0 External Website Ads Redirect 2 Trey Hendon III posted 9 Years Ago Has anyone figured out a way to use the External Website Ads and have them redirect to a specific URL rather than the Item Details?
Trey Hendon III 9 years ago I used this example and also added a "Not Clickable" t/f attribute to be able to disable the hyperlink in the ad rotator. Loving Lava!
Trey Hendon III 9 years ago Hey Don, the way I wrote the extra liquid and attribute, it's per ad. So, it allows me to have a single image in my rotator that isn't a hyperlink.I've added two attributes to the Website Ads' Item Attributes: Direct URL [Text] and Not Clickable [Boolean]The "Direct URL" Attribute's Lava logic I have in the AdRotator.lava file and the AdList.lava files. The Not Clickable Attribute I only use for the rotator.Here's my final Lava for the Ad Rotator file: {% assign notClickable = item | Attribute:'NotClickable' %} {% if notClickable == 'Yes' %} {{ item.Image }} {% else %} {% assign directUrl = item | Attribute:'DirectURL' %} {% if directUrl != empty -%} <a class="announcement-link" href="{{ item | Attribute:'DirectURL' }}">{{ item.Image }}</a> {% else %} <a class="announcement-link" href="{{ LinkedPages.DetailPage }}?Item={{ item.Id }}">{{ item.Image }}</a> {% endif %} {% endif %}