Updates for McKinley 16.0
Below is a summary of the updates for this version.
- Updated Shortcodes List screenshot and documentation
Updates for McKinley 7.0
Below is a summary of the updates for this version.
- Added Shortcodes documentation and screenshots.
- Updated Shortcodes List screenshot and documentation.
Getting Started
Shortcodes are a way to make Lava simpler and easier to read. They allow you to replace a simple Lava
tag with a complex template written by a Lava specialist. This allows you to do some really powerful things
without having to know how everything works.
While shortcodes are super powerful, they're also easy to develop. Everything you'll need to get up
and running is right here in this short manual.
Types of Shortcodes
There are only two types of shortcodes: inline and block. Selecting the correct type is important as changing them
in the future will break other people's Lava templates. Both short code types use the syntax: {[ shortcode ]}
Inline Shortcodes
The first type is an 'inline' shortcode. This is a simple shortcode that does not require an end
tag. Just reference the shortcode and provide a list of parameters and you’re done!
Inline Example:
{[ youtube id:'8kpHK4YIwY4' showinfo:'false' controls:'false' ]}
Block Shortcodes
The second type of shortcode is the 'block' type. Like other Lava commands it has both a start and an end tag. The content you
provide inside the tags will be passed to the shortcode for use in its template.
Block Example:
{[ parallax image:'' speed:'0.2' height:'400px' position:'top' contentpadding:'20px' ]}
<h1>Hello World</h1>
{[ endparallax ]}
Authoring Shortcodes
Writing shortcodes is simple. They're just Lava templates. Below are a few points to keep in mind as your write your own shortcodes.
Select the Proper Shortcode Type
As we already mentioned it's very important that you select the proper type of shortcode before you start using it. Changing it in
the future means having to update all of your Lava templates that use it. The biggest factor in your decision of which type to use
will be how much data your shortcode will pass and if any of the data has repeating sections. Let's consider a couple examples.
The parallax shortcode needs to access a large amount of HTML to place inside the parallax section. While this could be passed through
a standard parameter {[ parallax content:'...
this would be limiting in a number of ways. For example, the content could not have
any line breaks and it would not be allowed to have any single quotes.
Consider next the googlemap place holder. It allows you to enter a variable number of map points. Again, you could
use a single inline parameter, but this would be very difficult for the person who wanted to use your shortcode.
Finally, think about the youtube shortcode. In this example only a small amount of configuration is required, so
an inline shortcode works great.
It comes down to how much data is being passed by the shortcode. For larger amounts of data, use the block shortcode type.
For lesser amounts, use inline.
Configuring Parameters
You can configure parameters when setting up your shortcodes. While you technically don't need to configure parameters,
any parameter that another person adds to the shortcode will be passed to your Lava template. Configuring the parameters
when you write your shortcode provides two advantages.
- Configuring the parameter guarantees that it will exist when it's passed to your Lava. This
means you don't have to check for its existence. Instead, if you need to check if the parameter
has a value, you can do a simple check to see if it's empty.
- Configuring a parameter allows you to provide a default value. Again, this simplifies your Lava and reduces
the number of lines of code you'll need to write.
The Lava you develop for your shortcode is passed in all of the parameters found on the shortcode tag as well as
any parameters you defined as the author. Rock also provides an additional parameter 'uniqueid' which is a unique identifier for
you to use for things like CSS id's and variables in your Javascript. It takes the form of 'id-4535a4a9-1b82-4d5b-9120-8c9c41eefcd6'.
You don't need to use this identifier, it's just provided as a convenience to you.
Heads Up!
Your parameter keys need to be all lowercase for them to work properly; this is typical practice in Lava but is enforced here. Keys with uppercase characters will always return the default value that you provide in the shortcode definition and will not be able to be set from the HTML block where you are calling the shortcode from.
Enabled Lava Commands
You can enable certain Lava commands to be able to run within your shortcode. These commands do not need to be configured in
the source block to run. For instance, if your shortcode is being used on a web page and requires the RockEntity command,
the HTML Block does not need to have the command enabled if you've configured access on your shortcode.
Adding Lava Shortcodes in Rock
Lava Shortcodes can be found at Admin Tools > CMS Configuration > Lava Shortcodes.
Lava Shortcodes
Pictured above, you can assign categories to your shortcodes. This lets you
group shortcodes according to their function, and allows you to filter the list of shortcodes
by category. A single shortcode can be assigned to multiple categories. The categories for
a shortcode can be added from the Lava Shortcode Detail page, pictured below.
We want to ensure the shortcode list is searchable in this manual. For this reason,
we've listed below the shortcodes that are pictured above.
