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This plugin is only available on the Rock Shop. To install this plugin, select Admin Tools > Rock Shop from your own instance of Rock.

Survey System by Shepherd Church


Note: plugin details are provided here only as a reference for what is available in the Rock Shop. To install this plugin, select Admin Tools > Rock Shop from your own instance of Rock.

Required Rock Version

Documentation Link

Support Link

Package Description

We all need to take surveys of some kind. Sometimes these are official surveys where we need to tally answers and get some counts. Other times we just need a simple way to collect information from somebody to keep on file.

Either way, there are two basic types of surveys that this plugin provides.

  • Questions with blanks to be filled in.
  • Tests that are graded by the system.

A survey is just a collection of Attributes you define that serve as the questions to be asked and filled in by the user. Each time a user fills out the survey a new data record is created to track their answers, which you can go back and look at later. If the person is logged in when taking the test then the answers are associated with them - otherwise those answers will be recoreded anonymously.

Any survey can be turned into a test by enabling test-mode and specifying the "passing grade" and setting the correct answers. The end-user doesn't even have to know this is a test unless you want them to. The pass/fail is just a flag that is set on the answer record to let you see quickly if they passed the test or not. However, you can use it for requiring people to take an actual test and record the last date they passed the test for review later.

Because all questions are just simply attributes, you can use any kind of field type as a question. Boolean, Single-Select, Multi-Select, Text, Dates, Files, etc. Just remember that if you are going to be using the survey as a test to stick with fields that have definite right/wrong answers. For example, a Text or File field is probably not a good choice as there is no good way to automatically grade that so it will likely always be treated as an incorrect answer.

After installation, you can find the administration pages under the Admin Tools > Installed Plugins page.