member Attributes in view mode. Fixes: #4660
    • The Enable Request Security block setting that was formerly controlling the feature has been replaced by the same setting found in the Connection Type's configuration.
    • When Enable Request Security is on, security can be set using the "Security" option in the menu on the individual request from within the connection board.
    • The Connection Opportunity Search block will now respect the security settings on the opportunities. Fixes: #4654
    • Security on connections has been implemented consistently. This many mean that some individuals who had access to requests no longer do. This can easily be fixed by adjusting the security on your Connection Types and Opportunities.

    Core v12.4

    • Added PurposeKey to Followings to allow for specifying the custom purpose of the following.
    • Fixed issue where 'back dating' option notes didn't show the date picker correctly. Fixes: #4682
    • Fixed pickers displaying with incorrect heights inside of modals.
    • Updated default avatar in connection request to show gendered version if known. Fixes: #4599

    CRM v12.4

    • Updated procedures when saving a person record to clear "Self Inactivated" Review Reasons when the person is re-activated. Fixes: #4645
    • Added a System Configuration setting that enables businesses to always display in the Person Picker.
    • Fixed issue with person matching where the email address comparison was case sensitive. Fixes: #4640
    • Fixed an issue with the Public Profile Edit block that caused it to delete all phone numbers when editing a record.

    Engagement v12.4

    • Fixed a bug that caused an error when viewing Steps if the Step Program was inactive. Fixes: #4617
    • Resolved a bug that prevented modifying Entity-level Security for Steps. Fixes: #4683
    • Added Start Date to Person Step List Block.

    Event v12.4

    • Fixed an issue with inactive accounts showing in the Registration Account Information of an Event Registration. Fixes: #4657
    • Fixed issue in birthday following notification for Friday birthdays not sending notification. Fixes: #4634
    • Fixed issue in Event Registration where the discount code text box would not appear if the registrant was taken off the waitlist and there was no cost for the event. Fixes: #4653
    • Fixed issue in the RegistrationInstanceRegistrationList block where filtering the Registrations by Payment Status would not show registrations that have not paid any amount. Fixes: #4613

    Finance v12.4

    • Fixed issue with using wrong Expiration Date property. Fixes: #4695
    • Updated Giving Analytics block to restore functionality from prior versions allowing you to select all currency types and transaction sources by clicking on the heading. Fixes: #4450
    • Updated Financial Payment Details to store the expiration date and name on card un-encrypted.
    • Improved the load time for the Event Registration Matching block.
    • Replaced Contribution Statement Lava block with a new a Contribution Statement Generator block which uses templates found under Finance > Statement Templates. The block is only replaced if you had not previously modified the stock lava template that originally came in the block settings. These statement templates will also be used by the upcoming, new Contribution Statement Generator external application in a future version of Rock.
    • The previous "Currency Symbol" Global Attribute has been replaced with "Organization Currency Code". This new attribute is a Defined Type value which has a 'Symbol' attribute that holds the currency's symbol. Although Rock's internal code automatically uses this, via Lava you could use: ` {{ 'Global' | Attribute:'OrganizationStandardCurrencyCode','Object' | Attribute:'Symbol' }}`

    Group v12.4

    • Fixed issue on the GroupDetail block where the Archive button would be shown for users that do not have Edit access to the group. Fixes: #4630
    • Fixed issue in the Group Scheduler Toolbox block where inactive groups were displayed for blackout dates. Fixes: #4668
    • Fixed Group Scheduler to correctly display longer full names. Fixes: #4664
    • Fixed issue where a group that had a mix of Group Location Schedules with and without configurations caused an error on the Group Schedule Toolbox block.
    • Fixed issue in birthday following notification for Friday birthdays not sending notification. Fixes: #4634
    • Updated the Group Finder Hide Overcapacity Groups block attribute to display when editing the block settings. Fixes: #3945
    • Updated the group member list to show a warning indicator for group members who have group requirement warnings and to differentiate between unmet requirements and warnings. Fixes: #4570

    Lava v12.4

    • Updated the Lava Where filter to add support for complex filter expressions.
    • Fixed issue with the Sparkline Chart shortcode where the box displays "Loading..." instead of showing the chart. Fixes: #4693
    • Fixed an issue where the TitleCase filter incorrectly removes special characters. Fixes: #4612

    Mobile v12.4

    • Added new My Prayer Requests and Answer To Prayer blocks.
    • Added new Add To Group block which allows a person to join themselves into a group of your choice (Requires mobile shell v3).

    Reporting v12.4

    • Fixed an issue with the Step Statuses not displaying correctly on the Data View Edit screen. Fixes: #4674
    • Fixed an issue with the Step "Statuses" not displaying correctly on the Data Views edit screen. Fixes: #4674
    • Added some polish to the settings inside the Dynamic Data block and new setting to allow for automatic inclusion of a panel.
    • Added the ability for metrics to partition a Person data view by Campus.
    • Updated the DataViewDetail and ReportDetail blocks with a new setting called "Add Administrate Security to Item Creator". When this is set to "Yes" then whoever created the item will automatically have the security permission to edit and administrate the item added. The default value for this setting is "No". The behavior of Rock prior to v12.4 was to automatically grant the item creator "Edit" and "Administrate" permissions. As of v12.4 this will not happen unless the new block setting is set to "Yes". This release does NOT change the security permissions for any existing data views and reports.
    • Improved the 'run metrics' for Data Views to no longer increment when they are being persisted by the Update Persisted Dataviews job.
    • Updated the Service Metrics Entry block to allow selecting multiple Schedule Categories.

    Workflow v12.4

    • Adjusted the constraint on the "Person Attribute From Fields" workflow action to only require a first name and last name.

    Rock v12.3 Released April 19, 2021

    API v12.3

    • Fixed Lava Webhooks to properly send CORS headers and once again support CurrentPerson merge field. Fixes: #4574 #4575

    CMS v12.3

    • Fixed issue where the HtmlContent block would sometimes not re-appear correctly when used in Secondary block mode. Fixes: #4572
    • Updated Bootstrap styled select elements to maintain the same style across all browsers (including iOS).
    • Updated KPI Shortcode to use new syntax.
    • Improved security.
    • File Browsers Updates - A permission change has been made on the Rock File Browser to improve security. Many may not realize it, but the file browser modal runs as an iframe that hosts a Rock page. Security on this underlying page has been updated. Individuals who do not have access will no longer see the file browser in their HTML editor. This editor is used in the HTML control and Communication Entry block (among others places). If you want to allow other roles to access this feature, you can adjust security under the Internal Homepage > System Dialogs > Rock File Browser page

    Check-in v12.3

    • Improved tap sound performance and reliability on core check-in themes.
    • Updated Check-in Manager Roster so that the Check-Out button will prompt for service if the selected attendee(s) are checked into more than one service. Also, Check-in Manager will now display the currently selected check-in configuration.
    • Fixed Rapid Attendance Entry to allow disabling attendance. Fixes: #4498
    • Fixed an issue with the Phone Number lookup button incorrectly showing on the Mobile Launcher block. Fixes: #4447

    Communication v12.3

    • Fixed an issue with SMS pipeline actions not sorting correctly. Fixes: #4624
    • Fixed an issue with the Send Grid HTTP integration that required the Save Communication option to be checked for emails to actually be sent via the Send Grid API. Fixes: #4582
    • Updated the Communication Entry Wizard block's Communication Types setting so that if "Recipient Preference" is selected, all active communication transports will be used during the creation of the communication. Fixes: #4588
    • Default Communication Entry Page - Rock ships with a default communication entry page on the Stark External Site. While we don't recommend that people use the pages of the sample External Site (they're a template) we know that many people have used them on their production sites. We adjusted the security of this page to require an individual be an Administrator or Staff member to access the page. You may want to adjust this setting if you are using this page for a production group toolbox.
    • Updated help text to provide additional information on how CSS inlining works with communication templates. Fixes: #4631
    • Updated the Communication Entry Wizard to support using a PersonId query string parameter.

    Connection v12.3

    • Updated so that Connection Requests that come out of Future Follow-up state no longer appear as idle.
    • Fixed an issue that allowed incorrect workflows to be shown. Fixes: #4614
    • Fixed issue where the Connection Opportunity Signup block does not display default value for attributes. Fixes: #4605
    • Fixed Connection Opportunity Workflow Trigger job to handle connection requests when no future follow-up date workflows are configured. Fixes: #4539

    Core v12.3

    • Updated the Model Map with some needed polish.
    • Fixed FontAwesome from flashing unstyled squares while loading icon fonts.
    • Fixed issue where the Send Group Attendance Digest job would include inactive groups. Fixes: #4583
    • Fixed issue where a Person's email address could be deleted when registering for an event if they weren't logged in, and if email wasn't required for registration. Fixes: #4591
    • Fixed issue where merge templates return blank when coming from tags. Fixes: #4590
    • Fixed Configuration Value Set on Date Field Type. Fixes: #4576
    • Added attribute support in Notes.

    CRM v12.3

    • Updated the public profile edit block's edit mode with an improved layout.

    Engagement v12.3

    • Fixed an issue with the Step Completed workflows not firing if the step was added via a workflow. Fixes: #4606

    Event v12.3

    • Fixed issue where groups were not added or detached correctly with multiple Group Placement Tabs. Fixes: #4383
    • Fixed an issue where an exception can occur if multiple kiosks are getting their configuration at the same time for one time events. Fixes: #4649

    Farm v12.3

    • Added configurable polling wait time and also increased default polling thresholds.
    • Stop nodes from acting on messages before they are fully started and fixed bug with the node detail showing the wrong node.

    Finance v12.3

    • Fixed issue in Giving Analytics Block where end date is not included in "and did not give between" range. Fixes: #4593

    Group v12.3

    • Improved the Group Scheduler Sign Up page. People will no longer be able to sign-up after the Maximum Capacity has been reached. The checkbox will not be selectable and the time will be displayed in muted text and will show "(filled)" after it.
    • Added Decline Reason information to Group Scheduler Analytics, Group Scheduler Status Board, and Group Scheduler.
    • Fixed an issue where the Send Group Requirements Notification job would include inactive group members. Fixes: #4583

    Lava v12.3

    • Fixed issue where Marital Status was displayed in the wrong spot on the public My Account page. Fixes: #4585
    • Removed Obsolete tag from IsScheduleActive/IsCheckInActive properties of Schedule model to ensure they remain accessible in Lava code. Fixes: #3471

    Mobile v12.3

    • Updated Pre/Post-HTML Pre/Post-XAML when editing a Mobile Block.
    • Workflow Entry block now allows WorkflowTypeGuid= query string parameter to specify the workflow type.
    • Added functionality for mobile applications to use custom welcome/splash screens on each launch.
    • New block to handle onboarding of a new person into the application.
    • Fixed issue in Mobile Group Edit block that would throw an error if Show Header was turned off.
    • Fixed an issue that caused Group Member Edit block to error if Show Header option was turned off.

    Prayer v12.3

    • New block setting for Mobile and Web Prayer Session blocks to enable writing Interactions each time a Prayer Request is prayed for.

    Reporting v12.3

    • Fixed an issue with the weekly metrics entry block that would cause a null exception. Fixes: #4553
    • Fixed Page Parameter Filter block to support page routes.
    • Fixed DataView filtering for Person In Registration Template excluding inactive instances. Fixes: #4607

    Rock v12.2 Released March 10, 2021

    Rock McKinley 12.2 Improved security.

    Core v12.2

    • Improved security.

    Rock v12.1 Released March 1, 2021

    API v12.1

    • Added a new API REST endpoint for printing check-in session labels to a particular device printer.

    CMS v12.1

    • Re-added brand-color CSS variable to Rock theme to maintain backwards compatibility.
    • Updated the Event Item Occurrences Search Lava block with new settings to filter the search results.
    • Changed the ShortLinkList block on the Short Links page to support custom grid columns. Fixes: #4529
    • Fixed Public Profile Edit block to sort family members by age. Fixes: #4366
    • Added a new block setting to the Login block to allow customizing the username label.
    • Added ability to specify that a Rock Mobile page should hide the Navigation Bar.

    Check-in v12.1

    • Updated preview URL domain to The previous one ( is now defunct and not functional. This fix has been back-ported to 11.4 but is not included in the 12.0 package. Fixes: #4441
    • Added “In-Room Check-in Experience” enhancements to Check-in Manager.
    • Added a block setting to the Select Check-in Area block to limit which check-in configuration types are available/listed for the check-in manager system.
    • Updated the Check-in Manager's Live Metrics block to allow opening and closing classrooms again. Fixes: #4569

    Communication v12.1

    • Added a "ISmsPipelineWebhook" interface to allow plugin developers to set the webhook URL that appears in the Sms Pipeline Details block. Fixes: #4487
    • Fixed SMS Conversations from incorrectly scrolling.
    • Fixed an issue where a communication was always being saved to a person's history, even if the "Save to History" flag is set to false. Fixes: #4507
    • Fixed an issue where the entire button wasn't clickable inside of an email built with the Communication Entry Wizard. Fixes: #4503
    • The Communication Entry Wizard has been simplified and visually refreshed with a cleaner look and feel.
    • Updated Twilio webhooks to avoid "Invalid Body" warnings from Twilio. Fixes: #4123
    • Updated the logic of the Rock job engine to not write communication records when emails are sent regarding failed jobs.
    • Added the ability to add videos in the Email Wizard. Initial support is provided for Vimeo and YouTube. This feature will automatically create the thumbnail and link based off the provided URL to the video hosting provider.
    • Added the ability to add video links to emails in the Communication Wizard.
    • Added the ability to copy previous communications from the Communication List block.

    Connection v12.1

    • Allow connection board to support Markdown in connection request comments. Fixes: #4563
    • Added new configuration option to the My Connection Opportunities Lava block to exclude connection types.
    • Added new advanced settings on connection opportunities to allow for showing or hiding the status field, connect button and campus field (during transfer).
    • Updated the Connection Request Board to only list Active activities while adding a new activity. Fixes: #4527

    Core v12.1

    • Updated the Database Maintenance job to exclude table indexes without names from the list of indexes that should be rebuilt. Fixes: #4464
    • Removed developer.css from Rock.
    • Fixed issue where an Address attribute would show the location's Name instead of Street Address if that same address was used for a campus location. Fixes: #4580
    • Resolved issues with setting Step Program Step Type attribute values on entities with the Entity Attribute Values block. Fixes: #4412
    • Fixed issue where a new Address would not default to the Organization's country. Fixes: #4581
    • Added a new "Family Inactivate" workflow action that easily inactivates an entire family.

    CRM v12.1

    • Added a new block setting to the AccountEntry block to use the person's required email address to be the username.
    • Added new option to inactivate all family members in the Email Preference Entry block for use with the 'Not Involved' choice.
    • Fixed Family Attendance Badge to show correct tooltip. Fixes: #4497
    • Fixed the Public Profile Lava to avoid repetition of the word "Family" in the family name. Fixes: #4542

    Engagement v12.1

    • Fixed Invalid URL to Person Profile on Step Participant List Block. Fixes: #4543
    • Added Key Performance Indicators to Step Programs and Step Types.

    Event v12.1

    • Fixed issue where the RegistrationEntry would get an error when loading a registration that is over or doesn't exist instead of the friendly message. Fixes: #4538
    • Fixed inability to remove (i.e. set to $0.00) fees during registration. Fixes: #4558

    Finance v12.1

    • Added a new Event Registration Matching block for matching existing batch transactions to a corresponding event registration (similar to the Fundraising Matching block).
    • Updated the Contribution Statement Lava block to sort the transactions from oldest to newest (was previously set to display newest to oldest).
    • Added TargetPerson as a Lava merge field to the Contribution Statement Lava block.

    Group v12.1

    • Updated the Group Schedule Toolbox block to prevent a double postback when changing the Starting On date.
    • Changed the group scheduling auto-schedule logic to use the least recently scheduled 'available' person instead of only randomly choosing from the available people.
    • Changed the Group Member Detail block to default new members' communication preference to 'No Preference' so that their normal profile preference is used instead of being overridden unnecessarily.
    • Updated the Group Finder block so that campus filtering will occur when the "Enable Campus Context" is enabled (and a campus is in the context) when the "Display Campus Filter" is disabled. Fixes: #4355
    • Fixed issue causing Mobile Group Edit block to give an error when tapping Cancel button in certain configurations.
    • Fixed Group Detail block to create its own copy of attribute Values without making any change to the original group. This fixes an issue where attribute values were being lost from the original group when creating a new group using the group copy feature. Fixes: #4509
    • The GroupDetail block has new setting called "Add Administrate Security to Group Creator". When this is set to "Yes" then whoever created the group will automatically have the security permission to administrate the group added. The default value for this setting is "No". The behavior of Rock prior to v12.1 was to automatically grant the Group creator "Administrate" permission. As of v12.1 this will not happen unless the "Add Administrate Security to Group Creator" block setting is set to "Yes". This release does NOT change the security permissions for any existing Groups.

    Lava v12.1

    • Fixed an issue with a Lava helper not handling null values. Fixes: #4550
    • Added new Lava filters for reading and writing cookies.

    Reporting v12.1

    • Updated the family analytics stored procedures to correctly set the AttributeValue's ValueAsNumeric field. Fixes: #4184
    • Fixed behavior of dynamic reports with "In Group(s)" filters where a group is deselected at run time.
    • Fixed an authorization issue that prevented creation of DataViews for Notes.
    • Fixed an issue with the Data View's last refresh date not displaying correctly. Fixes: #4515

    Rock v12.0 Released January 4, 2021

    Watch the v12.0 release video to learn about this release of Rock RMS.

    Rock 12.0 is a major update with several new features and improvements including the Check-in Manager, Connections, Group Scheduling, and much more. This release also has fixes for issues that were reported during the previous release(s).

    API v12.0

    • Fixed an issue with the ContentChannel with recursive children causing an application crash.

    CMS v12.0

    • Improved the externally facing Public Profile Edit block (aka My Account page) with a cleaner look and feel and to use a Lava template to control the view mode. Since this change may have affected the current look, Rock administrators should verify the look and style after the update.
    • Improved syntax highlighting for Lava files in the code editor.
    • Updated to FontAwesome 5.15.1
    • Updated the Site Detail block to always show the 'Index Starting Location' and renamed it 'Crawling Starting Location' to make this field more re-usable for multiple purposes. Before it was limited to the starting point for the universal search to harvest the pages of the site.
    • Added page cache control header settings similar to the cache settings on the REST actions.
    • Added cache control headers ('Last-Modified' and 'ETag') to the GetImage.ashx to improve PageSpeed metrics.
    • Added an option in the Content Channel Item View block to display the most recent item if no URL parameter is provided.
    • Added ability to use 301 permanent redirect in Redirect block.
    • Added new feature to Content Channel View block to enable easy creation of archive (past) items links.
    • Added the ability to quickly enable/disable the web cache for the HTML, Content Channel and Internal Communication blocks directly on the admin toolbar.
    • Fixed an issue with Universal Search ignoring filters. Fixes: #3672
    • Fixed issue in the Asset Manager Picker where a folder could not be created if more than one picker existed on the block.
    • Fixed Public Profile Edit block to edit the correct address when in multiple families. Fixes: #4484
    • Fixed issue where a 404 could occur if a route had a space in it (e.g. search terms used in the route path). Fixes: #4453

    Check-in v12.0

    • Fixed mobile check-in confirmation code incorrectly auto-filling on iOS. Fixes: #4500
    • Added a new "attendance type" Defined Type used to help classify an attendance occurrence as physical/in-person, virtual/online, etc.
    • A new check-in manager app will allow room attendants to open and close classrooms, mark a person as 'present' in the classroom, etc.
    • Added optional RockCleanup job setting to perform some automated clean-up on recent attendance records. The job will un-set the DidAttend field if the person was never marked present in cases where the Check-in area configuration has the "Presence" feature enabled.
    • Fixed an issue where an error occurs when deleting a Schedule with Attendance history. Fixes: #3552

    Communication v12.0

    • Implemented Twilio 'signature validation' option in the Twilio transport component.
    • Added missing ForeignKeys from CommunicationTemplate ImageFileId and PushImageBinaryFileId fields. Fixes: #3582
    • Added Person filter to the SMS Conversations block to ease finding messages created by the viewer.
    • Added progress reporting to the Communication Entry block to prevent timeouts with a large number of recipients. Fixes: #4041
    • Fixed the communication editor to not allow undo to clear the contents of a message.

    Connection v12.0

    • Added a new setting to Connection Types to define which page should be used when viewing details for any corresponding Connection Requests.
    • Added a board view for Connection Requests.

    Core v12.0

    • Fixed business connection status to not set to any default value. Fixes: #4199
    • Fixed bug in Summernote JS to correct reversed paragraph order when using paste from Word. Fixes: #4340
    • Fixed issue with NCOA job that caused report failure because of HTTP to HTTPS redirects. Fixes: #4540
    • Fixed Rock Shop purchased plugin images from cropping incorrectly. Fixes: #4508
    • Fixed sorting on Attribute Values. For instance, sorting on a person attribute in the registrant list. Fixes: #4332
    • Fixed a bug that was requiring that the keys in the Key Value List had to be unique to work properly.
    • Added an Open Id Connect authentication component.
    • Added message bus and web farm to enable communication and coordination of multiple Rock instances.
    • Added database models for upcoming features: Message Bus and Web Farm
    • Added new OpenId Connect (OIDC) server to allow 3rd party applications that have OpenID Connect integration (such as Church Online Platform) to use your Rock server as the authentication system.
    • Added a new LocationList field type for selecting or adding new locations from a configured parent location.
    • Updated the use of DDay.iCal to switch over to a newer, supported Ical.Net library for iCalendar (RFC 5545) use in Rock.
    • Updated Public Application Root to require a trailing forward slash. Fixes: #4351
    • Automatically perform block compilation in the background after a restart to improve performance for first viewer of a page's blocks.
    • Disabled cache statistics by default to increase performance, but they can be enabled manually under the Cache Manager if needed.
    • Improved the Campus and Campuses field types to allow them to be filtered by campus type and or campus status based on the attribute configuration.

    CRM v12.0

    • Fixed issue where a non-mandatory Address Field Type does not allow an empty address to be entered. Fixes: #4432
    • Fixed issue where a communication preference of SMS could be set even when the person didn't have an SMS phone number. Fixes: #4428
    • Updated the warning message shown when merging people who have email addresses and user logins.
    • Improved saving a person by adding logic that will automatically convert curly single quotes into the standard single quote character (ASCII 39) so that searching and finding match/duplicates works better.

    Engagement v12.0

    • Added achievements features that allow any entity to earn achievements.
    • Add achievement for completing a step program.
    • Added the badge type "Achievement".

    Event v12.0

    • Fixed issue in Registration Entry where filtered questions wouldn't save their values. Fixes: #4354 #4358
    • Updated the Event Item Occurrence Detail block and redesigned it to allow quickly adding a slug without a registration or a group.
    • Updated Group Scheduling to support scheduling more than one group at a time. This update also includes many other improvements and features to group scheduling.

    Finance v12.0

    • Fixed kiosk transaction entry block to allow giving in cents. Fixes: #4510

    Group v12.0

    • Updated Group Scheduling so that scheduling conflicts in multi-schedule mode would do a better job of handling and displaying what the conflicts are. Also, updated Group Scheduling so that a Group with scheduling disabled would be displayed in a way that indicates that it doesn't allow scheduling. Fixes: #4468
    • Updated the Group Schedule Status Board to not show inactive schedules. Fixes: #4471
    • Added Attendance in Groups option to the Group Attendance Filter.
    • Added new option when moving group members (of ‘Fundraising Group’ group types) to also move the corresponding financial transactions.
    • Fixed issue in Group Placement where a member could not be removed unless the user was a Rock Admin, even if the user had Edit or Manage Member permissions on the Group. Fixes: #4395

    Lava v12.0

    • Improved the handling of parsed Lava templates by caching them for improved performance.
    • Improved the 'FromCache' Lava filter to be able to return all the items from a cache.
    • Added new ImageUrl filter to simplify making an image URL.
    • Added a feature to allow single and multiline/block comments in Lava templates using the shorthand notation "//-" and "/- -/".
    • Added new Lava filter "AddResponseHeader" to add Response headers.
    • Added additional parameters (Source, Medium, Campaign, Content, and Term) to the Interaction Write and Interaction Content Channel Item Write Lava commands.

    Reporting v12.0

    • Added new DataView Results block which can be used to show the results of a Data View. This also introduces an option to launch a workflow from a DataView results grid.
    • Added a new Data View filter and a Report field to make it easy to find and report on Notes created by people within a given period of time.
    • Updated the Report Detail block to show time to run and run count similar to the Data View Detail block.

    Workflow v12.0

    • Added ability to gather individual and spouse information from a workflow.
    • Added the popular "Change Log" (Notes block) recipe to the Workflow Configuration page.
    • Fixed an issue where the Required property is not correctly enforced for Attribute Matrix and Value List attributes. Fixes: #4393
    • Fixed issue where the Show HTML workflow action wouldn't display correctly if the Workflow Entry block wasn't named 'Workflow Entry' Fixes: #4521

    Rock v11.5 Released October 11, 2022

    Core v11.5

    • Improved security.

    Rock v11.4 Released March 11, 2021

    CMS v11.4

    • Fixed "Content Channel Navigation" block settings. Parent category is no longer required. Fixes: #4457

    Check-in v11.4

    • Fixed Aero Theme from not scrolling people correctly. Fixes: #4479
    • Fixed Checkin Aero Theme from hiding "Another Person" button on individual checkin.
    • Updated the EditLabel block with a new attribute for the label preview URL. This will allow the URL to be adjusted when the Labelary API URL changes. Fixes: #4441

    Communication v11.4

    • Fixed issue where an error would occur when creating a personal communication template from a communication.
    • Fixed issue where an error would occur when creating a personal communication template from a communication. Fixes: #4481

    Core v11.4

    • Improved security.

    CRM v11.4

    • Updated the ForgotUserName block and corresponding "Forgot Usernames" system communication to not show the password reset link if the user login type does not support password resets. Fixes: #4438
    • Fixed an issue with the Following Suggestion List not passing the correct items to the bulk update functionality. Fixes: #4474
    • Updated the Public Profile Edit block to have a 'Require Gender' setting and when true, hide the 'unknown' value from the gender picker.

    Event v11.4

    • Fixed issue in the RegistrationEntry block where the select family members drop-down would appear empty if the template had Same Family set to Ask and Show Family Members was not checked. The drop-down will not show if Show Family Members is not checked. Fixes: #4478

    Group v11.4

    • Improved Group Leader Pending Notifications to only send communication to active leaders. Fixes: #4489

    Prayer v11.4

    • Fixed issue in prayer session to not cause validation on clicking next and back button. Fixes: #4488

    Reporting v11.4

    • Fixed an issue where a Metric Category Picker might not retain previously selected Metric Categories when editing the field.
    • Fixed issue in reports where the Total Giving field would export as a string instead of currency. This fixes an issue where the Grid would left-align the Total Giving column, and show an excel warning that the number is formatted as text. Fixes: #4473

    Workflow v11.4

    • Fixed issue in reporting where a Workflow Attribute filter would sometimes lose its configuration. This fixes an issue where a Dynamic Report block does not work with Workflow Attribute filters. Fixes: #3407

    Rock v11.3 Released November 3, 2020

    CMS v11.3

    • Updated the Interaction Transaction to extract and store any utm_* URL querystring parameter values into the corresponding field of the Interaction record.
    • Allow printing in color in all themes.

    Check-in v11.3

    • Updated Rapid Attendance Entry block to create cookie with unique key and validate setting on load. Fixes: #4422
    • Updated Mobile Launcher to hide login button if no page is specified in Login page block attribute. Fixes: #4415
    • Updated the attendance code service to avoid duplicate codes in a Redis Backplane environment.

    Communication v11.3

    • Updated Communication Template help text to clarify how the 'template-logo' div works. Fixes: #4333

    Connection v11.3

    • Updated the Campaign Configuration to allow setting the "Daily Limit of Assigned Connection Requests" when the "All at Once" option is used. When used, this will cause a portion of the created connection requests to be assigned (as many as possible based on the number of available connectors and daily limit). Fixes: #4434
    • Updated campaign connection to correctly create records when Limit to Head of House is enabled. Fixes: #4461

    Core v11.3

    • Fixed Address field type to correctly set the state. Fixes: #4291
    • Fixed typo on Notes Block Attribute. Fixes: #4413
    • Fixed issue where a Named location would sometimes display the street address instead of the Name. This fixes an issue where the Group Scheduler would show the group location as a street address instead of the location's name if the group location had a street address. Fixes: #4397
    • Updated the GroupMember code so that the Entity Property Set workflow action would work properly. Fixes: #4407
    • Updated the FieldType code so that the Event Registration Filter could support a boolean Toggle or Checkbox. Fixes: #4379

    Event v11.3

    • Improved the ability for the RegistrationEntry block to find a person record for a registrant by including the Birthday and Mobile Phone as search parameters. This will help prevent Ted Decker Jr. returning Ted Decker if they share an email address. Fixes: #4454
    • Updated Event Registration Detail block to correctly update ComparedToRegistrationTemplateFormFieldGuid on copy. Fixes: #4352
    • Fixed Event Item Occurrence Detail block to properly remove the registration linked to it. Fixes: #4245
    • Fixed issue where images do not show correctly in Registration confirmation and reminder emails. Fixes: #4429

    Finance v11.3

    • Fixed issue where an error would occur when editing a Scheduled Transaction. Fixes: #4385
    • Fixed issue in Transaction Matching where pressing Enter in an amount box no longer navigated to the next page. Fixes: #4300

    Group v11.3

    • Updated Group Tree View block to display the correct count of child groups. Fixes: #4449

    Rock v11.2 Released October 5, 2020

    CMS v11.2

    • Fixed an issue with the Parent Grid showing incorrect data. Fixes: #4361
    • Fixed a caching issue with the GroupListPersonalizedLava block that would cause the block to crash. Fixes: #4405
    • Improved Content Channel View so that attribute filters in the URL will support passing in multiple values for defined values attributes that have 'Allow Multiple' enabled.
    • Updated to FontAwesome 5.14.0

    Check-in v11.2

    • Updated Rapid Attendance Entry with single save button to clear up any confusion. Fixes: #4384
    • Updated Check-In to only list active devices. Fixes: #4338
    • Updated Rapid Attendance Entry to prevent saving the notes if left blank. Fixes: #4430
    • Added option to Check-in to determine Kiosk by IP/Name when using URL Configuration option but without specifying KioskId in the URL.
    • Fixed issue with person attribute values not being saved when entered through the Rapid Attendance Entry block. Fixes: #4370
    • Fixed Aero theme to show all check-in group ability levels. Fixes: #4401

    Communication v11.2

    • Fixed an issue with invalid email addresses not being deactivated when using SendGrid. Fixes: #4279

    Connection v11.2

    • Fixed issue where a Calling Campaign with thousands of people could take a very long time to open the 'Get Additional Requests' dialog. Fixes: #4282

    Core v11.2

    • Improved the summary message of the Database Maintenance Job.
    • Fixed an issue with the PageZoneBlocksEditor adding multiple controls with CustomerAdminControls. Fixes: #4403
    • Fixed issue with exclusive routes for non-RockRMS sites where the admin toolbar configuration pages got a 404 message. Fixes: #4346
    • Enables Lava for the Initial Instructions, Verification Instructions, Individual Selection Instructions, and Phone Number Not Found Message attributes of the Phone Number Identification block. Fixes: #4389

    CRM v11.2

    • Fixed an issue with the Show Security Button attribute not being respected on the Documents block. Fixes: #4406
    • Fixed attendance duration badge when duration is weeks. Fixes: #4391

    Event v11.2

    • Updated the Event Registration block to put the event registration templates in alphabetical order. Also, changed the drop down to be enhanced for long lists. Fixes: #4417
    • Fixed issue where inactive registration templates were shown on the Event Item Occurrence Detail block. Fixes: #4418
    • Resolved issue with account not being set when creating a new event registration instance through the Event Registration Wizard when cost is set on the registration template. Fixes: #4392
    • Fixed an issue with the currency fields on the Registration Instance Registration List block not exporting to Excel in the correct format. Fixes: #4402
    • Fixed event registration filter disappearing. Fixes: #4353

    Finance v11.2

    • Added setting to decrease amount of text generated by the Download Payments job. Fixes: #4381
    • Fixed issue where an error would occur when editing a Scheduled Transaction when using the PayFlowPro gateway. Fixes: #4385
    • Fixed an issue where an error would occur when doing a refund on an NMI ACH transaction. Fixes: #4411
    • Fixed issue where editing scheduled transactions could change currency type to Unknown. Fixes: #4437

    Group v11.2

    • Fixed an issue with child Group Type attributes not being correctly searched. Fixes: #4059 # #4343

    Reporting v11.2

    • Fixed an issue with the DataViewDetail block not using the Include Deceased flag when running the dataview. Fixes: #4399

    Workflow v11.2

    • Added new workflow action for adding a document to the given, configured entity.

    Rock v11.1 Released September 15, 2020

    CMS v11.1

    • Updated the default styling of the Toggle to use the primary color of the theme to prevent confusion of what is the active state.
    • Added tag list to the Content Channel Items block.
    • Fixed issue in the PageProperties block where clicking cancel while creating a new top level page would navigate back to the CMS Configuration menu. Fixes: #4305
    • Fixed a bug with the HTML Form block that would blank e-mails. Fixes: #4347
    • Fixed issue in ContentChannelDetail where an unused textbox "Item URL" was still displayed. Use "Content Channel Publishing Point" to specify the item URL for an RSS feed. Fixes: #4289

    Check-in v11.1

    • Fixed a regression with Family Select Check-in scrolling. Fixes: #4330
    • Fixed Aero theme rendering issues in Internet Explorer and the Windows Check-in Client.
    • Updated Rapid Attendance Entry Block to correctly update person email. Fixes: #4306
    • Fixed Electric Theme to allow uploading the image from the Theme Styler block.
    • Fixed Check-in ItemCache issue where the cache was not being cleared on kiosks when the Clear() method was called when using the Redis backplane. Fixes: #4325
    • Updated Rapid Attendance Entry Block to remove all inactive schedules from the Picker. Fixes: #4311
    • Added a 'Has Cutter' attribute to printer devices so server side printing could perform automatic label cutting at the end of the label set or when a label has a '^FX ROCK_CUT' command. Also, updated the Windows Check-in Client app and iPad Check-in app (v1.9.1) with a new 'Enable Label Cutting' option for the same enhancement.
    • Improved the check-in QR code print handling to not try to print anything if labels are not configured to print. Fixes: #4324
    • Updated the Attendance Self Entry block to allow setting an optional Location picker or passing in a LocationId.
    • Updated sounds so they can be customized directly inside of theme folders.

    Communication v11.1

    • Updated Send Notification to correctly get personal devices of people in groups and to log push attempt errors. Fixes: #4005
    • Improved the Communication Approval Email by making it a configurable item under Admin Tools > Communications > Communication Settings.

    Connection v11.1

    • Fixed an issue where a Workflow Type couldn't be removed from a Connection Type and/or a Workflow couldn't be deleted if Connection Requests have already been created that use that Workflow Type. Fixes: #4068

    Core v11.1

    • Fixed typo on code editor control. Fixes: #4345
    • Fixed grid buttons on Rock theme to only override background on .btn-default and .btn-danger Fixes: #4396
    • Fixed an issue where a Group Location with an incomplete address may cause an Exception when editing a Group. Fixes: #4261
    • Fixed issue where getting a list of group/family members could include deceased group members. Fixes: #4281
    • Fixed issue in Redis Cache where a Stack Overflow error would occur if a Campus attribute using a drop-down list was used. Fixes: #4302
    • Fixed inability to delete unsecured file types. Fixes: #4323
    • Fixed issue in the "Defined Value Picker With Add" controls where an error would occur in some dynamic forms such as workflow forms. Fixes: #4317
    • Updated the Following By Entity Lava block to correctly delete following item. Fixes: #4297
    • Fixed an issue where loading a grid with a page size greater than 500 items could cause post-back errors. Fixes: #4308
    • Fixed a bug that was requiring that the keys in the Key Value List had to be unique to work properly.
    • Updated Authorization cookie to allow SameSite to equal "None" instead of not being set. This will be compliant with the latest Official IETF specifications. Fixes: #4342
    • Updated Lava to find the include file when run via a job. Fixes: #4278

    CRM v11.1

    • Fixed bug in the Step Participant List that was preventing deleting a person from the list. Fixes: #4200
    • Fixed the age formatting on the Public Profile page so that yrs, mos, days, "old" displays correctly. Fixes: #4286
    • Fixed person merge issue where documents were not included in the merge. Fixes: #4373

    Engagement v11.1

    • Fixed the delete button on the Step Participant List block. Prior to the fix, clicking the button did not delete the Step Participant. Fixes: #4200

    Event v11.1

    • Fixed an issue where configuring more than one of the same person field to an event registration form and setting them to show in grid would cause an exception. Fixes: #4276
    • Fixed issue in the RegistrationEntry block where the discounted cost summary on the summary screen and the success screen could be different if the discount is larger than the per registrant cost. Fixes: #4016
    • Resolved issue where Event Registration Wizard does not show Account setting. Fixes: #4295
    • Fixed an issue where some Events on the Calendar page show an incorrect date range. Fixes: #4327
    • Fixed typo in Event Registration Template Detail Block. Fixes: #4307
    • Updated the Registration Instance Registration List block to include the necessary JavaScript to handle deletes correctly. Fixes: #4254
    • Fixed issue on the RegistrationInstanceRegistrantList block where a campus was not displayed in the grid.

