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This plugin is only available on the Rock Shop. To install this plugin, select Admin Tools > Rock Shop from your own instance of Rock.

Microsoft 365 Utilities by Kingdom First Solutions Inc (KFS)


Note: plugin details are provided here only as a reference for what is available in the Rock Shop. To install this plugin, select Admin Tools > Rock Shop from your own instance of Rock.

Required Rock Version

Documentation Link

Support Link

Package Description

Ever wish you could pull calendar information from a Microsoft 365 Exchange account to render to lava? Or do you wish you could wire up your Rock install to a Microsoft 365 email box and kick off workflows based on emails comint into that account? If so, this plugin has you covered!

Microsoft 365 Utilities plugin is a suite of tools for Rock to integrate with certain features of Microsoft 365. We expect this package to grow as churches come up with more ideas.

Current Included Utilities:

  • EWS Calendar Shortcode: A Lava shortcode to pull calendar items from an Exchange Online inbox for displaying in Lava.
  • Launch Workflow From EWS Account Job: Poll an Exchange Online mailbox and kickoff workflows based on the types of messages.