
Photo of Josh Maiorino


Workflow to Take Attendance


I'm trying to create a workflow for our welcome card.  We use this card to gather all sorts of information.  I've got most of it figured it.  I.E.  Starting a connection request, updating a persons information, etc.  However, I'd like to also add an attendance record as sort of a general attendance.  I'm running into a couple of issues, most likely due to my lack of understanding as to how the check-in and attendance systems works, but let me try and explain.

I've created a new group type called - General Attendance

I've created a new "area"?  called Campuses

I then created a new "Group?" for each campus

I then created a location for each group that just replicates the campus name, ("this seems redundant, but I didn't know how else to get it to work")

At the start of the process, the user selects the campus, date, and service time.  So, I'd like to use that data to fill in all the variables.  However, I can't figure out how to select the group "campus"   I can select the location fine.

My bigger question is do I need all those levels to take attendance?  Can I just have 1 group with 4 locations?  But still, how do I select that group?  I tried to create an attribute of type "Group" and set the default value, but it doesn't show up in the list.

Any help here would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

  • Photo of Michael Garrison



    Since this is an "after the fact" process, I don't think there's any reason to go through the complexity of setting up check-in.

    I would recommend creating a standard group type - something like "General Attendance". Set it to take attendance (though you probably don't need to create a schedule) and at your option, you can also tell it that attendance in that group type counts as a weekend attendance (so it updates their attendance badge).

    Now make a different standard group of this type for each of your campuses, if you'd like to track per campus.

    Now from your workflow you can select the appropriate group to mark attendance in.

    Another option, instead of tracking campus attendance by using different groups, would be to set a group member attribute indicating the campus they went to. Or by simply assigning the person to the appropriate campus. My church only has a single campus, so I can't speak very intelligently about the pros and cons about each option.

    Here's an example of a group I set up, similar to what I'm recommending:


    Let me know if you have more questions!