    Finance v11.1

    • Fixed issue in Transaction Matching where Spouse would be required if Marital status was not set (Spouse should only be prompted for if the Marital status is Married). Fixes: #4316

    Group v11.1

    • Fixed an issue where inactivating a Group with a large number of members may fail with a timeout. Fixes: #4299
    • Fixed an issue where saving Attendance for a Group with no associated Schedule causes an exception. Fixes: #4198
    • Updated the Group Finder block to use only active members for the member count and average member age.
    • Fixed the help text for the Sync Interval in the Group Detail block. Fixes: #4271
    • Updated the code to validate the Group Capacity rules when restoring a group member. Fixes: #4258

    Lava v11.1

    • Fixed an issue where accessing a navigation property of a Lava entity may fail with a "NoTracking" error. Fixes: #4293

    Prayer v11.1

    • Fixed issue in PrayerRequestEntry block where prayer attributes using a radio button list where not getting saved. Fixes: #4290

    Reporting v11.1

    • Fixed issue where a Report and its DataView's ModifiedDateTime fields would be updated every time a Report is run. Fixes: #4321
    • Fixed an issue where an Item Picker set as Required may allow an empty value. Fixes: #4303

    Workflow v11.1

    • The Workflow Launch block can now accept workflow attribute values (passed in the query string) which will be set when launching a workflow.

    Rock v11.0 Released July 22, 2020

    API v11.0

    • Updated the RestKeyList block to show inactive REST users. Fixes: #1782
    • Improved the Metrics API by adding a previous metric date and value for comparisons/trends.

    CMS v11.0

    • Fixed Content Channel Item ordering. Prior to the fix, manually ordered items were not appearing in the expected order or would be re-ordered to an earlier state. Fixes: #2522
    • Fixes to auto-complete text (in theme's .less file) so that it is no longer the same color as the background. Fixes: #4082
    • Fixed an issue where the same static route on two different sites that have two different parameter names will only go to the appropriate site's page and not the other site. Fixes: #4102
    • Fixed issue where enabling exclusive routes for sites other than RockRMS would cause a 404 when attempting edit those sites. Fixes: #4002
    • Fixed the Page Copy feature to not copy Content Channels with the page. Fixes: #4177
    • Fixed an issue where HTML Content Detail blocks lose their content when submitting an email via the Email Form block. Fixes: #4237
    • Added the ability to edit site attribute values on the site detail block.
    • Added the ability to upload images for use as a variable in LESS/CSS theme editor.
    • Added Categories to Content Channel.
    • Added an IsGlobal setting for Page routes. This setting will allow a site to load a route/page from another site even if the site has Exclusive Routes enabled. Internal site pages for adding and configuring pages and blocks are marked as global pages by default.
    • Added block setting to the Page Map block to allow filtering by the site type (website or mobile).
    • Improved performance of logging page views and other types of interactions.
    • Improved the logout redirect process for secured pages. This will now redirect the user to the root URL, instead of to the default page directly. For example, the person will be redirected to "" instead of "" or "". Fixes: #4129
    • Updated to FontAwesome 5.13.0
    • Improved interactions by updating existing records when a page is renamed and prompting to delete records when a page is deleted.
    • Improved performance of the HtmlContentDetail block by around 25% or more.
    • Updated jQuery to version 3.5.1.

    Check-in v11.0

    • Fixed an issue where Configuring Checkin for Geo Lookup disables IP lookup. Fixes: #3259
    • Fixed check-out to show buttons as active when people are selected.
    • Fixed Check-in search to use the correct width searchbox when using registration mode.
    • Added a new Check-in theme "Electric" with dark mode included.
    • Added a new Check-in theme "Aero", featuring a new layout.
    • New Mobile Check-in Launcher block for performing geo-location based check-in. The block also generates a QR code that can be scanned at stations/kiosks to print labels.
    • Added sound effects to Rock's core Check-in themes.
    • Updated the "Aero" Check-in theme to support phone sized viewports.
    • Attendance Analytics exports now separate addresses into meaningful columns, and add Gender and Grade to Attendees, Parents and Children where applicable.

    Communication v11.0

    • Added changes to Rock to allow for multiple SMS Pipelines.
    • Added support for an HTTP based SendGrid communication transport.
    • Added a "Replace Unsafe Sender" option to Mailgun HTTP Properties. Adding a flag for allowing to not replace unsafe sender email addresses.
    • Added date range options for Email Analytics.
    • Improved the performance of the Send Communications Job. This fixes an issue where the job could take a long time to complete, even if there are no communications to send.
    • Improved performance on SMS Communications. This fixes an issue where it could take 5-30 seconds per recipient to save an SMS communication, and also 5-30 seconds to query for an SMS recipient from a Response Code. These operations will now take less than a couple of milliseconds. Fixes: #4180
    • Fixed an issue with Group Member not showing in Merge Fields for the Simple Editor. Fixes: #3858
    • Fixed a bug where the 'Only unsubscribe me from the following lists' would not show in the Email Preference Entry block unless the person was logged in. Fixes: #3330

    Connection v11.0

    • Added the ability to trigger workflows when a Connection Request's Future Follow-up date is reached.
    • Added the ability to enable securing Connection Requests to be viewable/editable by Connectors via a new Enable Request Security setting on the Connection Type.
    • The Transfer button on the Connection Request Detail page will only appear if there are other opportunities to transfer to. Fixes: #3963
    • Connection Statuses can now auto-inactivate a request when selected.

    Core v11.0

    • Updated Date Pickers to parse two-digit years as a nearby year, "5/1/15" will be parsed as "2015", not "15". If the year is less than 10 years in advance, the picker will use the current century, otherwise, it will use the previous one.
    • Updated the Range Slider control to allow for decimal values and added step value to control.
    • Updated UpdateBinaryFileType to be compatible with both the new and old BinaryFileType schema. Fixes: #4284
    • Optimized the Rock Cleanup job when cleaning up Interactions, Interaction Sessions and updating page load times.
    • Updated the Rock Cleanup job to prevent timeout errors when cleaning up old interactions and updating the median page load times.
    • Changed Rock impersonation token login handling to prevent interfering with the person's current login if they are already logged in as the impersonated person/token.
    • Improved the speed of the RockCleanup job when searching for orphaned AttributeMatrix rows. Fixes: #4174
    • Updated Persisted Dataset to respect the configured Lava commands. Fixes: #4164
    • Renamed/Moved the ChannelId property to be called 'InteractionChannelId' on the InteractionComponent model.
    • Fixed Named Location Editor not saving custom attribute values when adding new location. Fixes: #3657
    • Fixed the grid filter button styling so that it does not interfere with picker controls.
    • Fixed an issue that was allowing double postback for radio buttons. Fixes: #4140
    • Updated MetricAnalyticsViews to allow any partition label that contains whitespaces. Fixes: #3809
    • Added a System Configuration setting to allow changing the amount of time a Rock issued security cookie is valid.
    • Added the ability to add a Defined Value to the Defined Value Field Type so a new value can be created through the picker.
    • Added Google Cloud Storage as an Asset Storage provider.
    • Added support for Azure Cloud Storage to Rock's Asset Storage Providers system.
    • Added a block that can perform person identification based on a given phone number and SMS confirmation code.
    • Added new options to better control BinaryFile caching.
    • Added a new job that can be configured to re-open child Locations of a parent Named Location which were closed within a configurable time period.
    • Added new options to better control REST caching for GET results/requests.
    • Added recent login activity as criteria for the Data Automation settings/system.
    • Added median page load times to the Page model. This displays on the Page Detail page.
    • Added the ability to define a component cache duration for an interaction channel.
    • Added a new toggle "Switch" UI control for developers.
    • Fixed an issue where Lava variables can sometimes return incorrect results when the page (containing the Lava) is loaded simultaneously from multiple users or from multiple browser tabs. Fixes: #4084
    • Updated the RockLiteralField and RockTemplateField classes (i.e. Addresses, etc.) to turn HTML breaks (BR) into CRLF's before stripping out HTML when exporting to Excel. Fixes: #4226

    CRM v11.0

    • Removed Modernizr JavaScript from core themes to improve performance on modern browsers.
    • Added the ability to merge businesses.
    • Added a new "Include Deceased" option on Data Views that apply to People. This enables the creation of data views that were not possible before. Fixes: #3821
    • Added a way to control what parts of an address are considered necessary when the address is required. This can be changed using the Requirement Level settings in the Countries Defined Type.

    Engagement v11.0

    • Added a job to automate the creation of Steps based on a Data View.

    Event v11.0

    • Fixed an issue with the Credit Card Type being lost during Registration Entry if the 'Previous' button is clicked. Fixes: #1717
    • Fixed a problem where a blank instruction page might show in Event Registration. Fixes: #3937
    • Added an option to disable Saved Account usage in Registration Entry.
    • Added Connection Status to Registration Registrant and Wait List grids. Fixes: #3224
    • Made several improvements to the event registration signup process, such as hiding "$0.00" in the fee selection drop-down list when there is no fee cost.
    • Improved event registration to allow changing an auto-applied discount code in the event that someone has an alternate discount code they've been instructed to use.

    Finance v11.0

    • Fixed an issue in the PayFlowPro gateway where the billing name shown on PayPal reports was incorrect if the Name on Card was different than the person's first and last name. Fixes: #4090
    • Fixed issue where the Expiring Credit Card job wasn't detecting expiring cards from NMI.
    • Added a new "Allow Donations Until" date field on fundraising opportunities. Fixes: #4103
    • Added an option to the Expiring Credit Cards job to remove saved accounts that have expired.
    • Updated the NMI Gateway to support getting the status of a scheduled transaction from NMI. This will make the Next Payment Date information more accurate and enable the Refresh Status button on the Scheduled Transaction detail page.
    • Improved validation and error handling for NMI Gateway. Fixes: #2084

    Group v11.0

    • Added a group of type 'Campus Team' to all campuses, as well as a way to add people to roles within this new group.
    • Added a setting to allow a group to opt out from using the schedule toolbox and/or from group scheduling entirely.
    • Updated the Group Scheduler to improve its appearance on external themes.
    • Updated SendGroupEmail to be able to use the new SMS features of the SystemCommunication template.
    • Added a 'Sync Interval' to GroupSync so a synchronization doesn't have to occur every time the GroupSync job runs.
    • Fixed the group copy functionality to not copy the group attribute data for the Matrix field type. Fixes: #3768
    • Fixed the group edit block to correctly display the delete button. Fixes: #4274

    Lava v11.0

    • Fixed an issue where special characters in Lava shortcode parameters (pipe/comma/plus) may be incorrectly translated to other characters. Fixes: #4054
    • Added a new Lava command for writing specific interactions.
    • Added new EntityFromCachedObject Lava filter ( This allows the user to turn a Cached object into a real Entity object. Fixes: #4089

    Other v11.0

    • Fixed an issue where the the Database Maintenance job would get an error rebuilding indexes 'IX_GeoFence' or 'IX_GeoPoint' when the 'Use ONLINE index rebuild' option is set to 'Yes'.

    Reporting v11.0

    • Fixed issue with Metric Value Details block where some metrics could not be saved for single campus instances. Fixes: #4206
    • Fixed an issue where known/family relationships are not listed when running Reports on deceased individuals. Fixes: #4120
    • Changes to track how often reports are run and how long they take to run.
    • Improved performance of the Giving Amount and First Contribution Date data filters.
    • Added new properties to Data Views and Reports to track how often Data Views are run and how long they take to run.
    • Added new settings to the ServiceMetricEntry block to allow control of how to handle empty fields.

    Workflow v11.0

    • Added options for setting a CC and BCC in the Email Send Workflow Action.
    • Added new 'Add Prayer Request' workflow action.
    • Added Launch Workflows function to grids. This allows all of the items in the grid to be grouped, a workflow type selected and workflows launched for each item.
    • Added Custom Actions to the block setting's "Custom Grid Options" tab. This allows user defined actions to be launched from grids for items in that grid.

    Rock v10.4 Released March 11, 2021

    CMS v10.4

    • Fixed an issue where some types of content in the HtmlContent block may break page formatting in the CMS Configuration Page Viewer. (cherry picked from commit 97e8069af9dc9028ed4245083119ba94258ae2df) Fixes: #4121
    • Added fullscreen mode to code editors by pressing F11.
    • Updated the public profile edit block to correctly disable the name fields. Fixes: #3272
    • Updated the HTML block to use ContextName and Context Values as intended. Currently any ContextValue (CampusId=1) would not be specific to the block instance. This should instead only be limited to ContextNames (not values).

    Check-in v10.4

    • Fixed an issue where the Rapid Attendance Entry block passes an incorrect Location parameter when launching a Workflow. Fixes: #4238
    • Fixed issue where Kiosk Registration Mode sometimes does not honor required attributes (as configured in the Checkin configuration) Fixes: #4244

    Communication v10.4

    • Updated the Mailgun webhook to correctly handle bounces from the new API.
    • Fixed an error that would occur when registering a large group of RSVP recipients from the Communication Entry Wizard. Fixes: #4264

    Core v10.4

    • Improved security.
    • Updated the history service and grid control to correctly export without errors. Fixes: #4256
    • Fixed an issue where adding custom Grid columns could cause CSS classes to be applied to the wrong columns. Fixes: #4137
    • Fixed issue where SQL Server 2019 can throw an exception when executing the GetAddress function. Fixes: #4251
    • Fixed issue where themes might fail when RockWeb restarts, or when manually compiling a theme shortly after a restart. Fixes: #4255
    • Fixed an issue where the Process BI Analytics Job may time out before the configured Command Timeout period. Fixes: #4249

    CRM v10.4

    • Fixed issue where merging Person records with invalid Attribute Matrix values may fail with an error. Fixes: #3995
    • Fixed an issue where some Password Managers may incorrectly display the "Forgot Account" page during auto-login. Fixes: #3252

    Engagement v10.4

    • Fixed an issue where an unauthorized user could add Steps using Step Bulk Entry block . Fixes: #4262

    Event v10.4

    • Fixed an issue in Event Registration where the Previous button on the summary screen would jump back to Registration Start instead of returning to the last registrant's form. Fixes: #4130
    • Fixed issue where a registrant dynamic control with a filter condition prevented fields from auto-filling. Fixes: #4099

    Finance v10.4

    • Fixed an issue within the Check Scanner Utility where the Transaction Type buttons disappear when clicking them. Also added the ability to move to the next transaction by pressing the Return/Enter key when Capture Scanned Amount is enabled. Fixes: #3957

    Group v10.4

    • Fixed an issue where Group Attendance List may show records earlier than the start date specified by the grid filter. Fixes: #4202

    Prayer v10.4

    • Fixed issue in the PrayerRequestDetail block where the Campus List is empty if one was not selected when the prayer was created. Fixes: #4243

    Reporting v10.4

    • Fixed a performance issue where a DataView Spouse Transformation could time out. Fixes: #4268
    • Fixed an issue where attempting to sort a Report by a phone number displays a warning. Fixes: #4196
    • Fixed issue where newly created Attribute fields do not show in DataView filter list. Fixes: #4240

    Rock v10.3 Released June 22, 2020

    API v10.3

    • Added new POST /api/Interactions/Import endpoint that can be used to quickly bulk import Interaction Records

    CMS v10.3

    • Added server side form validation to the Captive Portal block to prevent blank persons from being created. Fixes: #3940
    • Fixed an issue that was causing the Family Attributes in the Public Profile Edit block to not appear in the block settings. Fixes: #4108
    • Fixed bug that was causing the Child Content Channel Items to be ordered incorrectly.
    • Fixed issue where Urls were generated with http even though site is loaded over https. Fixes: #4115
    • Updated the Page Menu block to re-add the CurrentPage merge field. Fixes: #4169

    Check-in v10.3

    • Added a new Attendance Self Entry block for quick self service attendance recording which pairs nicely with Church Online Platform's version 4 "Moments" feature.
    • Added the ability for Lava to read the individual properties of the Registration Instance. Fixes: #4201
    • Fixed the Attendance Analytics block to allow sorting attendees in the grid by Campus. Fixes: #4051
    • Fixed Rapid Attendance Entry to load locations when a single group is configured. Fixes: #4212
    • Fixed check-in to show loading indicator when selecting a family.
    • Fixed issue where Windows Check-in Client displays a script error when selecting a gender for a newly-added Person. Fixes: #4043
    • Changed the check-in system's Welcome block's "Allow Label Reprinting" setting to be enabled by default.

    Communication v10.3

    • Improved the SMSConversations block to save user preferences between logins. Fixes: #4131
    • Improved performance of SMSConversations block in getting the conversations to display. Fixes: #4131
    • Updated viewing communications to use GUIDs in the link.
    • Updated the Send Assessment Reminder, Send Attendance Reminder, Send Prayer Comments, and Send RSVP Reminder jobs to only send email to people with active email addresses. Fixes: #4124
    • Improved the performance of phone number matching in TextToWorkflow and SMS Pipeline. The phone matching step is around 100x faster.
    • Fixed the SMS Number drop down to work correctly by converting it to use a RockDropDownList. Fixes: #4040
    • Fixed an issue with the SMS Pipeline when using an IIS Cluster and Redis that caused SMS Actions to not cache correctly across servers.
    • Fixed incorrect mobilePhone (NumberTypeValueId) information in the 'Group Member Notification' system communication. Fixes: #4156
    • Fixed a problem with Reply-To not working in the MailgunHttp transport when a sender did not pass the SafeSender check.
    • Fixed issue where a copied communication could send a person multiple emails if that person has been merged since the original communication. Fixes: #4215
    • Fixed the Recipient Details grid to allow a communication to be created for everyone in the grid. Prior to the fix, only the people currently displayed on the screen would receive the communication. Fixes: #4234
    • Fixed an issue where the CommunicationDetail block's Recipients column selection list had duplicate entries after tab reload. Fixes: #4197
    • Fixed an issue with Communication Templates and System Communication Templates where the HTML would become corrupt if there was any Lava logic in the template. Fixes: #4185
    • Fixed an issue where editing a communication during the approval process would not display the correct segment filter(s) or segment filter type. Fixes: #4144

    Connection v10.3

    • Added the Connection Campaigns system that was originally released as a plugin.
    • Fixed security for Connection Request Attributes in the Connection Opportunity detail block. Fixes: #4205
    • Cleaned up Connection Requests exported to Excel by removing HTML from certain columns. Fixes: #4204
    • Fixed an error on the Connection Request Detail block that caused an error when Badges were selected. Fixes: #4183
    • Fixed connection opportunity block to correctly update when a photo is removed. Fixes: #4214
    • Updated the connection opportunity detail block to correctly set QualifierValues in order to properly trigger 'Activity Added' workflows. Fixes: #2029

    Core v10.3

    • Fixed a bug that prevented users from selecting items in pickers containing both categories and items. Fixes: #1632 #3942
    • Fixed an issue that would cause any matrix-attributes used in a Connection Request to be removed by RockCleanup job. Fixes: #4092
    • Fixed and improved performance of Rock Cleanup job handling orphaned attribute values. Fixes: #4174 #4127
    • Fixed the HistoryLog block so that any underlying problems trying to fetch data will not throw a page exception. Fixes: #4220
    • Fixed issue where the Person Picker search box is not reset after adding a recipient to Simple Communication, Group Attendance or Bulk Update. Fixes: #4216
    • Fixed an issue with the campus picker, where a visibility setting to hide didn't work in some instances. Fixes: #4172
    • Fixed issue where the document upload control did not show when using a custom background check provider. Fixes: #3793

    CRM v10.3

    • Updated the Top Person Signal Badge to consider the Expiration Date. This resolves an inconsistency where setting an expiration date on a person signal was not causing the Top Signal Badge to go away, even after running the Calculate Person Signals job. Fixes: #4113
    • Fixed a problem that would occur when calculating a person's age when the person's birth year was unknown (or invalid). Fixes: #3881
    • Updated internal code to correctly set the GivingLeaderId and updated the FamilyPreRegistration block to correctly set the GivingGroupId. Fixes: #4027
    • Modified the scale field result values (used in Assessments attributes) to always return whole numbers in order to display the correct text value (ex: Low, Medium, High). Fixes: #3959
    • Fixed an issue where Assessment results from a merged Person record cannot be accessed. Fixes: #4114
    • Updated Family Pre-Registration block to improve format consistency. Fixes: #4221

    Engagement v10.3

    • Added a feature to Steps that allows reporting using the attributes of the steps.
    • Added support for providing a Campus on Steps.
    • Fixed an issue where Step Type Workflow Triggers may be overwritten by changes to Triggers in the associated Step Program. Fixes: #4203
    • Fixed typo in Step Type Detail "Spans Time" help text. Fixes: #4189
    • Fixed an issue in the Step Type Detail block where the Default Date Filter block setting was not correctly applied. Fixes: #4188
    • Fixed the Step Program List and Step Type List blocks to prevent reordering of the items by people who do not have Edit permission. Fixes: #4191
    • Fixed Step Program List and Step Type List blocks to allow drill-down for people with View permission. Fixes: #4190
    • Fixed an issue where a person without Edit permission could add or edit a Step from the Person Profile Steps tab. Fixes: #4192
    • Added an option to show the campus column to the Person Program Step List when necessary.

    Event v10.3

    • Fixed Calendar Item Lava to make .ics event download work in Firefox or Safari. Fixes: #3856
    • Added 'Event Calendar Item' attribute edit/delete security check to the Calendar Event Item Detail block. Fixes: #4065
    • Fixed an issue where fees that allowed multiple items and multiple quantities showed a validation error in Firefox browsers. Fixes: #4118
    • Fixed an issue where the Select Family drop down list did not display for single person registrations. Fixes: #4101
    • Fixed the filter on the Registrant Grid and Wait List. Prior to the fix, these were not being updated according to the provided filter criteria. Fixes: #4171
    • Updated the Active Registration Instance List block to honor template security. Fixes: #4126
    • Added Default Payment Amount to Event Registration Wizard. Fixes: #4134

    Finance v10.3

    • Fixed the date range filter used by the Pledge Analytics block so that it returns any pledge with a start or end date that falls within the specified date range. Prior to the fix, the Total Giving Amount was showing all giving for the Account and did not respect the Date Range selected. Fixes: #3478
    • Fixed issue in PayFlowPro gateway where a 'Name Required' error would occur for ACH transactions given from a Business. Fixes: #4116
    • Fixed an issue where editing a scheduled transaction might not update the payment details correctly. Fixes: #4155
    • Fixed issue in Edit Scheduled Transaction so it shows the account public name instead of the account internal name. Fixes: #4153
    • Fixed the FundraisingList block to only display 'active' groups. Fixes: #4224

    Group v10.3

    • Moved the old Communication List's group member communication preference 'attribute values' to the new group member Communication Preference property.
    • Updated the Fundraising Donation Entry and Fundraising Progress blocks to support inheriting from Fundraising Opportunity group type. Fixes: #4136
    • Updated the GroupScheduleToolbox block to allow for the entry of a Decline Reason if the group type requires it. Fixes: #4145
    • Improved the GroupScheduleToolbox block to save the campus value to the Attendance record when adding a person to the schedule. Fixes: #4109
    • Updated 'Post Attendance To Group' action to consider attendance date with time while saving attendance. Fixes: #4159
    • Fixed group scheduler block that was showing inactive locations and schedules. Fixes: #4104
    • Fixed an issue in Group Tree View where the configuration panel would get hidden if the the person didn't have rights to Edit the selected group. The configuration gear should always be shown regardless of rights. Fixes: #4150
    • Changed the 'Percent Members Attended' column back to the original 'Percent Attended' column behavior that existed prior to v10.2.
    • Fixed issue in Group Detail where the group type drop down might show an incorrect list of group types (introduced with Camp Tool feature). Fixes: #4217
    • Updated the Group Member validation to ignore the group member currently being added when comparing the count of group members to the group's capacity. The new member was previously being counted twice in the validation. Fixes: #4207

    Lava v10.3

    • Fixed issue where the ToJSON Lava filter might throw an exception on objects in some situations. This fixes an issue where ToJSON on an object loaded with Lava entity commands could throw an exception when converting a Person property to JSON. Fixes: #4094
    • Fixed Lava's Attributes so that only active attributes are included in the list. Fixes: #3915
    • Added a way to get SystemSettings via the Attribute filter similar to how Global Attributes are fetched.
    • Fixed SanitizeLava() to handle null values. Fixes: #4175

    Prayer v10.3

    • The Allow Encouraging Comments on the Add Prayer Request block will now default to the Default Allow Comments setting. Fixes: #4181
    • Updated the Prayer Request Entry block to use attribute value container control. Fixes: #4161
    • Changed to prevent showing inactive campuses in the Prayer Session block on the prayer team page. Fixes: #4160

    Reporting v10.3

    • Fixed issue where Metric Value Details block didn't auto-select the single active campus. Fixes: #4206
    • Fixed issue with the Total Giving reporting field where it was not factoring in Refunds. This also includes a fix to the amount option in the Total Giving field type. Now it will only show the total giving amount if the *total* amount meets the provided criteria. Fixes: #4042
    • Fixed issue where exporting ('Report to Excel') resulted in duplicate columns being generated for Lava field types. Fixes: #3950
    • Added new criteria on the Person Note data view filter for finding notes by creation date.
    • Added the Page Parameter Filter block to core (donated by Bema Services upon request by Core Team and Community). This matches the version in the Rock Shop, with some requested additions.

    Workflow v10.3

    • Fixed Workflow Entry block causing exception when first added to page. Fixes: #4166
    • Added new workflow action to add a person to an existing family.
    • Changed the 'Content Channel Item Add' and 'Step Add' workflow actions to store the created item into an optional workflow field attribute if supplied.

    Rock v10.2 Released March 27, 2020

    API v10.2

    • Added ValueFormatted as an available field when getting AttributeValues when using the REST API with the LoadAttributes option.
    • Added REST endpoints to /api/People/ for getting and setting user preferences and user block preferences.

    CMS v10.2

    • Updated to FontAwesome 5.12.0.
    • Added Google Cloud Platform as an option for the Asset Storage Provider.
    • Added keyboard shortcuts for the admin bar actions: Alt-B for Block Config, Alt-P for Page Properties, Alt-Z for Page Zones, Alt-L for Child Pages.

    Check-in v10.2

    • Improved the polling mechanism of the check-in system to use an API call to reduce load on the server. Also improved check-in so that kiosks automatically recover after IIS and server restarts.
    • Added additional items to the attendance code "ban" list. Fixes: #4142
    • Improved Check-in label reprinting to include option to choose the "Print For Each" Family type labels in addition to the Person types.
    • Fixed check-in UI rendering issue in iOS.
    • Added the ability to enter notes and prayer requests, and the ability to launch workflows, to Rapid Attendance Entry. This allows for the rapid entry of common connection card information in addition to, or in place of, attendance entry.

    Communication v10.2

    • Fixed issue in MailGun Http email transport where alternative email formats (e.g. "First Last") were considered invalid. Fixes: #4060
    • Fixed missing Email Analytics page. Fixes: #4063
    • Fixed logic in the CommunicationQueueAlert job to avoid false alerts with certain 'scheduled' communications. Fixes: #3038
    • Fixed CommunicationDetail block timeout for Communications with a large number of recipients. Fixes: #4093
    • Moved (copied) SystemEmail to new SystemCommunication to allow adding SMS capabilities to "system" communications and added RSVP reminder properties to Group Type and Group. Future updates to plugins should change from using the now legacy SystemEmail to using SystemCommunication.
    • The Create Date for saved draft communications will be reset before the communications are queued for sending. Fixes: #3537

    Connection v10.2

    • Improved the Connection Request Detail block to allow for a simple Lava Heading Template and Lava Badge area, as well as improved attribute editing.
    • Updated the connection request transfer opportunity to default to the current opportunity.
    • Fixed the My Connection Opportunities grid list to correctly sort the connector column. Fixes: #4067
    • Fixed error "Field contains invalid characters" on the ConnectionOpportunitySignup block when the current person's name has an apostrophe. Fixes: #4085
    • Resolved error when attempting to transfer connection opportunities when there are no available opportunity types to transfer them to. Fixes: #4011
    • Fixed issue with duplicate connection workflow caused by creating a copy of a Connection Type. Fixes: #3919

    Core v10.2

    • Fixed the Database Maintenance job from failing due to non-Rock (non-dbo schema) tables existing in the Rock database. Fixes: #3297
    • Fixed incorrect pending member count in the "Group Leader Pending Notifications" job's status message. Fixes: #4062
    • Added a new editor which stores its data as structured JSON allowing for richer javascript editors to be used in certain places.
    • Added new MetricItemPicker control and MetricField attribute.
    • Improved the simple display value of schedules with a multi day-of-the-month recurrence pattern. Fixes: #3906

    CRM v10.2

    • Fixed issue where Person Merge might take the wrong person's attribute value if the person without the attribute was selected as the one to keep.
    • Fixed the eRA calculation to handle 'exiting' when the family members are inactive. Fixes: #3824
    • Fixed Rock Badges to display correctly with FontAwesome Light as the default weight. Fixes: #4004
    • Added Assessment History to the Person Profile's History tab to see and delete (if needed) pending assessment requests. Fixes: #4015
    • Added new security action called "View All Attributes" for the Person Merge feature. Anyone with this security authorization on the block will be able to see all attribute values. Fixes: #3310
    • Removed the block attribute "Allow Retakes" from the Assessment blocks so the AssessmentType's "Requires Request" setting can be used instead.

    Engagement v10.2

    • Added prerequisites for streak achievement types. Prerequisites allow setting achievements that must be earned before the subject achievement is allowed to be attempted.
    • Added ability for interactions to be linked to streak types, allowing streak data to be driven by an interaction channel, component, or medium.

    Event v10.2

    • When a conditional field is dependent on a radio button control the form didn't always validate. Prior to the fix, it was possible to completely skip required fields if you selected the value and quickly clicked “Next” on a form. Fixes: #4139
    • Fixed issue where a blank address entered during Event Registration would update the family address with a blank address. Fixes: #4070
    • Fixed issue where using Grid Filter with long attribute names would throw an exception. Fixes: #3986 # 3971
    • Added a new Advanced Group Placement feature which replaces the previous group placement feature in the administrative event registration portion of Rock.
    • Fixed issue with Group Placement where some registrant attribute field types (ones that don't have filters) would cause an exception. Fixes: #4148

    Finance v10.2

    • Fixed problem with certain transactions causing an error on the Transaction Detail page. Fixes: #4083

    Group v10.2

    • Added an optional Rock job for sending RSVP "reminders" to people who accepted the RSVP a number of days before the RSVP occurrence date (based on the group type or group's RSVP Reminder Offset configuration setting).
    • Added communication preferences to Group Member (for upcoming/future use) and updated the Send Attendance Reminders job to enable working with the group member leader's email/SMS preference.
    • Added new options to the GroupList block (used on Groups tab of Person Profile) to better control how the group picker works for the 'Allow Add' option.
    • Added the ability to filter RSVP responses by Status and Decline Reason.
    • Added a way to optionally collect and require an inactive reason when a group is being marked inactive.
    • Fixed Group Scheduler to display correct messages when the 'Send Now' button is clicked. Fixes: #4012
    • Fixed issue with the GroupSync job not respecting user's email preferences. Fixes: #4086
    • Fixed issue where inactive Group Members were able to be scheduled. Fixes: #4106
    • Fixed an issue where archived group members would not be unarchived when the group was unarchived. Fixes: #4055
    • Added a 'Percent Members Attended' column to the Group Attendance block's list and removed the sometimes misleading 'Percent Attended' column. Fixes: #1793
    • Updated the Fundraising Donation Entry and Fundraising Progress blocks to support inheriting from Fundraising Opportunity group type. Fixes: #4136

    Reporting v10.2

    • Added ability to limit Service Metrics Entry block to specific campuses by passing CampusId page parameter.
    • Fixed an issue with the way Attendance Analytics was not correctly finding "Current" and "Previous" data data due to the settings on the date range selector. Fixes: #4046
    • Fixed Attendance Campus Filter to work correctly with a single campus. Fixes: #4025
    • Fixed issue with Dynamic Data block's results not showing the time if seconds was 0. Fixes: #4028

    Workflow v10.2

    • Fixed an issue caused by using Lava and the "|" character inside of a Workflow entry form. Fixes: #4018
    • Fixed workflow timing issue that could cause the workflow to restart on servers with many CPUs.
    • Fixed issue where the WorkflowEntry Block could cause an exception when adding it to a page. Fixes: #4075

    Rock v10.1 Released December 16, 2019

    Communication v10.1

    • Added block setting to the New Communication blocks to allow enabling the "Is The Communication Bulk" to Yes/On by default.

    Connection v10.1

    • Added capability to allow entering attribute values during connection request signup. To use this feature, first add attributes to the Connection Request using System Settings > Entity Attributes.

    Core v10.1

    • Fixed issue where an empty Campus picker appeared if there were no active campuses. This caused an error on blocks such as the Connection Signup block where a campus selection is required if it is visible. Fixes: #3997

    CRM v10.1

    • Added an "Addresses" section to the Person Merge block, allowing the selected address to be updated on the person's primary family.
    • Fixed incorrect eRA badge alignment. Fixes: #3999
    • Fixed Public Profile Edit block so that it uses the current person's campus when adding a new family member. Fixes: #4003

    Engagement v10.1

    • Added streak achievements. This allows establishing parameters for achievements that people can earn by engaging in the defined streak types. People can earn achievements based on total accumulation or longest streak styles of measurement.

    Event v10.1

    • Fixed the registration signature document (when not using the inline process) to generate a document if the person (registrant) does not yet have a signed signature document for the template being used. Prior to fix, if the person had a signed document with a different template on file, they would not automatically receive a signature request. Fixes: #3608

    Finance v10.1

    • Fixed the Contribution Statement Lava block so that it honors the 'Display Pledges' setting. Prior to the fix, if you set the block settings to not show pledges they would show anyway if the pledge was within the contribution statement's time frame. Fixes: #4000

    Other v10.1

    • Updated Rock Shop UI to include Sponsored Apps and Top Free sections.
    • Fixed missing Font Awesome icons on email template color pickers. Fixes: #3996
    • Fixed issue with Sticky Headers listeners causing JavaScript errors. Fixes: #3994

    Workflow v10.1

    • Added new Rock Job (DataViewToWorkflow) that will launch workflows for every entity in a specified data view.

    Rock v10.0 Released December 16, 2019

    API v10.0

    • Fixed error when loading attribute matrix items through the API. Fixes: #3841
    • Added "getparents" and "getchildren" action to content channel item API.
    • Added new POST /api/Attendances/Import endpoint that can be used to quickly bulk import Attendance Records.
    • Adjusted security on Presence user to allow creation of Attendance records and reading of group type check-in configuration.
    • Added new GET /api/(controller)/FollowedItems endpoint that will return the followed items. For example, /api/Groups/FollowedItems would return a list of groups that the person is following. Either ?personId= or ?personAliasId = can be specified to indicate what person you want to see the followed items for.
    • Added option to specify the attributes to load when using using the loadAttributes option in the REST API.
    • Improved the DataView endpoints for entities by removing tracking (30-50% improvement in speed) and added an additional endpoint InDataView that simplifies how you can determine if one person (or any entity) is a part of a specified data view (a common task).

    CMS v10.0

    • Fixed the Page menu to allow using the word 'error' in the text. Fixes: #3751
    • Added a "status" feature to campuses so upcoming (non-ready) campuses can be added to Rock without causing confusion.
    • Added 50/50 column zones to Rock core theme layouts.
    • Added new Exclusive Routes optional feature to Sites to allow routes to only work on that particular site.
    • Improved Rock to no longer show the 'select a campus' when only one active campus exists.
    • Updated to FontAwesome 5.11.1

    Check-in v10.0

    • Improved the way check-out end-time is calculated. Instead of using the check-in end-time logic (close check-in X minutes after start) it will now use the schedule's end time (start time + the duration) to determine when check-out is occurring.
    • Improved the styling and wording of the auto select page of check-in.
    • Improved performance of LoadGroups check-in action for AttendanceRule.AlreadyBelongs cases.
    • Added SMS Enabled Options for Check-in Edit Family Block. Allows for a "SMS Enabled" selection to be shown with a default of yes or no for the Check-in Edit Family block.

    Communication v10.0

    • Adjusted when merge field resolution occurs on the MailgunHttp.cs transport for cases where it might otherwise resolve to empty.
    • Updated SMS pipeline to create a Nameless person when a phone number comes in that doesn't match an existing person. These nameless person records can then be matched to an existing person record.
    • Added option to the Communication Wizard to exclude recipients that have the same email address or SMS number.
    • Added a save button on the Communication Entry Wizard block to allow saving a communication while it's being created and edited.
    • Fixed the Push Notification Send workflow action to correctly process Lava merge fields.
    • Fixed issue where system emails might log the communication history to the wrong person if other people have the same email address.

