
Photo of Gracie Bearden


Volunteer Tracking

Every year, we do a volunteer appreciation booklet with a list of all our volunteers and the number of years they have served. To make this booklet, it takes a good month of back checking and searching to find the accumulative number of years each person has been serving. 

Is there a way that Rock can track this? Can it track the accumulative number of years a person has served even if they've jumped around to different ministries? If yes, is there a way to send it to an excel sheet that shows all the volunteers along with the accumulative total of years they've served? 

  • Photo of Jeremy Hoff


    Hi Gracie,

    One method -perhaps my favorite- may be to setup a Badge that displays the image reflecting the number of years of service.  

    The badge would/could be loosely based upon the "Years Attending" badge as seen here on Ted Decker's profile: ( and configured here: ( but instead of reflecting attendance, would seek out the earliest date of service based on a serving group.  The key is that with this particular method, people would need to remain in their service group as inactive rather than be deleted.

    Some documentation on Badges is found here: (

    I hope that helps!