
Photo of Clément Théry


Security : Lost page


If we create a page to be viewed only by a given group. if we deny acess to all users and allow access for this group only, then everything seems to be ok but :

If you don't remember which group can view the page (and if admin was not added to the list of groups that can view and administrate the page), where can you see who can view the page ?

when going to Admintools->CMS configuration->Page Map you can see where is the page but it seems that you can only access to it (and if you try, you have the error security page)

You can also go a parent page (that you see in the page map) but here again, you can move the child page, try to access to it but you can't see the security parameters of the page.

So the only way would be to join every group and then go to the page to modify the security parameters.

Is there another way ?


  • Photo of Arran France


    Visit Admin Tools -> Power Tools -> SQL Command and run the following SQL replacing YOUR_PAGE_ID with the ID of the page you're trying to access.

    SELECT G.Name
      FROM [Auth] AS A
      JOIN [Group] AS G
      ON G.Id = A.GroupId
      WHERE A.EntityTypeId = 2 and A.EntityId = YOUR_PAGE_ID and A.AllowOrDeny = 'A'
  • Photo of Clément Théry


    Thank you ! It works great.