
Photo of Don Smallman


Background Color

Where would I change the site background color?  _variables.less or theme.less?

Also, has anyone made any modifications to their site template that they would like to share, to give others some ideas?



  • Photo of Nick Sheck


    I would change it in _variables.less. You would want to change the @body-bg variable in there and recompile the theme file. If you're using Stark, it's around line #191.

    // Scaffolding
    // -------------------------
    @body-bg:               #999999;

    If you're looking for an example of a modified theme, there is the Flat theme that ships with Rock. Also, I did a video a while back that walks through the process for creating a new theme.

    • Don Smallman

      Hi Nick. If I am just making changes to a template, when I am done an have compiled it, can I copy just the template folder back over to the live website? Thanks!

  • Photo of Bronson Witting


    I emailed our frontend guy to ask your question.  I'll let you know what we did.

    Here's what we're working on:  We are eventually going to move from WordPress to Rock as our CMS, but when we launch Rock we are going to start with just giving and a few other things on Rock.  This is still a work in progress, but feel free to ask questions!  (We copied the Stark theme and did alterations from there.)

  • Photo of Don Smallman


    Thanks Bronson!

    Is your main Church website ( done using RockRMS? 

    • Bronson Witting

      No, not yet. We are using WordPress with Salient Theme for right now. Our plan is to start the move to Rock as the cms for that site late this year.

  • Photo of Don Smallman


    Thanks Nick,

    If I will make a copy of stark, but I dont think I am ready to create a new one :-).  I am hoping that some that are gifted in creating those will have some new themes available soon.

    Is the flat theme the same as stark?

    • Nick Sheck

      Well in the video, we're just duplicating Stark and making changes — no starting from scratch :)

      The Flat them is just a duplicated version of Stark, with some variable changes, a custom slider, and some other tweaks to how bootstrap modules look. You can always test out how it looks, without affecting other users, by adding ?theme=flat to your URL.

  • Photo of Don Smallman



    I changed that line to @body-bg: #ddd;  but I it did not change anything.  I created a copy of stark, set the variable and set the external site to use the new theme.  I dont think I missed anything.  I also change it to @gray with no change.  I also cleared the cache and restarted.

    • Nick Sheck

      You'll need to recompile the LESS into CSS for the changes to take effect. If you check out that video I linked to earlier, I talk about adding the 'RockWeb' folder to the Prepros app. After you do that — and have Prepros running — once you save a file (_variables.less), it should should automatically recompile for you.

    • Dillan Cagnetta

      Wanted to know the same thing. Once compiled and happy with changes, do I just copy new theme to LIVE? Thanks -

  • Photo of Don Smallman


    OK I guess I did not realize it needed to be recompiled for every change.  I am not a programmer or developer, but I guess I still should have goten that from the video :-)   Do I need to have the full functioning website on my PC to do this?

  • Photo of Jay Greentree


    For theme development a local copy would make things easier in my opinion as you can edit templates and css/less files easier instead of having to use ftp every time to see if your changes work. I have an old desktop I use specifically for my local Rock RMS development and am running Visual Studio 2012 Web Edition and have SQL Server and IIS all installed.