Status Key
Early Development
The development is in the early stages. Do not expect this version to be released in the near-term.
Near Future
The development phase is nearing completion and should be going to alpha/beta testing soon.
Unlikely to Be Released
This release, though present in the development repository, is unlikely to be issued unless a significant issue arises or a security concern is identified.
Alpha Testing
This release is currently in alpha testing.
Beta Testing
This release is in beta testing. Expect release soon.
This version has been released.
Issue Focused Release
The version will be where we primarily address and resolve reported bugs.
Major Bugs and Security Updates Only
Only major bugs and security updates will be applied to future minor versions.
Security Updates Only
This release will not be receiving bug fixes unless they represent a serious security concern.
End of Life
This release will no longer be receiving updates. Issues reported with this release will be closed until they can be reproduced by the author on a supported version.
Obsidian Releases