
Photo of James Sandison


Using Rock for Worship (music) planning

I'm just wondering how/if people are using Rock to plan their praise and worship teams.

I know with planning centre online you can create a team for each week and send out an invitation email where people are given the option to accept or decline.

Is this possible with Rock?

  • Photo of Austin Spooner


    We are using Rock with Planning Center Online. There is a plugin in the Rock Shop to sync Groups of People in Rock to Planning Center. This allows the best of both worlds and you can keep Planning Center and Rock in sync.

  • Photo of James Kay


    Hi James & Austin, How have you found using the PCO Sync plugin for syncing between Planning Center and Rock? What details between PCO and Rock does the plugin sync? Also how does the plugin manage mismatch in data/conflicting information (which one becomes source of truth)? Are the treatments of these situations customisable? Any known limitations/issues with the plugin that you are aware of? The developer's documentation did not have a lot of details.