    Connection v10.0

    • Added capability to view and edit attributes on Connection Requests. To use this feature, first add attributes to the Connection Request using System Settings > Entity Attributes. Fixes: #3421

    Core v10.0

    • Added option to the boolean field type attribute to specify what type of control to use (DropDown, CheckBox, Toggle).
    • Abstracted badges away from Person model so they can be shown for any entity.
    • Fixed issue where saving or deleting a userlogin that does not have a person associated with it shows an error. Fixes: #3845
    • Added ability to mark defined values as active/inactive. An inactive value will not be included in the list of selectable values for a defined type unless it was previously selected while active.
    • Added SameSite Cookie setting to global attributes. Default setting is Lax for better cookie handling.
    • Added REST endpoint to provide information about service times for use by FrontPorch to configure registering attendance.
    • iCal event feed now properly includes all recurring events that overlap with the requested date range. Fixes: #3502
    • Fixed the IIS job scheduler so that a job will not execute if another scheduler is running the job manually. Fixes: #3156

    CRM v10.0

    • Fixed Merging People with Attribute Matrices inserting a blank GUID AttributeValue when there is no value.
    • Fixed New Family Block silently ignoring invalid birth date. An error will now appear if the date is not in the correct format. Fixes: #3733
    • Added prompt to add people to an existing family in the New Family block if another family has the same address.
    • Added new data integrity report type block for viewing connection status changes for a given date range.
    • Added the ability to edit attribute values on Tags.
    • Added "Edit SMS" security action for the Edit Person block.
    • Added a Group RSVP feature to be used in combination with communications to request whether or not a person will be attending an occurrence of a group's event.
    • Addresses will select the default country when creating new address. Fixes: #3386
    • Improved history so that user account/login changes are logged to person history. Fixes: #2936

    Engagement v10.0

    • Added 'Add Step' workflow action to create steps.
    • Added steps badge.
    • Added steps bulk entry block.
    • Added Streaks feature.
    • Added Steps feature.

    Event v10.0

    • Added the ability to enter a discount code after registration but before making final payment.

    Finance v10.0

    • Updated pledge list to filter on attribute values marked to show in grid. Fixes: #3763

    Group v10.0

    • Improved Group Requirement Types so that a requirement type of SQL has better examples, and also has an option of optimizing the SQL when a specific person's requirements are calculated.
    • Updated Groups so that group members will be made inactive when the group is made inactive. Also updated groups so that group members will be archived when the group is archived. If the group is made active again, it'll also make any group members active if they were marked inactive when the group was made inactive. Fixes: #3592

    Lava v10.0

    • Added filters to calculate cryptographic hashes (Md5, Sha1, Sha256, HmacSha1 and HmacSha256).
    • Added new Lava filter for calculating reading time of a string.
    • Added override to Date Lava filter to allow for {% assign now = 'Now' | Date %}. In this use case no format is required.
    • Added the ability to pass variables and collections into Lava shortcodes. So if you had a collection of groups (loaded say from an entity command) you could pass that into your shortcode like so {[ groupformattedlist groups:groupItems }]. This would make the collection of groups (groupItems) available to the shortcode internals via the 'groups' variable.
    • Added OrderBy Lava filter to provide extensive sorting options when working with arrays.
    • Significantly improved speed of Lava entity commands. See Lava docs for more information on how you can tune your commands using the new 'securityenabled' parameter.

    Other v10.0

    • Fixed issue where update to 10.0 would fail if a campus exists without an associated location. Fixes: #4056
    • Increased performance of Person Search Key searches.
    • Updated Slingshot to support imports of Person Search Keys, 'Receipt' transaction types, and Locations with a location type of 'Other'. Also updated imports of Financial Transactions to match 'Anonymous Giver' if they are not associated with a specific person.

    Reporting v10.0

    • Added ability to limit Service Metrics Entry block to specific campuses. Fixes: #3692
    • Added new, faster Primary Campus data view filters that only check the person's primary campus but not all the possible family campuses to which the person may belong.
    • Added Data Filter "Group/Location Data View" to filter for Groups related to the locations returned by a Data View. Fixes: #1297
    • Improved performance of Dynamic Reports by using the persisted data views that weren't impacted by non-default filter selections.
    • Improved the way persistence is configured for Data Views by using a checkbox list to select minutes, hours, or days and a slider control to select the value.

    Workflow v10.0

    • Added preserving the EntityId and EntityTypeId in a workflow instance if it is persisted.
    • Added the ability to filter Connection Activity Types and Connection Statuses by Connection Type when used as an attribute in a workflow. Fixes: #1541

    Rock v9.4 Released November 6, 2019

    CMS v9.4

    • Improved security.

    Rock v9.3 Released October 23, 2019

    API v9.3

    • We've removed the inherited permissions on the GetImpersonationParameter API endpoint. If you have a custom application that uses that API, you may consider re-adjusting those permissions to suit your needs.

    CMS v9.3

    • Fixed issue where ContentChannelItems were not being filtered by Item attributes defined on the ContentChannelType. Fixes: #3886
    • Row properties are now available in custom Lava columns in the Checkr Request List block. Fixes: #3860

    Connection v9.3

    • Resolved issue caused when attempting to save a connection opportunity associated with an archived placement group. Fixes: #3875

    CRM v9.3

    • Fixed issue where the DISC Profile person attribute was not set to the DISC Results Defined Type. Fixes: #3924
    • Fixed issue in the FamilyPreRegistration block where child info was not being validated when the save button was pressed. Fixes: #3651
    • Improved address functionality to allow a partial address to be saved (e.g. just City and State).
    • Changed the DISC block to show the additional results when viewing another person's score. Fixes: #3863

    Event v9.3

    • Fixed Event Registration Credit Card payment entry not appearing when using NMI. Fixes: #3922
    • Fixed Registration tab's filters on the event RegistrationInstanceDetail block so they properly clear. Fixes: #3892
    • Fixed issue where Registration Payment summary will show $0 amounts if any of the registrants had any charge due to event cost or fees. If no registrant has any costs or fees then the payment summary will not appear (current functionality). Fixes: #3658

    Finance v9.3

    • Fixed issue where comments on scheduled transactions don't show when viewing the scheduled transaction. Fixes: #3876
    • Fixed error on the TransactionDetail block when selecting a currency type if the "Non-Cash" currency type was missing. Fixes: #3894
    • Fixed issue where the Transaction Links block was not redirecting to the correct page, and was giving an "Invalid Token..." error when setting a custom 'Add Transaction Page' in block settings. Fixes: #3903
    • Fixed problem exporting grid values from Fundraising Donation List block by adding IDs to column definitions. Fixes: #3901

    Group v9.3

    • Fixed behavior between three blocks that were sharing the HideInactiveGroups user preference. Fixes: #3890
    • Resolved issue that caused the "Delete" button to show up on some groups when the user did not have access to use the button. Fixes: #3857

    Lava v9.3

    • Updated the NextDayOfTheWeek Lava filter to correct the numberOfWeeks optional parameter. Fixes: #3884
    • Updated GetHeadOfHousehold (used by Lava HeadOfHousehold) so that any deceased people are excluded from the list of options. Fixes: #3854

    Other v9.3

    • Fixed issue where Data Automation may incorrectly change Family Campus for transactions other than "giving" activity. Fixes: #3836
    • Updated the DataAutomationSettings block so that unchecking an interaction channel type displays the setting correctly when reloading the block. Fixes: #3895
    • Updated text rendering and other fixes to prevent the crashing behavior due to Safari's text-render bug in version 13. Fixes: #3916
    • Updated text rendering to prevent crashing behavior in Safari 13. Fixes: #3916

    Prayer v9.3

    • Fixed PrayerRequestEntry blocks showing top-level category in the drop-down list. Fixes: #3322

    Reporting v9.3

    • Fixed PowerBiReportViewer block to respect settings for which panes to show/hide. Fixes: #3887

    Rock v9.2 Released September 11, 2019

    Check-in v9.2

    • Fixed the Check-in family registration system so that it now captures any newly created person's first name. Fixes: #3879

    Communication v9.2

    • Fixed SMS Send workflow action, to allow sending an attachment-only message. Fixes: #3788

    Core v9.2

    • Fixed issue where Payment Reminders were not sent if the registration template or instance did not have a cost but did have optional fees. Fixes: #3646

    Event v9.2

    • Fixed issue where payment information could not be accessed after removing all registrants from an Event Registration. Fixes: #3755
    • Fixed Registration not displaying the Family Member drop down list when "Registrants In Same Family" option is enabled. Fixes: #3874

    Lava v9.2

    • Fixed the new Group Status feature on the 'Groups' Lava filter, so the {{ Person | Groups }} filter will return both active and inactive groups. Fixes: #3868

    Other v9.2

    • Fixed data automation job to not update campuses that were recently updated manually. Fixes: #3835

    Workflow v9.2

    • Fixed issue where a workflow action SendSms didn't send messages to a phone number that did not have a person associated with it, when Save Communication History was selected. Fixes: #3877

    Rock v9.1 Released August 20, 2019

    API v9.1

    • Updated GET /api/{controller}/ REST APIs to internally use AsNoTracking when querying the database. This helps improve performance to be about 50% to 100% faster. Note that if the loadAttributes parameter is specified, the performance will only be a tiny bit faster (probably less than 5%).
    • Fixed WiFi Presence Interaction timestamps being off by 1 hour during DST. Fixes: #3795

    CMS v9.1

    • Updated to FontAwesome 5.10.1.
    • Updated to FontAwesome 5.10.0. NOTE: If using FontAwesome Pro, you will need to re-upload your Font Awesome Pro Package after the update.
    • Fixed error when trying to delete item from Content Channel in the ContentChannelNavigation block. Fixes: #3774

    Check-in v9.1

    • Fixed issue where SMS from the Check-in Manager Person block did not send. Fixes: #3832

    Communication v9.1

    • Fixed a problem with the person picker on the Communication Entry block that would occur when configured for only SMS. Fixes: #3769
    • SMS Simple Communication SMS Phone number picker will display the descriptions if available. The DefinedValuePicker (not multiple or enhanced) will now check the description and show the value if there is no description. This will prevent blank selections in the drop down list. Fixes: #3831
    • Fixed display of "SMS From" phone numbers being limited to 25 characters. The full description will now show in the drop down list. If there is no description, the phone number is used. Fixes: #3831

    Connection v9.1

    • Updated the internally used Connection Request Detail block to utilize the security settings of the Connection Opportunity for view access and removed the security check on the externally facing Connection Opportunity Detail Lava block (which would otherwise prevent people from creating a request).

    Core v9.1

    • Fixed error "Input string was not in a correct format" in Audit transactions. Fixes: #3804
    • Fixed issue with MigrationHelper.UpdateEntityAttribute that caused the Room Management plugin to get a migration exception in 9.0. Fixes: #3851
    • Fixed issue where system created scheduled metrics do not run and user created metrics do not run until after the next schedule time.
    • Added property "Generate Signed URLs" to the Amazon S3 Asset component. The default setting is "No". If set to "Yes" GetDownloadLink() will provide the AWSAccessKeyId value in the URL.

    CRM v9.1

    • Updated edit person block to add deceased date. Fixes: #3734

    Engagement v9.1

    • Fixed issue where the Spiritual Gifts assessment badge would display a lava error if only one gift was dominant. Fixes: #3815

    Event v9.1

    • Fixed issue where the registration instructions did not appear if "Allow Multiple Registrants" was not selected. Fixes: #3805

    Finance v9.1

    • Changed the Fundraising Matching block (aka TransactionEntityMatching) so that it only sets transactions if there is a selected item. Fixes: #3714

    Group v9.1

    • Updated Groups so that group members will be made inactive when the group is made inactive. Also updated groups so that group members will be archived when the group is archived. If the group is made active again, it'll also make any group members active if they were marked inactive when the group was made inactive.
    • Corrected the 'has note' icon to show when the entire 'note' column is not being shown. Fixes: #3846
    • Fixed issue where a GroupSync that has an null group type role will cause an error when logging. Fixes: #3773
    • Added new 'Absence Notification' job to let group leaders know about group members who are absent for a consecutive number of meetings.
    • Added GroupMember as an available merge field for a communication if the communication recipients were created from the Group Member List block

    Reporting v9.1

    • Fixed Dynamic Heat Map to work with campus names that have an apostrophe. Fixes: #3811
    • Fixed Power BI Report viewer showing a thin line after clicking "Full Screen". Fixes: #3792

    Rock v9.0 Released August 5, 2019

    CMS v9.0

    • New - Content Components block.
    • Added Item Global Key display and generation to ContentChannelItemDetail block.
    • Added "Include Page List" to page menus on public templates. Fixes: #2530
    • Added 'Merge Content' option to Content Channel Item View, which will result in the content data and attribute values to be merged using the lava template engine.
    • Added the ability to edit the description of existing cache tags to the cache manager block.
    • Added Lava commands to the page menu. Only use this knowing it could affect performance.
    • Added the ability to search by address, phone and email in the Person Picker.
    • Fixed Content channel view to show buttons when new filter groups are added. Fixes: #1574
    • Fixed 'Disable Name Edit' option on Public Profile Edit block so that name can be edited when appropriate. Fixes: #3272
    • Improved the Page:'Title' Lava filter to return the actual page 'title' property and added a Page:'BrowserTitle' to return the page's 'browser title'. Fixes: #3667
    • Updated RockPage to not throw exception when a Body CSS Class is configured on the page settings but the theme's layout does not support it. Fixes: #3715
    • Fixed public profile edit block to correctly save the phone numbers on save. Fixes: #3739
    • Modified landing page theme to allow LESS variable modification. Fixes: #3721
    • Fixed the HTML Editor plugins for inserting images/files where markup would not update without a keystroke.
    • Fixed Content Channel Items, for organizational tags. Note: If categories are involved, admins must still set up "Tag" action security for those categories.
    • Fixed ContentChannelItemView issue where the incorrect page could be returned if the slug was not globally unique.
    • Fixed the social media sharing links to use new Twitter web intent and Facebook share URLs. Fixes: #3635
    • Fixed issue with Content Channel Type attributes not re-ordering correctly after one has been deleted.
    • Added functionality to automatically delete related content channel item slugs when a content channel item is deleted. Fixes: #3744
    • The public profile edit block to only allow one "Mapped" address for a family when saving a new address was resolved.
    • Fixed issue in ContentChannelView where filtering by Category returned all Items for the Channel.
    • Removed unused MediaElement libs package. (NOTE: if you are using libs/MediaElement in your custom compiles you will need to add that library to your environment.
    • Updated to FontAwesome 5.9.0. IMPORTANT: If using FontAwesome Pro, you will need to re-upload your Font Awesome Pro Package after the update.
    • Updated the Spiritual Gifts route from "GiftsAssessment" to "SpiritualGifts".
    • Improved Stark theme Ad List to hide view details link if there are no details.
    • Improved Content Channel Item slugs to make them unique to a Content Channel instead of being globally unique. In order to use the same slugs across content channels the content channel must be selected in the block settings in order for the correct content to be loaded.
    • Improved validation on the kiosk number entry and URL redirect.
    • Improved Error messages when compiling themes.
    • Improved the handling of content channel feeds via the GetChannelFeed handler. Fixes: #3182
    • Updated the "Public Profile" Edit block to add settings to allow requiring email and phone number fields for adult records or allow phone numbers to be hidden completely.
    • Marked RockRestClient as Obsolete. Fixes: #3406

    Check-in v9.0

    • Removed support for pre-1.3 versions of the iOS check-in app by removing cordova-2.4.0.js.
    • Added the option to display categories of person attributes on the check-in manager person profile page.
    • Added functionality to the Kiosk Device Manager to allow reprinting check-in labels and new block setting to control whether rooms can be opened/closed from that screen. Added functionality to the Check-in Manager to allow reprinting labels if using server printing.
    • Added workflow action to allow check-in by data views.
    • Fixed issue where the Group Attendance Summary Email is sent to inactive or archived members, leaders and parent group leaders. Fixes: #3777
    • Fixed the check-in configuration getting out of sync when editing a check-in group in the Group Details page. Fixes: #2975

    Communication v9.0

    • Updated Communication to only send email to addresses marked as active. Fixes: #3677
    • Fixed an issue with the Reply-To header with the MailGun HTTP Transport. Fixes: #3636
    • Updated Twilio webhooks so that they properly log exceptions. Fixes: #3207
    • Added the ability to use the 'merge to template' grid feature for any "failed" recipients of a communication. Fixes: #3400
    • New - SMS pipeline.
    • Added an attribute to save communication history to the SMS workflow action component.
    • New - SMS Conversations block and page to allow direct messaging to and from a Rock SMS From Phone Number.
    • Improved communication templates to allow using Lava in the From Name and From Email fields so they can be dynamic and automatically filled in based on the sender. Fixes: #3591
    • Increased System Email Subject Length.
    • Improved performance of processing incoming SMS messages by reducing time to find existing response codes. Fixes: #3209

    Connection v9.0

    • Updated the last activity column in the my connection opportunities block to sort by the date of the last activity instead of the name of the last activity.

    Core v9.0

    • Updated MediaElement.js to 4.2.9.
    • Updated Chart.js to 2.7.2.
    • Updated Chosen to 1.8.7.
    • Updated Clipboard.js to 2.0.0.
    • Added ability to add CSS classes to the ModalDialog Save button.
    • Added an 'Active' setting on devices so older items can be retained but hidden from the list of devices.
    • Improved automatically inactivating all open Connection Requests for a person when they are marked inactive.
    • Modified Excel export to use table styles. Fixes: #3267
    • Improved the use of RouteTable.Routes and the refreshing of the route table after routes are added or removed.
    • Updated Image editor to display error message when unsupported file is uploaded and can directly upload new file. Fixes: #3696
    • Bootstrap has been upgraded to version 3.4.1
    • Added saving history for service jobs run for troubleshooting purposes.
    • Added IsActive to Personal Device model.
    • Added support for secured cookies when the website is configured for HTTPS.
    • Added an Abbreviated Name option for Attributes.
    • Added new Conditional Scale attribute field type.
    • Added block setting to the check-in 'location select' block that could allow sorting of locations rather than the name. Fixes: #3278
    • New - Asset Manager block and FieldType to manage and pick files stored on third-party systems and/or local server.
    • Added experimental Workflow Import/Export under Power Tools to help with copying workflows from one system to another.
    • Added validation to GroupMember.PreSaveChanges() and added try/catch logic to GroupSync job class.
    • Added "AllowCategorySelection" to ItemPickers (e.g. Data View Picker) to allow or disallow a category to be selected to fix issues where selecting a category in a picker caused an exception. Fixes: #3504
    • Added fullscreen block capability and functionality to analytics blocks.
    • Fixed Grid to correctly format the date when exported to excel. Fixes: #3442
    • Updated Group member to always update InactiveDateTime field when marked as Inactive. Fixes: #3684
    • Fixed the color picker to not break when duplicate color descriptions exist in the pre-configured 'Color Picker Swatches' defined type. Fixes: #3720
    • Fixed Facebook authentication provider ignoring the 'Sync Friends' setting when deciding which permissions the person will be asked for. Fixes: #3661
    • Updated personalized group list to only display the groups with 'can view' enabled in group role. Fixes: #3529
    • Fixed issue where the Location picker didn't select a named location on the first click when used in a matrix. Also added the ability to configure the allowed and initial picker modes for the LocationFieldType (e.g. Name, address, etc...). Fixes: #3693
    • Fixed Tag security permissions not getting applied correctly in some situations. This fixes an issue where Organizational tags on an item might not save correctly.
    • Fixed 'Encrypted Text' field type as Person attributes logs history in plain text. Fixes: #3570
    • Fixed js errors on DateRangePicker which caused some blocks (e.g. Download Payments) to not operate correctly. Fixes: #3353
    • Fixed UniversalSearch not indexing URLs containing a question mark. Fixes: #3316
    • Fixed menu items from hiding on short screens. Fixes: #3331
    • Fixed issue where requesting an oversized image from GetImage handler would return nothing. Fixes: #3431
    • Fixed the item pickers to scroll to selected items when opened.
    • Fixed webkit bug for secondary navigation on Rock theme. Fixes: #3600

    CRM v9.0

    • Fixed a bug preventing Person Signals from being assigned to a different owner. Fixes: #3707
    • Fixed issue where the PreHtml/PostHtml in the Person Attribute Forms would not show after upgrading to 1.9.0. Fixes: #3848
    • Fixed incorrect attendance counts plus minor speed improvement to the person profile attendance badge. Fixes: #3547
    • Added Spiritual Gifts assessment to Rock.
    • Added block setting to the Add Group (aka Add Family) block to allow showing/hiding of the country field on the address (defaults to not show the country).
    • Added global attributes to control how many failed login attempts a user is allowed in a specific timeframe.
    • Added option to collect child email addresses to the Family Pre Registration Block.
    • Updated Person Merge so that matrix attribute values get combined by default.
    • Removed "Always Allow Retakes" and "Min Days To Retake" block attributes from the DISC block. Min days value is stored in the attribute type.
    • DiscResult block is obsolete. Use Disc block instead.
    • Updated the DISC Assessment test and data with current normalization rules from the team at

    Event v9.0

    • Update calendar lava block's calendar to always show the selected month. Fixes: #3285
    • Fixed problem with discount codes ignoring "Maximum # of registrants" when navigating away-from and back-to the summary page. Fixes: #3681
    • Changed RegistrationTemplate and RegistrationInstance to allow for setting an empty value to indicate unlimited amounts. Fixes: #3617
    • Fixed event registration issue with the 'Allow External Updates to Saved Registrations' checkbox not functioning. Fixes: #3401
    • Fixed the date picker to select the current date when today is clicked.
    • Fixed Exception opening the RegistrationDetail block for Registrations created prior to v9 that have at least one fee. Fixes: #3847
    • Fixed error where a changed registration fee option name can cause a the RegistrationDetail block to get an error and cause a 9.0 migration job to get an error. Fixes: #3847 # 3855
    • Added functionality to the EventItemOccurrenceDetail block to manage multiple linkages. This prevents linkages created on other blocks from being lost if the Event Item Occurrence is edited. Fixes: #3536
    • New - Event Registration Wizard block to simplify the creation of Event Registrations and associated items.
    • Added help text to the Registration Detail payment section to let the user know that a registration needs to be linked to an individual before a payment can be added.
    • New - ability to define Event Occurrence Attributes at the Event Item level. Values are then defined for each Occurrence.
    • Added the ability to sort the registration tab by "registered by" on the registration instance detail page. Fixes: #3622
    • Added a filter control option to the schedules FieldType.
    • New - features to Event Registration, including limits on how many times a fee item can be used, a Registrar option of 'Use Logged In Person' and a default payment amount.
    • Added the ability to set visibility conditions on registration entry form fields.
    • New - Registration Attributes. This allows for the collection of attributes about the registration (like child-care needs) that do not pertain to a specific registrant.

    Finance v9.0

    • Removed requirement on transaction matching to have a person specified when a transaction has an amount. The transaction will be simply skipped and show up again when all other items are matched.
    • Updated the NMI gateway to calculate next payment date based off of frequency and last transaction date.
    • Fixed issue where the FirstName and LastName information was set incorrectly when doing an NMI transaction as a Business. This fixes an issue where a transaction could be declined when giving from a Business using the NMI gateway. Fixes: #3663
    • Fixed issue where the fundraising participant transaction grid was not showing the correct detail amount. Fixes: #3133
    • Fixed Contribution Statements Lava block to allow passing the contribution year in the URL. Fixes: #3292
    • Fixed the BatchList block to allow for using Lava in the Custom Grid Options feature. Fixes: #3717
    • Fixed fundraising matched amount to show correct amount from donor. Fixes: #3630
    • Fixed the error causing the Fundraising Participant page from rendering. Fixes: #3649
    • Fixed the currency formatting in Contribution Statement lava. Fixes: #3679
    • Added new personalization settings to the transaction matching block to make account selection easier.
    • Added a "Prompt to Edit Payment Detail Attributes" option to Transaction Matching. If this is enabled, matching will prompt to enter values for any Financial Payment Detail attributes that are configured.
    • Added additional features to Check Scanning including support for the Magtek Image Safe USB check scanner, the ability to edit transaction account amounts on transactions that have already been scanned and additional UI feedback on control total variances.
    • Added the ability to either show or hide the donation amount on the contribution list on the FundraisingParticipant block.
    • Added batch id to batch drop down on the Transaction Entry Matching block. Fixes: #2581
    • Added the ability to filter batches by source type on the Batch List block. Fixes: #3216

    Group v9.0

    • Fixed 'Group Leader Pending Notification' job so that all group leaders are notified if a person registers for multiple groups. Fixes: #3735
    • Fixed the problem where group member workflow 'role or status' change triggers would run even when the role or status was not changing. Fixes: #3706
    • Fixed the saving issues on the GroupMember block. We removed the validation on PreSaveChanges() as it caused issues when inactivating a person. GroupSync will now do the validation directly. Fixes: #3553
    • Fixed the error when Exporting the Filter Group Data. Fixes: #3443
    • Improved performance of Group Member List block
    • Improved the group type label to show a description on hover and act as a link to the group type details page if the viewer is authorized to administrate.
    • New - Group Scheduling. Scheduling will add the ability to create minimum, desired, and maximum capacities for each location schedule. This allows you to set staffing needs based on the size of a service.
    • Added the ability to assign an administrator to groups.
    • Added Enable Group Tag to group type setting that determines if groups are allowed to manage tags.
    • Added editing on the group detail lava block for the group capacity. Fixes: #3010
    • Added validation when saving a group member during group sync to ensure that group rules are not being violated by the member. Also checking for duplicates if Rock is configured to not allow them. Members not sync'd due to a validation error will be logged in Rock Exceptions and skipped.

    Lava v9.0

    • Added a lava filter alternateid to retrieve a person.
    • Added enabling lava command settings in dynamic data blocks. Fixes: #2474
    • Fixed time out issues on the MyConnection Opportunities block with very large data sets by removing the "ConnectionRequests" lava merge field from the Opportunity Summary Template. Fixes: #3397
    • Fixed sql Lava command to work correctly with parameterized SQL statements. Fixes: #3306
    • Fixed the StripHtml Lava filter to handle multi-line HTML comments. Fixes: #3548
    • Fixed lava to support Sort when using JSON. Fixes: #1586
    • Fixed the execute lava block so the System import is not removed. Fixes: #3765
    • Added new Lava shortcode that allows you to show/hide content based on a Rock schedule.
    • Added new RegExMatchValue Lava filter to find strings that match a pattern.
    • Added better error reporting to the web request Lava command.
    • Added a confirmation before deleting a shortcode. Fixes: #3253
    • Added 12 new Lava filters for working with Colors.
    • Added AtMost and AtLeast lava filters.
    • Added additional parameters to the SetPageTitle to allow setting the title for the page and browser window separately if desired.
    • Updated Scripturize Lava shortcode to allow links to be opened in a new tab.

    Other v9.0

    • Updated Slingshot Imports to 'Apply Updates' to existing Financial Data (Accounts, Transactions/Details, Batches, and Pledge regions) from a previous import with same Key, if the 'Apply Updates' option was selected at import.

    Reporting v9.0

    • Fixed first contribution data view filter from getting an error when creating a new filter.
    • Fixed Report problem involving null values in the NumberFormatted column of the PhoneNumber table. Fixes: #3338
    • Updated the Service Metrics Entry block to ignore inactive schedules. Fixes: #3727
    • Added Sunday Date option to First Contribution Date report field. When checked this will cause the report to display the SundayDate instead of the actual TransactionDate. Fixes: #3155
    • Added a "Use Sunday Date" option to the "First Contribution Date" Data View filter. If the option is selected then the SundayDate property is used, if not then the actual TransactionDateTime property is used. For data views that were created prior to this option, SundayDate is used to maintain current functionality. To use TransactionDateTime simply open and save the data view. Fixes: #3155

    Workflow v9.0

    • Improved Workflow.Action.InteractionAdd to make better use of caching to increase the speed with large datasets.
    • Changed complete workflow job to only close active workflows.
    • Fixed WebRequest workflow action to send proper content-type when posting JSON data. Fixes: #3749
    • Fixed issue with non-persisted Workflows using user forms would not load subsequent forms in the workflow. Fixes: #3454

    Rock v8.10 Released November 5, 2019

    CMS v8.10

    • Improved security.

    Rock v8.9 Released August 9, 2019

    CMS v8.9

    • Improved security.
    • Updated to FontAwesome 5.8.2. NOTE: If using FontAwesome Pro, you will need to re-upload your Font Awesome Pro Package after the update.

    Rock v8.8 Released May 29, 2019

    API v8.8

    • Fixed permission Error when getting calendar info from the iCal link. Fixes: #3597
    • Updated GetChannelFeed.ashx to include items with no expiry date. Fixes: #3598

    CMS v8.8

    • Fixed the issue where having the same route name but with different casing on two different sites (e.g. "" & "") would cause all requests to go to the first route created.
    • Fixed Rock theme onpage anchor links from being hidden by the header. Fixes: #3472
    • Replaced Google's dynamic map marker icon with a local SVG. Also, Google maps no longer support a shadow for the marker so the code was removed. Fixes: #3596
    • Updated the Profile Edit block to mark the address as required when current address is moved. Fixes: #3520
    • Updated profile edit to reload block after save is clicked. Fixes: #3687

    Check-in v8.8

    • Improved Attendance Analytics by making the checkbox list direction and columns configurable in the block settings.
    • Improved performance for check-in searches and Rock's standard name search.
    • Fixed Label Printing issue when using Redis cache where the merge codes printed instead of the merge values.

    Communication v8.8

    • Fixed the "note watch" sending multiple emails. Fixes: #3618

    Core v8.8

    • Updated groups to be deleted when attached to a registration. Fixes: #3640
    • Updated location address picker to use fa fa-map-marker icon.
    • Fixed issue with Scripturize Lava shortcode where it would parse Mar (as in March) as Mark. Fixes: #3654
    • Fixed grid to only merge selected rows when merge template is clicked. Fixes: #3593
    • Fixed the Merge Template Entry block to keep the list in the correct order when family members are combined. Fixes: #1345
    • Fixed 'Rock Cleanup Job' timeout on Orphaned Attribute Matrices. Fixes: #3639
    • Fixed Multi select defined value picker to validate if marked as required. Fixes: #3629

    CRM v8.8

    • Updated Account Entry to display required indicator on phone types. Fixes: #3578
    • Fix the issue with the Add Family Block when the process times out while values are entered for the attributes at the end of the New Family process when the database 'Read Committed Snapshot' is set to 'off.' Fixes: #3652
    • Fixed Slingshot bulk import location matching to avoid Foreign Key Constraint error when updating addresses for imported records that were imported without family groups.
    • Fixed Edit family issue where the County displays in the address even when configured to not display in the block settings. Fixes: #3670

    Event v8.8

    • Improved RegistrationEntry Max Attendees handling. 0 will continue to mean unlimited. < 0 will put registrations right to the waitlist.
    • Fixed the error when a user tries to register for an event on the waitlist when inline document signing is enabled. Fixes: #3623
    • Updated Registration entry to reload when navigated back from success page. Fixes: #3584
    • Updated the Event registration to display the middle name and anniversary date in the grid when "show on grid" is marked true. Fixes: #3581
    • Fixed issue with Multiple Options and Quantities Fees that failed to save after the first person when registering multiple people. Fixes: #3641

    Finance v8.8

    • Improved Giving Analytics by making the combo & checkbox list direction and columns configurable in the block settings.
    • Improved fundraising matching to be better about not un-matching transactions accidentally. Fixes: #3599 # 3604
    • Fixed the Giving Analytics account selector to allow multiple selections in a horizontal direction. Fixes: #3601

    Group v8.8

    • Fixed the attendance occurrence dates from sometimes saving wrong. Fixes: #3602
    • Fixed Fundraising Participant block to exclude (while editing) group member attributes that are inherited from the group type (except the three special/system ones that come with the base Fundraising Opportunity type) if they do not have EDIT access. Fixes: #3606
    • Updated groups to allow to be deleted when attached to the registration. Fixes: #3683
    • Fixed Group Status Defined Type in Group detail. Fixes: #3556

    Other v8.8

    • Fixed Person Signals not respecting View security of parent SignalType. Fixes: #3576

    Reporting v8.8

    • Fixed "Is Archived" on groups data view filter results in the blank data view. IsArchived, ArchivedDateTime, and ArchivedByPersonAliasId will not appear in the list of Group Fields. Fixes: #3615
    • Fixed Index "Out Of Range EX" on the grid if the displayed number of rows is smaller than the data source.

    Rock v8.7 Released March 19, 2019

    API v8.7

    • Improved the people rest controller to perform person matching when creating a new person.

    CMS v8.7

    • Added phone number display and field requirement options and made email a required field on the person external profile.
    • Added new optional Show "Campus Selector" setting to Account Entry and Public Profile Edit blocks to allow adults to set/change their preferred family campus.
    • Fixed 404 Pages Not being Returned. Fixes: #3528
    • Fixed "Address Control" to also check for city and state with address line 1 when marked as required. Fixes: #2539
    • Improved the transaction matching block's "Individual" dropdown list to use the enhanced version to make it easier to find the right person.
    • Updated Font Awesome to 5.7.2

    Check-in v8.7

    • Added a new "enforce strict location threshold" option in the "SaveAttendance" unattended check-in workflow action to prevent a room from going over capacity.
    • Improved the performance of several underlying database calls used during the check-in process.

    Communication v8.7

    • Added new PersonActionIdentifier lava filter for getting a person identifier (non-login) paired with an action for those cases where the string could be inadvertently be shared by the recipient.
    • Updated email template to check for wizard compatibility after processing lava. Fixes: #3495
    • Improved communication entry wizard to always populate From Name and Email from the selected template. Fixes: #3516

    CRM v8.7

    • Improved performance when doing queries on Person.BirthDate.

    Finance v8.7

    • Fixed Statement Generator Endpoint issue where the Account Name is used in the Account Summary. Fixes: #3511
    • Fixed transaction matching to correctly order the accounts. Fixes: #3383
    • Fixed fundraising participant block to update the individual fundraising goal. Fixes: #3541
    • Fixed payments where they can incorrectly match transactions on a blank ScheduleId. Fixes: #3484
    • Updated statement generator to only include pledges that started before the end date of the statement. Fixes: #3512

    Group v8.7

    • Fixed the unable to remove a group's location when Enable Group History is checked. Fixes: #3499

    Lava v8.7

    • Fixed the Parallax and WordCloud shortcode markup.
    • Improved the "scripturize Lava shortcode" to not create links for multi-chapter references (John 1-16) as these are not fully supported by online Bibles. Fixes: #3567

    Other v8.7

    • Improved security on public facing components and blocks.
    • Fixed issue where Rock would get an exception when upgrading to 8.7 if running a version of SQL Server older than 'Sql Server 2012 SP4'

    Reporting v8.7

    • Fixed the report data area showing inactive attributes. Fixes: #3568

    Rock v8.6 Released February 19, 2019

    API v8.6

    • Adjusted security on tag REST endpoints.
    • Added Bulk Export APIs for People and Financial Transactions.

    CMS v8.6

    • Improved SystemInfo block route to include the page name and IDs in the list and made it easier to read.
    • Updated Font Awesome to 5.6.1
    • Added "Status" setting ContentChannelViewDetail block settings. Content without the attribute set will be considered "approved" by the block.

    Check-in v8.6

    • Added Check-in Bypass, which bypasses the family selection screen by using a family group ID in the query string. e.g. ""
    • Fixed Check-In Detail attendance not keeping Campus location entered. Fixes: #3412
    • Fixed "Next" button on check-in person.
    • Fixed check-in countdown from always showing as 0 on some browsers. Fixes: #3384

    Communication v8.6

    • Fixed Email preferences block issue where the communication list was not displayed for unsubscribe. Fixes: #3451
    • Fixed template copy to populate Created By and Modified By with the ID of current user. Fixes: #3474
    • Fixed Rock Communication Job to return correct status. Fixes: #3490

    Core v8.6

    • Updated the public facing Connection Opportunity Detail Lava block's stock theme OpportunityDetail.lava to use a "disabled" button and "show info" message if the selected opportunity is inactive.
    • Added support for HTTPS load balancers by supporting X-Forwarded-Proto HTTP header.
    • Added ability to specify the number of columns used by attribute values displayed in Checkbox and Radio button lists. (e.g. single and multi select field types, lava commands, group types, content channel types, etc...)
    • Fixed issue where Background Check Documents manually uploaded from the person block were being deleted the next day.
    • Fixed issue where the category tree scrollbar resize didn't occur. Fixes: #3336
    • Fixed mixed case routes breaking per-site routes. Fixes: #3230
    • Fixed Redis Cache Performance Issues.
    • Fixed error condition where Account Confirmation receives a bad confirmation code. Fixes: #3274
    • Fixed database maintenance job to support comma delimited alert emails addresses. Fixes: #3437
    • Fixed the Registration Registrants grid to display correct age where the Birth Date field is shown and has IncludeAge turned on. Fixes: #3489
    • Fixed issue where Checkr (background check) was calling back to webhook immediately before the workflow that triggered Checkr had time to save updated attribute values which caused the workflow to enter an 'error' state.

    CRM v8.6

    • Improved vCard to be secured by adjusting the People/GetVCard/ REST controller.
    • Improved Bulk update block to reload control on any change of categories from block settings. Fixes: #1697
    • Added County Option to EditGroup Block.
    • Fixed checkbox alignment when editing a mailing address. Fixes: #3173
    • Fixed issue related to Merge Template from Tags passing incorrect persons. Fixes: #3473

    Event v8.6

    • Fixed Registration Ignoring 12th Grade Selection. Fixes: #3445

    Finance v8.6

    • Fixed issue where scheduling a transaction for a fundraising participant doesn't include the participant in the TransactionDetail. Fixes: #3172
    • Added Auto-fill person information to the Account Entry block if the person is logged in. This allows the use of the rckipid parameter when encouraging people to sign up for an account to speed up the process.

    Group v8.6

    • Add the ability to access group member attributes when communicating from the GroupMemberList block
    • Fixed Group Member Detail block not allowing attribute editing (other than group role) of sync'd Group Members. Fixes: #3446
    • Fixed FontAwesome Pro installer to update cache busting query string on install. Fixes: #3309
    • Fixed JavaScript error with Group Member HTML Attribute, cannot add/change content in field. Fixes: #3448
    • Fixed maximum capacity related issue while adding a person to a group through workflow. Fixes: #3498

    Lava v8.6

    • Fixed "LastAttendedOfGroupType" lava filter not working in 8.x. Fixes: #3434
    • Fixed issue with Lava cache tag to allow access to internal scoped variables. Fixes: #3492
    • Fixed scripturizer shortcode bug and updated example in the documentation.

