
Photo of Dan Abbuhl


Child grade: When does Rock change a childs grade?

I'm working on the check in part of our Rock server and had this thought.

If I put in a 3 year old child that is not in school, no grade. How will Rock know when to put them into Kindergarten?

Also, does Rock change the grade of a student each year? If so, when?

If I put in a child this year as 4th grade, do I have to go back in and change them to 5th grade at the begging of the school year or does Rock do this automatically. If it does this, when does it choose to do it?

  • Photo of Michael Roth


    Out of the box... 6/1  when you change it in Global Attributes... whenever you want. '

    As for the 3 year old.  you will have to have them in K and then Rock will take it from there. OR you can create a bunch of PRE PRE PRE K and as long as you do the years properly you can start them early.  though i would suggest to just leave them out till they hit K or at least Pre K.

    • Dan Abbuhl

      I put them in the system and use the age filter to do check in for anyone under Kindergarten for preschool or nursery class.

  • Photo of Dan Abbuhl


    So, My main question is when does Rock change grades for children in the system?

    from K to 1st

    1st to 2nd and so on

    Is there a setting for the date, week, month that the change happens within rock?  Is there a way to change the date that Rock updates the grade?

  • Photo of Michael Garrison


    In the Admin Tools, click on "General Settings" then on "Global Attributes". Scroll down to "Grade Transition Date" and set the month and day to whatever you want (frequently this will change from year to year).

    It's worth noting that Rock doesn't _store_ the grade for each person, all it does is store the graduation year. Then in order to calculate the person's grade, it just does math to determine how many years away the graduation date is, subtracting a year if it's after the transition date.

    So if you ever forget to reset that some year and find that everyone has shifted grades too early, never fear; just reset that date and since grades are calculated on the fly, everyone will go back to the proper grades immediately.