0 Windows 10 Install 2 Jacob Smith posted 8 Years Ago We are a small church and are interested in Rock RMS. All we really need is the membership and attendance portion of the system and it would only be used on two internal computers. What I'm wondering is, is there any way to install on a Windows 10 system and the just allow that other computer to access the Rock? I’ve read all the documentation and it only talks about installing on servers and setting network settings. Any help or hints would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Hock_Hin Lee 8 years ago Agree with Jim that you will need someone with a basic knowledge of networking. However, this can be stage 2 after you get Rock running on one of your computer and it is a quick one time setup.
Arran France 8 years ago I echo everything Jim says here but I'd encourage you to think about whether Rock is a good fit for you or not.Like most things in life, there's a tension to be managed when choosing your ChMS. Rock is incredibly powerful and has the bonus of being free but comes with an initial time debt as well as an investment in learning, on top of that if you're self hosting there's the need to be willing and able to maintain your installation. You can mitigate a lot of the maintenance with a managed package provided by a Rock partner and you can also mitigate a lot of the configuration with a bit of consultancy, but obviously that all costs a lot more than a DIY approach.If you're a small church it's worth thinking about if you have the time and capacity to invest or the funds to make investment easier.If you're not sure or want to ask questions I implemented Rock in a small church last year (when things were a little harder) and would be more than happy to answer any questions you have. You can find my email in my profile.
Jay Greentree 8 years ago You need to install the asp.net 3.5.1 update for it to work on those other computers youve tried.
Arran France 8 years ago More specifically you need to enable 3.5 which is disabled by default on Windows 10 https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/insider/forum/insider_wintp-insider_install/how-to-instal-net-framework-35-on-windows-10/450b3ba6-4d19-45ae-840e-78519f36d7a4?auth=1