
Photo of Ken Roach


How create data views based on dates in a certain range from today?

How can I create a data view to select people with dates in a certain range?

E.g. Birthdays in the next 21 days,  Anniversaries next month, Added in the last 30 days?

Can Liquid fields or system constants be used in the following ways?

- BirthMonth Equal To %NextMonth%.

- Annivesary Date in the range of (Today) and (Today + 21)

- CreatedDateTime >= (Today - 30 days)

  • Ken Roach

    Be great if there are variables that could be used in the report filters.
    An alternative way might be to create a workflow that runs SQL that drops everyone in a Group, runs a select, then adds all those selected back into the Group (e.g. Add a Group named 'Birthdays in next 21 days')?

  • Photo of Rock RMS


    Highly recommend using the DynamicData block for this. David Turner will be going a class on this at the CITRT next week. We hope to post the class on-line the week after. In the mean time you can learn more here.