
Photo of Richelle Onda


Sending Attendance Reminder for a person who has been absent for 3 Worship Services

HI Guys,

Is there any way to make a system workflow that will send reminder for any person who has been absent for 3 consecutive worship services.


  • Photo of Michael Garrison


    The easiest non-coding approach might be to create a new group, perhaps called "Attendance Follow-up" or something like that. Sync it to a DataView you create that filters for Adults, with an e-mail address, whose attendance in the last 4 weeks was greater or equal to 1, and whose attendance in the last 3 weeks was 0. Then set a workflow on the group for people who get added to the group which sends the e-mail (remember to create the "Person" workflow attribute which will automatically be populated when the workflow is triggered).


    I would encourage you to consider assigning the people to staff for follow-up however, rather than auto-e-mailing them. There are any number of reasons someone may have missed which may make such a "reminder" unnecessary/inappropriate, some of which may be perfectly obvious to a human looking at their profile. Just an opportunity for a sanity check and to give an opportunity for actual relationship-building. =)

    • Michael Garrison

      Perhaps you'll want to add other filters as well- such as "miles from" your church address so you're not including occasional visitors from several states over, or an additional filter for "greater than or equal to 3" visits in the past 8 weeks to make sure you're not including the one-time random visitor who was on vacation, etc.