Rock Shop Preview

This plugin is only available on the Rock Shop. To install this plugin, select Admin Tools > Rock Shop from your own instance of Rock.

Signup Wizard by Southeast Christian Church


Note: plugin details are provided here only as a reference for what is available in the Rock Shop. To install this plugin, select Admin Tools > Rock Shop from your own instance of Rock.

Required Rock Version

Documentation Link

Support Link

Package Description


The Signup Wizard plugin is a set of blocks and lava files that allow for a fantastic user experience in order to allow volunteers to sign up to serve at events. The concept is that any signup is configured with some basic partitions such as campus, role, or schedule and each variant in that partition will have a number of volunteers needed.


After installing the plugin, you will have access to a couple new blocks along with associated Lava files which can be included/configured for various types of output:

The following blocks will be available under the "SECC > Connections" category:
  • Volunteer Signup Wizard
  • Volunteer Signup Form - Connections
Lava Templates

You'll have the option to select from one of the following templates that come prebuilt for you with the Signup Wizard. This is setup to encourage you to copy existing lava templates if you make modifications rather than modifying the default ones which come with the Signup Wizard plugin.

  • Genius - This will output as a structured table similar to other signup systems out there
  • CardPage - This will output as a single page with panels containing cards. This is probably best for outputting 1-2 partitions
  • CardWizard - This is good for fairly complex signups with 2-4 partitions (Campus, DefinedType, Role, Schedule). It will output and behave in a left-to-right animated set of cards and allow for signing up for multiple roles or attributes at once.