    Other v8.6

    • Updated WebRequestHelper utility with IsSecureConnection method.
    • Improved security for several public facing components and blocks.

    Prayer v8.6

    • Updated prayer session to exclude non-public prayer request through block setting. Fixes: #3441

    Workflow v8.6

    • Updated GetPersonFromFields Action Component to fix the casing of the first and last names when creating a new person (case will only be changed if the existing input is all lower or all upper case).

    Rock v8.5 Released December 10, 2018

    CMS v8.5

    • Fixed Sent Emails No Longer Contain Reply-To when using Lava in Email Form block "From" field. Fixes: #3126
    • Fixed menu items from hiding on short screens. Fixes: #3331
    • Updated Font Awesome to 5.5.0.

    Check-in v8.5

    • Fixed check-in iPad display issues. Fixes: #3415 #3416
    • Added ability to add new families and edit existing families directly from the check-in screens.
    • Added a check-in label to simplify installation of the Rock icon font on printers.
    • Improved the error message shown when trying to print a check-in occurrence when no template is specified Fixes: #3132

    Communication v8.5

    • Updated Mailgun webhook to support both new and Legacy formats. Fixes: #3379
    • Fixed communication wizard issue where communication type block settings were not used.
    • Fixed 'Copy Communications' cannot be sent to a future date/time. Fixes: #3356
    • Fixed Communication List not appearing for Subscribers of a Sync'd list.
    • Fixed RockPushMessage class to return the correct entity type. Fixes: #3189
    • Fixed Typo on the Email Preference (Unsubscribe) page. Fixes: #3299

    Connection v8.5

    • Fixed Connection Request Detail block to use the 'default' label type when a placement group requirement has not been met but is also not required to be a member of the group. Fixes: #3391

    Core v8.5

    • Fixed issue with the "Enhance For Long Lists" version of the Defined Value picker causing an exception. Fixes: #3318
    • Fixed Category Picker does not show sub-categories. Fixes: #3357
    • Fixed Group Viewer (and anything using REST) Breaks When Impersonating. Fixes: #3339
    • Fixed Schedule Builder not adding specific dates in non-US date format. Fixes: #3346
    • Fixed javascript errors on DateRangePicker which caused some blocks to not operate correctly. Fixes: #3353
    • Fixed "Date field does not populate when editing a note." Fixes: #3368
    • Added support for page routes and page shortlink that have the same name but different sites. Fixes: #3230
    • Updated grid export to include custom grid columns. Fixes: #3315

    CRM v8.5

    • Added block settings to Captive Portal to choose Record Type, Record Status, and Connection Status for persons being created by Captive Portal.
    • Added option in New Group block to enable/disable automatic generation of Alternate Ids. Fixes: #3295

    Event v8.5

    • Fixed Registration Exception 'Given key not present in dictionary'. Fixes: #3311

    Finance v8.5

    • Fixed "Transaction Detail block displays the Financial Gateway component rather than name". Fixes: #3128
    • Fixed issue where give now form jumps to the bottom of the page. Fixes: #3014

    Group v8.5

    • Fixed a timeout exception seen in the Edit Group block when adding multiple people to family when the database has 'Is Read Committed Snapshot' set to off. Fixes: #3340
    • Fixed issue "Group's attendance no longer honors the group type "Group Attendance Requires Location/Schedule" checkbox setting"
    • Fixed issue where the time was not included in Attendance StartDateTime field when marking attendance on the GroupAttendanceDetail block.
    • Updated the Group Member Detail block to allow moving a group member from a group with history tracking enabled to another group. Fixes: #3395

    Lava v8.5

    • Added timeout property to the Web Request lava command.

    Prayer v8.5

    • Improved prayer request "Enabled Person Matching" help description. Fixes: #3374

    Reporting v8.5

    • Updated Transaction Report block to use account's public name. Fixes: #3388

    Workflow v8.5

    • Improved DISC Request error message. Fixes: #3298
    • Updated the Complete Workflows job to be able to process large numbers of open workflows quickly.
    • Fixed workflows not sorted in Default Workflow Type drop down on Workflow List block Fixes: #3380
    • Fixed Selecting Person Alias as the Entity Type on a Workflow Trigger throws an error. Fixes: #3347

    Rock v8.4 Released October 18, 2018

    CMS v8.4

    • Fixed issue where setting an image link in the HTML editor would sometimes not keep the link. Fixes: #3094
    • Added DetailPage block attribute to ContentChannelViewDetail. The value can be accessed using Lava {{ DetailPage }}. This is to make it easier to use with series.

    Check-in v8.4

    • Updated Check-in Labels so that manually refreshing the cache is no longer needed after changing Label Merge Fields

    Communication v8.4

    • Fixed issue where an exception would occur when sending a scheduled communication if it was sent to a list group and any of the members were deleted from the group prior to sending the message.
    • Updated Communication Templates so that lava fields can be accessed in in the "head" element. This fixes an issue where "style" elements in the "head" element could not use lava fields. Fixes: #2794
    • Fixed Communication Entry Wizard to only list active communication lists. Fixes: #3264

    Core v8.4

    • Improved performance of Family Analytics job.
    • Fixed Google authentication failing Fixes: #3288
    • Fixed Group Member Merge template exception when a person exists in the same group twice under different roles. Fixes: #3210
    • Fixed date range pickers to show selected date range in calendar.

    CRM v8.4

    • Added the listing of group names (up to 5) to the In Group Of Type person profile badge.
    • Fixed index out of range exception when using Alternate IDs and Attributes in AddGroup block. Fixes: #3290

    Event v8.4

    • Fixed external registration to display default values for registration attributes. Fixes: #2564
    • Fixed issue where default values were not populating in the registration form field. Fixes: #2564
    • Updated text for a link button on RegistrationDetail from "View/Edit Payments" to "PaymentDetails". Fixes: #3120
    • Added options to view the Calendar Lava block by year and by all.

    Finance v8.4

    • Updated transaction entry to correctly update the giving amount. Fixes: #3266
    • Fixed Financial Transaction Refunds not having the same Source (WebSite, etc) as the original transaction. This fixes an issue where Giving Analytics doesn't include refunds when a specific Source is selected in the options. Fixes: #3138
    • Disable Financial Gateway selection for existing Transactions.
    • Fixed issue where a refund transaction could not be changed into a non-refund transaction. Fixes: #3229

    Group v8.4

    • Added GroupTypeRole selection to GroupList block used by the person page to select groups and security groups. This allows a person to be added to different roles within a single group. Added messaging and safety for synced group/roles.

    Lava v8.4

    • Added the ability to use the 'Object' qualifier on the Lava Attribute filter for attributes that return a collection of cached entities (AttributeFieldType and DefinedValueFieldType). Fixes: #3245
    • Fixed issue where Lava Entity Commands could not be sorted on Attributes. Fixes: #2356
    • Fixed Lava/Liquid error in the giving kiosk thank you / receipt message. Fixes: #3241
    • Added the ability to rotate photos on check-in labels that use the ZebraPhoto filter.
    • Added the ability to get the page's cookies from the 'Page' Lava filter.

    Prayer v8.4

    • Fixed Prayer session block to correctly update the flag count. Fixes: #3263

    Reporting v8.4

    • Fixed Registration Templates data filter to correctly set the advance filter. Fixes: #3206

    Workflow v8.4

    • Fixed From address using Lava in workflow not being resolved. Also if the FromName is null or empty then use the email address. Fixes: #3174
    • Updated how From Name is determined and used when sending workflow emails. Fixes: #3174
    • Fixed WorkflowTypePicker. Picker will now preload all category and workflowtypes to prevent data loss. Fixes: #3109

    Rock v8.3 Released September 17, 2018

    CMS v8.3

    • Updated Font Awesome to 5.3.1

    Communication v8.3

    • Fixed issue where the Communication Entry Wizard sometimes throws an exception and creates a duplicate person record when sending a test communication. Fixes: #3203

    Core v8.3

    • Fixed history log to check authorization when showing attribute history entries. Fixes: #1594

    Group v8.3

    • Add option to default Group Map to showing child groups.
    • Add Group Member List Date Added filter
    • Fixed issue where the Attendance Remainder email could get sent even though attendance was already entered. Also fixed an issue where updating attendance from the email link wouldn't show the previously entered attendance. Fixes: #3257

    Rock v8.2 Released September 17, 2018

    CMS v8.2

    • Updated font awesome helper to support the upgrade to Pro 5.2.

    Communication v8.2

    • Updated email wizard to use fluid single column layouts on mobile.

    Core v8.2

    • Added a new job and block for automatically processing changed postal addresses via Spark Data service using the National Change of Address (NCOA) system.
    • Fixed required Categories block setting on the Defined Types List block to not be required. Fixes: #3196
    • Fixed issue where saving a Group Type or Content Channel could timeout if indexing is enabled. Fixes: #3176

    CRM v8.2

    • Update Rock to use better duplicate detection.

    Event v8.2

    • Fixed document signing issue when url and global attribute value have different http schema (http vs https). Fixes: #2398

    Finance v8.2

    • Updated the Transaction Detail block to have a new block setting to require a value for the Transaction Source field. The default setting is false to keep existing behavior.

    Group v8.2

    • Fixed issue where a Custom or Weekly schedule for a Group would disappear after saving the Group. Fixes: #3226

    Reporting v8.2

    • Added duplicate phone number and duplicate email Data Integrity Reports.

    Workflow v8.2

    • Fixed issue where a Workflow Form could throw an exception after a Workflow ActivityType attribute was deleted. Fixes: #3141
    • Fixed "Person Phone Update" Workflow Action errors when saving a blank number. Fixes: #3107

    Rock v8.1 Released September 17, 2018

    CMS v8.1

    • Updated the Content Security Policy logic to not require security on static content elements
    • Added the ability to enable timezones for specific campuses.
    • Fixed grade picker to always hide when member is not a child. Fixes: #3115
    • Added new utility block to allow the inspection of the ViewState contents.

    Check-in v8.1

    • Fixed Check-in countdown timer displays time until as ~2.9M days. Fixes: #3064
    • Fixed Family Pre-registration Adult 2 fields showing required when there isn't any info in Adult 2 first & last name. Fixes: #3136
    • Fixed issue with rapid attendance entry not saving the location, schedule, and campus that were selected.
    • Fixed check-in to display a location name correctly when the location also has an address Fixes: #2259
    • Added the attendance note column to the attendance list block with a block setting to show or hide.
    • Add SMS functionality to check in manager
    • Update CheckInManager Person Profile to Include a Link to the Person Who Checked Them In.

    Communication v8.1

    • Update Personal Templates created from CommunicationDetail to give permissions to Communication and Rock Administrators
    • Fixed issue where future communications to a communication list with segments would sent the email to the entire communication list instead of factoring in the segment filters. Fixes: #3166
    • Fixed issue where the Communication Queue might show recent communications that have already been sent if the communication was created prior to v8. It would also attempt to re-send those communications but then realize there are no pending recipients. Fixes: #3164
    • Fixed Event Registration Templates issue where if the 'Group Leaders' notification checkbox is checked, all notifications fail to send. Fixes: #3127
    • Fixed broken sorting in Communication TemplateList block. Fixes: #3081
    • Fixed Email Clicks not being displayed in analytics. Fixes: #3086
    • Enhanced SMS communications to allow for replies to come from non-Mobile numbers in Rock. Fixes: #3046

    Core v8.1

    • Added a step to the RockCleanup job to assign US/CA to locations where country can be determined based on the state. Fixes: #3047
    • Added type="tel" to telephone inputs.
    • Updated the history records created by the data automation job to reference 'Data Automation' in the Who field.
    • Fixed Dynamic Data block grid not using checkboxes to limit rows on Excel export and merge template actions. Fixes: #3054
    • Fixed label message in tags by letter block when tags are not found. Fixes: #3083
    • Fixed issue where cached objects (for example DefinedValueCache) in a compiled V7 Plugin would return incorrect results for GetAttributeValue. Also fixed similar issue where SetAttributeValue on a cached object (in a compiled v7 plugin) wouldn't set the attribute value correctly. Fixes: #3171
    • Fixed issue where the Migrate History Summary job would throw an exception if there is history on attributes that have an Attribute Name that is over 250 chars Fixes: #3163
    • Fixed issue where Data Filters on Attributes would return incorrect results when doing an 'Equal' or 'Not Equal' and the compare value is left blank. Now these will give the same results as doing an IsBlank or IsNotBlank. + Fixed issue where some Data Filters (Campus Filter and Defined Value Filter) would return incorrect results when no items were selected for the compare values. Now if an item isn't checked, there won't be any filtering done, which is consistent with how other data filters work when no options are selected. Fixes: #3070
    • Fixed issue where a campus could not be added if snapshot isolation was disabled. Fixes: #3178
    • Added new feature to allow filtering in Data Views by Social Media Account fields.
    • Added new integration tests project. See Rock.Tests.Integration README for details.

    CRM v8.1

    • Added setting to DataAutomation to prevent children from being moved unless they have graduated.
    • Fixed In Data View badge type to respect the required validation for data view picker. Fixes: #3074
    • Fixed Birth Date field not respecting the block setting in PreRegistration block.
    • Updated add family block with ability to add alternate identifier for each member.
    • Updated Bulk Update block. Added Edit Record Status and Edit Connection Status Block Security settings. Following current conventions on the block users without access will not see the fields. Users that can administrate the block and users specified under the new settings will have access. Current edit users and the rock admin group will be added to the new settings via a migration. Fixes: #1780
    • Update FamilyAnalytics to record Source of Change in history as "eRA"
    • Change DataAutomation job to record Source of Change in History
    • Enhanced Bulk Update block to report progress, not timeout and use multiple CPUs. Fixes: #2650

    Event v8.1

    • Added registration attribute description as a tool tip help text. The appearance of the help text can be set in the block settings; the default is not to display. Fixes: #3041
    • Updated registration form entry. Added Middle Name and Anniversary Date to available Person Fields for Registration Template Forms. Also made the existing Connection Status Person Field viewable on the internal registration detail block. Fixes: #1781
    • Fixed HomePhone field not displaying anything in RegistrationInstanceDetail grids.
    • Fixed registrant email not updating in event registration Fixes: #2964
    • Fixed Event Item Occurrence List Lava not displaying info for all campuses. The Campuses block setting is now optional in "Event Item Occurrence List Lava", if campuses are not selected then it means "All". Fixes: #2833
    • Fixed issue where an Attribute Matrix doesn't enforce validation as an Event Registration Field if is it marked as Required. Fixes: #3032

    Finance v8.1

    • Fixed an issue with the editing of scheduled transactions not allocating amounts to funds correctly Fixes: #2466
    • Add TransactionCode field to TransactionMatching block.
    • Updated the Family Analytics logic that determines who is giving. The new logic looks for transactions where the type is 'Contribution' instead of the previous logic that looked for transactions where the account was tax deductible. This allows for soft credits to be considered as contributions.

    Group v8.1

    • Added block settings to the GroupRegistration block to make email and cell required fields.
    • Updated the Group Member List and Detail blocks to respect a group member attribute's security when viewing and editing the group member Fixes: #1917
    • Prevent group capacity being set to value less than 0 Fixes: #3167

    Lava v8.1

    • Added ability for Groups Lava filter to include inactive groups too. Fixes: #2380
    • Fixed ValueList not allowing lava to be entered as a value.
    • Fixed lava to allow empty attribute strings. Fixes: #3077
    • Added Lava access to information about the browser in the HTML block.
    • Added Lava filters to get a person's alternate id and retrieve a person by alternate id.

    Reporting v8.1

    • Fixed issue where filtering on Attributes could have different results depending on if filtering on a Grid, DataView, or thru Lava. Also fixed issue where attribute filters would return incorrect results when searching for the attribute's default value. For example, if there was a Person attribute of Favorite Color and the default color is 'blue', filtering for people with a favorite color of 'blue' will now include people that don't have that attribute value explicitly saved yet.
    • Fixed exception when creating a Data View on Person Alias. Fixes: #3035
    • Update Data View detail block to allow creating a new report from the block.

    Workflow v8.1

    • Fixed 'send email' workflow action to use the InternalApplicationRoot global setting to convert relative paths to fully qualified. Fixes: #3082
    • Fixed Workflow cache not updating correctly when Action or Activity is modified or added Fixes: #3151

    Rock v8.0 Released September 17, 2018

    CMS v8.0

    • Fixed an exception that would occur if a saved short link included a line feed character.
    • Fixed Background Check Grid sorting by name.
    • Fixed Lava redirect redirecting from the CMS Page Map. Fixes: #2953
    • Fixed required expiration for content channel date ranges without time. Fixes: #2973
    • Fixed HtmlContentDetail not displaying content if the expired date is set in the past. Fixes: #2840
    • Added support for in-place editing of HTML contents.
    • Updated Rock's built-in theme to a new/update look. If you've made customizations to the internal theme, you may wish to make a backup of the old theme before upgrading. (In general, though, we don't support custom changes to the core internal theme other than what's available through the theme editor).
    • Added a site logo option to sites so that theme editors can make logo changes in Site Detail.
    • Updated the Badge 'In Group of Type' to use the color picker.
    • Updated FontAwesome to 5.0.13.
    • Updated the homepage with new internal communications block, moving staff updates to the top of the page and removing the Welcome to Rock default content if it is unchanged.
    • Updated Calculate Person Duplicates Command Timeout from 5 minutes to 30 minutes.
    • Added a new Content Channel View Detail block that can be used to present a content channel item.
    • Updated the Notification List block to mark notifications as read instead of deleting them.
    • Updated the caching framework to use new CacheManager library which is more extensible and configurable than current MemoryCache library.
    • Updated Font Awesome to 5.0.12.
    • Updated the Theme Editor to show which theme is being edited.
    • Updated Summernote paste behavior to default to paste as text. To paste from Word, the Paste From Word toolbar button can be used.

    Check-in v8.0

    • Check-in autofocus was fixed to work as intended. Fixes: #3102
    • Fixed an issue with the Attendance Analytics block where despite it being configured to use a group type it still displayed a message indicating a check-in type was required.
    • Fixed Check-in manager block using the server timezone instead of the one specified in Rock. Also added the check-in type name at the top of the block. Fixes: #2965
    • Fixed validation errors on FamilyPreRegistration block for adult #2 when there is no redirect URL specified. Redirect URL is now required.
    • Updated label printing to removing '^JUS' from labels as they are created or edited. This should speed up printing and increase the memory life of the printer.
    • Updated the Check-in Schedule Builder to display schedule columns in name order.
    • Updated the Check-in Identifiers to be associated with a person instead of a family. This allows for saving the person that did the check-in with the attendance records.
    • Updated the creation of new attendance codes (for check-in) to avoid an infinite loop situation.
    • Updated Edit Label and Label Upload to force expanded characters on the label (prints any language). Label can be saved as is in the Edit Label block by unchecking the 'Force Expanded Character set (UTF-8)' checkbox.
    • Windows check-in client application has been updated to correctly print extended characters. Fixes: #3060

    Communication v8.0

    • Fixed an issue where SMS communication templates would give an error when selected in the Communication Wizard. Fixes: #3026
    • Fixed email deactivation not showing in the history when it was deactivated by the system due to a hard bounce. Fixes: #2925
    • Updated the sending of future communications to a communication list so the recipients reflect the members of the list at the time the communication is sent rather than the time the communication was created.
    • Updated the Email Editor to improve drag and drop usability.
    • Added a 'Sent Date Time' field to both the Communication and Recipient models, and updated the Communication History block to display the sent (or future send) times.
    • Switched Mailgun to use HTTP API.
    • Added a block setting to Communication Entry for simple mode to be non-bulk.
    • Updated the Communication Template editor to preserve Lava Fields when pasting new content.

    Connection v8.0

    • Added Default Connection Status to the block settings for the Public Profile Edit block. If there is no default, the logged-in person's status is used. Fixes: #2986
    • Added block setting to give the ability to filter on active Connection Types on the My Connection Requests block.
    • Added a connection type filter to the Connection Opportunities field type. This will allow Connection Opportunity Attribute values to be constrained to the selected Connection Type.
    • Added ability to copy ConnectionType in the Connection Type Detail block.

    Core v8.0

    • Updated the Model Map block to support filters and query string parsing. Fixes: #2739
    • Improved New Family block to be fully responsive on mobile
    • Updated the Rock Clean-up job to delete any communications labeled 'Transient' that are over one week old.
    • Updated the default image resizing to mode=clip. This resizes the image to fit without cropping or stretching.
    • Added the ability to add Lava directly on a Theme Master Page or Layout file.
    • Added the ability to have alternate search keys for people when checking for existing records. Specifically this will add the ability to search for people by former email addresses.
    • Added run once job to create the index Interaction.ForiegnKey.
    • Updated Page View Interactions to report the actual browser title instead of the page title stored in the database. This makes the title more specific as many pages dynamically update the page title on load.
    • Updated the Rock Shop page to load the documentation link in a new browser window.
    • The paste behavior for Summernote default was changed to paste as text. The paste from word toolbar button can be used to paste from word.
    • Update the TextToWorkflow processing to query the person associated with phone number more efficiently.
    • Updated the Block Properties and Zone modals to provide better information on the type and location of the blocks on the page.
    • Added the ID of the entity to the panel drawer of all detail blocks. This is helpful when writing Lava.
    • Fixed and enhanced Captive Portal
    • Added a new developer control to provide a Captcha for validating a real person. Fixes: #2607
    • Added the ability to add/manage HTTP modules inside of Rock.
    • Updated the Entity Type list block to only show true entities. Fixes: #2812
    • Added properties to store image dimensions for a BinaryFile.
    • Added Gender Autofill method as an option on the DataAutomation Jobs task.
    • Added a file watcher for BlockTypes.
    • Added IsActive Property to Defined Values and Defined Types
    • Added enhancements to Notes.
    • Added Lucene Search Engine to Universal Search.
    • Updated the attribute editor so when it is used inside a modal dialog it will display the ID of the attribute being edited in the title of the dialog.
    • Updated the Defined Value List block to remove the tooltip that displayed the ID, as it often conflicts with the modal. The ID is available on the modal.
    • Added a new field type to select a content channel, then an item of that content channel.
    • Added new Data Integrity Settings block and jobs to configure and automate a process for inactivating, reactivating and updating campus of individuals and their family members.
    • Added the ability to have CSS classes on zones.
    • Added the option to add people to a tag when viewing the tag's detail page. Fixes: #556
    • Fixed Universal Search Site Crawler to honor the 'robots nofollow' tag to indicate that links should not be followed. Fixes: #2989
    • Updated Rock web pages to use a custom error page for security errors if one exists. Otherwise it will use the default error page. Fixes: #1368
    • Fixed an issue where 2/29 of a leap year would change to 2/28. Fixes: #3000
    • Fixed SSN Control to honor the Required property. Fixes: #3037
    • Fixed the Tag grid Export to Excel function to prevent it from creating an invalid file. Fixes: #3051
    • Fixed issue where the Data Automation job inactivated new people by adding a setting to ignore new records when inactivating records. Fixes: #3028
    • Fixed an issue where the Defined Type list displayed IDs instead of friendly names on reports or dynamic reports. Fixes: #2295
    • Fixed issue in ContextSetter blocks (CampusContextSetter, GroupContextSetter) where specifying the context in the URL doesn't always set the context correctly. Fixes: #1560
    • Added check to prevent duplicate phone numbers being added to a person. Fixes: #2616
    • Added checks to jobs that send emails, in order to ensure emails are sent with consent. Fixes: #2545
    • Fixed DB locking issue on DBs with read committed snapshot set to false. (Fixes Rock-v8-Alpha-Issues #13)
    • Fixed the EditGroup block not making case-sensitive changes to the address. Fixes: #1331
    • Fixed error storing attendance manually when location is not a child of a campus. Fixes: #2940

    CRM v8.0

    • Removed the test mode from the Protect My Ministry integration by their request. This function should only be used by developers as these test requests do not go anywhere.
    • Fixed Verify Photos grid showing CreatedDateTime of group member rather than photo. Fixes: #2604
    • Fixed anniversary date persistence after Marital Status is changed from Married to something else. The anniversary date control will only display if the Marital Status is 'married'. If the Marital Status is changed to 'single', the anniversary date will be set to null when the person is saved. Fixes: #2948
    • Fixed form sorting for Person Attribute forms. Fixes: #3073
    • Fixed In Group Together following suggestions so inactive group members are not included. Fixes: #3011
    • Fixed sorting in Bio Action menu. Workflow items are sorted alphabetically at the bottom of the menu. Fixes: #2889
    • Added support for Checkr background check.
    • Added a new block type for converting Person records to and from Businesses. Fixes: #2832
    • Added setting to lock an individual as a child for use with the Age Classification feature.
    • Added an option to the Baptism Following Event to support being notified a configured number of years after a baptism date. Fixes: #2612
    • Added a new job that automates the moving of children to their own family when they become an adult based on their age.
    • Added Age Classification property to the Person model. This will allow for simple and quick filtering on whether someone is an Adult or a Child. An adult is anyone over the age of 18 or marked as an adult in one or more families. A child is anyone less than 18 or a child in all families. If either of these conditions are not met, they are marked as unknown.
    • Added new FieldType and Attribute for Social Media Accounts.
    • Updated the Personal Device List block to enable it to be used when not tied to a specific Person.
    • Added new avatars and better gender-unknown avatars to use when a profile photo is missing.
    • Updated the Family Pre-Registration block to match children with same name/birthdate in the same family as a matched adult, and ensure that blank values do not overwrite existing data for the matched child.
    • Added block setting to hide or show Inactive Connection Requests in the Connection Request profile block.
    • Updated the Person Merge block so that the family name and campus can be selected.
    • Changed the security login on the Family Bar to show the Address Configuration button (gear) for those with 'Edit' access to the block. Before this was 'Administrate'. This allows staff to easily lock the address from being geocoded. Fixes: #1286

    Event v8.0

    • Fixed registration notes not being added when the registrar was logged in. Fixes: #2676
    • Fixed registration notes not being saved when people are added using RegistrantDetail. Fixes: #2676
    • Fixed re-selecting Registered By person not overwriting existing fields.
    • Fixed the Registration Detail block to always set the template group member status.
    • Fixed Address Field in registrations not respecting Show in Grid.
    • Added a block setting to the Family Pre-Registration block to require a campus.
    • Added the ability to mark a registration template fee as inactive. This will prevent the external website from showing the fee while still showing it internally on reports and on the internal registration site. Inactive fees will be listed in gray on the Registration Template Details block.
    • Updated the Registration template to allow making fees required.
    • Added a new Fee Report to Registrations.
    • Added a new Registration Instruction field to Registrations that will be displayed on the first page of a new registration.
    • Added Event Occurrence Specific Attribute Values. Added block to assign attribute values to an Event Occurrence.
    • Added support for automated event registration discounts.
    • Implement Required Fees
    • Added the Discount Code report to the Registration Instance Detail.
    • Added the GetEventCalendarFeed webhook for an iCal Feed.
    • Added audit panel details to the Registration Template Detail and Registration Instance Detail blocks.
    • Updated the Calendar Lava block to support configuring a specific list of campuses that should be enabled on the block.
    • Updated Event Registrants list to include age of registrant if BirthDate field is set to show on grid. Fixes: #2763
    • Updated the default CalendarItem.lava to use the event's Summary as the meta description for better SEO behavior. Any custom CalendarItem lava files should be updated with the same change.

    Finance v8.0

    • Fixed anonymous fundraising donations showing the address. Fixes: #2942
    • Fixed issue where single account refunds incorrectly displayed negative number error message.
    • Fixed scrolling issue on the Transaction Entry block (Give Now). Default behavior will be to scroll to the same window position after clicking Next. Fixes: #3014
    • Fixed an issue where selecting a different payment method on Give Now would not work.
    • Added new blocks to show the Fundraising donations for a group and for each member of a group. Fixes: #2864
    • Fixed back button on the Financial Transaction Detail.
    • Fixed unlisted phone numbers causing errors when giving. Fixes: #1803
    • Fixed order of Financial Account lists in the Transaction Matching block. Ordering is now a flattened hierarchical list (i.e., sub accounts are listed under the parent accounts but are not indented). Fixes: #2983
    • Updated currency box control to allow negative values. Fixes: #3040
    • Fixed Batch List not being able to open closed batches from the dropdown menu in Chrome. Fixes: #3043
    • Updated the Giving Analytics block to include Phone and Address when exporting the grid.
    • Updated the Transaction Matching block so that financial transaction images are magnified when clicked.
    • Updated the Pledge List block to display summary totals at the bottom by fund.
    • Updated transaction detail to display address and campus for the authorized person.
    • Updated Scheduled Transaction list Lava to include the masked card number.
    • Updated the Download Payments job so it can be configured to download payments only for a specific gateway.

    Group v8.0

    • Added requirement that a group sync be tied to a role for Group Sync By Role. Unsynced roles can be manually added to a group. Synced roles cannot be manually added or removed from a group.
    • Fixed an error that would occur in the Group Detail block when saving a group without admin security.
    • Fixed the Group Detail block so a group sync configuration will not prevent the group from being deleted.
    • Fixed an exception that would occur when deleting a role that has a Member or GroupSync associated with it. The user will now be given a message and a delete will not occur.
    • Updated Group Map to only show active group members. Fixes: #2906
    • Fixed group member triggers (from the group or from the group type) to only fire if they are active.
    • Added an Add Member capability to the Group Attendance Detail block. Fixes: #2857
    • Fixed unsorted data view list in Group Sync Settings by changing to the DataViewItemPicker. (Rock-v8-Alpha-Issues #6)
    • Fixed filter issues on GroupMemberList. (Fixes Rock-v8-Alpha-Issues #20)
    • Fixed Entity Not Supported Exception in GroupFinder.
    • Added a new Is Public filter option to the Group Tree.
    • Improved the Group Member list grid not to display IsAddedbySync column if the group has no GroupSyncs configured.
    • Improved the Group Member List active sync label to show all the roles being synced in a tool tip.
    • Improved the Group Detail Group Sync display. The panel will now only show if the group type allows sync or if the group has at least one sync already. If the group type does not allow syncing, the add button under the grid will not be displayed. If the user does not have access, the section will not display.
    • Added Configuration properties to the GroupType Detail block to control which panels are visible on the Group Detail block when editing groups of that type.
    • Updated the Group Detail block to allow the view mode to be defined using Lava.
    • Added new settings to the Group List Block to allow hiding the add button.
    • Added Data Automation for setting Person Connection Status and Family Status.
    • Added option to have a Group Status on Groups, including Family Status on Families
    • Added the Group History feature.
    • Added a new AttendanceOccurrence model/table for grouping attendance records by group, location, schedule and date.
    • Added a 'Can Manage Members' option to Group Type Roles, similar to the existing 'Can View' and 'Can Edit' options that can be used to give a role the ability to manage members only for the group they are a member of.
    • Updated the Group Registration block so that a person's email is always required.
    • Updated the Group Search result page so that the target URL for each group reference in the results can be configured using Lava.
    • Removed redundant Group Type history option from Calculate Family Analytics. To enable group history for these group types, edit each group type and select the 'Enable Group History' option.
    • Added configurable labels for Group Finder filters.

    Lava v8.0

    • Fixed incorrect prepend/append logic in the WithFallback Lava filter.
    • Fixed recursion issue in Lava inline shortcodes.
    • Added the CapitalizeFirstWord Lava text filter.
    • Added a new PersonByAliasGuid Lava filter.
    • Added new UrlDecode and UnescapeDataString Lava filters. Also made an alias for EscapeDataString called 'UrlEncode'.
    • Added new Lava filter to create a Shortlink. See Lava docs for details.
    • Added new Lava command 'taglist' to list registered Lava tags.
    • Added new Lava command to cache the results of a Lava template. See the Lava documentation for usage details.
    • Added 'PDF Object Settings' option to Lava Statement Generator templates. This can help a template developer tweak stuff like pdf page margins.
    • Added a new Uniq Lava filter to return a unique set of values from a collection of values.
    • Updated the Pre-HTML and Post-HTML block properties to support all Lava commands.
    • Added new Lava filters for 'ToMidnight', 'NextDayOfTheWeek', 'DaysSince' and 'DaysUntil'.
    • Added SanitizeSql to Lava filters to help protect against SQL Injection.
    • Cleaned up legacy Lava. Fixes: #2018 # 2776 # 1930 # 2781 # 2780 # 2779 # 2786 # 2785

    Prayer v8.0

    • Added a block setting to require a campus on the Prayer Request Detail block.
    • Added the ability to filter by campus on the Prayer Sessions block. The default is 'enabled'.

    Reporting v8.0

    • Added new blocks for viewing interaction data.
    • Added a new 'HasPhoneFilter' DataView filter that will allow filtering people based on if they have a specific phone number type and if they have SMS enabled.
    • Fixed an issue where personal merge templates were displayed for all users in the template picker when performing a merge.
    • Added a new person data view filter for Attendance at Campus(es). Fixes: #2924
    • Added a new Days Until Anniversary field for use with Person Data Views and Reports. Fixes: #662
    • Added Person Connection Request data view filter.
    • Added 'Family Members' post-filter transformation.
    • Added a new data view filter to allow for filtering people who have clicked and opened a specific communication.
    • Added option to persist Data Views to help improve performance of complex ones.
    • Added the ability to assign security settings to a merge template from the Merge Template Detail block.
    • Added support to the Lava SQL command and Run SQL workflow action for Parameterized SQL statements. Fixes: #2866
    • Added the ability to have inactive interaction channels.
    • Updated the Spouse Name person report select field to optionally include the last name.
    • Added more options on how to use Persisted Data Views when using the 'In Other Data View' filters.
    • Updated the Report Detail block to be configured for a specific report using a block setting. This allows for using the block on a stand-along page for specific reports.

    Workflow v8.0

    • Updated Text to Workflow to use new Age Classification property to order duplicate person matches (adults first).
    • Updated the Workflow Type picker to only show workflow types that are active and that the user is authorized to view.
    • Updated the Group Member Add workflow actions to not error if a selected person already belongs to the selected group.
    • Added a new Post-Add option to the workflow triggers and expanded previous value checking on post-save triggers. Fixes: #2369 #2667 #2671
    • Updated the Activate Workflow Action to optionally allow saving the new workflow to an Attribute on the originating workflow.
    • Added the ability to specify up to three attachments in the SendMail workflow action.
    • Added a Save Then Add button to the Attribute Editor when editing workflows. This should decrease the time it takes to enter attributes for larger workflows.
    • Fixed 'workflowactivate' Lava command not to make attribute names lowercase. Fixes: #3003
    • Fixed an issue with connection type workflow qualifiers not being set correctly when first viewed.
    • Fixed missing Workflow Trigger Qualifier columns. Fixes: #3067
    • Added a new workflow action for processing a message as if it was being received by the Text-To-Person system directly. Fixes: #2910
    • Added a workflow action for adding new content channel items.
    • Added new workflow actions for managing registration discount codes.
    • Added a workflow action that sends a web request based on the configured action setting.

    Rock v7.6 Released February 25, 2019

    CMS v7.6

    • Increased security for several public facing components and blocks.

    Rock v7.5 Released August 13, 2018

    API v7.5

    • Increased security for social media endpoints.