Name |
Description |
Accordion |
Allows you to easily create a Bootstrap accordion control. |
AI Completion (Experimental) |
Processes a completion using a AI provider. The APIs that are called by
this shortcode can be slow. It's recommended that they not be used on public
facing websites. They're better used in back-end or batch processes. |
Chart |
Adding dynamic charts to a page can be difficult, even for an experienced
JavaScript developer. The chart shortcode allows anyone to create charts with
just a few lines of Lava. |
Easy Pie Chart |
Lightweight plugin to render simple, animated and retina optimized
pie charts. |
Follow Icon |
Add an icon with the ability to follow any entity with a click. |
Google Heatmap |
Add an interactive visualization to depict the intensity of data at
geographical points. |
Google Map |
Add interactive maps to your site with just a bit of Lava. |
Google Static Map |
Easily allow you to add Google static maps without having to remember
complex settings. |
Create quick key performance indicators. |
Media Player |
Media Player displays a single URL or a Media Element in a player
that can also record metric data. |
Network Graph |
Displays a set of data as a diagram showing how different nodes are
interconnected with each other. |
Panel |
The panel shortcode allows you to easily add a Bootstrap panel to
your markup. |
Parallax |
Add a scrolling background to a section of your page. |
Scheduled Content |
The scheduled content shortcode will show/hide a block of content
based on a provided Rock schedule. |
Scripturize |
Scripturize reads through text finding scripture references and
converts them into links to popular Bible websites. |
Sparkline Chart |
Generate small inline charts with just a single line of Lava. |
Trend Chart |
Generate simple CSS based bar charts. |
Vimeo |
Creates a responsive Vimeo embed from just a simple video id. |
Word Cloud |
This shortcode takes a large amount of text and creates a word cloud
of the most popular terms. |
YouTube |
Creates a responsive YouTube embed from just a simple video id. |
Click Show Details for
any of the shortcodes to view its summary, code and parameters. To add a new shortcode,
press the + button. This
will take you to the Lava Shortcode Detail screen.
Lava Shortcode Detail
This screen is where you designate which type of shortcode you're creating, which
parameters to use, the actual Lava markup code, and any Lava commandsyou want enabled.
Remember, it's always a good idea to supply a description for the benefit of other
users. Click Save
when you're done. Super easy!
The Power of Shortcode Blocks
Shortcode blocks are very powerful as they allow you to provide advanced configuration options. Rock
does a lot of the heavy lifting for you to help parse the configuration.
Block Content
The content (everything between the start and end tags) that the user adds to your shortcode is accessible
to your template using the {{ blockContent }}
variable. For instance, the parallax
shortcode would use this variable to place the content inside the parallax section of a page.
Lava will be run across the markup of the {{ blockContent }}
. You can disable this behavior by adding
a parameter to your shortcode with the key of disablelavamerge
and a value of 'true'.
Block Configuration
The block configuration can also be placed in the block contents using the syntax:
[[ itemname parameter:'value' parmeter2:'value' ]] content [[ enditemname]]
When Rock is parsing your shortcode, these options will be parsed and removed from the {{ blockContent }}
. They will
then be provided to your template as variables. How these variables are created is super powerful and will help reduce the
amount of Lava that is created. Let's dig deeper to see how this works by looking at some examples.
As you've probably seen, the syntax of the googlemap shortcode is:
{[ googlemap height:'400px' scrollwheel:'false' draggable:'false' ]}
[[ marker location:'33.640705,-112.280198' title:'Spark Global Headquarters']]
<strong>Spark Global Headquarters</strong><p>
It's not as grand as it sounds.<br>
<img src='' width="179" height="47" />
[[ endmarker ]]
[[ marker location:'33.52764, -112.262571']][[ endmarker ]]
{[ endgooglemap ]}
After parsing, your template would have access to the 'height, scrollwheel, draggable' variables just like any shortcode. It would
also be provided an array of 'markers' using the variable name 'markers'. (Yes, we know... clever...) Each 'marker' in the 'markers' array
would have a variable for 'location, title, ...' It would also have a variable called 'content' which would contain the text within the start
and end configuration tags (in this case, the HTML for the Google Maps Info Window).
Single vs Repeating Configuration Items
You know which configuration items can have multiple values (such as the markers on the maps) and which
should only have one (such as the map style item), but Rock does not. To deal with this, Rock will provide
an array of items AND a single value for each type of configuration item it finds. For example, in the case
of markers there will be a 'markers' array variable and a 'marker' variable. The 'marker' variable will have the
first item in the array. Your Lava template can use either based on whether it should be a single configuration
or multi-value item.
Passing In Objects
Version Note
Passing in objects requires Rock v10 or above.
Up until this point we've seen how we can pass primitive types (strings, numbers, booleans, etc) into our shortcodes. What happens though when
we want to pass in a Lava variable? For instance, what if we had a collection of groups, loaded from an entity command, and we want our shortcode
to format them. No problem, simply drop the quotes and Lava will pass the contents of the variable into the key you provide. Let's see an example.
{% group where:'GroupTypeId == 25'%}
{[ grouplistformat groups:groupItems ]}
{% endgroup %}
Just keep in mind that there are some limitations to passing in objects. Specifically, using the "dot" notation to provide an object (see example
below) will not work for you.
{% group where:'GroupTypeId == 25'%}
{[ grouplistformat groups:ParentObject.groupItems ]}
{% endgroup %}