
Photo of David Hanson


Attendance - Check-in Details - Attendance Details

We've found that manually taking attendance via the Attendance Analytics | Check-in Details | Attendance Details page works best for our church.  However, we're having a strange issue in that recently we added a Saturday Night service.  I setup the schedule for this event similar to the way our Sunday Service is configured.  When I add a new record for our Sunday Service, the page pre-loads with a list of Member names.  All I have to do is click on the checkbox next to the names of those who attend.  However, when I add a new record for our Saturday Service, the page does not have a member list pre-loaded.  Instead, I have to click on the "Add New Attendee" button for each person I want to record attendance for.  I thought after a few weeks worth of entries that Rock would start to pre-load the members list like it does for our Sunday Service, but this doesn't seem to be the case.  I don't have members assigned to a Sunday or Saturday group, which is why I don't understand why I get the list for Sunday, but not for Saturday.  I tried going into the block details to see if there was a SQL statement running, but I don't see anything. 

Can someone please tell me how to have this member list built for my Saturday services so when I create a new service record the page preloads with names?

  • Photo of David Stevens


    Since your other weekend services are set to Add on Checkin, those people are being added to the Attendance Analytics roster but will never get removed.  If you want to take a more hands-on approach to those rosters, you'll need to change the Display Settings for those check-in grouptypes so they show from the Group Viewer.  There you can manage or bulk update your rosters as needed.

  • Photo of David Stevens


    A couple things to check:

    1) Is your Saturday night service set up for "Add on Check-in" group membership?  It sounds like your Sunday services are set up that way which is why the memberships populate over time.

    2) Do you get a different interface if you click "Post Attendance" from the Group Viewer page?  

     Screenshot 2017-10-05 10.22.54.png

  • Photo of David Hanson


    Thanks, David, for your response.  We don't use people Groups for our services.  Instead, we're using Check-In Configuration | Areas and Groups.  I have a "Worship Services" check-in area defined with both my Sunday and Saturday worship services as check-in group names:


    My "Worship Services" check-in area is set to "Add On Check In" for the check-in rule (see image above).  We initially used the attendance check-in GUI application for our Sunday service, but found it too cumbersome and time-consuming, so we switched over to Attendance Details Rock RMS page.  Did the list for Sunday's service get built while we were using the GUI?  If so, how can I manually build this list for our Saturday service and also modify the current list to add/remove members from it so when the page loads, it has the updated default reflected?

  • Photo of David Hanson


    Haven't really found the issue with the setup of my services; however, I have found a way to build the roster under the Attendance Analytics page.  I used my database client to remotely connect to my MSSQL database.  I then ran the following SQL statement to generate the required entries in the GroupMember table:

    INSERT INTO GroupMember (IsSystem, GroupId, PersonId, GroupRoleId, GroupMemberStatus, Guid, CreatedDateTime, ModifiedDateTime, DateTimeAdded, CreatedByPersonAliasId, ModifiedByPersonAliasId, IsNotified)

    (SELECT 0, 665, gm.PersonId, 37, 1, NEWID(), GetDate(), GetDate(), GetDate(), 10, 10, 0 FROM GroupMember gm WHERE gm.GroupId = 24)

    665 = Saturday Service GroupId

    37 = Assigned Group Role ID for "member"

    1 = Active

    10 = my PersonId

    24 = the GroupId for my Sunday Service (as I wanted the same people assigned to the Saturday Night service in case people go back and forth between the two services)

    After running the script, the Attendance Analytics page pre-populates with the roster.  I'm not sure why this isn't automatically being built/maintained, but at least I have a roster to select from.

  • Photo of David Hanson


    Thank you so much, David.  Changing the Display Settings was exactly what I needed to allow me to manage the rosters.