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Rock Shop Preview

This plugin is only available on the Rock Shop. To install this plugin, select Admin Tools > Rock Shop from your own instance of Rock.

MinistrySafe Integration by BEMA Software Services


Note: plugin details are provided here only as a reference for what is available in the Rock Shop. To install this plugin, select Admin Tools > Rock Shop from your own instance of Rock.

Required Rock Version

Documentation Link

Support Link

Package Description

Sponsored by Watermark and Christ Chapel Bible Church, this plugin allows you to integrate MinistrySafe with Rock, assigning awareness trainings and background checks to your employees and volunteers, as well as record the results in Rock. This allows you to easily keep track of which volunteers require training.

Included are the following features:

  • Awareness Training Workflow – This workflow can be launched from a person’s profile or from a connection request, and goes through the process of approving, submitting, and recording results from a MinistrySafe Training.
  • Background Check Workflow – This workflow can be launched from a person’s profile or from a connection request, and goes through the process of approving, submitting, and recording results from a MinistrySafe Background Check.
  • Awareness Training Attributes – These are new attributes under the category MinistrySafe that will display on a user’s Extended Attributes page.
  • Awareness Training Badge – This is a new badge that displays whether a user has taken a MinistrySafe training, as well as their score.
  • Background Check Badge – This is a new badge that displays whether a user has taken a MinistrySafe background check, as well as their result.
  • RSR – MinistrySafe Awareness Training Administration – This is a new Security Role geared towards approving MinistrySafe Awareness Trainings
  • MinistrySafe Page – This page lists all past and ongoing MinistrySafe Trainings and Background Checks.
  • MinistrySafe Webhook – This plugin uses a webhook to receive updates from MinistrySafe, which means as soon as your users complete their training or background check, their results will be posted to Rock!