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MinistryDefender Solutions by SafeHiring Solutions


Note: plugin details are provided here only as a reference for what is available in the Rock Shop. To install this plugin, select Admin Tools > Rock Shop from your own instance of Rock.

Required Rock Version

Documentation Link

Support Link

Package Description

360° Security & Background Screening Solutions by MinistryDefender Solutions

MinistryDefender Solutions, a SafeHiring Solutions company, plug-in allows you to initiate and receive results of your employee and volunteer background checks in Rock.

MinistryDefender Solutions also can provide real-time, arrest monitoring with 93% of the booking institutions in the U.S.

We partner with more than 3,500 churches and ministries as well as large school districts and volunteer organizations such as Kiwanis International. Our largest client manages more than 50,000 volunteers with our automation and integrations.

The MinistryDefender Solutions Background Check plug-in allows:

  • Background Check Automation.
    • This is a 100% paperless and automated process that includes e-authorization and submission 24/7.

  • ArrestAlert. (Additional)
    • An alert that is triggered in real-time if a volunteer or staff member is arrested and booked into a reporting jail anywhere in the U.S.

MinistryDefender Solutions also offers a plug-in for integrating the Rock with our Learning Zone continuous learning management system, which includes Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Training and the capability to add your own training programs.

MinistryDefender Solutions also offers the following applications outside of the Rock.

  • RefLynk Automated Reference Checks.
    • An application that collects and manages reference checks and compiles the results. The process is quick, allowing you to get feedback from various stakeholders such as employers and personal references. References are a crucial foundation for keeping kids and ministries safe, as 80% of sex offenders do not have a criminal history.

  • SafeVisitor Visitor Management System.
    • Your visitors, volunteers or staff can check in with a kiosk or with an attendant.