
Photo of Ronnie VanVarden


Fresh Install on LiquidWeb, can't update, Access Denied

We have a fresh install on LiquidWeb. Once our install is finished when I go to Update RockRMS, I get 

Whoa... That Wasn't Suppose To Happen

An error ocurred during the update process.
Here's what happened......actually, I'm not sure what happened here: An error occurred while loading packages from '': Access to the path 'C:\windows\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Roaming\NuGet' is denied.

I've even had LiquidWeb reinstall RockRMS, and try to do the update and get this from them... 


I have reviewed the permissions for Rock and I have tried adding them to C:\windows\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Roaming with read and write access but I am still getting the access denied error. I would recommend contacting Rock directly to see if they have a better solution."

We are trying this our to move away from FellowshipOne, and I have been working at getting our stuff up and going. We purchased one of the recomended Hosting Servers for our church size, and really need to get this going soon.

Thank you

  • Photo of Ken Roach


    There is a compatibility issue on servers running Plesk and RockRMS.  3essentials recommends that RockRMS runs on a server NOT running Plesk.

    -----Original Message-----

    From: Tim H - 3essentials 
    Sent: Saturday, 29 April 2017 3:46 a.m.
    Subject: [#EFD-137899]: Chat :: RockRMS update issue on server running Plesk

    Hi Ken,

    In speaking with the lead developer at Rock and our management team here at 3essentials, we have identified the compatibility problem of running Rock RMS on a server with Plesk. Due to specific requirements needed to run Rock RMS, we strongly advise servers needed to run this application do not include Plesk.

    Currently you have an Unmanaged 3G plan. We can update your current plan to the same server without Plesk as available on: Any current data and files on the server would be lost upon the rebuild.

    To let you know as an option, we also are currently rebuilding our Managed plans for RockRMS which do not include Plesk. These will be Windows Server 2016, MSSQL 2016, and Rock RMS pre-installed. 3essentials would manage the server, and operating system in this case.

    If you would like to move forward with this, please confirm by replying to this request. Or if you have any additional questions, let us know and we'll be happy to help.

    Best regards,
    Tim H."

  • Photo of Trey Hendon III


    Does the App Pool has proper permissions?

  • Photo of Ronnie VanVarden


    Good afternoon... So the way I actually ended up making it work was to not use Plesk and use the Internal Instructions for my host. So I deleted Plesk and manually installed MS SQL and everything needed on our host. We are using Liquid Web un-managed account. So I had to log into our server through the Microsoft RemoteDesktop app. It was more work in the beginning, but gave us a lot of control and let everything work perfectly. 

    • Ken Roach

      Great to hear you are underway Ronnie. Interesting: I'm a Plesk user too. Wonder if it was the install of the latest version of Plesk that did something.

    • Ken Roach

      Ronnie, would you be kind enough to post your system information diagnostic information - just down to 'Last Migration' - so I can compare your database version and Executing Location to mine? Thanks.

    • Ken Roach

      Ronnie, could you also post the directory security settings on the 'C:\windows\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Roaming\NuGet directory, or if it doesn't exist, the 'C:\windows\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Roaming directory?

  • Photo of Jason Whitehorn


    So crazy question here.  If you delete Plesk.  how do you then modify and manage files?  I ask because I am on managed hosting with 3Essentials and am having the same issue.  If I tell 3Essentails to kick Plesk and manually instal...will I have the ability to use a file manager to upload things? (backgrounds for checkin, logo for emails, etc)

    • Ken Roach

      Hi Jason. You would be able to use ab FTP program, like Filezilla, to upload files. I still haven't resolved this issue for us yet. So I might look at deleting Plesk to see if this helps us.

    • Ken Roach

      I have just had a 'chat' with 3essentials. "Uninstalling Plesk won't be a good idea. As your server is running with Plesk, all the functionalities are tied with Plesk and removing it can cause further instability. We are aware of this issue with RockRMS in Plesk servers and are reviewing the case with our senior admins. We have opened a ticket for y ou and will keep you updated on this."

  • Photo of Jason Whitehorn


    That's all I'm getting ... the "senior admin" status.  Sadly it is putting me 2 days behind on a new install