    Rock v7.4 Released June 11, 2018

    CMS v7.4

    • Added an option to the Login Block so that it will go immediately to the external auth url if that is the login option.
    • Updated the Family Pre-Registration block to use the Date Part Picker instead of the Date Picker for birth dates.
    • Updated the site's 404 page to display with a result status of 404. Before it would show the page 404 page, but not set the HTTP status to be 404.
    • Fixed the age formatting on the My Account page so that "old" displays correctly now after "yrs" instead of after the birth date. Fixes: #2790
    • Fixed the links for sharing items to be encoded correctly. Fixes: #2775
    • Removed hyphens from "Thank-you" and "on-going" throughout Rock. Fixes: #1711
    • Fixed issue where site's default page was being rendered instead of a 404 page when requesting an invalid page/route. Fixes: #2816
    • Fixed issue with the pager in the footer of the Podcast Series List for the external example themes. Fixes: #2767
    • Fixed issue where new Content Channel Items were not added to the bottom of the grid if manually reordered. Fixes: #2752
    • Updated the Universal Search site crawler to process a robots.txt file correctly and fixed a possible stack overflow issue that would occur if page hierarchy was deep enough.
    • Fixed Simple Communication Entry block to show SMS medium correctly if that was the only medium configured.
    • Fixed bug in Purchased Plugins page that would throw exception if a previously purchased plugin was not installed. Fixes: #2882
    • Fixed the In Registration Instance data view filter to include anyone who registered multiple times. Fixes: #2957

    Check-in v7.4

    • Updated the Auto Select Days Back option in Family Check-in so that a value of zero will never auto select anyone.
    • Added an option to the Person detail screen in Check-in Manager to enable showing related people who are allowed to check-in the selected person, in addition to only family members.
    • Updated the text of the Next button on family check-in to be configurable.
    • Updated the Attendance Analytics block so that it can be specific to an individual group.
    • Updated the Check-in Schedule Builder block to support configuring schedules for group types that support check-in, but are not configured through the check-in areas.
    • Added a new check-in workflow action that allows filtering groups by gender.
    • Fixed label security codes not to use variations of '666' for numerical increments. Fixes: #2877
    • Fixed check-out success message to correctly show the schedule name instead of the frequency. Fixes: #2903
    • Fixed issue with not being able to check in a person using the manager override option. Fixes: #2938
    • Fixed check-in so that the age comparisons are only as precise as the specified number of digits, and will no longer require entering extremely precise age ranges with a large number of decimal places. Fixes: #1281
    • Updated the custom Rock check-in font. If you've installed this on your printers, you may want to update it. In some cases, the icons on the old font will not accept the proper placement information from the label. See the related Github issue for more details. Fixes: #2895

    Communication v7.4

    • Updated the Communication Wizard to indicate that CC/BCC recipients will receive an email for every recipient in the communication. Fixes: #2753
    • Updated the Email Preference Entry block to allow user the option of updating their email address, and added configuration option for customizing which options are displayed.
    • Updated the editor in the new Communication Wizard block so that the controls toolbar is fixed and does not scroll off the screen when scrolling the email content down. Fixes: #2801
    • Updated the way SMS Response Codes are generated to prevent infinite loops. Fixes: #2552
    • Added CC and BCC support to the Email Form block.
    • Updated the Communication Entry Wizard block to remember the template category selection a user selects and default to that same category the next time they create a communication.
    • Updated the Communication Entry wizard not to use hard-coded table widths in order to assist with media queries. Fixes: #2800
    • Fixed an issue where copying a communication template would not reset IsSystem to false. Fixes: #2783
    • Fixed an issue with communication recipient fields not working for a dataview when used by a Dynamic Report block.
    • Fixed the Communication List block so that it no longer causes an exception when a query error occurs. Fixes: #2683
    • Fixed issue where communication approval emails did not include the correct link to the communication needing approval. Fixes: #2730
    • Fixed confirmation email for registration never being received. Changed email send logic to better fall back on global org email for the from address if one is not specified in the email object. Fixes: #2879
    • Fixed exception that would occur if creating a communication on a page who's URL was longer than 200 characters (i.e., a shared attendance analytics link).
    • Fixed an issue where text and SMS messages created through a workflow, job, etc., would not resolve Lava commands successfully. Fixes: #2904
    • Fixed issue with not being able to create a personal communication template from My Settings.
    • Fixed Communication Entry to create recipient correctly when linked to a person from another page (i.e., from Person Profile).

    Connection v7.4

    • Added the ability to set the connection opportunity via a block setting on the Connection Opportunity Sign-up block. Fixes: #2860
    • Updated the Connection Request Detail block to hide workflows that are inactive or the user is not authorized to view.

    Core v7.4

    • Updated the attribute editor so that when it is used inside a modal dialog it will display the id of the attribute being edited in the title of the dialog.
    • Added Person ID to the Excel file when exporting from the Transaction List block.
    • Added an option to hide the internal login option on the Login block.
    • Added support for plugins to use custom SQL Functions in LINQ queries. Fixes: #2642
    • Updated jQuery to version 3.3.1.
    • Updated exception logging to always log to the RockExceptions.csv file during startup. Fixes: #2733
    • Added a new Gender field type.
    • Updated the File Browser to actually disable the Rename, Move and Delete buttons when they are disabled. Fixes: #2695
    • Fixed an issue when impersonating another user that would result in the Restore button not always being visible in the administrator toolbar.
    • Fixed exceptions that would occur if an attribute's value was null (possibly caused from migrating data). Fixes: #2797
    • Fixed issue that would result in having to login again after restoring an impersonated user if you never navigated to another page after impersonating them.
    • Fixed issue where escaped HTML gets displayed in a grid. Fixes: #2755
    • Fixed an issue with several list blocks where filtering the list by an attribute's default value would not return all of the correct items.
    • Fixed issue with several HTML content areas showing a warning in the code editor. Fixes: #2774
    • Fixed issue with the RockListBlock saving correct values when an item value included a space.
    • Fixed error that could occur when using the Attribute Editor to edit attributes with different field types and at least one of the field types had multiple configuration controls. Fixes: #2890
    • Fixed the Key Value List to correctly display the ^ character. Fixes: #2916
    • Fixed an issue with not being able to scroll vertically on an IOS device from a tree view (i.e. Group Tree, Account Tree, Page Map, etc). Fixes: #2867
    • Fixed FileUploader to pass correct arguments when using a grid to store the control. Fixes: #2758
    • Updated Number box to display integers, and Currency box to display with two decimal places. iOS keyboards default to the correct input.
    • Fixed the standard account confirmation messages for the Account Confirmation block.
    • Fixed Attribute Matrix editor not enforcing validation in some situations. This fixes an issue where validation would not be enforced when an attribute matrix was used in the Person Profile attributes. Fixes: #2810
    • Updated the Grade Transition Date global attribute to use a month/day picker, and updated the grade and graduation date logic so it works consistently regardless of culture. Fixes: #2722
    • Updated the HtmlEditor to prevent an issue where switching to WYSIWYG mode would rearrange the text if there were Lava commands. Now Rock will detect if there are Lava commands and automatically start in code editor mode. It will also display a warning and prevent the editor from going to WYSIWYG mode if there are any Lava commands (e.g., if the code contains a {% for %} loop around an HTML Table Row [tr], Rock will detect the Lava and prevent WYSIWYG mode). Fixes: #1810

    CRM v7.4

    • Added a new Data Automation job and a block to configure how data is automatically updated. This includes the inactivating/reactivating of person records, changing family campus, and moving adult children into their own new families.
    • Added a new 'Family Registration' block for families to pre-register before visiting for the first time.
    • Added a new badge that shows interactions for a specific channel.
    • Updated the Person Merge block to show unlisted phone numbers with an indicator that it is unlisted. This makes it easier to determine the correct phone number to use. Fixes: #2174
    • Updated the location services to automatically enable the Smarty Streets integration if no other location services were enabled. Now that Smarty Streets is free it will be default ON. You can turn it off if you wish and it will not be enabled again in the future. Also, removed the Administrator Check-list item for enabling location services.
    • Updated how person and family history records are created so that it is now only created in one shared place instead of each block having to create the history records.
    • Updated the person badges to align better with Font Awesome 5.
    • Updated the Bulk Update block to improve performance when updating a large number of people.
    • Improved display of connection request by filtering out inactive, completed, and future follow-up that are not due.

    Event v7.4

    • Updated the Calendar Lava block to accept date parameters from the query string.
    • Updated the configuration of Event Registration so if a '$' character is included with fee cost(s), it will no longer cause an issue.
    • Fixed event registration so that it displays fees in the correct order. Fixes: #2880
    • Fixed issue where the registrant's campus was not showing up on the Registrants tab, WaitList tab, and GroupPlacement tab in the Registration Instance Detail block. Fixes: #2673
    • Fixed the ability to link a Registration Instance to an existing Calendar Item. Fixes: #2624
    • Fixed a history point creation exception on event registration. Fixes: #1639
    • Fixed a bug in the Calendarlava block where switching between week and month without clicking on the calendar first would select the first week then the previous month.
    • Fixed an issue that was causing the 'send signature document reminder' to create a new document instead of using the existing one. Fixes: #3013
    • Added Connection Status as a possible Person Field when building Registration Templates.

    Finance v7.4

    • Added a Previous button to the Transaction Detail block.
    • Improved performance of the Batch List block.
    • Updated the Help text on the pledge blocks to clarify the meaning of the total amount and pledge frequency.
    • Added Spark integration reference number to Payflow Pro gateway. This will help Payflow Pro identify transactions that came from Rock.
    • Updated the Account Picker control so that it defaults to using the account Name (instead of Public Name) and added a new property to control whether the public name should be used.
    • Updated the Giving Analytics block to support filtering transactions by Transaction Type.
    • Updated the Summary of Contributions panel on the Contributions tab of the Person Profile to allow showing less after the user has selected to show more.
    • Updated Giving Amount data filter to include people who didn't have any transactions when doing a Less Than filter.
    • Updated the Financial Transaction List block to include Batch Id when exporting to excel.
    • Updated the Transaction Matching block to remove the unused 'Show Selected Accounts Only' block setting. This functionality is actually controlled by a filter setting and is specific to each user.
    • Fixed issue in Fundraising Matching (Transaction Entity Matching) where transactions could be falsely matched after saving changes to one batch, switching to another batch, then saving changes on that batch. (The selection would sometimes be stuck on the selections from the first batch for the corresponding row.) Fixes: #2937
    • Fixed the Benevolence statement to show correct case worker address while printing. Fixes: #2761
    • Fixed Transaction List block to filter transactions correctly when using the 'Campus (of Batch)' filter. Fixes: #2787
    • Fixed error in the batch list that prevented batches in the grid list from being opened or closed using the drop down list. (Fixes #2977) Fixes: #2977

    Group v7.4

    • Fixed an exception that would occur in the Group Sync job when attempting to create a login for a person with no name. Fixes: #2654
    • Fixed the Group Context Setting to allow the Clear Selection option to be blank to match the help text description of the feature. Fixes: #2229
    • Fixed Group Edit showing Security Role checkbox for users with Edit privileges but not Administrator. Group Edit will only show the Security Role checkbox if the current user is a Rock Administrator. Fixes: #2913
    • Fixed the Group Context Setting to allow the 'Clear Selection' option to be blank to match the help text description of the feature. Fixes: #2229
    • Updated the attendance block to add an additional merge field (AttendanceDate) to the roster merge document for passing in the date that the attendance is for.
    • Updated the Group Attendance Detail block to allow people with Manage Members security to update attendance.
    • Updated the Group Finder block to only consider 'Active' group members when calculating capacity (to be consistent with all the other places capacity is checked).

    Lava v7.4

    • Added an optional append order to the Lava Fallback text filter.
    • Added a new 'Decrypt' Lava filter.
    • Added Lava shortcode to embed videos from Vimeo.
    • Updated EventItemOccurrencesSearchLava, EventDetailWithOccurrencesSearchLava and EventItemOccurrenceListLava to include 'All Campuses' event occurrences when filtering by campus. This makes the functionality consistent with the CalendarLava and EventItemOccurrenceListByAudienceLava block, which include 'All Campuses' events when filtering by campus. Fixes: #2833
    • Fixed an issue that kept inline Lava shortcodes from having recursive capabilities.
    • Fixed the 'Right' Lava filter to not throw an exception if the request length is greater than the string length. Fixes: #2902
    • Fixed the way Person is retrieved in the Lava filters. Fixes: #2830
    • Fixed the SetPageTitle Lava filter to also update the breadcrumbs. Fixes: #2844
    • Fixed sort ordering on the Notes Lava filter. Both asc and desc are now working as expected. Fixes: #2771

    Prayer v7.4

    • Added email address to the information displayed on the Prayer Request Detail block. Fixes: #2863
    • Added a new option to the Prayer Request List block that can be used to limit the list of prayer requests to only those that are public.

    Reporting v7.4

    • Added filters for the Interactions List block.
    • Added the ability to filter interaction blocks by a specific person through the query string.
    • Updated the Interaction reporting for Short Links to be more readable and show the fields that one would be interested in when looking at short links.
    • Updated the 'Set Defaults' text on the Dynamic Report block to say 'Reset Filters' so that it better indicates what the link will do.
    • Updated the Dynamic Data block to support decrypting encrypted values returned by the query.
    • Added an additional merge field to the Interaction Component List block to return the number of interactions by component.
    • Fixed an issue preventing user-drawn geofences from filtering groups and people.
    • Fixed the Interaction Session List block so that it does not timeout with a large number of page views.
    • Updated the Line Chart Dashboard Widget block to support getting more than one metric partition context from the page. Fixes: #2576
    • Added additional data view filters and report selects for Benevolence, Prayer Requests, and Scheduled Transactions.

    Workflow v7.4

    • Fixed an issue where the URL value on Redirect workflow actions was getting lost. Fixes: #2920
    • Fixed link paths to send the entire path in notification emails. Fixes: #2946
    • Fixed workflow email issue where action buttons would not work. Fixes: #2834
    • Fixed error when adding a person to a new family in a workflow. Fixes: #2917

    Rock v7.3 Released February 26, 2018

    CMS v7.3

    • Fixed an issue where Font Awesome font weights were not calculating correctly, causing checkboxes to appear solid.
    • Fixed styling of the icons for External Applications to make it more friendly to raster images. Fixes: #2732
    • Fixed an issue with pages added using the new Pages editor not defaulting the Show Child Pages property to 'true'. This fixes an issue where the Page Menu block appeared not to be working. Fixes: #2741

    Check-in v7.3

    • Fixed the Attendance Analytics block so that the columns displayed include the same dates as the attendance being calculated. For example, if using a date range of 01/01/18 through 01/31/18, a column will no longer be displayed for 02/04/18 and a date of 02/04/18 will not affect the calculated attendance rate.

    Communication v7.3

    • Fixed issue where Communication Admins and Communication Approvers were not able to see pending communications. Fixes: #2730
    • Updated Copy Communication so that it only requires VIEW security instead of EDIT. This fixes an issue where the Copy Communication button in communication history was not visible to some people.
    • Fixed an issue in the Communication Entry blocks where Approvers wouldn't be able to edit a communication that was pending approval. Fixes: #2730

    Core v7.3

    • Fixed matrix attributes being hidden in view mode when used as person attributes. Fixes: #2721

    CRM v7.3

    • Fixed Person Duplicate job taking a long time on some databases. Fixes: #2748

    Event v7.3

    • Fixed public calendar showing inactive campuses when the Campus Filter option is enabled. Fixes: #2728

    Finance v7.3

    • Fixed issue where Scheduled Transactions couldn't be added using the Schedule Transaction List block. Fixes: #2724
    • Fixed Giving Type Context Picker not setting the current person context correctly in some instances. This fixes an issue of the contribution statement list lava sometimes not displaying any available statements.
    • Added 'Order Top-Level Accounts' option to Accounts configuration.

    Group v7.3

    • Fixed an issue where a person could be removed from a synced group (or security role). Fixes: #2716
    • Fixed Merge Templates not showing Lava Help correctly for GroupMember, etc., when exporting from a Group Member list. Fixes: #2726
    • Fixed issue where a person could be removed from a synced group (or security role). Fixes: #2716

    Lava v7.3

    • Added the ability to optionally Show inactive groups in the GroupListPersonalizedLava block.

    Reporting v7.3

    • Fixed issue where 'Not in Existing Dataview' returned incorrect results. Fixes: #2718
    • Fixed Dynamic Report not showing Labels.
    • Fixed Person Has Note data filter so that leaving the note type blank will return records that have any type of note. Fixes: #2714
    • Fixed issue with Phone Number field on Reports showing the phone number for mobile regardless of the phone type selected. Fixes: #2745
    • Fixed Merge Template Entry only working if Unsecured file type had a storage type of 'Database'. Fixes: #2441

    Workflow v7.3

    • Fixed Send SMS workflow action throwing an exception when the recipient was a group with multiple people in it. Fixes: #2747
    • Fixed an issue where the Workflow Entry block would get stuck in a loop if it was passed a command value in the query string. Fixes: #2749

    Rock v7.2 Released January 31, 2018

    Check-in v7.2

    • Fixed issue where multiple person labels were not printing when using 'Family' check-in. Fixes: #2713

    Communication v7.2

    • Fixed communications so a person's email preference does not affect sending of SMS messages.
    • Updated a Communication Page block setting in the Person Bio block that is used to specify the page user should be redirected to when clicking person's email address. It defaults to the simple communication page.

    Event v7.2

    • Fixed issue where the Active Registration Instance List block did not show instances when blank dates were present. Fixes: #2701
    • Fixed Registration Instance List Block by removing unused field from the grid. Fixes: #2702

    Rock v7.1 Released January 31, 2018

    Check-in v7.1

    • Fixed an issue with Check-in not displaying the correct message or the countdown timer when the kiosk was closed but had an upcoming schedule for the same day. Fixes: #2570
    • Fixed an issue with Check-in using the people/group/location auto check-in option, which had allowed people to check-in again to the same service despite the option to prevent this being selected. Fixes: #2478
    • Updated the device search by hostname functionality in Check-in to match against the IPAddress field. Fixes: #2625
    • Added a new configuration option to the Attendance Analytics block to limit the available data views in the filter to specific category(s).
    • Updated the Create Labels check-in action to look for labels configured on the person, group and/or location objects rather than only the group type object.

    Communication v7.1

    • Updated the Communication List block to use the communication name when subject is empty (i.e., for SMS communications).
    • Updated communications to fix an exception that would occur if certain communication fields (e.g., subject, from name, etc.) were too long.
    • Fixed issue where communications with blank or null From Email were being created with the incorrect sender.

    Core v7.1

    • Added a new 'Label' field type. This makes it easier to add a label to a specific person and/or group that will always print when that person checks in, or when anyone checks into that group. This is an advanced configuration done outside the normal Check-in Configuration block.
    • Updated the Bootstrap Button to support a completed text and/or message that can be displayed for a set duration after the post back completes.
    • Updated the Schedule Detail block to support viewing and editing attributes associated with schedules.
    • Fixed the EnumField and EnumsField attributes so that they support being used more than once on a block.
    • Updated the merge document process to no longer delete word fields from the template when merging data.
    • Updated the Attributes block to prevent multiple global attributes being created with the same key. Fixes: #2605
    • Added a new Attribute type of 'Lava Field', which allows a Lava template to be added to entities and will render its contents as the value. This will be helpful in creating more descriptive settings and configuration panels.
    • Fixed Attribute Editor to allow editing the default values of field types that have multiple entry fields (i.e., Group Role). Fixes: #2427
    • Fixed an issue where the required field indicators were not showing on the New Family control. Fixes: #2660
    • Fixed an issue with Font Awesome brand icons on the Login block.
    • Fixed an issue with not being able to select items when using an iOS device.
    • Fixed various field types so that attribute values of the types can be reverted back to the default values. Fixes: #2596
    • Fixed issue with missing site map icon on the 'Admin Tools > CMS Configuration > Pages' page. This addresses cases where Font Awesome classes are added in conjunction with other CSS classes that define font weights. Font Awesome will now win the weight war in these cases.
    • Updated the CodeEditor control to display correctly even if it is not initially set to be visible on a block. Fixes: #2557

    CRM v7.1

    • Updated the editing of family attributes so that updates are logged to history.
    • Updated the Bulk Update block to allow setting a new Communication Preference.

    Finance v7.1

    • Updated the Batch List block to filter the name of the batch using Contains logic verses Starts With.
    • Fixed an issue with NMI transactions not saving the Name On Card value after processing a transaction. Fixes: #2304
    • Fixed an exception that would occur in the statement generator if a pledge exists with a maximum end date value (12/31/9999). Fixes: #2647

    Group v7.1

    • Updated the Group Member List block to display any group member note values when hovering the mouse over the note icon. Also added an option to display the notes in a separate column instead of only showing an icon.
    • Added a new block setting that can be used to prevent entering a future date in the Group Attendance Detail block.
    • Added a delete confirmation when deleting members from the Leader Toolbox.
    • Added a new Manage Members security action to the group and grouptype models that can be used to grant users the ability to add, edit, and delete members in a group without having the ability to edit or delete the group.

    Reporting v7.1

    • Updated the Metric Detail block to display the ID of the metric to assist in Lava development using metrics. Fixes: #2611
    • Added new blocks for viewing interaction data.

    Workflow v7.1

    • Fixed workflow processing so that if a redirect action occurs with remaining workflow entry actions, the redirect still happens. Fixes: #2645
    • Fixed an issue where workflows would process the wrong User Entry Form if multiple forms existed in the same Activity or a single Activity was activated multiple times. Fixes: #2567
    • Updated the Person Property Update workflow action to support setting a person's communication preference value.

    Rock v7.0 Released January 31, 2018

    API v7.0

    • Added REST endpoint for sending a communication.
    • Added Swagger UI which will help users visualize and interact with Rock's REST API. It can be viewed at /api/docs.
    • Added REST endpoint to get Rock version (/api/Utility/GetRockSemanticVersionNumber).

    CMS v7.0

    • Added the ability to configure a favicon image specific to each site.
    • Added support for configuring content channels to allow tagging of items.
    • Added new functionality for creating short links and tracking when people use them.
    • Added the option to have a block show up on all pages of a site for a specific zone.
    • Added a new No Account Text setting to the Login block to allow customizing of the message displayed when an invalid user login is entered.
    • Added the ability to add site specific Page attributes. These can be configured in the site details and edited on the page details.
    • Added property to the page to add a CSS class to the body tag. The theme must define the body tags as in order for this to work.
    • Added options to the redirect block to only redirect when on/not on specific networks. This will allow you to keep people in certain roles from accessing pages/sites outside of the organization's network.
    • Added some additional options to Content Channel Types: Option to disable the Content field, a new No Dates date range type, an option to disable the priority field, and an option to disable the status field (which treats all content as Approved).
    • Updated the Redirect block to support using Lava for the URL value.
    • Updated the Device blocks to support editing and viewing device attribute values.
    • Updated Less compile on the Themes page to now return an error message if a compile error occurs. Fixes: #1704
    • Changed the default cache time on the HTML block to be 0 (none) instead of 3600 seconds.
    • Improved performance of Content Channel View block by defaulting to not supporting the legacy global attribute Lava syntax, and by allowing output to be cached in addition to the content items.
    • Updated the Less compiler in Rock to allow for variable overrides. Basically this means that the last implementation of the variable will be the accepted value. This more closely aligns to the pattern of Less.js.
    • Updated the Page Settings to show the blocks requesting the page context parameter. Fixes: #2452
    • Added the ability to select existing Content Channel Items when configuring Calendar Event Occurrences. Fixes: #2439
    • Fixed admin bar to allow editing of footer in DashboardStark. Fixes: #1584
    • Fixed issue where CSS files were not getting fingerprinted when using RockPage.
    • Fixed displaying of corrupt images in the file browser. Before it would produce an out of memory exception. Now it returns a placeholder image noting that the image was corrupt.

    Check-in v7.0

    • Updated the Schedule Builder block to allow selecting all or none of the items in the column.
    • Added the ability to easily add schedule exceptions to all schedules within the same category.
    • Fixed issue with Check-in Welcome screen hanging at 0:00 countdown. Fixes: #2236
    • Added an option to search by security code to the Check-In Manager. Fixes: #2467
    • Updated the server-based check-in label printing to support specifying port number override with syntax.

    Communication v7.0

    • Fixed Mailgun webhook bounced email event. Fixes: #1785
    • Updated Communication Template Editor to allow custom Lava fields that can be easily edited, and an advanced mode where Lava fields can be created and integrated into the template.
    • Updated the Unsubscribe (Email Preference Entry) to give an option to unsubscribe from any communication lists that the user belongs to. This option will only show if the user is unsubscribing from email that was sent to a communication list.
    • Updated the Communication Wizard to allow an image or other file can be attached to an SMS message.
    • Updated the Safe Sender check when sending emails to allow for the option of not updating the From Address if all recipients belong to a Safe Sender domain.
    • Added security to Communications based on the Communication Template that was used.
    • Added a new Communication List Subscribe block where a person's communication list subscriptions can be managed.
    • Added an option to unsubscribe from a communication list.
    • Added a configurable logo to Communication Templates.
    • Added the ability to copy a Communication Template.
    • Added settings to allow changing Image and Document paths on new communications for use with toolboxes. Fixes: #2017
    • Updated the Email Form block to provide some additional styling options.
    • Updated the SMS Communication Entry to check if current user has a number associated with them and if so default to that number.
    • Updated the Send SMS workflow action to allow using an attribute that is a Memo field type in addition to Text field type.
    • Added a new job that will monitor the communication queue and send a notification if communications are not getting sent in a timely matter.
    • Added a new block to display communications that are currently queued to be sent.
    • Added support for Lava commands to the Email Form block.
    • Added a new Communication Wizard for creating communications.
    • Updated the sending of communications to an email address so that it will track opens/clicks. Fixes: #2598

    Connection v7.0

    • Updated Connections to allow setting security on Connection Opportunities and update blocks to use security consistently.
    • Updated Connection Request to require a follow-up date when state is set to Future Follow Up.
    • Updated Connection Request Transfers to prompt for who the new connector person should be. It now has the option to keep the current connector, use the default, select a specific person, or select 'No Connector'.
    • Added an option to select the connector when transferring a connection request.
    • Updated My Connection Opportunities block to hide inactive Opportunities that have no open requests and include an 'inactive-item' class when inactive.
    • Added ability to configure multiple group types/roles/statuses for connection opportunities
    • Fixed the connection request Transfer feature to honor the default connector if the new opportunity has a default set for the request's campus. Fixes: #1573
    • Fixed bug where the idle count of the My Connection Opportunities block showed items that were not idle.

    Core v7.0

    • Fixed issue with several jobs and a few blocks (and transactions) that were incorrectly using a non-existent ExternalApplicationRoot instead of the correct PublicApplicationRoot global attribute (which is used in the content of emails).
    • Changed BirthdayPicker to validate (prevent) future dates and added AllowFutureDateSelection option to the DatePicker to prevent selection of future dates. Fixes: #1458
    • Fixed an issue in the ResolveRockUrl filter where in some cases the theme directory was not being appended to the URL when using /Themes/RockRMSv3/.
    • Fixed issue with the Attribute List grid where it would break if the attribute value contained HTML that included .
    • Fixed issue with new account entry block that would prevent existing people with a PIN number login from creating a normal database login. Fixes: #2204
    • Fixed unnecessary creation of Rock database context objects to improve performance.
    • Added support for plugins to specify inherited attributes on custom entities. Fixes: #2386
    • Updated the logging of URLs (page view interactions, short links, email clicks, etc.) to also obfuscate impersonation parameters (rckipid) even when it is part of a page route (in addition to when it is used as a query string parameter).
    • Added the ability to set a link URL on an image in the Summernote editor.
    • Added the ability to categorize and secure tags, and updated tag blocks to support additional entities.
    • Improved the performance of the group picker control when selecting a large number of groups.
    • Added option to the Date Field type to have a Future Years setting when using the date parts picker.
    • Updated metric security so that they inherit permissions from their category. Fixes: #2399
    • Fixed controls to scroll correctly when using a mobile/touch device. Fixes: #2090
    • Fixed various controls not honoring the Required property. Fixes: #1705 #1643
    • Updated Rock Jobs so they will send notification emails. Fixes: #2360
    • Updated the Group Picker to correctly select all children when the child nodes in the tree have not yet been loaded.
    • Added the ability to save WiFi Presence information about a device and the person associated with that device.
    • Added the ability to set MEF component attribute values from the web.config file.
    • Added support for word clouds.
    • Added security verification block under Admin Tools > Security to show the effective permissions on a specific entity.
    • Added a User Login related data view filter for Person data views.
    • Added framework for linking Rock to phone systems (PBX). The features added allow for plug-ins to be created for specific phone systems to allow for features such as creating interactions from call detail records and click to call.
    • Added FontAwesome 5. Be sure to see the documentation for updated information on its usage.
    • Added the option for login cookies to be able to span subdomains.
    • Added interaction cache objects and updated Interaction Add workflow action to use cached objects.
    • Updated Date Picker control to make keyboard entry easier. Fixes: #1802
    • Added new Rock job to automate SQL Server maintenance. Note if you have created a custom maintenance plan you'll want to either disable the job or your custom plan. [docs]
    • Set up XUnit and created sample tests.
    • Updated Person Tokens to have options of a specific page, a max usage, and expiration date.
    • Updated tags to support security and categories.
    • Updated the Bing location verification service to only consider a match if the entity type returned is 'Address' vs. a 'PostalCode' or 'Neighborhood' type match.
    • Updated the Following By Entity block to support deleting a following record.
    • Added a new EntityAttributeValues block that can be used to view and edit attribute values for entities that have an existing UI (though the UI does not currently have support for editing attribute values).
    • Added a new control, field type, and attribute type for selecting one or more data views.
    • Added the ability to set and view the description of categories. This will allow users to set the description of categories for things such as DataViews and Report categories.
    • Added a new FileSize property to the BinaryFile model that storage providers can use to store the size of a file when it is saved, and updated the database and filesystem providers to update the property.
    • Added a new IRockOwinStartup interface for allowing plugins to implement OWIN functionality. Fixes: #2142
    • Added a new social security number control and field type.
    • Added the ability to order campuses. Fixes: #2170
    • Updated the ValueList field type to support using a SQL statement as its source for custom values in dropdown.
    • Added Image Tag Template option to Image Attributes so that the resulting IMG tag can be customized through Lava.
    • Improved the System Information dialog to show the full Rock version number.
    • Updated the Universal Search site crawler to be able to crawl pages that have been secured (require login ID and password).
    • Updated the File Browser to allow downloading of existing files.
    • Improved the Rock Cleanup job to delete attributes that are associated with an entity that has been deleted. Fixes: #1776
    • Updated Database Maintenance Job to use an 80% fill factor for index rebuilds, and also have an option for online index rebuild.
    • Updated blocks that use 'enable Debug' and removed code related to 'Enable Debug'.
    • Updated Tags block so it can be put on any page for any Entity.
    • Added an enhanced interface for drop down lists and as an alternative to check box lists. This uses the "chosen" jquery plug-in from Harvest.
    • Updated the Plugin install process so that all cached items are cleared after installing the plugin and running its migrations (or install.sql file).
    • Updated the DatePicker control to allow setting a minimum date (so it can be used to prevent past dates).
    • Fixed an issue that was preventing certain windows from being able to be scrolled using the mouse on touch-enabled devices. Fixes: #1731
    • Fixed issue with a person's grade being calculated incorrectly when using a non en-US client culture. Fixes: #2079

    CRM v7.0

    • Updated Person Bio to include person's title if they have a formal title such as 'Dr.', 'Rev.', or 'Cpt.'
    • Updated the Tooltip text on the family attendance badge to indicate that attendance is only for child when viewing a child's record. Fixes: #2476
    • Updated New Family to be responsive on mobile.
    • Updated Person Picker to allow it to show more than 20 results, and be displayed in a scroller. Now it defaults to have a max result of 60, but can be configured by changing the Person Picker Fetch Count global attribute.
    • Updated the Family View/Edit to respect attribute security.
    • Updated Relationships block so that a custom Relationships group type can be used.
    • Updated to make a child who is 18+ an adult in their own family when they are moved to a new family.
    • Improved the Person Merge block to handle the selection and merging of family attribute values.
    • Added a new Person History Following event type to detect and send a notice when specific changes to a person's demographic history are made for someone who is being followed.
    • Fixed the personal and organizational tags to appear under the correct headers.
    • Fixed a line break issue in the Contact Information column of the Business List block. Fixes: #2362
    • Fixed an exception that would occur when trying to merge a person who does not have a family group.
    • Added the ability to view Lava-based contribution report on the person profile page.
    • Added a new option to the Actions list on the person profile to allow downloading a vCard.
    • Added new Giving person badge.
    • Added new Attended Group of Type person badge.
    • Added the ability to add and remove people to security roles directly from their profile record.
    • Updated Bulk Update to allow launching one or more workflow types for each of the selected people.
    • Added additional settings to New Family block to allow optionally requiring Birthdate, Address, and a Phone Number.
    • Updated the Person Bio block to allow disabling the following functionality.
    • Added the ability to search by Birthdate.
    • Added some additional configuration options to new family block to control which fields are displayed.
    • Added the ability to use the Prayer Request List and Entry blocks on a Person Profile page.
    • Updated Person Directory block to allow linking to a person profile page.
    • Added option to prompt for middle name in the New Family Block.
    • Updated the Public Profile Edit block to allow disabling of the First and Last Name fields.
    • Added an optional Custom Content block setting to the person Bio block that allows adding additional content.
    • Updated the custom content area on bio bar to render correctly. Fixes: #2610

    Event v7.0

    • Fixed SignNow issue with document being sent to Applies To person rather than Assigned To and an exception that would occur when sending a required registration document. Fixes: #2176
    • Fixed event registrations so that they will no longer occasionally create a duplicate address on a family. Fixes: #1680
    • Fixed the public Event Details block to show the contact person's name correctly when using the default Lava template. Fixes: #2249
    • Updated Event Item Occurrences block to support editing attribute values.
    • Added an additional Register security action that can be used to give the ability to add/edit/delete registrations and registrants without the ability to edit the registration instances.
    • Updated the internal Registration detail block to accept payments when using a three step gateway (NMI).
    • Updated the Registration Instance block to show registration start and end dates when viewing details.
    • Updated the Person Attribute Select field used when adding a person attribute to a registration template form to also indicate the ID and key as a tooltip in order to help identify multiple attributes with the same name.
    • Updated Registration Entry to update an existing group member to Active and to not lose family selection on postback.
    • Extended event registration discount codes to have additional qualifiers.
    • Updated the Registration Template tree view to allow hiding of inactive templates.
    • Added block for listing active registration instances.
    • Updated Registration Entry block so that it will resend a confirmation anytime someone edits their registration (previously it would only send on initial registration).
    • Added support for Lava commands to the CalendarLava block.
    • Added new EventOccurrencesSearchLava block.

    Finance v7.0

    • Fixed an issue with NMI transactions being saved without a credit card type.
    • Updated the Transaction Detail block so it does not consider other transactions with same check number (transaction code) as a related transaction or when calculating the default refund amount.
    • Added a new Pledge Data View filter to allow filtering people by their pledges.
    • Added option to reassign saved bank accounts when reassigning transactions.
    • Added support for viewing, editing and filtering on Financial Batch attribute values.
    • Added Account Public Name in PledgeSummary for ContributionStatementLava. Fixes: #2169
    • Added block to view the fundraising progress for all people in a fundraising group.
    • Added option to have a predefined list of Batch Names when entering a new batch.
    • Added an option to scheduled transactions for changing the account allocation. This works regardless of the gateway associated with the scheduled transaction.
    • Updated credit card labels not to assume 'credit'. Fixes: #2342
    • Added new job for sending notices for expiring credit cards.
    • Added 'Batch Id' as a column in Transaction List.
    • Added UI support for Financial Pledge Attributes.
    • Added the ability to set Transaction attributes from the Payment object. Fixes: #1839
    • Added a new Giving Type context picker that can be used on a Giving History page. This allows a person that has businesses to either choose themselves or one of their businesses when viewing giving history.
    • Updated Batch Detail block to save new batches with status of 'Open'. Fixes: #1825
    • Added PublicName and Description to AccountSummary on the Contribution Statement. Fixes: #1823
    • Added a feature to the Scheduled Transaction List and TransactionEntry block that allows scheduled transactions (that use an 'old' gateway) to be transferred to use the new gateway.
    • Added Payment Detail entity attributes to the Transaction Detail and Transaction Matching blocks. Fixes: #1830
    • Added the ability to have chapters in the Contribution Statement Generator.
    • Added the option to give as a business to the Transaction Entry block.
    • Fixed performance issue with transaction download processing when processing a large number of transactions.
    • Added transaction settled information if it is available from processor, and updated transaction detail block to require a valid batch Id when adding new transactions.
    • Added Transaction History block and better logging of transaction changes.
    • Updated payment downloads to report failed one-time transactions (typically ACH) in addition to payments associated with a scheduled transaction.
    • Updated the Financial Account Detail page to reflect parent/child relationships.
    • Updated the Transaction download process to evaluate all transactions (not just those associated with a Scheduled Transaction). This allows the download to create status updates for all transactions and allows creating offsetting reversals if necessary for any transaction.
    • Added a Transaction Details mode to the Transaction List
    • Updated Account List block so that account attributes marked as 'Show In Grid' will now appear in the grid.
    • Updated Reassign action in the TransactionList so that Transactions can be reassigned to Businesses.
    • Added Account filter block setting to various Finance blocks so they can be configured to only allow specific accounts.
    • Updated transaction list to display and support filtering of attribute values and the foreign key field.
    • Updated the Transaction Entry block to display a warning if the Test Gateway is being used. Fixes: #2113
    • Added the ability to set default frequency and dollar amounts for accounts passed in the URL to Transaction Entry block. Fixes: #2359
    • Updated the Transaction List block to show an account summary when used on a batch detail page, and added a block setting that can be used to hide the account summary.
    • Added an attribute to Fundraising Opportunity Types that allows overriding the Donate button text. Fixes: #2328
    • Added logic to Fundraising Progress block to function on a single participant.
    • Added a setting to FundraisingDonationEntry to allow for automatic selection when only a single active participant exists. Fixes: #2327
    • Added the following additional financial security actions that can be secured separately from the normal view/edit/administrate actions: Batch Delete; Transaction Refund; Filtering Transaction List by Person.
    • Updated the Total Giving report select field to optionally be able to query analytics tables to improve performance.
    • Updated the transaction download process to actually create a zero-dollar transaction whenever a scheduled payment fails to process, and added the option to launch a workflow and/or to send an email to the person who created the schedule when this happens.

    Group v7.0

    • Updated Group Member Attributes datafilter to prompt for GroupType first and fixed issue that would prevent Group Member attribute filters from working correctly.
    • Updated Group Placement with Events to only hide individuals who are already Active members of an Active group. Fixes: #2437
    • Added option to restrict Group Context by the Campus Context.
    • Changed the default ordering on the group list block to be by group name.
    • Added Click to Call to HTML of Stark GroupDetail.lava.
    • Improved the Group List block to allow filtering on a Group Type's Purpose.
    • Updated the Group Detail block to allow copying a group (security role) and all of its associated authorization rules.
    • Added a setting to display groups only under a selected group. Fixes: #1775
    • Added new block to allow rapidly entering attendance data (such as for a worship service).
    • Added option to the Group Member Remove from URL to inactivate the person instead of removing them completely. Also allowed the group to be passed by Guid if desired.
    • Added an option to show a CampusFilter on the GroupMap. To enable, edit the block settings.
    • Updated Group Member List block to include option for displaying date added as an additional column.
    • Updated Group finder to show an info window if no detail page. Fixes: #1797
    • Added option to Group Member list to allow filtering group members by registration instance.
    • Added Campus filter to Group Tree View settings panel and related data calls, and added a Group search box to the Group Tree View settings panel.
    • Added ability to set security on Group Attributes.
    • Fixed Group Member Remove Workflow Action removing all groups. Fixes: #1843
    • Updated the Group Finder block to optionally show the Day Of Week filter as a multi-select checkbox list.
    • Updated GroupList block to have an AdditionalColumns block setting that can be used to add additional columns to the grid using Lava for the column value.
    • Added a block setting to the Group Detail block to toggle the display of the address below the map. This keeps you from having to edit the group to see the actual screen address of the group's location.

