
Photo of Eddy Boateng


Approving Website Ads

Where does one go to approve an External Website Ad? The Ads don't seem to be showing up in the "HTML Content Approval list", and they just show as "pending approval" in the Content area.



  • Photo of Trey Hendon III


    I had this problem as well. Administrator does not have rights to approve Ads. You either need to add the Admin to the Approval section of security on that block, or put the user you're logging in as in the Communications Administrator role.
  • Photo of Jeremy Turgeon


    Make sure on the section that needs approval that you implicitly allow Rock Administrators (or whichever role you'd prefer) to Approve that content.


  • Photo of Frank Grand


    Hi Eddy,

    Have you taken a look at the documentation for Designing and Building Websites?

    This looks like it might be your answer.....sounds like you would only see items if you are signed in with an account that has approval rights.  I've cut and pasted the section of the documentation that deals with approvals...hopefully this solves it!

    Require Approval

    There is a leadership principle that says, "Trust, but verify." That's especially true when you give a non-technical staff member access to edit your external site. There are times when you'll want to see their changes before they go live.

    By enabling the Require Approval box, all edits made by users who do not have Approve rights to the block will not be shown until someone who does have rights approves them. This approval can be done under Tools > HTML Content Approvals.

    Keep Your Eye On This Page

    There are currently no notifications that content needs approval so keep your eye on this page. Notifications are coming soon.

    When you enable approvals, versioning is automatically enabled too. Otherwise, the content would disappear from the page until the approval takes place. With versioning enabled, the previous content will show until the new content is approved.

  • Photo of Eddy Boateng



     Thanks. I did read the documentation.

     Unfortunatel, I am still not able to do any approvals even when logged in as the administrator.