RX2018 FAQ

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RX2018 Frequently Asked Questions

It's all about the details and here they are.

Where should I stay?

Here a few nearby hotels that have special pricing on room blocks for RX2018 attendees.

When should I travel?

We know your time is valuable so we want to maximizing every minute of it. We're planning on two solid days of superhero creation. We promise that as soon as your head hits the pillow you'll be out like a light. With that in mind, you’ll want to arrive the day before the conference, and leave no earlier than the morning after the conference is over.

What time should I arrive the first day?

Check-in starts at 8:00 am, and you'll want to arrive as close to that time as possible. We'll have a light breakfast, vendor booths, and a lot going on first thing in the morning. Also, we'll be starting right at 9:00, if not a few minutes before. We're looking forward to seeing you bright and early!

Who should I plan on bringing with me?

This is not just another tech conference. Our primary audience for RX2018 is a wide one. With tracks for data, leadership, involvement, communications, development and more, you'll want to bring your department leaders and administrators, and your whole tech team. Expect to learn the most up-to-date best practices from top speakers and recipes from Rock churches. Catch the vision and take the time to collaborate as a team before you head back home.

What was that about meals?

You won’t have to spend much time thinking about what to eat or where. The conference includes both lunch and dinner both days. If you find yourself hungry between meals, we'll have freshly stocked snack tables during each break, and even light breakfast foods.

Ticket Price: $449

Includes lunch and dinner both days.
We're gathering the details about this year's sessions...in the mean time take a look at last year's to get an idea:

Last Year's Sessions
Conference Homepage
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