    Lava v7.0

    • Fixed the Lava Date filter to be precise down to the millisecond. Before, it was only down to the second. Fixes: #2296
    • Updated the Sort and SortByAttribute Lava Filters to support sorting in ascending or descending order.
    • Updated Lava to cache parsed templates in order to improve performance.
    • Updated Lava to use compiled regular expressions to improve performance.
    • Updated the SQL Lava command to allow the results to be used with the other Array filters, such as Where, Select, Property, etc. Fixes: #2457
    • Added new Lava shortcode feature.
    • Added new Lava filter to get a unique identifier (a guid).
    • Added a new Lava filter that adds a CSS link to the page.
    • Added a new Lava filter to add a script link to the page.
    • Added 'Lava' as a Metric SourceType.
    • Added the Count parameter for Lava Entity Commands.
    • Added new Lava Filter for getting information about the client.
    • Added new {{ 'Lava' | Debug }} Lava filter which will show details about the available merge fields.
    • Added URL Lava filter to parse a URL into individual component parts. Fixes: #2252
    • Added a new Lava command to allow you to place a stylesheet into the page head with support for Less compiling and caching.
    • Added a new Javascript Lava command for adding scripts to your page. This is especially helpful with the new Lava Shortcuts.
    • Added new GroupById and GroupByGuid Lava filters to retrieve a group by its ID and Guid respectively. Fixes: #2533
    • Added a new Right Lava filter which returns the rightmost part of a string of the given length.
    • Added two new Lava filters for reading cache objects and resolving the application path.
    • Added new Lava filter for determining the number of days in a month.
    • Added new Lava filter to retrieve the value of a page property.
    • Added new Lava filter FamilySaluation (
    • Added three new Lava filters to Add/Get/Delete user preferences. This allows your Lava to save settings about a person to retrieve on future runs. For instance, you may want to save the last time the Lava ran to filter data by on future runs. Additional documentation can be found at
    • Added a new Lava Filter to get the End Date from an iCal feed.
    • Added new Lava filter for listing Notes.
    • Added a new Lava filter for determining if the person has signed a particular digital document.
    • Added a new Lava webhook that can return results that are configured through Lava and vary based on the URL and HTTP method used to make the request.

    Reporting v7.0

    • Fixed AttendanceAnalytics issue where first and second visit data was not shown if a check-in group was inside a sub area. Fixes: #1835
    • Added a new data view filter for Person data views for filtering based on whether a person is included in a Personal Device data view.
    • Improved the performance of Attendance and Giving Analytics reporting.
    • Added new data transformations that can be used in data views to transform a list of people to their mothers, fathers, grandparents, or grandchildren.
    • Added new dataview filter to search for Person records that have a note containing specified text.
    • Added new Spouse DataView Transform.
    • Added new Location data view filter to make filtering by address easier.
    • Added a data filter to filter people who have registered for registration instances of a particular template(s).
    • Added support for generic XValues in Line charts inside the Dynamic Chart block and for friendly formatted tooltip values in Dynamic Chart blocks (YValueFormatted).
    • Updated the Attendance Analytics group filter to exclude inactive groups
    • Updated Data View Detail block to show any groups that use the Data View for group sync.
    • Updated the Giving Analytics filter to include option to specify that inactive and/or non tax-deductible accounts should be available for filter.
    • Added Last Attended and First Attended as options on the InGroups person datafilter.
    • Added BI Analytics to include a Campus Dimension with support for Campus Attributes.
    • Updated the Dynamic Data block and Reports to be able to specify alternate column(s) to use as the recipient for communications, and updated reports to be able to select column values to be included as merge fields on a communication.
    • Updated BI Analytics to include any Family Attributes that are marked as IsAnalytic.

    Workflow v7.0

    • Updated Send SMS Workflow action to allow an attachment.
    • Added option to set the WorkflowType of the Activate Workflow action from an attribute.
    • Updated the Group Member Add workflow action to allow setting the status of a member when added. Fixes: #2459
    • Updated the Background Check to use the new SSN field type rather than the encrypted text field when storing the SSN number, and updated the workflow to blank out the value when done rather than setting it to xxx-xx-xxxx.
    • Added Workflow settings to automatically remove old logs and completed workflows.
    • Updated the Send Email workflow action so that sending to a group or security role can be limited to people in a specific role.
    • Added Workflow type cache objects to help improve performance of workflow processing.
    • Updated the Person Follow Add workflow action to support following any entity type, and also fixed a bug where the Lava in the field was not being run before the value was being used.
    • Updated the CompleteWorkflow action to allow specifying a status to set workflow to when completing (rather than always overwriting with hard-coded 'Completed' status)
    • Updated the workflow entry block to evaluate route parameter values (in addition to just query string values) when attempting to match workflow attribute values to set.
    • Updated the name of the MyWorkflowsLiquid block type to MyWorkflowsLava.
    • Updated PostAttendanceToGroup action to add Campusid and allow attendance without group membership. Fixes: #1805
    • Added new Workflow field/attribute type and added new workflow action to set status on another workflow.
    • Added job that will complete workflows older than a certain age.
    • Added a new workflow action to create short links.
    • Updated the MyWorkflows block to include a new block setting for limiting workflows to specific categories.
    • Added a new Summary text field to the workflow type to display a friendly summary of the status of a workflow.
    • Added new Redirect and ShowHtml workflow actions.
    • Added a new Webhook to activate a Workflow.
    • Added a new workflow action that can be used to add a following record.
    • Added workflow action to write to interactions table.
    • Added a new workflow action to set the connector on a connection request.
    • Added a new workflow action for setting any property value on any entity.
    • Added a new workflow action for setting any attribute value on any entity.
    • Added workflow action to start a Job.
    • Added a new workflow action that can set a File Attribute using Lava.
    • Fixed Remove Person from Group Using Attribute Workflow Action removing all groups.

    Rock v6.10 Released December 11, 2017

    API v6.10

    • Fixed the Rock REST API to include attributes when an $expand clause and loadAttributes are specified. Fixes: #2429
    • Fixed the Rock REST API missing some 'special' fields when an $expand clause is specified. This fixes an issue where PrimaryAliasId was not included when using GET /api/People with an $expand clause.

    CMS v6.10

    • Updated the ContentChannelView block to require a value for Channel. Fixes: #2276
    • Updated the Content Channel View block to check security and not allow viewing of an item that doesn't belong to configured channel.
    • Fixed the PageListAsBlocks Lava template in the Flat and Stark themes. Fixes: #2495 #2498
    • Fixed confusing help text on site domains. Fixes: #2561
    • Updated the Content Channel detail block to prevent adding Item attributes with same key that the content channel type has defined. Fixes: #2572

    Check-in v6.10

    • Updated check-in type configuration to only display phone number details if a search type of phone number is configured. Fixes: #2432
    • Fixed check-in label details to not erase existing merge codes when re-uploading file. Fixes: #2136

    Communication v6.10

    • Updated the Communication Entry block so that it does not allow removing all recipients when in simple mode. Fixes: #2507
    • Fixed the fact that logging of the Twilio transport was on by default. If using Twilio you may want to delete the log file (/App_Data/Logs/TwilioLog.txt) to regain some disk space on your web server. Fixes: #2496

    Connection v6.10

    • Updated the Connection Opportunity Details block to allow selecting multiple groups at a time when configuring placement groups.
    • Updated My Connections block to display a total count of each opportunity type.
    • Updated the Connection Request block to optionally display the total number of requests for the given campus and opportunity types that user is authorized to view.
    • Fixed an exception that would occur in Connection Request Detail block if no query string parameters are provided. Fixes: #2524
    • Fixed the My Connection Opportunities to correctly hide the "Last Activity Note" column when configured to not show the note. Fixes: #2430

    Core v6.10

    • Updated the Group Picker control to allow easily selecting all groups, or all child groups.
    • Updated the Campus Pickers to load campuses automatically (with option to override list).
    • Updated the Person Picker to show the person's age and spouse name when hovering over the name.
    • Updated the Campus field type to use the "Include Inactive" configuration setting when generating the UI for filtering attributes of this type.
    • Updated exception logging to obfuscate sensitive form fields or any field name that contains 'nolog'. Fixes: #1708
    • Updated File Uploader to clean invalid characters from filenames before storing on file system. Fixes: #2227
    • Updated following suggestions so that it does not send an additional reminder if the number of days for a reminder is left blank.
    • Fixed the required field validation for the RockRating Control.
    • Updated the Login block to honor the locked/unconfirmed settings for external accounts.
    • Fixed an issue that prevented following when multiple followable items exist on single page. Fixes: #2401
    • Fixed issue with text not being aligned correctly in the ButtonDropDownList control. Fixes: #2344
    • Updated the admin toolbar to allow those with edit rights on a page to edit the page properties. Fixes: #2412
    • Added a new following suggestion type that allows following people that are in any groups that are followed.

    CRM v6.10

    • Updated the Public Profile block to support a View Only mode.
    • Updated the Person Merge block so that the invalidating of logins when people with different emails are merged can be disabled.
    • Updated the Add Family block to optionally require a birthdate for children, a phone number for adults, and be able to launch workflows for each adult, child, and or family.
    • Added a new following event for when a person submits a new public prayer request.
    • Fixed issue with the Public Profile Edit block not saving person attribute values when adding new people. Fixes: #2308
    • Updated the Tooltip text on the family attendance badge to indicate that attendance is only for child when viewing a child's record. Fixes: #2476
    • Updated Person Search to better handle businesses with a comma in their name. Fixes: #2279

    Event v6.10

    • Added an option on registration group placement that can be used to set the value of group member attributes when a registrant is placed in a group.
    • Added the ability to filter the calendar Lava block using page parameters.
    • Added Group Placement Filters to Event Registration.
    • Fixed Event Template Details from showing duplicate forms in certain situations. Fixes: #2152

    Finance v6.10

    • Updated the Transaction List block to optionally be able to display the Total Results account summary even when used within context of a batch, person, registration or scheduled transaction.
    • Updated the cron expression for the 'Download Transction' job to run every day at 5am. Before it only ran on weekdays.
    • Updated the transaction entry block so that it does not default to 0.00 and uses place-holder text instead. Fixes: #2157
    • Updated the Transaction Detail block to optionally show transaction detail attributes in the list of accounts for the transaction.
    • Updated the Transaction Matching block to support only showing accounts that already have amounts allocated to them by default.
    • Fixed the Fundraising Participant block to not throw an exception when donor does not have an address. Fixes: #2251
    • Fixed the Fundraising Matching block to not display inactive groups. Fixes: #2481
    • Updated the Contribution Lava Statement block to more accurately show pledge data. Fixes: #2263
    • Fixed Scheduled Transaction Summary so that it does not always show a recurring NMI schedule as having a next payment of 'Today'.
    • Fixed an issue with Transaction Entry block incorrectly determining if saved accounts should be enabled when making a future one-time transaction.
    • Fixed the Financial Pledge block to prevent a negative pledge. Fixes: #2421

    Group v6.10

    • Updated the Group Detail block to optionally be able to prevent setting the campus to an inactive campus.
    • Updated the Group Finder block to optionally be able to display a campus column for the groups in the grid.
    • Updated the Group Type block to prevent adding a circular reference for inherited group types. Fixes: #2447
    • Fixed GroupList block to respect security. Fixes: #2112
    • Fixed the Group Finder block to link to detail page correctly. Fixes: #2172
    • Fixed the Group Finder to display the search button correctly when configured to only filter by campus.
    • Fixed the Group Finder to handle groups with a "\" character in their name. Fixes: #2425
    • Updated the Group Registration block to only count active members when determining over capacity. Fixes: #2402
    • Updated the Group List Block to sort correctly on Date Added. Fixes: #2491
    • Fixed exception that would occur in the Group Registration block if a spouse phone number was left blank. Fixes: #2339

    Lava v6.10

    • Improved the ToCssClass Lava filter to handle complex string that could contain special characters. The following logic was added: - Special characters replaced with - - In cases where multiple - dashes were created together 'this & that' -> this---that' the duplicate dashes were removed (result 'this-that') - If the class does not start with a -,_ or [a-z] the string (required by CSS) -x- will be appended ( '1 or 2' -> '-x-1-or-2') Fixes: #2393
    • Fixed a bug in Registration List Lava block that would cause exception on the My Account page.

    Other v6.10

    • Added a warning to the Protect My Ministry configuration page when configured to use a non-secure URL. Fixes: #2578

    Prayer v6.10

    • Added an option to have new prayer requests default to being public.
    • Fixed Prayer Request Detail block to set default category correctly. Fixes: #2254
    • Fixed the Email Validation on new prayer requests. Fixes: #2515

    Reporting v6.10

    • Added new Campus filters for person data views that allow filtering based only on active campuses (existing filters include inactive campuses).
    • Added a new "In Group(s)" filter for person dataviews that allows filtering just by the group and updates existing filter to be "In Group(s) Advanced".
    • Updated Attendance Analytics to exclude inactive campuses by default in the campus filter (This can be changed to include inactive campuses using a new block setting).
    • Updated the Attendance Analytics block so it can optionally be configured to use a group picker instead of listing every group with a checkbox.
    • Updated DynamicReport to include the DataFilters from any parent dataviews that it uses.
    • Added a new Group Attribute report field for Group Member reports.

    Workflow v6.10

    • Updated the Workflow Entry block so that it will reset browser view to top of page on each form when workflow has multiple user entry forms. Fixes: #2511
    • Updated the PostAttendanceToGroup workflow action to add campusid and allow attendance without group membership. Fixes: #1805
    • Updated work flow processing to not process any workflows/actions that are configured to be inactive. Fixes: #2566

    Rock v6.9 Released August 21, 2017

    CMS v6.9

    • Fixed incorrect HTML in the default podcast series detail Lava file.
    • Updated the active users block to show hints at color dot meanings.
    • Fixed the Content Channel View block so that if Query Parameter Filtering is enabled, the items are not cached (regardless of Cache Duration setting). The Lava template will still be cached based on Cache Duration setting.

    Check-in v6.9

    • Fixed the IdleRedirect block so that it will not redirect prior to the configured idle seconds.
    • Fixed an issue with the Check-in Details page (under Attendance Analytics), sometimes not showing all of the correct groups.
    • Fixed misspelled word in description of field in Check-in Label. Fixes: #2370

    Connection v6.9

    • Updated Connection Requests to show the status dots for each connection request in the grid.
    • Added new My Connection Opportunities Lava block
    • Added Campus Filter to the top of My Connections block that will filter both the Summary and the Grid by Campus

    Core v6.9

    • Fixed the person picker to correctly display 'Pending' record status. Fixes: #2288
    • Fixed Date Attribute showing a required validation error when 'Use Current' is checked. Fixes: #2285
    • Fixed select columns on grids so that their selection will be persisted through a postback.
    • Fixed issue with not being able to logout when the current URL contains an Encoded Key parameter. Fixes: #2202

    CRM v6.9

    • Added optional 'PersonDetailPage' to the New Family block that can be used to navigate to a custom page instead of the default /Person/{PersonId} route

    Finance v6.9

    • Added GivingId to the Attendance Analytics Excel Export.
    • Added option to Batch List to hide the Accounts column
    • Added 'ReopenBatch' as a security action on Batch Detail.
    • Fixed the date range filter in Pledge List block.
    • Fixed the Pledge List block so that when exporting to Excel it includes all of the columns displayed in the list. Fixes: #2200
    • Fixed an exception that would occur when attempting to configure Transaction Entry block with only an ACH gateway. Fixes: #2191
    • Fixed the NMI payment gateway to prompt for the "Name on Account" field correctly when adding a bank account (ACH) transaction.

    Group v6.9

    • Improved the GroupDetailLava block so that when editing an existing group member, the person picker field is disabled.
    • Fixed an exception that would occur in the Attendance History block if a valid group id was not used. Fixes: #2057

    Prayer v6.9

    • Added block setting to allow prayer requests to be public by default.

    Workflow v6.9

    • Fixed the "My Assigned Workflow" lists so they would not show a duplicate workflow when an assigned activity had more than one active form.

    Rock v6.8 Released July 12, 2017

    Core v6.8

    • Fixed an issue with an early version of the v6.7 install missing an updated file.

    Rock v6.7 Released July 11, 2017

    CMS v6.7

    • Updated the Login block so that when a user logs in using an external provider such as Facebook or Google, their login will be remembered and they won't need to login again on every visit.
    • Fixed exceptions that would appear on default home page after installing Rock v6 due to an invalid filter on the content blocks. Fixes: #2155

    Check-in v6.7

    • Updated the ZebraPhoto Lava Filter so that it can be used multiple times on the same label.
    • Improved check-in so that when searching by name, the name field will have focus when screen is displayed. Fixes: #2222
    • Added new features to Check-in that will automatically select options based on the person's last check-in (with ability for user to change the selection).
    • Added the ability for people to check-out.
    • Added the ability to check-in using any type of device that supports keyboard wedge. This includes bar code scanners, proximity card readers, etc.

    Event v6.7

    • Updated Registrations to use Sliding Date Range filters for Registrations, Registrants, and Payments. This also fixed an issue where the date range filters were sometimes not using the correct dates and not including recent registrations and payments.
    • Fixed issue with event details being duplicated on the Calendar Event Detail block when using the Stark theme. Fixes: #2245

    Finance v6.7

    • Added option to have transaction matching so that additional optional accounts can be easily added per transaction.
    • Added 'Save Then Add' and 'Save Then View Batch' as buttons when adding a new transaction to a batch.
    • Added Campus (of Account) as a filter for Transaction List.

    Rock v6.6 Released June 30, 2017

    CMS v6.6

    • Removed links to missing images from Stark theme.
    • Fixed ContentChannelItem data view filters not showing attributes that are defined at the content channel.
    • Updated the ContentChannelView block to use new decluttered storage for Lava commands (Fixes EntityCommands not working in ContentChannelView).
    • Upgraded FontAwesome to v4.7. Been looking forward to the bathtub icon...

    Communication v6.6

    • Added support for the "suppress-bounce" event type in the Mailgun webhook. Fixes: #2082

    Core v6.6

    • Fixed the incorrect reporting page showing when canceling or adding a category in reports. Fixes: #2056

    CRM v6.6

    • Fixed MyAccount block throwing an exception when trying to edit/crop the person image. Fixes: #2001
    • Fixed MyAccount block adding Demographic changes twice to history. Fixes: #2078
    • Fixed giving badge not filtering by account correctly.
    • Fixed an issue with the new account entry block that would prevent existing people with a PIN number from being able to create a normal database login. Fixes: #2204
    • Fixed an issue with Bulk Update not updating deceased people. Fixes: #2108
    • Fixed group member max count role enforcement not enforcing correctly when adding a new family.
    • Added 'Edit Connection Status' and 'Edit Record Status' as security actions on the edit person block.
    • Added an additional security action to person edit block to control who can edit the combine giving value.

    Event v6.6

    • Updated the Registration Entry block so that it no longer inserts nicknames into incorrect form fields. Fixes: #2040
    • Fixed an exception that would occur if a person without a valid record type tried to register for an event.
    • Updated SignNow integration to handle an invalid filename. Fixes: #2207

    Finance v6.6

    • Fixed an issue with downloaded transactions getting assigned to incorrect schedule if multiple PayFlowPro accounts are being used for contributions. Fixes: #2234
    • Added a 'Select All' action to the Account Picker control.
    • Updated the reassign action in the TransactionList so that transactions can be reassigned to businesses.
    • Updated transaction matching so that accounts that have non-zero amounts will always show regardless of account filter.
    • Added an option to have a predefined list of Batch Names when creating a new batch.
    • Fixed an exception that would occur in the ContributionStatementLava if no pledges were given, and updated DateRange logic to be consistent.
    • Updated the ContributionStatemementLava so that GivingGroupId logic is consistent for Pledges and Contributions.

    Group v6.6

    • Updated the group detail block so that unlisted phone numbers are not displayed. Fixes: #2085

    Security v6.6

    • Added a new security setting, Disable Predictable IDs, which enhances security by restricting the use of simple numeric IDs in the GetFile, GetImage, and GetAvatar endpoints. When enabled, these endpoints will only accept IdKeys and GUID values.

    Workflow v6.6

    • Fixed the GroupMemberAttendanceAddWorkflow action to use the schedule attribute value setting. Fixes: #2125
    • Updated the workflow SetAttributeValue action to save an encrypted field type value correctly. Fixes: #2167

    Rock v6.5 Released June 6, 2017

    Core v6.5

    • Fixed an issue with ValueList and KeyValueList block settings not allowing user to add new values.
    • Fixed a backward-compatibility issue with migration helper method that was affecting plugin installs.

    CRM v6.5

    • Fixed an exception that would occur when saving a change to a family.

    Rock v6.4 Released May 30, 2017

    Heads-up! You will need to enable the "Google Static Maps API" (in your Google API Manager dashboard) for static maps to continue working in Rock. Instructions can be found here.

    Check-in v6.4

    • Updated check-in to support numeric-only security codes.

    Communication v6.4

    • Updated the Communication Entry block to validate the future send date/time. Fixes: #1999

    Core v6.4

    • Updated the Global Attribute Filter so that it passes original merge fields when resolving contents of attribute. Fixes: #2162
    • Fixed misspelled 'amount' in NumberBox validation message.
    • Fixed issue with not being able to delete a non note. Fixes: #2123
    • Update the Facebook authentication to deal with their [Oauth Access Token] Format change. Fixes: #2117
    • Fixed blocks and stock lava that use the Google Static Map API to include the Google API Key since it is now required. Fixes: #1991

    CRM v6.4

    • Added option to display phone numbers
    • Added optional phone and email fields to the new person dialog when editing an existing family. These are not displayed by default.
    • Added option to show NickName when adding a new family
    • Fixed business photo reference.
    • Updated the Edit Family block to create history correctly when adding a new person. Fixes: #1726

    Event v6.4

    • Fixed SignNow issue with document getting sent to Applies To person instead of Assigned to and an exception that would occur when sending a required registration document. Fixes: #2177

    Finance v6.4

    • Updated transaction matching to include 'Finish' button that will mark batch as being open instead of pending
    • Updated giving analytics to display accounts in configured order rather than alphabetically.

    Group v6.4

    • Fixed the GroupRegistration block to not erase matched person's data if the user did not fully fill out the form.

    Rock v6.3 Released May 7, 2017

    Check-in v6.3

    • Added additional merge fields available to check-in labels that summarize the schedule/group type/group/location selected for each person.

    Core v6.3

    • Updated the Protect My Ministry block so that when changes are saved
    • Update Sliding Date Range picker to clear controls when set to a null value.

    CRM v6.3

    • Updated the Protect My Ministry integration to include email address when sending a request to PMM.
    • Update Relationships block so that a custom Relationships group type can be used.
    • Updated the Person Directory block to display families in order by family name rather than by id.
    • Fixed issue with not being able to unselect all the phone types on the directory block. Fixes: #1983
    • Fixed issue with Current Family Member option persisting incorrectly. Fixes: #2074
    • Added new Giving person badge.
    • Added new Attended Group of Type person badge.
    • Added the ability to search by Birthdate.

    Event v6.3

    • Updated Registration Entry block to persist the discount code when hitting Previous button. Fixes: #2015
    • Added logic to the Registration Entry block to prevent a registration if login is associated with a business (only occurs if bad data was created during import). Fixes: #1772

    Finance v6.3

    • Updated PayFlowPro to update the saved transaction code whenever a payment is made using a saved payment method. This is because PayPal only allows transaction codes that are less than 12 months old.
    • Update Benevolence Request action to set attribute value correctly.
    • Fixed registration issue when using NMI that would result in not being able to submit a payment if first attempt was unsuccessful (i.e. wrong card number entered).
    • Updated the Transaction Entry block to allow anonymous person to still give as a business.
    • Added Features to the Transaction Entry Block.

    Group v6.3

    • Fixed issue with not being able to do a Place Elsewhere workflow on a member who is associated with a registration. Fixes: #2022

    Lava v6.3

    • Updated Lava commands to clean up Lava variable space to keep things less cluttered for the user.

    Prayer v6.3

    • Added the ability to use the Prayer Request List and Entry blocks on a Person Profile page.

    Reporting v6.3

    • Added new group data view filter that pulls all groups that meet the criteria of a group type data view.

    Workflow v6.3

    • Add workflow action to create Benevolence Result.
    • Update Actions to use helper method for saving attribute values so that it works with either a workflow or activity attribute.

    Rock v6.2 Released February 10, 2017

    Check-in v6.2

    • Added option to configure check-in areas/groups by Birth Date in addition to Age and/or Grade.
    • Fixed issue with icons printing incorrectly when using iPad check-in and client printing. Fixes: #1971

    CRM v6.2

    • Updated Person Attributes (Adults and Children) in Block Settings to not have a default checked when none selected. Fixes: #1880
    • Updated Address Detail in person profile to hide Threshold fields. Fixes: #1665
    • Fixed Address not saving on public person profile block.
    • Changed EditGroup and EditPerson block to mark family group inactive if all members people's record status are inactive. Fixes: #1103
    • Changed EditGroup block to prevent a person's status from changing if they were formerly inactive/deceased. Fixes: #1887
    • Changed campus field to be optional on the Background Check Request workflow and created Cancel type button. Fixes: #1701

    Event v6.2

    • Updated the Registration Template detail block so that it will no longer change a person attribute to a registration attribute. Fixes: #1856
    • Changed the list of event's registrants (shown in RegistrationInstanceDetail block) to display Grade field (when used) as Grade instead of Graduation Year. Fixes: #1946
    • Fixed the registration entry block to set the person's group member status to that of the registration template even if they are already in the group (previously it only set it when adding a new group member).

    Finance v6.2

    • Updated Registration Instance list to include the registration's confirmation email when exporting to Excel. Fixes: #2209

    Group v6.2

    • Added two additional block settings to allow restricting the Group Registration block even further. Fixes: #1799
    • Changed Group Attendance Detail block's lava template setting to be optional. Fixes: #1952

    Rock v6.1 Released December 14, 2016

    CMS v6.1

    • Changed lava conditional to use the 'or' (||) operator in the PodcastMessageDetail lava. Fixes: #1912

    Check-in v6.1

    • Changed label editor to allow for height and width to be specified in decimal inches as well as it now uses PW and LL values to determine initial width and height. Fixes: #1846

    Core v6.1

    • Fixed issue with wrong attribute values being used when exporting selected grid rows (vs exporting all rows)
    • Fixed Range Slider control to use correct index. Fixes: #1845
    • Added a job to send emails to a data view.

    CRM v6.1

    • Enhanced Person Search performance. Fixes: #1798
    • Fixed problem where 12th grade would not stay selected when entering a new child via the New Family operation. Fixes: #1834
    • Used the same SVG width and height for children.
    • Corrected Family Analytics job to update first/second visit dates when the Set Visit Dates flag is enabled. Fixes: #1833
    • Fixed issue with attendance date calculations in Family Analytics procedures.
    • Pressing the browser's back button after merging duplicate records from the duplicate finder no longer throws an exception. Fixes: #1787

    Event v6.1

    • Updated Group Registration block to allow linking by guid (instead of id)
    • Viewing the Registrants of an event no longer defaults to filtering by 12th grade if the registration instance had a Grade option on the form. Fixes: #1816

    Finance v6.1

    • The Related Transactions (shown on the transaction details screen) with the same transaction code now only appear if they are from the same person. Fixes: #1766
    • Added a block setting to the Contribution Statement Lava to exclude transactions from a specific currency type. Default is to show all. This allows you to remove 'Non-cash' transactions from your on-line contribution statements.
    • Benevolence workers can now upload files to requests. Fixes: #1877
    • Improved error reporting in the payment download job.

    Reporting v6.1

    • Data View category actions are now visible when permissions/rights are inherited by a parent category. Fixes: #1777

    Rock v6.0 Released December 14, 2016

    As of Rock McKinley v6, Rock requires Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 or greater on the hosting server. This framework version was released by Microsoft on May 5th, 2014. You will need to upgrade hosting server in order to proceed with the next update.

    API v6.0

    • Added new REST endpoint for resolving Lava.

    CMS v6.0

    • Fixed issue with Site Domain list not being cleared when cache is cleared.
    • Added a Person Directory block.
    • Added a block to allow editing of user's account and family from the home page.
    • Added page copying to the Page Map block.
    • Added property to the page to add a CSS class to the body tag.
    • Updated Content Channel Items to support hierarchy so that items can have children and parent items from the same or other configured channels.
    • Added additional 'Request Assigned' and 'Request Transferred' connection workflow trigger types
    • Added ability to have site-specific routes.
    • Added new setting on the site that will require all pages on the site to load as HTTPS and will redirect if the page is loaded under HTTP.
    • Prevented PageView records from being created when the user does not have security rights to the page and they are redirected to the login page.
    • Added block settings to the content channel items list to show/hide various columns.
    • Added content channel feed to ContentChannelItem Detail and List to provide alternative to query parameters.
    • Upgraded Bootstrap to 3.3.7.

    Check-in v6.0

    • Added new block for editing label files that allows easily viewing and printing of incremental changes.
    • Added options to check-in for hiding photos and excluding inactive people.
    • Updated check-in to add option of preventing people from checking into the same service time more than once.
    • Updated attendance model to allow more fields be accessible through Lava.
    • Updated the Welcome check-in block to allow changing the 'Check In' button text with a block setting and CSS.
    • Updated check-in to save the value that was entered to search for family
    • Added the ability to order GroupLocations (namely for check-in) in the event that a check-in workflow action wants to make decisions based on their order.

    Core v6.0

    • Fixed the communication recipient block to include emails that were marked as being opened in addition to those that were just marked delivered.
    • Fixed the currency field type to return a formatted value that is a currency.
    • Updated the database authentication provider to use BCrypt when hashing new passwords
    • Updated the address control to use placeholders instead of labels and moved country to be first field. Fixes: #1628
    • Added ability to display notifications from Spark.
    • Added the ability to customize status bar and opportunity summary tiles using Lava in the My Connection Opportunities block.
    • Added new Startup interface that custom plugins can use to run custom code during Rock startup.

    CRM v6.0

    • Added ability to have Family attributes.
    • Fixed exception that would occur if searching for person with blank string.
    • Grades can now be set when adding new family members to the PublicProfileEdit block.
    • Added optional 'Birthdate' column to the person search results.

    Event v6.0

    • Fixed issue that prevented being able to move a registration to a different instance if the target instance did not have a group configured and selected in the move.
    • Fixed security issue with allowing people to edit payments on a registration.
    • Fixed issue with event registration where discount code and amount paid are not cleared if user navigates backwards and unselects optional fees.
    • Added validation to registration entry block to ensure person applies a discount code they enter and added server-side validation to prevent paying an amount greater than the balance due.
    • Added additional fields to the event registration registrant Excel export (First Name
    • Updated the Event Item Occurrence List By Audience lava file to use the external URL link if it exists.
    • Added the ability to specify a workflow to launch when a registration is completed. Can be configured on the registration template or instance.
    • Updated Registration Entry block to support signing required digital documents inline during registration.
    • Added option to event registration templates to optionally allow registrants to select existing family members when registering for an event.

    Finance v6.0

    • Added the ability to view Lava based contribution report on the person profile page.
    • Updated Giving Analytics to display transactions from any Tax Deductible account rather than just transactions that have a type of contribution.
    • Pledge List block now has a setting to allow it to only show only pledges for the currently logged in person.
    • Added Printable Benevolence Request Summary. Fixes: #1684
    • Added new features to Benevolence including: Reorganizing the screen; Adding the ability to have attributes on benevolence requests; Adding the ability to attach up to 6 documents on a request; Adding a new 'Provided Next Steps' field
    • Fixed Giving Analytics query when using did not give during date range pattern filter with no accounts selected.
    • Added a Person filter to Transaction List.
    • Updated the transaction list block to filter accounts shown in the totals/summary at the bottom based on the accounts selected in the filter. This allows you to see a total at the bottom for just the accounts you selected in the filters.
    • Added the whole transaction entity as a merge field option for receipts.
    • Updated Statement Generator and Check Scanner to work with Tls 1.2. Fixes: #1611
    • Updated Giving Analytics block to improve performance.
    • Added an .ics download button to the event detail page.

    Group v6.0

    • Updated GroupFinder and GroupRegistration blocks to honor a group's GroupCapacity and GroupTypeRole MaxCount. Fixes: #1275
    • Added ability to Group Attendance detail block to select/unselect all members at once by clicking 'Member' header.
    • Added campus filter option to group finder.
    • Updated the Member Attended Group workflow trigger type on groups and group types to also optionally set an attendance date attribute.
    • Add option to GroupAttendanceDetail to allow a Lava template to be used for rendering
    • Updated calendar detail block lava to provide well formatted shareable summaries for Facebook and Twitter.
    • Fixed Lava used for the Group Toolbox. The edit member feature was not working as intended.

    Lava v6.0

    • Added new Entity
    • Added New Lava filter for checking the security of a model HasRightsTo'.
    • Made Metric Partitions accessible via Lava. Fixes: #1644
    • Added new Lava filter 'WithFallback' to eliminate the need for conditional testing of null or empty variables.
    • Added new Break and Continue tags to Lava.
    • Removed LavaIgnore on AttributeValue EntityId.

    Reporting v6.0

    • Fixed the Giving Amount person data view filter to not include children when combining giving.
    • Updated Metrics so that a MetricValueDateTime can be specified when using SQL as the Source. Fixes: #1666
    • Added new Group Member Report Select for Group Campus.

    Workflow v6.0

    • Added better error handling to the Process Workflows job so that one exception does not stop the job from processing additional workflows.
    • Added Lava capabilities to Pre/Post HTML of workflow entry attributes.
    • Added option to SQL workflow action to allow processing to continue even if SQL results in an error.
    • Fixed issue with the Group Member Attendance Add action not doing anything if an attendance date attribute was not selected.
    • Fixed the delay workflow to delay correctly when datetime or day of week values are used for the delay
    • Added Activate Activity in Other Workflow action and Activate Activity in Other Workflow on match action.
    • Added a Workflow Action to Trigger a New Workflow.
    • Added a Workflow Action to add a Benevolence Request.
    • Added the ability for workflows to have sequential ids based on a prefix associated with the type of workflow ( for example
    • Added a new workflow action to run Lava in a better UI.

    Rock v5.5 Released December 14, 2016

    Core v5.5

    • Updated the RockUpdate block to deal with servers that are reporting the .Net framework incorrectly.

    Rock v5.4 Released September 30, 2016

    CMS v5.4

    • Fixed exception that would occur when renaming a block from the zone block list.

    Check-in v5.4

    • Updated the FilterGroupsByGradeAndAge so that it does not remove/exclude groups that don't have a defined age or grade range.
    • Fixed issue with check-in not refreshing attendance cache correctly when used to calculate threshold values.
    • Updated check-in label printing so that if person is checking into two or more group types that share the same label configured to be printed once per person Fixes: #1755

    Communication v5.4

    • Fixed issue with a new communication not requiring an approval when recipients are added manually. Fixes: #1768

    Core v5.4

    • Updated the Rock Update block to require that Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 or greater be installedbefore Rock can be updated to next version.

    Event v5.4

    • Fixed issue with CalendarLava block not using correct date range when the Date Range filter is used. Fixes: #1771
    • Updated giving/registration to strip any non-numeric characters from credit card number before submitting. Fixes: #1728
    • Fixed security on the registration instance detail block to stop people from adding/deleting registrants when they did not have proper security. Fixes: #1732

    Workflow v5.4

    • Added better error handling to the Process Workflow job so that one exception does not stop the job from processing additional workflows.

    Rock v5.3 Released September 13, 2016

    CMS v5.3

    • Updated the list of acceptable security protocols for external SSL connections.
    • Fixed 'content channel view' block to no longer break when invalid Lava is provided (now it politely tells you that your Lava doesn't make the grade).
    • Fixed exception that would occur if multiple less variables with the same name existed.

    Check-in v5.3

    • Fixed scrolling issue with windows 10 multi-touch devices in check-in. Fixes: #1660
    • Fixed issue with Family Check-in not displaying the current service time when selecting area/group/location.
    • Fixed memory issue with check-in welcome screen.

    Core v5.3

    • Fixed BirthDate showing a year of 0001 if a person's record doesn't have a BirthYear specified.
    • Fixed issue with attribute filters incorrectly filtering results and not showing correctly when used in simple view mode.

    Event v5.3

    • Updated Event Item Occurrence List By Audience lava file to use the external URL link if it exists.

    Finance v5.3

    • Disabled the word merge button on the Transaction Report block. This block is used on the external site where Word merging is not needed or desired.
    • Fixed the date filter on pledge analytics block. Fixes: #1617
    • Fixed one-time future payments with NMI to use correct frequency and number of payments.
    • Fixed exception that would occur when using NMI gateway and trying to create a scheduled transaction with a monthly frequency.

    Group v5.3

    • Fixed Group security so that all users do not have View access by default.

