
Photo of Arran France


Group/Tag Based Specific Person Attributes


I'm not sure about the most productive way for going about this so I wondered whether there was an obvious solution. Certain broad groups in our church (kids, youth, etc.) would benefit from having person attributes to indicate which bits of our discipleship they've been through and the (rough) date they completed certain stages. Accessing this information from their person page would be the easiest in terms of administration.

Adding greater complexity is that when these people progress out of that group (kids to youth, youth to general) it'd still be beneficial for that data to remain.

Is there an out of the box solution Rock has for this behaviour? 

Edit for clarity: I'm aiming for the  the Person Attribute fields to only be visible if the person is part of the group or tag that the fields arespecific to but then persist after the person has left the group.

  • Photo of Rock RMS


    Working off of Jeremy's suggestion above, what about using the 'Group Of Type' badge and making the person as Inactive when they are no longer a part of the group?

    • Arran France

      I'm not entirely sure if that would achieve what we're aiming for. My original topic wasn't particularly clear about what we're trying to achieve, probably because I was quite new to Rock.

      Some things we'd like to track only apply to people in the church who are either a child (0-11) or a student (11-18). Some of this information we'd only want to retain while they're a child (whether they can be contacted outside of church) and some we'd want to track only if they're a child or only if they'd once been a child whilst a part of the church (e.g. Whether they'd completed steps as part of a student discipleship pathway).

      We want to keep the person active -- but we want some information to only be visible if they meet the age criteria OR if they once met the age criteria.

      I'm fairly certain this isn't currently possible.

    • Frank Grand

      Arran, it does sound like this would be a feature request. If you haven't already, you can submit the idea here:

  • Photo of Scott Conger


    Hi Arran,

    I’m not a Rock expert but I had something similar I had to setup the other day.  So, I believe RockRMS can do what you describe but it takes some customization.  I’d suggest looking at this part of the “Person & Family Field Guide”:

    Here’s the steps I went through to do a similar customization:

    Ideally you’d add a “Discipleship” attribute category.

    Admin Tools > General Settings > Attribute Categories

    Then add all the fields you want to track in person attributes.

    Admin Tools > General Settings > Person Attributes

    If you have any fields that need more complex values, like a custom dropdown, add the defined types.

    Admin Tools > General Settings > Defined Types

    Once you have all that in place, as an admin, you can go to the Extended Attributes tab on the person screen and customize it.

    1. Click “Page Zones”, the little icons in the lower right.
    2. Select the zone you want to add your fields by click one of the arrows that shows up.
    3. It will slide out.  Click the Zone Blocks icon.
    4. Name your Zone something like “Discipleship”.  For the type, select “Attribute Values” under "CRM > Person Detail”.  Save, Done.
    5. An empty block should appear on the screen.  (If not press refresh)
    6. Press “Block Configuration” in the lower right.
    7. Press the arrow by the block you just added.
    8. Click the Block Properties icon.
    9. Select the category you defined, “Discipleship”. Press save.
    10. You should be done at this point.  If it doesn’t show up, press refresh.

    If you need anything more advanced than that, like auto populating those fields when people are added or removed from a group, you’ll want to read “Blasting off with Workflows”.

    Hope that helps.

  • Photo of Scott Conger


    If you don't want to do all that customization, it's kinda already being tracked on the person history tab.  Anytime anyone is added or removed from a group it's tracked.  If you filter the history by "Group Membership", you'll see their group history.  Not the ideal easy to reference set of fields like the above option but it's there if you just need simple tracking.

  • Photo of Arran France


    Hey Scott,

    Sorry if I didn't make it clear -- it'd be great if the Person Attribute fields were only visible if the person was part of the group or tag that the fields were specific to but then persisted after the person had left the group.