
Photo of Gladson Jacob


Event / Group Registration values to Registration Workflow


I have created an Event Registration, which adds the registrants into a Group with Pending status. I am struggling with creating a Registration Workflow, that can send the Registration details to the Campus Leader (Campus of the person) for Approval. Once the Campus Leader approves, the registrants should be saved as Active in the Group.

I am struggling with reading the Registration / Group Attributes into the Workflow. Could someone please help?

Thank you in advance.

  • Photo of Michael Garrison



    The trouble (given how you want to use it) with using the Workflow Type field in the event or occurrence definition, is that it will only start a single workflow per registration, not one per registrant. You can use the "Attribute Set From Entity" action and the value of {{ Entity | Property:'Registrants' | First | Property:'PersonAlias.Guid' }} to get the first person registered, but it's not so easy to build a loop into a workflow to handle all of the registrants, which I think is what you want.

    Instead, I recommend instead not setting any workflows from the event or occurrence, and instead create a Workflow Trigger on "Registration Registrant" entities. This way, a new workflow instance will be created for each person registered, as I think you want.

    In such a workflow, you can use the "Attribute Set from Entity" action and the Lava Template of {{ Entity | Property:'PersonAlias.Guid' }} to store the person as an attribute.

    Likewise, I believe you can use another "Attribute Set from Entity" action with {{ Entity | Property:'GroupMember' | Property:'Group.Guid' }} as the Lava Template, but I haven't been able to verify that because I can't find how to set WHICH group the registrants should be added to (only which group TYPE), so my tests are returning "null" as the group, which is correct (if unhelpful) in this case.



    I was misunderstanding the group placement option in a registration...if I'm reading the documentation correctly, they won't be in a group when your workflow gets kicked off from the trigger because they'll need to be placed manually once they're registered. I see two options to kick off a workflow to manage every registrant's membership in the group:

    1) You could use the workflow itself to put them into a particular group automatically so there was no need to place them in a group manually from the registration - you can manage their membership in the group in the workflow from there on. You'd build your workflow hard-coded to a specific group, and use the Workflow Trigger option I discussed above to kick off the workflow. The workflow would move the registrant into the group at the start of the workflow, and then proceed with the rest of the workflow to let you manage their membership from there on.

    2) Or you can use the "Membership Workflows" option on the group you will be putting the registrants into; no need to set up a trigger in this case. Your management workflow will get kicked off only once they're (manually) placed in the group through the registration. In this case, all you need to do is create a workflow attribute with key Person (of type person) and another workflow attribute with key Group (of type group)- the correct person and group will auto-populate for you when it gets launched then.


    Let me know if you need more details on any of this

    • Gladson Jacob

      Also, on submitting the registration, the person(s) are added to the Event Group, with status Pending, as I have configured the Even Registration to store the members with Pending Status.