    Lava v5.3

    • Made Entity TypeId and TypeName accessible in Lava. Fixes: #1691

    Reporting v5.3

    • Updated Dynamic Data block to hide grid filters when more than one grid is displayed. Fixes: #1642

    Workflow v5.3

    • Fixed issue with some workflow action type attributes not saving value correctly if using the RockTextOrDropDownList and multiple row textbox.
    • Fixed issues with the Connection workflow actions. Fixes: #1649
    • Fixed bug with 'Filter Groups by Last Name' check-in workflow action which occurred when a group did not have the necessary attributes.

    Rock v5.2 Released August 4, 2016

    Check-in v5.2

    • Fixed bug in individual check-in that would cause Rock to restart if user clicks the Back button (duet stack overflow error).

    Rock v5.1 Released July 25, 2016

    CMS v5.1

    • Fixed exception that would occur if any PreHtml or PostHtml text included any opening and closing brackets (i.e. Lava or Style definitions).

    Check-in v5.1

    • Updated the Check-in Manager to allow changing the location threshold value.
    • Fixed issue with Family check-in incorrectly navigating to individual check-in page when clicking 'Back'. Fixes: #1620
    • Fixed the check-in Grade Required attribute to have correct entity qualifier
    • Fixed new route for check-in to use correct page.
    • Updated family check-in to fix issue with schedules not getting selected correctly when only one schedule option is available.
    • Fixed issue with family check-in that would result in first service's selection getting cleared if checking child into multiple services and each service had different location options.
    • Fixed issue with family check-in that would result in ability level being asked twice if selecting multiple service times
    • Fixed display of hierarchical group types in check-in manager.
    • Fixed display of group type path on the location schedule screen in check-in manager mode. Fixes: #121
    • Fixed positioning of Save button on check-in admin schedule view. Fixes: #1609

    Core v5.1

    • Fixed issue with View possibly getting created with wrong schema name.
    • Updated the saving of attributes so that it does not clear foreign key values and the created by information. Fixes: #1596

    Workflow v5.1

    • Fixed issue with workflow triggers not getting started. Fixes: #1623

    Rock v5.0 Released July 25, 2016

    API v5.0

    • Added two new REST Endpoints: /api/Groups/ByLocation and ~api/Groups/ByLatLong.
    • Added file upload REST endpoint for BinaryFilesController.

    CMS v5.0

    • Added a new 'Link List Lava' block that makes it easy to add/edit/secure and format a list of links.
    • Added a new block for building forms that allows a logged in user to enter person attribute information and optionally launch a workflow.
    • Added new DynamicChart block which will display a line chart based on the results of a SQL query.
    • Added a utility block that allows you to logout a user when they visit a page.
    • Added a block that allows you to remove a person from a group based on query parameters.
    • Added new Person Context Setter that can be used to set a Person context for a Page or Site.
    • Added new fields to allow sites to add content to the page header and also to enable/disable site indexing.
    • Added the ability to control the X-Frame-Options and Content-Security-Policy HTTP headers per Site so that trusted domains can be allowed to embed the site (such as iframes).
    • Added the ability to set page and block security from the Page Map (Admin Tools > CMS Settings > Page Map). No more locking yourself out...
    • Added Next Available Username message to the User Logins block to help an admin figure out the next available username in situations. For example: jsmith1
    • Fixed Content Channel Item List to show attribute columns when attribute is associated with the channel (vs just the channel type).
    • Fixed issue with routes not getting removed from routing table when a page is deleted. Fixes: #1555
    • Added the ability to require phone number on Account Entry block.
    • Updated security so that inactive security groups/roles are ignored when checking security.
    • Updated Font Awesome to v 4.6.1
    • Upgraded google analytics tracker to latest.
    • Added the ability to set email preference in the AccountEdit block.
    • Added setting to the Campus Context setter to default to the current person's campus (default is disabled).
    • Updated the EmailForm block to allow using Lava merge fields in the From
    • Added option to Login block to customize the text that is shown on the New Account button.

    Check-in v5.0

    • Updated Attendance History block to only consider check-in start date when using a date-range filter. Fixes: #1524
    • Update Check-in Configuration to make it easier to modify settings and edit a large number of areas/groups.
    • Updated the check-in welcome message that is displayed when there are not any more active schedules so that it reflects that it is only considering schedules for the current day.
    • Updated the check-in manager to exclude people who have checked out
    • Refactored Attendance Analytics to improve performance
    • Added birthdate as field that is included when exporting Attendance Analytics.
    • Added schedule as an additional optional filter in Attendance Analytics block
    • Updated the Check-in Manager's person profile check-in history to include the security code for each check-in.
    • Added 'Family' check-in functionality to allow checking in multiple family members at the same time.
    • Updated Check-in Manager to display the Attendance Code for each person currently checked into a location
    • Added new FilterGroupsByGradeAndAge workflow action that will match groups first by grade
    • Updated Attendance Analytics to support selecting a specific set of group types to display and added campus filter the Check-in Group block.
    • Updated Attendance Analytics to include the location (room) that person last checked into.
    • Added 'GroupMembers' as an available merge field on check-in labels that will contain the group member record for the groups that person is checking into if they are a member of those groups. This Lava would print the role of person in group: {% for groupMember in GroupMembers %}{{ groupMember.GroupRole.Name }}{% endfor %}
    • Fixed issues with attendance history filters not persisting

    Communication v5.0

    • Updated the Communication block's support for additional merge fields (Lava) to support objects in addition to just string values.
    • Update Communication Entry block so that if a different template is selected

    Connection v5.0

    • Added ability to require a placement group before connecting a connection request.
    • Changed the MyConnectionOpportunity block to show different notification counts based on the state/status of the requests.
    • Added the ability to add Lava to the Connection Summary and Descriptions fields for display on the external site.
    • Added ability to add comment to a new Connection Request.
    • Added 'Days Until Request Idle' property to ConnectionTypes so that each one can have its own idle time.
    • Added feature that will scroll the screen to the connections grid when a connection type is selected and the grid is not visible.
    • Updated connection request detail to display current requests placement group as an option even if the connection type no longer is configured for that group.
    • Added option to My Connection Opportunities to show last activity note.
    • Added a last activity filter to My Connection Opportunities.
    • Fixed checking of connection state in 'Connected' workflow trigger.

    Core v5.0

    • Fixed person search to allow better searching on complex names like Mary Ann Van Dellen. Fixes: #1518
    • Fixed issue in Merge Templates that was causing Header Fixes: #1396
    • Fixed copying of existing communication so that the recipient's additional merge values are copied as well.
    • Fixed issue with radio button lists automatically selecting first value when they are set using an empty/null value. Fixes: #1334
    • Updated KeyValueList field type to display values correctly when not using a defined type. Fixes: #1522
    • Fixed the RockCleanup job so 65-year-olds are placed in the correct age bracket. Fixes: #5388
    • Added ability to set qualifier column/value on the Categories block to further filter entities that categories belong to.
    • Added new option for requiring a user login to change their password on next visit.
    • Added new search service that allows searching for businesses.
    • Added the ability to bulk update Tags.
    • Added the ability to copy and share selected filter criteria for the giving and attendance analytics blocks.
    • Updated CommunicationDetail block to show which page the communication originated from if it was generated from a grid somewhere.
    • Added Campuses and Context as available merge fields for Doc and HTML Merge Templates.
    • Updated Smarty Streets address verification to save the barcode value.
    • Added new Phone Number field type.
    • Added new Address Field Type.
    • Added new Address Attribute.
    • Added 'Warning' property to Rock Controls similar to 'Help' Property.
    • Added new Markdown Field Attribute that can be used to render Markdown into HTML (see
    • Added new Binary File Types Field Attribute and Field Type.
    • Added option to the Person Attribute/FieldType so that the 'Enable Self Detection' option of the person picker can be enabled.
    • Updated person picker results to display a person's connection status.
    • Noted individuals who are inactive on the person picker search.
    • Update cleanup job so that it does not delete unconfirmed logins.
    • Updated Campus, Campuses, and Connection Opportunity attributes/fields to exclude inactive items, and added optional config option to include inactive items. Fixes: #1413 #1540
    • Enabled custom mobile keyboards for mobile devices when using NumberBoxes
    • Updated the Email Exception Filter so that exceptions can be filtered by the exception type
    • Improved performance of the Person Duplicate Finder.
    • Increased the query timeout values for attendance and giving analytic reports.
    • Updated the FileSystem binary file type provider to save the relative path to file when saving a new binary file using this provider.
    • Added logic to check for any new person names or addresses being entered with all lower or all uppercase characters and if so
    • Updated following notifications to exclude deceased people. Fixes: #1558
    • Added new SendGroupEmail Job.
    • Added setting to Group Sync job to enable forced password resets on new logins that are created during the sync.
    • Updated the address verification process to preserve first service's standardization results even if second service is used for geocoding.
    • Updated the address verification job to correctly retry previously failed verifications and to differentiate between an error calling a service and a non-match returned by the service.

    CRM v5.0

    • Updated the AddFamily
    • Added setting to display the middle name of a person on the bio block.
    • Updated formatted age display to work properly for people less than one year old.
    • Added option to the Notes block to limit the entry/display to a specific subset of note types for the configured entity type.
    • Updated Notes so they will automatically render any Markdown in the Text into HTML. Also
    • Update Person History block so that history items are not displayed for any category that current user does not have authorization to view.
    • Changed Combine Giving With to show the family name along with the list of names of the family members when editing a person
    • Allow the toggling of showing inactive campuses on the Add Family block using a block setting.
    • Added new badge for showing if a person is in a group with a specific group type purpose (e.g. where the purpose is 'Serving'.)
    • Updated saving of a person record to check if anniversary date was updated and if so make same update to spouse's record.

    Event v5.0

    • Added an In Group filter to Event Registrants grid to help identify registrants that haven't been added to the target group yet.
    • Updated Registration list so that registrations can be sorted by Total Cost or Balance Due without causing an exception.
    • Added checkbox to registration entry summary that allows a logged-in user to specify whether the email on their account should be updated with the confirmation email address that they enter when registering.
    • Updated Registration Entry block so that it will always create a person record for the registrant (instead of just when there is a cost)
    • Added 'External Website Ads'
    • Updated core Calendar.lava and EventItemList.lava to display the date range of an Event instead of just the first date/time if the event occurrence spans multiple days.
    • Updated CalendarItem.lava to show all the dates of an event instead of just the first one if the event occurs on multiple dates.
    • Added context object to EventItemListLava block.
    • Updated EventItemListLava block so that campuses is not required.
    • Added the ability to set a batch name prefix on an event registration.
    • Added new feature to keep saved registrations from being updated on the external website.
    • Added the ability to follow a Registration Instance.
    • Added Group Placement functionality to registration instance that allows for easily adding registrants to a set of child groups.
    • Updated Event Registration to allow each instance of a template to specify a different cost.
    • Updated registration detail block to allow moving registration to an inactive instance
    • Updated registration detail block to allow specifying the person who is making a payment rather than automatically assuming it is same person who did the registration.
    • Added Grade as an available field in event registration forms.
    • Added ability to copy EventItemOccurrences.
    • Added ability to group event occurrences in the calendar by event.
    • Added ability to follow an Event Item.
    • Updated calendar to no longer lose selected date when switching between view modes. Fixes: #1392
    • Fixed exception that would occur when using the Event Item Occurrence List By Audience Lava block without a date range filter (and recurring events without an end date exist).

    Finance v5.0

    • Updated Scheduled Transaction Summary to include all schedules with same giving leader id.
    • Updated the recurring transaction download job (and block) to automatically create an offsetting reversal transaction if a failed transaction is downloaded and that transaction was previously downloaded as a successful transaction. Also added a new workflow that will be launched whenever a reversal transaction is created.
    • Updated Transaction Entry block to save the comment field value to the transaction summary field when creating new transactions.
    • Updated Giving and Attendance chart data grids to display descriptive header text instead of SeriesId. Also includedGL Code in grid when graphing by Account in Giving Analytics grid.
    • Updated Transaction Matching block to only display and allow selecting of active accounts.
    • Updated Giving Analytics block to hide the 'Is First Gift' and 'First Gift' columns when viewing first time givers.
    • Added Last Gift dates to Giving Analytics.
    • Updated Pledge Analytics block to include any child accounts when calculating contributions made to an account.
    • Removed the Bank Account Name field from Transaction Entry screen as it is not needed to process ACHtransactions.
    • Updated transaction detail block to prevent editing a transaction if it belongs to a batch that is closed.
    • Updated Giving Analytics block so that when creating a merge document from list of people
    • Updated Rock to support using a three-step payment gateway (NMI) for registration and transaction entry.
    • Added the ability to filter transactions by campus.
    • Added option to transaction list on person profile to allow reassigning transactions to another person.
    • Added support to Transaction Detail block for updating/editing FinancialTransaction attributes.

    Group v5.0

    • Fixed issue with Role specific Group Requirements still showing warning icon for members of group with a different role.
    • Updated Group Member List block to exclude inactive members when sending communication.
    • Fixed display of Group Name when using option to display group path and selecting a specific group type. Fixes: #1525
    • Added option to Group Tree so show child group counts or member counts.
    • Added the ability to set unique group capacities.
    • Added flag to group type to indicate that attendance in a group of that type counts as attending a weekend service.
    • Added option to GroupMap to show all child groups in the map.
    • Updated Group Finder to prevent adding attribute filters for attribute field types that do not support filtering. Fixes: #1561
    • Added block setting to show/hide campus filter on group member list.
    • Added the option to filter the group member list block by gender.
    • Added birthdate and age to the Group Member list Excel export.
    • Added optional First/Last attendance dates to group member list if group takes attendance and block setting is configured to show dates.
    • Added option to Group Member List block to hide the 'Move to another group' button.
    • Updated groups so that group member status changes are logged to person history.
    • Added option to GroupDetailLava to hide the 'Inactive' option for Group Member Status
    • Added an option to GroupFinder to sort the results by Distance and limit number of groups with a PageSize option.
    • Added the option to filter the group list block to a specific group type id.
    • Changed default date range for Group Attendance to 3 months instead of a year (date filter can still be changed per user).
    • Added campus filter to group attendance list. This will filter the attendance count and rate values by the people whose campus is the selected value.
    • Added an optional campus filter to the Group Attendance Detail block.

    Lava v5.0

    • Deprecated the ZebraPhoto Lava filter in favor for new ZebraPersonPhoto which has new optional fields to adjust image brightness and contrast.
    • Added an option to include all dates when using the DatesFromICal Lava filter.
    • Added new SortByAttribute Lava filter.
    • Added new FromMarkdown Lava Filter.
    • Added new RegExMatch Lava filter for providing regular expression matches in Lava.
    • Added new SundayDate Lava filter.
    • Added new Campus Lava Filter which will return the Campus or Campuses that a person belongs to.
    • Added new FromJSON Lava Filter.
    • Added new EscapeDataString Lava Filter.
    • Added new PersonByGuid Lava filter.
    • Added Lava filter to return group member info if a person is in a specific group.

    Prayer v5.0

    • The PrayerRequestEntry block's Save Success Text can now use Lava in order to display different messages based on the prayer request (or its Category) and the block can also initiate a Workflow with the PrayerRequest as the Entity if configured.

    Reporting v5.0

    • Added new data view filters and report fields to help create data views and reports off of the workflow table.
    • Added Report Field 'LastLogin'.
    • Added Report Field 'Parent's Email Address'.
    • Added Parent's Email data select.
    • Added Campus and GroupType to the list of available report fields for Groups.
    • Added options to Member List data select for groups to limit by GroupRole and status.
    • Updated the dynamic data block with better filters.
    • Updated Total Giving Amount report select
    • Added additional 'Date Added' criteria to the In Group(s) Person Data Filter.
    • Updated dynamic data filter controls to default true and moved to custom settings.
    • Added 'Not In Other Data view' filter.
    • Fixed performance issue in In Group of GroupType data filter to be around 2x faster.
    • Fixed performance issue in Distance From data filter to be around 3x faster.
    • Fixed date filters to be inclusive of the entire day of the upper and lower limit.

    Workflow v5.0

    • Added a 'Regular Expression' option for use with Workflow Action Filters (i.e. Run If) to give more control with text matching.
    • Added support for datetime comparisons to the workflow action compares.
    • Added new workflow action that will set a Person attribute value based on First Name
    • Added new workflow action to set the properties of a person (name
    • Added new workflow action to get the spouse of a person.
    • Added new workflow actions for setting person phone and address.
    • Added new workflow action to add a note to the group member.
    • Added new workflow action to set GroupMember Note.
    • Added new workflow action to send email with events that will send an email and then activate actions based on recipient opening and/or clicking items in email.
    • Added two new workflow actions to remove a person from a group.
    • Updated the Set Person Attribute workflow action so that it correctly writes person attribute changes to the person's history.
    • Improved performance of workflow type editing.
    • Updated workflow action names to follow a more consistent pattern. If you use workflows a lot and have become accustomed to the action names you may hate this before you LOVE it.
    • Updated workflow type editor so that new workflow types default to processing every 8 hours.
    • Added additional workflow detail/entry pages below the My Dashboard pages so that breadcrumb trail is more intuitive.
    • Updated the background check workflow action to check for an error or failure that might have occurred when submitting background check and display error to user with option to resubmit.
    • Updated the DISC request workflow action to warn if the individual does not have an email and persist the workflow only if it's about to send (there by not keeping a lot of unneeded workflows around). Also updated the DISC badge to highlight if someone has already request a DISC from the individual in the last 30 days.

    Rock v4.6 Released May 13, 2016

    Check-in v4.6

    • Fixed issue with check-in configuration not clearing cache for the areas (i.e. which labels are associated with area).
    • Updated the Device Detail block to prevent and warn when attempting to add a new device with same name as an existing device instead of causing an error. Fixes: #1437

    Communication v4.6

    • Fixed issue where only first recipient would receive email when it included one or more attachments and the default binary file type was using a custom storage provider.
    • Updated Mailgun component to deal with bounced events having incorrect formatting. Fixes: #1478

    Connection v4.6

    • Updated Connection Request so that members of a campus-specific connection group can now add connection requests. Fixes: #1446

    Core v4.6

    • Fixed column headers not being responsive.
    • Fixed the display of line breaks in Rock Shop ratings.

    CRM v4.6

    • Fixed the message that is displayed on the Merge People page when user navigates directly to page (instead of initiating request from a grid). Message will not indicate that they are not authorized to submit a request. Fixes: #1501
    • Fixed Spouse name field on reports to exclude any deceased spouses. Fixes: #1498
    • Fixed issue when adding a known relationship to an inactive person and it not creating the inverse relationship.
    • Fixed issue with new family block saving phone numbers without a country code and added migration to fix all missing country code values.

    Finance v4.6

    • Updated the Benevolence Request Detail block to list case workers in alphabetical order. Fixes: #1494

    Group v4.6

    • Updated Group Member List block so that the Group setting is not required (typically group is passed on the query string). Fixes: #1500
    • Fixed exception that would occur when trying to delete a group type that was a child of another group type. Fixes: #1415

    Reporting v4.6

    • Fixed the person giving filter and select in reporting so that the end date range is inclusive. Fixes: #1490

    Workflow v4.6

    • Fixed issue with not being able to remove a workflow type from a connection opportunity if requests have already been created that use that workflow type. Fixes: #1488

    Rock v4.5 Released April 11, 2016

    Connection v4.5

    • Fixed exception that would occur if new person was trying to signup for a connection request and organization only has one campus.

    Core v4.5

    • Updated the Protect My Ministry (PMM) background check integration to check for a valid response from PMM when submitting the initial request and add logging of both the request and the reply.
    • Updated the code editor to correctly escape html values.

    CRM v4.5

    • Fixed an issue with cropping person images when using a custom storage provider.
    • Updated the email preferences block so that it logs any changes a user makes to their preference (including record status/reason changes) to their history.

    Workflow v4.5

    • Updated workflow processing so that any errors that occur during a workflow action are always written to the workflow log regardless of log settings.

    Rock v4.4 Released March 12, 2016

    CMS v4.4

    • Fixed issue with deleted channels causing exception on content page. Fixes: #1406

    Communication v4.4

    • Update communication send job so that it ignores any inactive mediums and/or transports. Fixes: #1527

    Connection v4.4

    • Updated the Connection Search block so that it now has access to the complete opportunity model including the opportunity attributes. Note
    • Changed the ConnectionRequestDetail block to allow a request to be Connected even if there is no placement group.

    Core v4.4

    • Added id header text to fix export to Excel issue. Fixes: #1391
    • Fixed paging on grid.
    • Fixed Facebook login for organizations using a newer Facebook App API Version v2.4 or v2.5. This change was also tested to be backwards compatible with their API Version as old as v2.0. Fixes: #1419
    • Fixed exception that would occur when adding a new location. Fixes: #1408

    Group v4.4

    • Fixed issue with Group Requirements when the Expire In Days setting has not been set.
    • Fixed issue when trying to add group attendance and location filter is set to a parent location (i.e. Campus/building)vs. an actual room location.

    Rock v4.3 Released February 26, 2016

    API v4.3

    • Fixed error in the People REST endpoint. Fixes: #1388

    Check-in v4.3

    • Fixed issue with check-in randomly not allowing check-ins
    • Fixed IE double-tap zoom issue in check-in themes
    • Fixed issue when trying to add group attendance and the location filter is set to a parent location (i.e. campus/building) vs. an actual room location.
    • Updated Check-in to correctly cache device configuration data so that it is not specific to a particular point in time.

    Communication v4.3

    • Fixed issue where creating a new communication from a data view caused the block to timeout before the configured database timeout occurred. (Fixes #909). Fixes: #909

    Connection v4.3

    • Changed the ConnectionRequestDetail block to allow a request to be Connected even if there is no placement group. In the future this can be controlled via a new 'RequiresPlacementGroupToConnect' flag on the opportunity type.
    • Connection Search block now has access to the complete opportunity model including the opportunity attributes. Note

    Core v4.3

    • Fixed Tag Report so that after sorting it deletes the correct item. Fixes: #1398
    • Fixed location details not saving attribute values.
    • Fixed issue with security when changing if a group is a security role or not. Fixes: #1399
    • Fixed Communication Entry block so that the Subject is cleared if a selected template does not specify a subject. Fixes: #1393
    • Updated Lava debug display to only display each object type/id once Fixes: #1365
    • Changed z-index of the admin toolbar to keep it from being hidden when editing page zones. Fixes: #1397

    Event v4.3

    • Fixed issue with registration saving a blank person/registrant if user navigated away from registration and then used browser navigation to return before submitting the registration.
    • Fixed Registration Entry so that it does not create person notes until registration and payment was successful.

    Group v4.3

    • Updated the Group Attendance Detail block so that if adding attendance for a particular schedule
    • Fix issue with Group Requirements when the Expire In Days setting has not been set. Fixes: #1389

    Rock v4.2 Released February 13, 2016

    CMS v4.2

    • Fixed bug where event name not showing in page title (Fixes #1373) Fixes: #1373

    Connection v4.2

    • Fixed so that Connection Opportunities in the Connection Request transfer window are now ordered.

    Core v4.2

    • Removed unnecessary clearing of authorization cache whenever a group member was added/edited/removed from a security group.
    • Updated the Rock Shop configuration to work with usernames and/or passwords that may have special characters.
    • Fixed issue with attendance block not saving the location or schedule for a new attendance being entered.
    • Updated the Twilio webhook so that if it gets an IOException when writing to log file that it will wait and try again a few times before causing an error.

    CRM v4.2

    • Fixed issue where a person's tags would not always survive a merge.

    Event v4.2

    • Updated Registration Entry so that discount code is still applied correctly when user returns to make a payment on existing registration.
    • Updated Registration Entry to correctly delete a registration if it was just created but an error occurred during save of registrants or attributes.
    • Fixed exception that would occur when copying a registration template that included an additional form(s) (in addition to the default form) and that form contained a person or group attribute (Fixes #1356). Fixes: #1356
    • Fixed registration issue that would result in registered person getting added to target group even if registration failed due to payment issue.
    • Updated the Group Type Detail so that if a group member attribute is removed

    Finance v4.2

    • Fixed issue in Statement Generator where some transactions might not show up if it is split into multiple accounts and at least one of those accounts wasn't included in the filter.
    • Updated the Transaction Entry and Registration Entry blocks to validate new passwords against configured pattern when user is creating a new login in order to save their payment account information (Fixes #1371). Fixes: #1371

    Group v4.2

    • Fixed issue with Group and Role picker not saving the selected role (Fixes #1380). Fixes: #1380
    • Fixed issue with group attendance not recording attendance correctly and continuing to send reminders.
    • Added real person photos to the group member list block. This is not only an enhancement but also fixes what appears to be a UI bug when no photo exists.

    Reporting v4.2

    • Fixed issues with numeric attribute field comparisons on data views (Fixes #1377). Fixes: #1377
    • Fixed performance issue with the Giving Amount data view filter due to how it generated its query.

    Workflow v4.2

    • Updated the Workflow Type Detail block so that it does not time out when trying to remove an activity type or action from an existing workflow type that has a significant number of workflows already created.
    • Updated the Send Email and the Send System Email workflow actions to allow Email attribute field types for the from and to addresses (in addition to text or person field types)

    Rock v4.1 Released January 22, 2016

    API v4.1

    • Updated REST methods so they do not pass their rockcontext object (without proxy creation enabled) to the cache methods that rely on being able to use navigation properties to load child collection properties.

    Check-in v4.1

    • Updated the cache timeout on check-in location attendance counts. Was previously changed from 1 min to an hour

    Communication v4.1

    • Fixed issue with undelivered emails appearing in a person's communication history list (Fixes #1344). Fixes: #1344
    • Fixed the workflow SMS Send action to support using 'Person' merge field when recipient is a person Fixes: #1309
    • Updated communication entry block so that binary file attachments are not stored as temporary files (and possibly deleted up before an email is sent in the future).

    Connection v4.1

    • Fixed an issue with Connection signup where new records were being created even when logged in.

    Core v4.1

    • Fixed the Defined Value field type filter when the option to display multiple values is enabled.

    CRM v4.1

    • Fixed baptism badge html markup.
    • Fixed issue with date picker not working correctly on New Family block (Fixes #1333). Fixes: #1333

    Event v4.1

    • Updated how registration person field values are serialized so that objects can be unserialized correctly.
    • Updated Registration Entry so that it does not block existing registrations from editing an existing registration when the instance is full.
    • Fixed exception that would occur when attempting to add a new registrant who already belonged to the group associated with the registration.
    • Fixed exception that would occur if a fee was deleted from a registrant template that had existing registrants already using the fee. It will now remove the fee from the registrants.
    • Fixed exception that would occur when unselecting a fee from a registrant.
    • Fixed an issue preventing Email

    Finance v4.1

    • Fixed issue with transaction matching when masked account number was blank.
    • Fixed issue with payment details getting cleared when a scheduled transaction is updated.
    • Fixed Pledge Analytics to display business names (Fixes #1335). Fixes: #1335

    Reporting v4.1

    • Fixed issue with a reporting lava column being blank when exporting to excel (Fixes #1349). Fixes: #1349
    • Fixed security issue on metric detail that allowed non-authorized users to edit/delete a metric (Fixes #1338). Fixes: #1338

    Rock v4.0 Released January 22, 2016

    Rock now requires SQL 2012 (or Azure SQL V12) or greater.

    API v4.0

    • Added REST EndPoint GetGraduationYear for getting a graduation year from a grade offset.
    • Added new REST endpoints for editing Attribute Values.
    • Added new REST endpoints: api/People/AddNewPersonToFamily and api/People/AddExistingPersonToFamily
    • added a PATCH method to the Rock REST API. Patch allows any entity's properties or a subset of those properties to be updated.
    • For REST
    • Return the created entity after a REST POST to improve the efficiency of 3rd party software using the REST endpoint

    CMS v4.0

    • Sites can now be deleted via an extra confirmation (Fixes #937). Fixes: #937
    • Updated the display of admin bars to only show if current user has administrative rights to the page or a block on page
    • Updated the Content Channel View block to support filtering item by a route parameter as well as a query string parameter.
    • Updated the ContentChannelView blocks to only do query string parameter filtering if option is set on block (Fixes #1267). Fixes: #1267
    • Changed default security on new sites so that they do not require user to login.
    • Updated content channel items to correctly sort items when sorting on numeric and/or date attribute values.
    • Updated content channel view block to refresh the view after cancelling out of the edit dialog (Fixes#1245). Fixes: #1245
    • Updated check-in to persist the theme selection in browser's local storage so that if theme is changed
    • Added new File Manager block that can be used to manage and upload files.
    • Added mobile redirect options to site configuration to allow automatically redirecting mobile clients to a different page or external URL.

    Check-in v4.0

    • Added column (and filter) to Attendance History block to indicate whether a person attended the group or not (Fixes #1184). Fixes: #1184
    • Updated parent check-in label to include the last name in addition to nick name
    • Updated the check-in configuration block's schedule and group/location editors to work more consistently with groups that are also configured and managed using the normal group viewer.
    • Added Gender
    • Added display of current room counts to the check-in manager login screen.
    • Improved check-in performance.
    • Improved performance of Check-in manager.
    • Added full location path to location column in Check-in Schedule configuration.
    • Updated check-in so that people without a birth date cannot check-in to groups that have an age range requirement (this can be reverted through a new 'Require Age' workflow action setting.)
    • Added the option to the group type check-in block to optionally automatically select all group types and then display the groups for all matching group types.
    • Updated attendance analytics block to include Data View filter.
    • Added a new 'Volunteer Check-in Area' to make it easier to configure serving teams for check-in.
    • Added Graph By Location option to Attendance Analytics
    • Added new Attendance Analysis attendee grid that shows detailed information on a person's attendance
    • Fixed issue with Check-in Manager that would cause navigation options to disappear when switching campus context.
    • Updated check-in to prevent multiple options (family
    • Modified the allergy and legal notes on check-in label to truncate instead of writing over itself.

    Communication v4.0

    • The Communications Entry block will now send an email to Communication Approvers when a new communication requires approval.
    • Added the ability for communication approvers to edit a communication before approving it.
    • Updated SMS communications to require From and Message values (Fixes #1171). Fixes: #1171
    • Updated the sending of system and workflow emails to also optionally write a communication history to the recipients profile record.
    • Updated email communication medium to only allow valid email address in From Address field
    • Improved the performance of the Communication History block
    • Updated Communication List block to use Create Date for date range filtering instead of Reviewed Date.
    • Fixed communications through SMTP and Twilio to clean up any special MS Word characters that might have been pasted into the Subject line
    • Fixed issue with Twilio transport sending to the same recipient more than once (Fixes #1077). Fixes: #1077

    Connection v4.0

    • Added Connection Management feature to help with the process of finding and placing volunteers into teams.

    Core v4.0

    • Updated notes block to allow backdating notes
    • Added a javascript helper method for setting Rock Context and added support for setting Rock Context through a query string parameter (e.g. Campus Context).
    • Improve performance of attendance list/detail blocks
    • Add Location path to attendance list/detail blocks
    • Add option to add new attendees to attendance detail block
    • Turned off auditing by default (Can be turned on by adding a boolean 'EnableAuditing' global attribute).
    • Timepicker now figures out the time if you type in the time such as 2p
    • Added a special Attendance Grid to AttendanceAnalysis that will show a person's attendance per Week/Month/Year as checkboxes.
    • Modified date picker to work more like the time picker. You can now click on the calendar icon and it will open. Also added logic that if you click the calendar icon it will select the text of the date which allows you to start typing right away to change the date. This should now be consistent with the time picker. (Fixes #1189). Fixes: #1189
    • Users can now search for businesses in PersonPicker (Fixes #1047). Fixes: #1047
    • Added new EnableSelfSelection option to the Person Picker
    • Added setting to the Category Tree View block to allow setting the icon to display for items that do not have an IconCssClass property.
    • Updated the grid's page setting size preference to be grid specific instead of for the entire site
    • Upgraded to Font Awesome 4.4 (66 New Fonts)
    • Added Spatial Indexes to the Location table which should significantly speed up the DistanceFrom data filter plus any other GeoSpatial queries
    • Refactored note types so that new (and existing) note types can be configured and secured.
    • Updated the merge fields available to exception notification system email to include a 'Person' field for the current person.
    • Renamed the ForeignId field to ForeignKey (string field) and added new ForeignId (int field) and ForeignGuid (Guid field) fields to every table/model.
    • Added new Format as Link option to Image field types which will format the image to navigate to a full size image when the image is clicked.
    • Added Google Login provider
    • Added Twitter Authentication Service.
    • Added Alternate Placement feature to groups.
    • Added following to Groups.
    • User Logins can now be added from the Security > User Accounts page (Fixes #888). Fixes: #888
    • Added new PIN Authentication that can be used as a special PIN Only login for check-in management.
    • Added a binary file picker attribute
    • Updated grid export to excel to export numeric values correctly (not as text values).
    • Fixed issue with attribute value having html encoded text when they shouldn't (e.g. global attribute in email subject)
    • Google Maps link now searches for a named location's address rather than its name (Fixes #1093). Fixes: #1093
    • Fixed issue with recurring specific dates not saving start times (Fixes #1147). Fixes: #1147
    • Fixed issue with pre/post delete triggers not firing when a column qualifier was specified.
    • Fixed the MonthYearPicker so that it maintains current selection through postbacks.
    • Fixed Exception List showing incorrect Last 7 days count for exceptions with empty Site Name. (Fixes #1174). Fixes: #1174
    • Fixed issue where Excel Export from Grid incorrectly shows Defined Value Fields as Guides (Fixes #935). Fixes: #935
    • Fixed Entity Type filtering on attribute category block and updated attribute list block to correctly display categories when adding/editing an attribute.
    • Removed the Output Cache Duration option from block properties as this functionality is not fully functional (Fixes #1096). Fixes: #1096
    • Updated the Security dialog to read values from DB instead of cache (Fixes #903). Fixes: #903

    CRM v4.0

    • Updated Edit Family to automatically save the address if an address is in edit mode when you save the family.
    • Updated new family control to use correct phone type labels rather than hard-coded 'home' and 'cell 'phone labels (Fixes #941). Fixes: #941
    • Rock Duplicate Finder no longer displays duplicates following merge (Fixes #985). Fixes: #985
    • Known Relationships with deceased people now show in the Known Relationships block (Fixes #1164). Fixes: #1164
    • Fixed BirthdayPicker to display controls in correct order for ShortDateFormats that include day/month format specifiers other than dd or MM (Fixes #942). Fixes: #942
    • Fixed person search for people with two first names (e.g. Mary Ann Smith).
    • Added a new person badge type that can display any groups of a particular type that have a geo-fence location that surrounds the person's family address (geopoint).
    • A person's previous last names can now be edited in edit person.
    • Added new Send Birthday Email job.
    • Added Inactive Reason Note to EditPerson page.
    • Added framework for adding following events and suggestions.
    • Added new badge that will display if a note exists on a person's record that is marked 'Is Alert'.
    • Added new Communication History block to the person profile page
    • Updated the person merge to remove any duplicate previous names after merging records.
    • Added the option for administrators to disable verification services for a particular location on the person profile page (Fixes #1286). Fixes: #1286
    • Added setting to display the middle name of a person on the bio block. By default the setting is set to false.
    • Added the ability to remove a person from a family (vs. moving them to a new family) if they are already in another family.
    • Updated the communication recipient list on person history to allow senders to view any communications they created.
    • Updated the family edit to allow adding new people with unknown gender.
    • Added new Person Merge Requests page under Data Integrity.
    • Updated Bulk Update to allow selecting the note type when adding a new note for people (Fixes #1165). Fixes: #1165
    • Updated Person Merge so that it shows a Merge Request Submitted if the person is only authorized to View. Fixes: #942
    • Changed IsDeceased on Person from a Nullable to Not Null. Any records that have a NULL value for IsDeceased will be marked as IsDeceased=False
    • Changes to the order of person profile badges now update the badge bar without having to clear the cache (Fixes #933). Fixes: #933
    • Moved Giving Group and Previous Names UI to be in an Advanced Settings panel in edit person.
    • Searching for a person will now look for any previous last names that the person has had.
    • Added the group leader as a tooltip on the Geofenced By Group person badge.

    Event v4.0

    • Added a calendar feature for events.

    Finance v4.0

    • Fixed issue with not being able to move transactions from one batch to another on Firefox.
    • Fixed issue with payment downloads updating the scheduled transaction detail amounts instead of the transaction detail amounts (Fixes #1250) Fixes: #1250
    • Fixed updating of scheduled transaction to not create account detail records with amounts.
    • Fixed the Transaction History block to show transactions correctly for the correct person (not everyone's) when the current person does not give with their family (Fixes #1243). Fixes: #1243
    • Fixed Transaction Matching not showing the Person Details if the person was selected using the PersonPicker. Also made it more obvious which person the transaction is going to be assigned to if a new person is selected instead of the automatically assigned person and vice-versa.
    • Added support for processing refunds.
    • Added ability to delete a batch and all its transactions from the Check Scanner utility.
    • Added ability to delete a scanned transaction in the Check Scanner Utility
    • Added additional Payment details model/table to store the details of a payment such as currency type
    • Added Saved Account List block that can be used by users to delete their saved accounts.
    • Added options for sending a contribution receipt whenever someone gives a onetime gift online
    • Added option to Statement Generator to limit statements to a Data View.
    • Added setting to the transaction list block to limit transactions to one or more transaction types (i.e. only contributions on person contribution tab ).
    • Added additional filters and ability to sort to the scheduled transaction list.
    • Updated Check Scanner so that the user chooses the Transaction Source on the scanning prompt page instead of the options page. This list is limited to the Transaction Source defined values that have 'Show In Check Scanner' set to true.
    • Added setting to transaction list that allows limiting accounts in filter to be only active accounts.
    • Added column to batch list that summarizes account totals
    • Updated Transaction List
    • Made Batch Id visible in Check Scanner Utility
    • updated Check Scanning to prompt the user when a Bad MICR read or duplicate is detected
    • Added public description html and is public fields to accounts.
    • Updated the processing of scheduled payments to also update the status (Fixes #1145). Fixes: #1145
    • Added account summary to the transaction list block.
    • Updated the Transaction Entry block to use public account names on confirmation and success views (Fixes #1220). Fixes: #1120
    • Added account list to the scheduled transaction list block.
    • Added option to the header of the TransactionList block to show images or summary. The option can be made visible in block options.
    • Refactored giving to allow multiple financial gateways to be configured using the same payment processor with different settings.
    • Updated the Transaction List Liquid block to update status of a giving profile correctly when inactivating the profile.
    • Updated transaction matching so that pressing Enter will navigate to the next record.
    • Added new Transaction Yearly Summary Lava block that can be used as standalone or as a person profile block.

