
Photo of Joanne Domagala


Family name default - can it be changed?

We'd prefer to list the family name as "spouse and spouse" rather than "the [last name] family." Is there anyway to change that preference?

  • Photo of Kurt Vogeler


    So here's how I got it to work in a report.

    1) the report must have a person Id as a field

    2) set another field with lava "Family Salutation"

    3) enter the following lava (see screen shots also)

    {% assign peep = Id | PersonById %}

    {{ peep | FamilySalutation,false,false,false }}




  • Photo of Tony Visconti


    Are you trying to get it to save this way initially when you create a person/family or are you trying to get it simply to show up that way on a certain page/report?

  • Photo of Joanne Domagala


    I'm running a list of people to mail contribution statements to and when merging with Word, I want to see, for example, Joanne and Mike Domagala instead of The Domagala Family. A lot of our people have different last names and I don't know whether or not they're married, so in those cases I'd want to address envelopes as Joanne Domagala and Mike Green, for example. I'm using the family name for that. 

    I can combine names in Excel, but it becomes difficult when some families require adding the spouse name and others require adding a first and last name, but they're not all consistent. 

  • Photo of Tony Visconti


    Hm let me make sure I am understanding correctly. Are you using the statement generator to generate statements?
    It doesn't sound like it. If that is not case are you generating the statements or envelope labels from a dataview/merge template?

  • Photo of Kurt Vogeler


    you can try this lava {{ Person | FamilySalutation }}

    so for my family it prints out "Kurt & Cheri Vogeler" - without the quotes 

    look here at the lava documentation

  • Photo of Joanne Domagala


    Thank you so much. Where would I use this lava code? I tried it in a report column, but that didn't return any results, even though the code worked in the lava tester. 

    Also, to respond to your earlier question, yes, we'd like for the default family name to correspond to the adult couple's names since in most cases we are communicating with the adult(s) in the family. Also, it's easy enough to take the last name and add "family" to it if we wish in a communication, so we don't lose that option by changing the default. 

  • Photo of Joanne Domagala


    Ahhh, perfect. That worked. Thanks so much.