
Photo of Alyse Ferguson


Colour Groups

At our church we assign kids to rooms and colour groups. Each week the children will be in the same room and with the same colour group. Is there a way to add this information onto the labels? Can we make the writing on the label a certain colour to distinguish the child's colour group?

  • Photo of Blenda Cox


    I know that the text color on labels is not something that can be changed per person with the GX420d printers that we use.  My understanding is you can get labels that have heat activated color. However, the roll would be all one color so not much help for what you are looking for.  I know the rooms can be added to the labels and it would depend on how you have the colour groups setup if they could be added with Lava.
  • Photo of Shawn Ross


    Is the 'Colour Group' consistent with the location, or does the colour change from week to week for the same location? We use a bit of wayfinding in our building, so the doorframes and carpet circles at Children's classes have an associated colour. Consequently, on our locations we've changed the name to say "123-Red" instead of 123.

    This prints on the labels as you would expect.

    We also have an edge case that sounds similar to your need. Inside of a classroom we need the child's last name to determine which 'table group' they are in for that day (they have leader-led small group time, so they try to keep those small groups, which are determined by table, consistent). Their 'table group' is represented as an icon on their check-in tag. We use group membership as part of the label merge field calculation for printing on their labels. Maybe it can be adapted for your needs or give you some inspiration?

    Our 'Table icon' Label Merge Field code. The locId is the Location's ID and the grpId is the Group's ID. We only do this for a couple locations and groups (not all check-in groups):

    {%- for group in GroupType.Groups -%}{%- for location in group.Locations -%}
    {%- capture locId -%}{{location.Id}}{%- endcapture -%}{%- capture grpId -%}{{ group.Id }}{%- endcapture -%}
    {%- endfor -%}{%- endfor -%}
    {%- if locId == 5627 or locId == 5637 -%}
    {%- if grpId == 6377 or grpId == 6378 -%}
    {%- assign regmatch = Person.LastName | Downcase | RegExMatch:'^[a-l]' %}{% if regmatch %},{% else %}<{% endif %}
    {%- elseif grpId == 9661 or grpId == 6379 -%}
    {%- assign regmatch = Person.LastName | Downcase | RegExMatch:'^[a-l]' -%}{%- if regmatch -%}_{%- else -%}K{%- endif -%}
    {%- endif -%}
    {%- endif -%}

    This is used in conjunction with a check-in label for a merge code did the trick. The following characters output in the above code matched to icons from the FontAwesome character set:

    • ,
    • <
    • _
    • K

    You may be able to change the code around to use something besides a Regular Expression match to determine 'which grouping' the child is in for the Group [as the group is what they check into, and that group has an associated location(s)]

  • Photo of Alyse Ferguson


    So the kids room's and colour groups do not change throughout the week. We are hoping to set it up so when you click on the child's name it just automatically prints their room and colour group on their label rather then the parents choosing the room and colour group in the "location" section. Do you think that is something that is possible?