    Group v4.0

    • Updated group attendance list/detail blocks to support groups with multiple locations and schedules (i.e. groups used for check-in)
    • Added 'Date Added' to group members.
    • Modified Group Detail block to only display attributes with Show in Grid flag enabled.
    • Changed Group Tree View so groups will be shown regardless of the 'Show In Navigation' group type setting if specific group types are configured in the block settings.
    • Updated the attendance list/detail blocks to allow deleting and changing the date of any occurrence that is not tied to a specific schedule
    • Added option to Group Type to show each group member's Connection Status in the group member list.
    • Added option to the group list to display the full path to group.
    • Added Campus Filter to Group Member List.
    • Changed the Group Details block to require 'Administrate' access to view/edit Group Member Attributes.
    • Updated the person save so that when a person is inactivated
    • Added an Active|All toggle filter to the Group Tree View that will either show only Active (the default) or All groups. The filter can be hidden in the Group Tree View block settings which will hide the filter and only show Active groups in the tree view.
    • Updated Group Type Detail block to display child group type list and picker in correct group type order.
    • Added 'Public' option for Groups that can be set to false to make the group a private group
    • Added a new core Group Requirement Type and Data View for Background Checks
    • Added 'Inactivate Child Groups' feature to Group.
    • Added Move Group Member feature to Group Member Detail.
    • Fixed GroupList Active Status filter and display to consider both the Group Status and the MembershipStatus when determining if a Group Member is active. Also modified to show inactive Memberships in a lighter-weight font and sorted last by default. (Fixes #1140). Fixes: #1140
    • Updated group editor to prevent changing parent group type to a group that does not allow the current group's type.

    Lava v4.0

    • Added additional Lava to output a phone number given a person input.
    • Added a new Lava filter for person objects to get all groups of a selected type that user belongs to.
    • Added Lava filter 'DateAdd' to add a number of days/hours/minutes/seconds to a date.
    • Added new 'Format' Lava filter to help format numbers.
    • Added new Lava filter to transform a property into a key value pair.
    • New Lava filter for returning a set of next date/times from an iCal string
    • Added Lava filter for randomizing arrays (useful for shuffling ads).
    • Added SetPageTitle Lava filter.
    • Added new Lava filter to get groups that a person has attended.
    • Added ReplaceLast Lava filter useful for replacing the last comma with 'and'.
    • Added HtmlDecode Lava filter.
    • Added new Lava filter to return the group(s) of a specific type that person lives within the geofenced boundary of.
    • Added new Lava filter to return the members of a particular role in the group of a specific type that person lives within the geofenced boundary of (i.e. neighborhood area leader).
    • Added new Lava filter to return the nearest group for a person.
    • Added Lava filters to get the parents or children of a given person.
    • Added new Lava filter for returning information about the current page.
    • Added new lava filter PluralizeForQuantity
    • Added new Lava filter to return the possessive form of the string (Ted -> Ted's
    • Added new Floor and Ceil Lava filters for rounding (Fixes #1193). Fixes: #1193
    • Added PageRedirect lava filter.
    • Added new Lava filters for getting a person object from a PersonId and PersonAliasId

    Prayer v4.0

    • Added new PrayerRequestListLava block type.
    • Updated prayer request comment list default sort order to be descending date order instead of ascending (show most recent first).
    • PrayerRequestEntry block can now accept the text (if URL encoded) of a request via the Request parameter.

    Reporting v4.0

    • Added Page Parameters as merge fields to the Dynamic Data block. For example {{ PageParameter.GroupId}} would give you the GroupId from the query string.
    • Added a Copy command for Reports.
    • Added a Copy command for Data Views.
    • Added new Children transform for data views that will transform a list of parents to a list of the children of those parents
    • Added a feature to the data view detail block to show what reports and other data views are in use.
    • Added a link to Report Detail to navigate to the associated data view (if user has edit rights to report).
    • Updated the category tree view (used by data views
    • Added toggle button to Show/Hide Data View and Report Results.
    • Added options to the In Group person data filters that let you specify Include Child Groups with options of Including Selected Groups and Include All Descendants (which default to true if include child groups is selected)
    • Data filters for booleans now have an Equal To and Not Equal To comparison option. Handy for nullable booleans and boolean attributes. For example
    • Add 'Between' as an option for all date data view filters that lets you choose a date range or a sliding date range
    • Added the ability to change the page title from the Dynamic Data block.
    • Added Jobs to calculate Metrics and calculate Group Requirements
    • Added new Last Note data select for Person reports.
    • Fixed Dynamic Data Report issue when Selection URL contained more than one column name (Fixes #1238). Fixes: #1238
    • Fixed issue where Data View comparison Is Not Blank incorrectly returns Null values as matches. (Fixes #948). Fixes: #948
    • PersonName linked field in Report now appears correctly and is an Excel hyperlink (Fixes #1063). Fixes: #1063

    Workflow v4.0

    • Updated the testing of workflow action filters to correctly compare numerical values (Fixes #1205). Fixes: #1205
    • Fixed the Delete Workflow action.
    • Updated workflow processing so that if an action fails on initial processing the workflow would still be persisted if configured to do so.
    • Fixed database locking contention that would occur when saving a workflow with a new attribute and a user entry form (and database was configured with snapshot isolation turned on).
    • Added new workflow action to allow setting the initiator from an attribute value
    • Added workflow action to create a connection request and added new controls
    • Added workflow action to post attendance to a group.
    • Added new workflow action to create a person note.
    • Added new Workflow Actions that can be used to add a Person to a Group
    • Added new workflow action to set an attribute for a group member.
    • Added new workflow action to set a person attribute to the leader of a provided group.
    • Updated workflow form processing so that if user has edit rights to workflow type
    • Updated the Workflow Detail block to check both the block security settings and the workflow security to determine if user is authorized to edit a workflow (If user has edit rights on either
    • Workflow triggers can now be fired when a qualifier changes-to or changes-from a value for pre-save trigger types.
    • Added optional setting to FindFamilies check-in workflow action that allows phone search to only include families with a phone number that ENDS WITH the value entered during check-in rather than all the families with a phone number that CONTAINS the value entered.
    • Added navigation improvements to MyWorkflows block
    • Updated the Send Email and Send System Email workflow actions to support multiple to addresses.

    Rock v3.5 Released January 22, 2016

    CMS v3.5

    • Fixed issue with occasional website hang

    CRM v3.5

    • Merging a person with a security role now refreshes that role (Fixes #1137). Fixes: #1137

    Finance v3.5

    • Fixed issue with ordering of accounts (and their amounts) on transaction entry block when accounts are added by user indifferent order than the default account order (Fixes #1219) Fixes: #1219

    Workflow v3.5

    • SendEmail workflow action now works with attributes of type Group (Fixes #1167). Fixes: #1167

    Rock v3.4 Released June 11, 2015

    Check-in v3.4

    • Improved performance of Check-in manager blocks.

    Core v3.4

    • Improved performance of Rock Cleanup job (Fixes #1060). Fixes: #1060
    • Improved performance of caching.
    • Turned off auditing by default (can be turned back on by changing the value of 'Enable Auditing' global attribute).
    • Updated PersonPicker control to provide feedback if the user is unauthorized to search (Fixes #1042). Fixes: #1042

    CRM v3.4

    • Fixed Family group members getting added with inactive status (Fixes #1013). Fixes: #1013

    Finance v3.4

    • Fixed Pledge List block so that it correctly applies the Account filter when no accounts are selected(Fixes #1032). Fixes: #1032
    • Added support for financial gateway providers to specify whether they support Saved account functionality for a given currency type ( credit card Fixes: #1031

    Group v3.4

    • Updated Group Finder block to not display inactive groups (Fixes #1019). Fixes: #1019
    • Improved performance of attendance list and detail blocks.

    Rock v3.3 Released May 15, 2015

    CMS v3.3

    • Fixed exception on Page List when attempting to sort by Layout column (Fixes #1004) Fixes: #1004

    Check-in v3.3

    • Updated check-in to print labels in configured order (Fixes #1007). Fixes: #1007

    Communication v3.3

    • Updated Template Detail block to use 'SMS' instead of 'Sms' (Fixes #891). Fixes: #891

    CRM v3.3

    • Fixed issue with address auto-compute not working correctly on the person search (Fixes #994) Fixes: #994
    • Updated the person merge so that it does not set external logins to be unconfirmed (Fixes #1005). Fixes: #1005
    • Updated Person Following List to show proper home/mobile phone in heading based on value of the home/mobile defined type (Fixes #1003). Fixes: #1003
    • Updated Person Following list so that phone and spouse columns are not sortable (Fixes #1001). Fixes: #1001
    • Fixed issue with person history causing an exception after manual attendance was entered (Fixes #999). Fixes: #999

    Finance v3.3

    • Fixed exception in Batch Detail when batch contained transactions without a currency value (Fixes #998) Fixes: #998

    Group v3.3

    • Updated the link in group attendance email to include the impersonated person link so that group leader does not need to login when entering attendance (Fixes #1000). Fixes: #1000

    Reporting v3.3

    • Fixed issue with 'First Contribution Date' report filter taking a very long time to load (Fixes #972). Fixes: #972

    Rock v3.2 Released April 24, 2015

    CMS v3.2

    • Added validation to prevent duplicate routes being created for different pages.

    Communication v3.2

    • Updated communication processing so that communication job will not send duplicate emails to same recipients.

    Core v3.2

    • Fixed attribute block to escape HTML in the values column (Fixes #965). Fixes: #965
    • Fixed issue with occasional deadlocks.
    • Changed the access key for edit from Alt+E to Alt+M (modify) since Chrome already used Alt+E. (Fixes#946). Fixes: #946

    CRM v3.2

    • Fixed Facebook login to match with existing person correctly (Fixes #983). Fixes: #983
    • Updated the default ordering of transactions in Contributions tab of person profile be datetime of the transaction (Fixes #980). Fixes: #980
    • Fixed issue with Add Family block adding children as adults (Fixes #964). Fixes: #964
    • Fixed issue with prayer approval not updating request correctly Fixes: #969
    • Added access keys to edit the individual (Alt+I) and family (Alt+O) on the person details page.

    Lava v3.2

    • Updated person object so that PrimaryAlias property is available to be used by Lava (Fixes #973). Fixes: #973
    • Updated the Check-in Schedule to have it's 'StartTime' property available to Lava (Fixes #981). Fixes: #981

    Reporting v3.2

    • Added job for processing scheduled metrics.
    • Fixed Group Type Report Field not showing any results (Fixes #977). Fixes: #977

    Workflow v3.2

    • Fixed issue with My Workflows block not showing the workflow type.
    • Fixed exception that would occur when trying to activate a new activity on an existing workflow (Fixes #978). Fixes: #978

    Rock v3.1 Released April 13, 2015

    Check-in v3.1

    • Improved performance of check-in's Find Families action.
    • Added a setting to the check-in Find Families action to limit the number of families returned by search (default is 100).
    • Added a phone number index to improve check-in performance.

    Communication v3.1

    • Fixed issue with SMS replies being sent to the wrong person.
    • Fixed issue with not being able to send communications that included an attachment.

    Core v3.1

    • Improved how Rock manages shared connections to database.
    • Fixed filtering issue when filtering on defined value attributes that allow multiple values (Fixes #910). Fixes: #910

    CRM v3.1

    • Fixed issue with not being able to update a binary file person attribute (Fixes #874). Fixes: #874
    • Fixed issue with displaying known and implied relationships on the person detail page (Fixes #930). Fixes: #930
    • Fixed spacing of the 'In Group of Type' badge (Fixes #908). Fixes: #908
    • Fixed issue with existing people creating a new login and not being able to login (Fixes #928). Fixes: #928
    • Added additional indexes to improve performance of person merge.

    Finance v3.1

    • Updated the Transaction Entry block so that the 'Next' button does not remain disabled after a validation error (Fixes#899). Fixes: #899

    Reporting v3.1

    • Fixed issue with tag report.

    Rock v3.0 Released April 13, 2015

    API v3.0

    • Updated the api/Peoples REST POST endpoint to create all the needed relationships for a new person (i.e. Family Member
    • Updated the 'Set Attribute From Entity' workflow action to support setting a value based on a Lava template that can parse the entity passed in for processing.
    • Attribute and AttributeValues can now be included in a REST response by specifying ?LoadAttributes='simple' or ?LoadAttributes='expanded' in the request parameters. In 'simple' mode
    • Added a new api/Groups/SaveAddress REST endpoint for updating the address associated with a group/family. This method takes care of checking for existing addresses
    • Fix new REST key not confirmed on create and UserDetail block showing incorrectly that it was. Fixes: #825

    CMS v3.0

    • Changed Google Map API so it only loads when it is needed vs loading on every page. If you have any custom blocks that need the Google Maps API
    • Added the ability to specify root document/image folders and the option to optionally force user-specific root folders for attributes that use the HTML field type
    • Updated block rendering so that the Pre/Post text is rendered outside of all the block wrapping divs
    • Added feature to the GetChannelFeed handler to resolve any relative links to absolute links.
    • Rearranged the Content Channel Item View block to make it more intuitive. Fixes: #787
    • Updated content feed to sort content items in descending order. Also added filters to respect the content item's date ranges.
    • Moved the Content Channel Type and Content Channel admin screens from under the 'Communications' page to the 'CMS Configuration Page'. This will simplify the security access since these pages will be used more by Web Administrators.
    • Added edit and administrate access for the 'WEB - Administration' role to the External Website Ads content channel.
    • Updated LoginStatus block to only show Login when user not logged in

    Check-in v3.0

    • Fixed inaccurate check-in countdown due to time not using ISO 8601 format. Fixes: #878
    • Added regex option to the search screen of check-in to allow applying a regex pattern to the user's input. For example the expression '[0](\d*)' would strip off a leading 0 from the input. This example would be needed in the UK where Rock does not store the leading 0 in the database but many individuals would be used to searching using it. #MakingUpForTheSinsOfTheNSA
    • Added an option to reuse the code per family (disabled by default).
    • Fixed issue with static text being replaced with security code on check-in labels. Fixes: #766
    • Fixed issue that enabled the keyboard to display on touch devices. Fixes: #777
    • Updated check-in labels so that attribute values are not HTML encoded.
    • Add support for the ExcludedByFilter flag to RemoveEmptyPeople workflow action
    • Added the ability to specify the kiosk id and group type ids as a query string (route) parameter so that the check-in admin screen can by bypassed.
    • Made some changes to improve performance and accuracy of check-in random code generation.
    • Updated the 'First-time Icon' merge field for check-in labels to use a new Person.FirstTime field that is true if person has ever attended anything. This replaces previous merge field that only checked if person had previously checked into a group with same group type.

    Communication v3.0

    • Updated the communication send process to use the the person who created the communication when resolving merge fields so that secured attribute values can actually be included in a communication. Fixes: #802
    • Updated the Communication Entry block to support a 'Simple' mode that can be used on an external site for members to initiate a communication. Also updated Site to include a Communication Page setting.

    Core v3.0

    • Added new group type for tracking internal staff organizational structures with a new page for viewing them.
    • Added option to CategoryTreeView to set the Root Category
    • Add Scan Settings to BinaryFileType
    • Added responsive table support to the Rock Grid
    • Updated SampleData block and xml data to handle adding small group topics as defined values
    • In an effort to help organizations create an organized system for managing their security roles we've implemented a sample naming system. You can read more about our recommendations in the updated Admin Hero Guide.
    • Adjusted the security under 'Admin Tools' to allow the 'WEB - Administration' security role to see the 'CMS Configuration' pages and the 'RSG - Communications Administration' role to see the 'Communications' pages.
    • Added additional checking in the PhotoSendRequest block to verify the communication template and certain fields in the template (Fixes #798) Fixes: #798
    • Added an option to the 'Memo' field type to optionally allow html to be entered in field without causing a Validation Request error.
    • Updated the grid export to resolve defined value ids with their values when exporting to Excel.
    • Changed the DISC service to work even if someone changes the DISC category name. Fixes: #792
    • Changed directory names in the content folder to not have spaces.
    • Upgraded to Font Awesome 4.3.0 (Fixes #814) Fixes: #814
    • Updated the Memo field type so that attributes of this type retain their line breaks when displayed on page (i.e. workflow entry screen
    • Updated the Facebook authentication provider to update the person's Facebook person attribute value whenever they login.
    • Changed person picker to set the focus to the search box when opened.
    • Updated the Binary File URL property to return a full path instead of a relative path when file type is using Database or File System storage provider.
    • Updated the logging of exceptions so that the source and stack trace information get logged correctly for inner exceptions.
    • Updated the address verification services so that a second active service will attempt to standardize/geocode a given address even when previous active service attempted to standardize or geocode the address but failed.
    • Updated the Defined Value field type to optionally display defined value descriptions instead of the values.
    • Updated the Facebook authentication provider so that it works with the new Facebook API. If person does not have existing photo in Rock it will now also add a photo to Rock from Facebook Fixes: #675
    • Fixed issue with Location Picker control not maintaining state when toggling between different location types on the group details location editor.
    • Fixed the 'Forgot User Name' block to include Active Directory user names. Fixes: #765
    • Removed the double borders around the grid when used inside of a grid-panel.
    • Fixed an issue with Categories block that prevented categories from being able to be ordered.
    • Updated the Rock Grid control to handle separate DataKey and PersonId columns correctly.
    • Updated Bing address verification to handle a null postalcode value returned for valid international addresses. Fixes: #845
    • Updated the boolean field type to render a drop-down list with a blank option instead of a radio-button. This allows specifying a none/true/false value. If attribute is configured to be required, user would still need to select true or false. Fixes: #776 #784
    • Updated the HTML Editor's merge field picker to use current person's security when determining the attributes to display and include in list (vs. showing only the attributes available to everyone) Fixes: #802
    • Fixed issue with note container only showing first 10 comments and not displaying the 'Show More' option. Fixes: #808
    • Updated person following and person attribute filtering to use person alias id instead of person id.
    • Fixes DISC Last Save Date not storing in international date format (Fixes #828). Fixes: #828
    • Add new 'My Settings' page which lives under the 'Login Status' drop-down in the upper right of the internal pages. This page will be a user's one stop shop for all of their personal settings and configurations. For now it contains links to change their password and manage their communication templates.
    • Added new DateTime field type for attributes.
    • Added an option in Service Job list to Run Now.
    • Added keyboard shortcuts to speed up several operations in Rock.
    • Added new block attribute types for using the KeyValueList and ValueList field types
    • Added a new rating control and field type. An attribute can use this field type to display a group of stars that can be selected to rate an item.

    CRM v3.0

    • Changed reverse order and format of the graduation and grade labels on the person profile (Bio block)
    • Moved the 'Photo Request' page under 'Admin > Communications'. This helps limit who can send out bulk photo requests and helps to clean up the 'People' menu item.
    • Updated the Add Family Fixes: #855
    • Added block setting to the Bio block used on the Person Profile page to enable prepending the country code to phone numbers. Helpful for internationalization.
    • Updated the zone block list so that it only copies authorization from page when a new block is added and not when an existing block is edited.
    • Changed PrayerRequestDetail block to not encode HTML prior to storage as per Fixes: #846
    • Updated Family Edit to set email active when adding new family members (Fixes #820). Fixes: #820

    Finance v3.0

    • Fixed bug in transaction detail block where the cancel button would not take you back to the parent batch when clicked.
    • Updated the FinancialPersonSavedAccount to also allow being associated to a group in addition to a person
    • Made changes to the transaction details block to make entering transactions faster. There is now a new 'Add New Transaction' button to enter an additional sibling transaction and the person picker now expands when entering a new transaction.
    • Changed the default sort order of financial transactions to be in the order they where entered.
    • Updated the Transaction Detail block to facilitate easier keyboard adding of transactions.
    • Fixed the TransactionEntry block to update the phone numbers and/or email address for an existing person.
    • Added helper method to SavedAccount model to create a new reference transaction
    • Updated Statement Generator to recommend a 600x200px logo
    • Changed Statement Generator to display a breakdown of the Accounts for each Transaction
    • Added option to include people without a mailing address in the Statement Generator. Also
    • Added an Authorize method to financial gateway components.
    • Fixed issue with effective end date not being updated when saving a recurring schedule.
    • Updated the PayFlowPro transaction download to exclude 'declined' transactions
    • Fixed BusinessDetail block so that an exception does not occur when trying to delete contacts from a business. Fixes: #867
    • Fixed check scanner allowing checks without a check number through when using a Ranger scanner
    • Fixed display of transaction list/detail when user is authorized to view Fixes: #805

    Group v3.0

    • Added 'Exclude Group Type' block setting to Group Tree View and Group Detail
    • Added column to GroupMember list for linking to profile detail (and removed 'View Profile' button from group member detail)
    • Added a job and system email for sending reminders to group leaders about entering attendance for their group meetings.
    • Added the ability to filter group members by specific attribute values
    • Added a 'Schedule' field to the group detail that allows a group to have either a simple weekly schedule
    • Added Block Property to GroupList to filter by Active Status. If this is set

    Lava v3.0

    • Added new Lava filter to create postback links in Lava.
    • Added new Lava filter 'Default' that returns the passed default value if the value is undefined or empty
    • Added Lava Address filter option to provide a template for the address return.
    • Updated the 'Attribute' lava merge field to return an object (instead of string) and added an additional 'Property' filter so that these can be used to navigate complex object/attribute structures when outputting lava content.
    • Updated blocks that provide 'Enable Debug' setting for Lava to only show the debug information if the logged in user also has Edit access to the block. This allows an Admin to enable debug on a production page without everyone seeing the debug info.
    • Updated several of the Lava string filters (Replace
    • Updated the Lava Attribute filter to use the current person when checking security rather than defaulting to anonymous user (Fixes #760). Fixes: #760

    Reporting v3.0

    • Added Combine Giving option to Total Giving Amount data select in reporting. When enabled
    • Added option to use CurrentDate plus/minus a number of days in Data View date filters
    • Added option in Address data select to specify what portion of the Address to show in report.

    Workflow v3.0

    • Added ability to add notes to a workflow
    • Add new note types for use in workflows.
    • Updated the Workflow Entry block so that it will interrogate the query string parameters and set any workflow attributes with same key to the value passed in query string. This results in the Activate Workflow block no longer being needed
    • Updated workflow type configuration block to include the attribute field types in grid of workflow and activity attributes.
    • Updated the 'Set Attribute From Entity' workflow action to include an option for determining if workflow should continue processing or not when the entity is missing or invalid.
    • Updated workflow administration so that users with edit security on a workflow type can manage workflows of that type (Fixes #771). Fixes: #771
    • Updated workflow list to allow filtering by workflow attribute values
    • Fixed the Delete workflow action so that it does not cause an exception when processing.
    • Updated the workflow detail block so that only users with edit access to the block see the advanced options for editing a workflow.
    • Fixed exception that would occur when manually activating a new activity on an existing workflow.
    • Fixed the workflow processing job so that it will still process workflows when the workflow type has a blank processing interval.
    • Fixed the 'Delay' workflow action to correctly calculate the time that delay was initiated.

    Rock v2.0 Released December 29, 2014

    API v2.0

    • Updated Rock REST API to use latest version OData V3. Now there is support for most of the standard OData V3 Query Types and also an endpoint at api/$metadata to see the schema
    • Updated the Rock REST API so that exceptions that occur when using the API will now return an error and log the exception to the Rock Exception Log.
    • Fixed a few REST endpoints that were not configured to check authentication correctly (Fixes #647). Fixes: #647

    CMS v2.0

    • Fixed HTML Editor issue in IE when toggling between source and WYSIWYG modes not saving content (Fixes#588). Fixes: #588
    • Updated the Content Channel Dynamic block to allow sorting items by attribute values in addition to item properties.
    • Updated Content Channel functionality to allow channel-specific item attributes.
    • Updated the item list on channel view block to include columns for the attributes that have been configured with the 'Display in Grid' option enabled
    • Added ability to delete channel items from the Tools > Content page.
    • Added block properties to the Register block (AccountEntry.ascx) to set the Connection Status and Record Status used when creating new individuals. Default values are 'Web Prospect' and 'Pending' (Fixes #699). Fixes: #699

    Check-in v2.0

    • Updated the check-in application so that when the search page is displayed Fixes: #623
    • Fixed issue with check-in codes not printing on labels.
    • Fixed the weekly attendance grouping in Attendance Analysis so that Sunday attendances are grouped to the correct weekend.
    • Fixed the Check-in countdown until active display when there is an earlier schedule for the same day that is no longer active (Fixes #739). Fixes: #739

    Communication v2.0

    • Updated all emails ( system
    • Subject value in email templates can now be removed (Fixes #692). Fixes: #692
    • Updated Twilio SMS transport to report back messages that are undeliverable (Fixes #715). Fixes: #715
    • Fixed communication copy so that it uses the current datetime instead of retaining the original create date (Fixes #651). Fixes: #651
    • Updated all the places that use Person as an available lava merge field for the current person to use CurrentPersoninstead.
    • Fixed the 'Copy Communication' option in Communication History so that it correctly copies all the channel data (e.g. email body text) to the new communication.
    • Updated communication templates to correctly use 'Communication.MediumData.*' instead of 'Communication.ChannelData.*'lava merge fields.

    Core v2.0

    • Fixed bug that was preventing GlobalAttributes from being included in new account creation block emails (Fixes #649). Fixes: #649
    • Fixed issue with attribute values becoming unavailable when a cached item is reloaded from a model
    • Fixed the EmailHeader and EmailFooter global attributes to have correctly formatted HTML content (Fixes #740). Fixes: #740
    • Fixed several problems associated with Global Attributes not being properly merged in communication templates for email exceptions Fixes: #684
    • Added option to RockTextBox field type for using password mode on rendered textboxes and update SMTP settings and Payment Gateway settings to use password mode (Fixes #426). Fixes: #426
    • Updated the Memo field type to have a configurable number of rows (instead of always being 3).
    • Updated the System Info block's clear cache option to also refresh the list of EntityTypes
    • Removed the 'Current Date' check box option from the Date field type and added it to a new FilterDatefield type. This field type is intended to only be used for report filters when specifying date comparisons (Fixes #627). Fixes: #627
    • Updated the 'Person/{PersonId}/StaffDetails' route for the person profile security page to be 'Person/{PersonId}/Security' instead.
    • Removed the 'Blocs' page route as it is no longer needed.
    • Updated the System Info block's 'Clear Cache' option to also delete all the files in the App_Data/Cache folder.
    • Changed Person Link report field to Person Name and moved it to show in the Common fields. It also now has the option to show as a link
    • Updated the Day of Week attribute field type to allow setting a default of none (Fixes #726). Fixes: #726
    • Updated Person Merge and Bulk Update to include deceased people when navigating from grid of people (Fixes #727). Fixes: #727
    • Added new Encrypted Field Type and Attribute that can be used to store sensitive attribute values as an encrypted value in database (e.g. Passwords
    • Added new Media File BinaryFileType as the File Type for Video and Audio field types.
    • Added new AudioFieldType that can be used to add Audio content.
    • Added New VideoFieldType that can be used to upload and include video in content pages.
    • Added new Video and Audio field types that can be used to display Video and Audio content.

    CRM v2.0

    • Added DISC Result block for viewing results after clicking the DISC badge
    • Added a new DISC Person Profile Badge.
    • Updated prayer requests so that new prayer requests that were not auto-approved will now show up in the Prayer Requests list without having to check 'Show Expired Requests' (Fixes #685). Fixes: #685
    • Updated the lava fields used by the PageMenu block to have the same format as all other lava merge fields in Rock. They are now mixed case fields. This required all Page Menu templates and template include files to be updated (update should automatically fix all of the templates).
    • Updated the Social Media person attributes to use a URL field type instead of just text (Fixes #728). Fixes: #728
    • Added a way to set the requester of the prayer request on the Prayer Request detail block. Also now shows the requester if one was set.
    • Fixed exception that would occur on person bio block if person had a phone number with an invalid phone number type
    • Fixed attendance and DISC badges in IE.
    • Fixed an issue with not being able to update a Multi-Select attribute value in the Bulk Update block(Fixes #734). Fixes: #734
    • Fixed the Attended Duration badge to correctly include Sunday attendances.
    • Fixed the DISC assessment block which was not working in IE 10 (Fixes #732). Fixes: #732
    • Fixed issue that was preventing prayer requests with comments from being deleted until each comment was removed first (Fixes #644). Fixes: #644
    • Fixed attribute category ordering on person profile page (Fixes #716). Fixes: #716
    • Fixed issue with adding multiple existing people to a family not displaying the correct tab in add person dialog window(Fixes #666). Fixes: #666

    Finance v2.0

    • Added additional 'Text Option' settings to the financial Transaction Entry and Scheduled TransactionEdit blocks to make more of the text captions configurable.
    • Fixed issue where public account names were not being used on the transaction entry page (Fixes #696). Fixes: #696

    Group v2.0

    • Fixed the group member status field label on bulk update block to have the correct label (Fixes #708). Fixes: #708
    • Fixed security so that if a user is not allowed to view a Group type Fixes: #719
    • Updated security on groups so that a group can use both its parent group and its group type as a parent authority. Also improved security handling in the Group Viewer block (Fixes #718). Fixes: #718
    • Updated the Group Tree View block so that it only shows groups of the selected type when specific types are selected in the settings (Fixes #671). Fixes: #671
    • Added optional setting to Group Member list to allow the Member Count column to be hidden

    Lava v2.0

    • Fixed a bug in the lava debug display that kept some attribute help from showing the parent level object.
    • Updated Lava templating engine to support enumerations correctly (i.e. Gender) (Fixes #689). Fixes: #689
    • Added CreatedByPersonName
    • Updated the location and naming convention of the Lava include files to be RockWeb/Themes/[Theme]/Assets/Lava/[Template].lava instead of RockWeb/Themes/[Theme]/Assets/Liquid/_[Template].liquid.
    • Updated how lava include files are referenced. Previously they always needed to be in the current theme's Assets/Liquid folder

    Reporting v2.0

    • Fixed issue with row selection not working on Dynamic Data Block.
    • Data view filter selector now shows tooltip with the description of the filter.
    • Report field selector now shows tooltip with the description of what the field is (if it has a description).
    • Added Include Child Groups option to the In Group and Not in Group Person data view filters.
    • Added Not in Group and Not in Group of Group Type data view filters.

    Workflow v2.0

    • Fixed issue with workflow entry form notifications including fields that are not marked visible.
    • Added workflow actions to add and remove a person from an organization tag.
    • Updated several workflow action fields used to select attributes to only display attributes that have the specific field types allowed by the action.
    • Updated the Send Email
    • Updated workflow entry screen so that inactive workflow types cannot be used to start a new workflow. They will still appear Fixes: #695
    • Renamed the 'Send Email Template' workflow action to 'Send System Email' since it is used to send a system email
    • Updated the MyWorkflows block so that when the 'All Types' option is used
    • Updated the 'Set Attribute From Entity' workflow action to support any entity type instead of just person or group.
    • Added a new workflow action and webhook for processing background checks.
    • Added a 'Delay' workflow action that will delay successful execution of action until a specified number of minutes have passed. Fixes: #426

    Rock v1.2 Released November 12, 2014

    CMS v1.2

    • Fixed auto discovery link for RSS channels
    • Fix the ordering of Content Channel Dynamic items when retrieving items from cache.
    • Update the Content Channel Dynamic block so that it does not default to a specific channel when first added to a page.
    • Update the Content Channel Dynamic block to set the correct liquid template folder prior to looking for liquid template files.
    • Fix issue that would cause 404 page to fail XSS validation test (Fixes #563). Fixes: #563
    • Made the Dynamic Content Channel feed feature work off of liquid templates. NOTE: The address of the handler changed from GetChannelRss.ashx to GetChannelFeed.ashx to make it more reusable. There is also a new defined type for storing liquid templates in. See documentation for more information.
    • Update the Content Channel Dynamic block to allow sorting items by attribute values in addition to item properties.
    • Update the Zone editor so that it refreshes the page after adding
    • Updated the Content Channel Dynamic blocks on the external site to use the themes liquid files (as an include file).

    Check-in v1.2

    • Update Check-in Configuration block to save new group types (Areas) with correct default options for being used by check-in application (Fixes #610). Fixes: #610

    Communication v1.2

    • Turn off form validation for the field that is returned by Mandrill to Rock's Mandrill webhook so that exceptions do not occur when Mandrill posts this event data.

    Core v1.2

    • Update Google maps to load over both http and https (Fixes #593). Fixes: #593
    • Fixed issue with the date picker when used at the bottom of screens (Fixes #592). Fixes: #592
    • Update ordering of defined type attributes to clear the attribute cache so that editing values immediately reflects the updated order.
    • Fix person age calculation to not be dependent on current culture being in mm/dd/yy format (Fixes #607). Fixes: #607
    • Update check-in location active time Fixes: #594
    • fix address control getting an error if the Country doesn't have any States defined (Fixes #587). Fixes: #587
    • Update the System Information's Clear Cache option to also clear all the cached security authorization rules.
    • Fix issue with attribute images being saved as temporary images (and therefore subsequently being deleted by clean-up job).
    • Update how cache items are cleared in the System Information's Clear Cache option. It now deletes the entire caching object instead of attempting to remove individual items.
    • Fix exception caused when viewing a single select field with no value (Fixes #602). Fixes: #602

    CRM v1.2

    • Include last name of family members if the last name is different than the current person being viewed (Fixes #618). Fixes: #618
    • Fix the age and anniversary on person profile page Fixes: #607
    • Family can now be deleted if there is only one member and that member is in at least one other family(Fixes #581). Fixes: #581
    • Update the Person Profile page to check for 'Edit' security before allowing edits to the person Fixes: #597

    Finance v1.2

    • Fixed issue with Statement Generator that was causing it to only work on x64 machines (Fixes #613). Fixes: #613

    Group v1.2

    • Updated the Group Detail block so that GroupType can only be edited when adding a new group (Fixes #605). Fixes: #605
    • Correct bug that was not saving the first attribute value on new group members (Fixes #606). Fixes: #606
    • Fix GivingGroup not getting set in EditPerson (Fixes #599). Fixes: #599

    Reporting v1.2

    • Fix report data view filters that use an attribute date filter (Fixes #629) Fixes: #629

    Workflow v1.2

    • Fix the Assign Activity to Group workflow action to correctly assign the activity to the selected group.
    • Fix the workflow text/attribute drop down control to allow html in the text portion of the control (Fixes #591). Fixes: #591

    Rock v1.1 Released October 17, 2014

    CMS v1.1

    • Added the option for specifying 'Current Date' when adding data view or content channel item filter son date fields or attributes.
    • Updated default format on content channel item detail block to check for missing image (Fixes #580) Fixes: #580
    • Added the option to support additional filtering based on query string parameter values to the Content Channel Dynamic block
    • Added new content channel type of 'Blogs' along with a sample blog on the external website. Also added the 'Bulletins' channel type.
    • Added the ability to change the page title
    • Update HTML Content Detail block to include merge fields even when there is not a logged in person.
    • Added support for merging liquid fields in the RSS channel HTTP hander.
    • Removed the homepage link from the stark theme as the logo already acts as a home button.
    • Added security to the 'Web Ads' content channel to allow 'Communication Administrators' to be able to Edit/Administrate/Approve. (Fixes #568) Fixes: #568
    • Fixed issue with content channel items getting saved with incorrect status when user is authorized to approve channel items. (Fixes #576) Fixes: #576
    • Fixed issue that was keeping content from showing in the ContentChannelDynamic block if you were not logged in. (Fixes#567) Fixes: #567

    Check-in v1.1

    • Updated check-in administration screen to exclude any group types that do not have the 'Takes Attendance' option enabled when selecting the 'Check-in Areas' to use for check-in. (Fixes #559) Fixes: #559

    Communication v1.1

    • Added communication template content that was deleted in the v1.0 update
    • Added preview dialog to Html Content Approval

    CRM v1.1

    • Fixed the Social Media person attribute category to have the correct qualifier (Fixes #579) Fixes: #579
    • Fixed typo changing 'Nick Name' to 'Nickname'. (Fixes #570) Fixes: #570
    • Fixed issue that limited the editing of attributes on the Person Profile screen in Firefox. . (Fixes#573) Fixes: #573

    Lava v1.1

    • Added new Lava filter 'ToString' to convert integers to strings.

    Reporting v1.1

    • Fixed Data View filters to work on MultiSelect Attributes. For example
    • Update Dynamic Data Block to support column sorting
    • Added ability to sort reports on any column (except for Liquid).
Release Notes

Archived Rock Versions